ARR NR THE GRAN HME PLANG A Malar Urafoef Origiuntesy the MW. I, Campany, Fitting ww Yaenae ¥eiz Want, snd Imeidentnily Takes in» Paveser Frivud REY The Kind You Have Always Bonght, and which has been The ge in use for over 40 years, has borne the signature of it hil nee id has heen made ander his per- : Wr: sonal supervision since its infancy. . 2 Allow no one to deceive you in this. Aw Conuter? jtx, Tmitations and Substitutes ard but Ex- Jasiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Is ite figs wt Teds 7s Foay 3e x . 3 ins Infants and. Ohildron—Experience against Experiment. 1p awed s aris pi pete that Ah oN ty AE iS Ls RB 5 . » ff when be heard 4 sien 0 : ; RR 5 It was the ston of Bn aga ; oo iy a substitute for Castor oil, Paregoric, Drops Ax it embe pares butokened the S100 oqpter shun tr nk tons § mt #3 Gener Surgare sre “and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It of A Setersliie] man the door WAR gin hex contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic 1 re substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It enres Diarrhen and Wind Colle. Tt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. ORI A ALWAYS hap pre aryl poked amt Whar Naot Thang & nw! You must be joling ly dent Ep i 4 Fon Ape a ; Rises ini nne Noo Be wy Br th 9A 2h £3458 8 Jasea FAs TIROUTE AN PABeTh BTARCIL Dr. V. A. Murray, a an oT a a PHYSICIAN « ht Rus ON 31 Hw oiaia Ee Te 3) on Danae an INARA Y. fen Jnr Hard wie Ni Smoke & x * iy ’ aiion GF PATTON Patton. cambria Co, tapi y . re, sa Sines Ty We would be pleaser ee my i & $4 bi 1 4 d WA 8 hiveEes d iad you a re Aras fat Ripe Axtanded will Le griiaduiy Fling vind 5 LA Wiss be aig Mgr We 11 bis % ah hint Mi Fant Alanna, ORDINANCE NO. 5¢ sey, but how | : Gens Toaek al HG hen the money comes espe % : i ont Was ; Sealing in thansanads of hs 5 the order. An Orduiance lor The oper Woma 1s Fay arite LAvenne Vxlaneaisn 1 Haart j Hi WE pi ey he 18 engiten and cirdainet hy ABLE & CO : ohio A vi dy Ba poems : : Bogungh of Patton, and it is hereby en vying Han ns my Boy die wii i. & a sithitnhers. The Rallerol an amar Hith Avenue, actid by authority of tf Jey wi ; | Ania ; si Wet THir w > . #l: Tie 1% 3 4s § toe kd ff Town Camsnedl of the IE SETI “Al TOONA, PA . Ahar there shall be opened and maintained as a public street and : thoroughfare, to the width af 5h feet POUL IO pab al eed oat fed GR BRE Vir iis or Ahi Cambria & Clearfield Division ; § . 4 9 Y 4 3 ; if Lisi Sten 58 * pa he L® a : : : ¥ Bah occ bide fain HYING within the borough of Patton Lhe find g go ike BERT (1 pribsiars,. sig Lar dsebig lowing described street: Beginning on s his i v$ i $k Bay gai \ : { xy Ch P RR : 3 A Ta Lame Palin Sos han aml ao : er: xe : oo ps) ¢ all Family maga fas SHIT aR ar tg ; i Eig bey 1s ART RTE § He i ite at § Pema CHIT pay, Rid i } Lh 4 steerer vis Dianpinstd fo Newald Rd 24 the kidneys right. Take Bo sub- Nip ¥ 5 spear kw Fe iy be pe 4 i i $Y frit Loong Evvyaadog UNG GENER EER) : > % * ; af the Saath side of Lang Avenue on Lhe Tan ray Bil att hal fheds : : oo. - : : ATHY CRIT SIR TD molest fer ile oh $3 ? “Fd 3 js SEER REE. centre line of Third, avenue, thence wn degrees and one minute. West, eleven hundred and ninety four SirE ihe higanst daa itm Hinyeial bei Ev. aad. fressliniss i at Ma Usha pbatl wt ute. Patton Pharmacy. feet to a post; themes South twenty. 0 © Bp al en ob hin schepe TERE Si tut y the organi 9 en ; AAA ni a iy ee cist Cabal 7 Li : i 4 i J a ¥ gal # i“ wWELAY pep Feyia T FE Fe § Fung 3 if 8 33 Ao : % ¥ 3 : Xo BETS Ey BAH ight degrees and fy nite mines, hal to take Yo i fh. Te Abed a avn gee “he Rathie Bice Baok.” SH . ; . . Vide weep thie plelieat is al duty being io foto ie of iiy the ao: 1 Wigs Paik. Eaut, eight busdred and ninety six j Be : hl a He : : i 3 4 5 wf GIR rl gli Pass his handy Hittin pocket vilanwe, COF- | fuer tn borough fine and intersection Bd Hons the Ups are ey ¥ fran Ther of crows for whieh it is responsible week from : ti the time tilde of all Pilroads with new township road lauding from Sander ral SODHGY ant bh ET inde tn a Taeyels CERT Pennsylvania, Is proving i great pain borough to Litzinger's Bridge stl : is Ta © hips 151 but Pp 10 business wen and commercial plhacted and ordained this the th “far Pe here about those velers throughout the Mate The day of August 10, . book is published monthly, cor : F. Campus pod 0p to date, and contains 10 Preiident of Council. he few wha d 4 pot Jose ew 300K ON PATENTS fv WG A.SNO sod Biehl un thin che i : § Luwereas WASHINGTON, DGC. : ji 4 This ; ; ARERR EIVRVE NRE TRY tis on sale on Gl trains and yroeat ny Dvteeriy Pie pint oF News Co stands and by many at Major Crutool pave Hews Wteaiers at Ain, Ope din i on ow Dusiness ; ; ; op ens and bladder sight. NW TELA Hrogeowal 1o Married Layddies ik COURIER: Pleas) apnounos charge, an elegant sterling silver ¥ BURar shell such as we sell reg : Loto every aparred | aia Loh gat is Eris Babi a j lady in the United States who writes 1 coiak ad hits eh a Sinan. a go faye A Jury Raa Gem, There is nothing to pay. The ia ee wad : En - at bes van A eine fein Che ovaoidn gif is atsolute. ch bady will send her own Late amiy, ii als in yain able 4 gift to ae : ask for it themselvus. Hosigns, W Sif miarvend, Oe Toi wl ¥ fro SEI CW hie i Our object is to abyertise Torn Bad Bilies, Quaker Vidley sitverfrare, tha the most effusive way We beleive ed dobng in £0 got samples into the homes of whos i: in 2. Laddie th please write Lo- «fay. Putt ; Lib is your fest request for Battle of Foley! our saavanie giles Quaker Valley seh reliet that I used a 50 cent : Con Morgan nnd Harrie SON Sts which saved me a dovtors ton Pharmacy, Sr 7 fossmaac dy, Liver i an goods guaranteed at Mellon's Subscribe for the COURIER, LVERr. - cess tron tra for oh Cremrfivhil, Pa. Hentionter, 5 X.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers