TERS oF sscenon. One copy, one year, in advance, Ar Advertising rates made RoW npn pe plication $1 % RUPERT od 1s mao papers Sseontimadd ant all “en are Jd, nriless wt the wpvtion Entered at the Postofios af Panton gs soeund: eins pend} atier, . Tea At Mellon's. Chestnotting parties pext Coffer at Mellon's, the bost. The school bell is to be heard again, - Bave monay by baying ar Mellon's Leave your orders for Sanday papers : at Kinkead' A. A has the agency for the Clear fold steam faondry. Ton cream Sods only foents per at the City Restaurant. | For a nice clean laneh be sure and go to the City Restaurant. Fred MoPherson spent Bunday with hie parents at ( Jearted. | Labor day passed off with exceed. ingly good order in Patton. | Don’t fail to see the fine line of fui goods at Mirkin & Kastner's. John Delawder, of Barnesboro pian wi & visitor to Patton the firw of the week. © Several of the railroad men in Pat fon attended lodge meeting at Clear fleld Sunday. Joe Patton, of Curwensyille, drove to this plow Sunday, He returns DON Was the moat Facadny ‘A. Rau, who is now engage] Patton inst week. Morn C. A. Repsher and children are ting friends and relatives near Carrol own this week, Kinkead will ave tho Bunday papers | Patton about 1 o'elonk on that day. Leave your orders erly, : An Dalian was severely burned face and hands one day ast weik = the Clay Works by ap explosion of ake GE An infant dsoghter of Mr. snd Mr Paal Tenek died Saterday. Funeral artiots ware conducte Sanday afer LB Wilber and wife, of Patton and son H. J. Wilber of Carwensville, Sanday in town With relatives Thomas, of Patton was in Upes #om this week on his way to Baltimore, have he. in attending a medion] eo ‘br. i A. Seitz returned to Patton je Intter part of last week after hav. ing spent hin vacation among frievids and relatives fn and near Pittebiurg Ww. Ln Thompson took advantage of the excursion Sunday and went as fr as O'Shanter, riding a wheel from there to Curwenevible. Ye visited his relny tives in the alter place. The longest word In the Eaglish ian. guage ix said to be “nonintercemmiin ability.” Hero is a sentence from a recent biography: ‘Eat the free kirk the north of Seotland, Are Sieg EE iy, The Hajorks oi { those n the sonthery ond of the. ecunty from the perth of thie counts pass the examination. Widows How." is the name to a block in. Bloomfield, N. J. widows to the unindky noniber dive, There are als more children there than io any other block in town cand it is a fact that street oars are re quired by law to run it ; fiend in order to avoid running Lver the younguters. Windber is to have & now plant. Iv will the plan of an alterna will be equiped for furnishing with eurrent 4,000 incandescent lights and Bi are Hghts, The post will be about $25,000. It is proposed io the matare to begiu the work of construe. ‘tion within the nest two tor months. Wien thors af 15 recited ov ale TI be constratad on HN wy ale Sei. SRLS Fie Fie £5 i For years cattlemen have dominated the grazing country around Okmaliges, the capital of the Credk nation is Gk- muigee. Now u Kanas City firm entered that section turn the rich vailey wheat fleld. Already been leased, The receives] only 95 cents an from the eatliomen fpr grading pnd {ge gow, and the entire country wus ive tp to this. ‘The new firs fiers them 28 cents an acre for all lands and 61 fis al lands in cultivatio: KY pores ¢ is #4 have Ed. Talley bee teduoedd Cyodest sapporiers. oO fon the mintlen Complete Tine of first o clams Groserinl “at Mellon's Fall goods are arriving daily sh Mirkin & Knener's, of Jemey City, N. J, James Davey, is visiting relatives in Patton. Mr JT. Johnson, of Jersey Bhore wpent Thursday with friends in Pal. Lay. Miss Sars Garreteon, of Corwen is vikiting Miss Mae Cowher. place. aril inept Kin. {dion mre invited to pall that fine Hse of box paper al Kea’ w Cpnrral hotel, Cull at th Brow, ani winter suirings Mr. Job Kreibs and Corning, N. Y., vi ted al he . last week SEE Mises Maude Hen, hus heen the guest of Wednesday Minas firnos (ow bey. retired horse The Patton Hardaaes ¥ Hatiriok, Men Sein alt Lhe graces of wphatd Bt roel prices why RI] fellas Thirty gained id Prom, Badd Springs. Pa I owill surprises Benafit phtained by sing 1 : and fumons [ite pills known ¢ Hitthe sarly primers OO Ww Pharmacy 3 Ww Hele Wigs, Patton Desnite the cotstan! Thwid tub oy gard wt wafer ve Faliway in this oasn | British o Joma of ile to em) great there railways are amet safety applinpoes, for coup eosnpling ist anes ment has gow passed 3 law © these to be adopted within a 7 fo Bvped [hat 1 204 he 8 thas hers wirely Withond vars. for times and i ed Ameriosn Be Ong, Lemans of Respeet, has pleased Almighty Caoml in how infinite Shelom and love, remove foam our md sur beloved sister in Christ, tian Angra Bani, in gratvefl renwmberioce wo Todeing resniations Rewvdved, thar in the death sinter in Chriss, Miss Josephine hans, the Epworth tongue of bomen ne of ite post sarndat me whose Dalent anpielant LP Deepa ¥ Wiherean, i La fort and twehanly anlded loving Christian fe pYAYers in aay urabiy to the spivitanl gr mambership. Bewoived er Pi IWR thal WwW by Lie mourn the departam of on sister yet we hambly bow fo the of Him who doeth all things well Heving that what is loss to us i= Lo + Folens Tak Pa kein wl Asanly gain Feanived, that we lender of the deeenserd oli IDOL singers dedanes in their bereavement a vY nfs Li ST Frid of ¢ fir hh tweed in the Patlon be presented to Gece, Mas WH: Mes HT Pe ETRE Mae Mina RB Lows ren HIT 2 RE Pyegeied Ban 12 fir. Leaae anly physivian in the eynry dollar ders od to charity and the of howe st Beading morning. He was sev and ih Beds TRA ate WONG 4 w drs pamclny ¢ ently years of sare, sybebons ya SURAT EEG Sa a Young man D2 YW ¥en Taal he Wiss Wyk in tharme Yims oF Hit wished fo gain Hesh and oi ample the 2th day of September, A I by William I. Hicks, Thomas J. Gates, Rtawart and John : the Art of Asan mbly Hons : given that an appli sation wi i be made to the Governor of Riate of Pennsvivanii on Friday, (3. Templeton, Sampel BE W. Kaephart, ander af the Dommiaon. pnts isparporation Chambers wealth of Petinsviviania spovide tor the and regulations of several oorpors. » approved April #eh, 1874 and # 15, fap the Char re iratbisn svemtaie Water Camnan iy id oblast of which is the transportation of from thee k Ure anid Cambri fu : for poser cial Watinfacto rig ad domestic parpURey pariaembips. corpar. o Lhxtriot srritory aidia- fa PRE HY aut na Ted efit aid the rights An WIRED: f i x aw. IARE " Salleitor. Busan CAUGHT AY {ANT Whiewa weil Barge of Wowiing Worse. rperitinned in Hove have Sawn Erin, wi sfternnan in Lod. Bite ining in Gan was ipl anid HER oar nae hay RT WN a & nN & a PE SEY TEAR » Ki Ey GIANT Was ani Pag telanin mother Fug By ona printor of the South Fork Record. WAR driving in company sin Jimes of Indiana, one i Fore, Monday fovikk Trig at a nas foreigners and turns gary, Lhrowt it WET E EEL faa Baers 1h FRET Bepiopei wate thie of Fed, the Bb han placed angie He nen.) Gpeed g hdl sem npanis Baolh wore tanediy brtised aad were confined thiedr Boasves Toesdny, Mise Jones belog Gasbie to ates ta her Suties coh Fosh'e mehouis Toe ng gobnstown Demooral 4 P98. pening « ot ar nrhwer Tor mi hileg eo at Kinkeadx Heaseiheat thee EInndd Ww vier, in oon the Laken, Hav: with Beadqtar riers ut {i retired Monday, BIR fin thal bee 54 yoars sant of the age inl Cgreral Wi ately fumed 0 opla which regulates AG he ses abesgt retiring, wn tine law Proves | ee verdad will fever Gther pill so viet ave was 0 4 . = Phe irr ty sete Tier fur thea Dad DoRRK Th to st Lhe No rouste tn Frases Mr Dayton, 55 years, old is going to ake a trip to Aoburn to vist her sob. Ve uaid to her “Mm Dayton, should chink that quite a journey for a girl of your age. Don't you dread i177 “Why no 7 sald she. 7 would just as Hy ride on the New York Central as to wel in an wasy chalr in your parior | never have any trouble. | pave been aver the road miny times: when I got to Albany 1 always tell the old fellow tive door vehere { want to go ard he and avery. at sways looks ont heaty on the train js always so ocotrl- aane amd obliging traveling on the Central is no dread to me 7 The Mill erton Tolegram. for mie, The lack of voergy vou lel Lhe hackachs and a ran down cnnitin generally, wil means kidoey disorder, Foley's Kidney care will restore your strength and vigor hy making the wid Take no substitnte Pat. tots Pharmacy, EINE WR Fatality Fallows altars Fodey's Kidney ours in bis emrlier stare af H {tnbntee i an Lainie Talpen fe ne «4 oeepdining shat he tage o wy ay ympton ie when wm meats eine lke Foley's Kidney cure can hast | Patton Pharmacy, fhe Liak when oi wo stip money if Wy Tag 3 red Boss rerneds Huodipine CO HY DOL sets is ayant selusd i iw © sree welled] afer pa Ay asing Theses TRS # at lens, safe and reliabis 4 awitechman, wo riiew Py Betiee R10 ines Bf rest Hae PR | $3 ol ail Linda x ood whisk wetted in omiv kul not necess sary for us to say much about the her we handle. because they for themsels 0s. We have them for Bic ye Is {ive us a all cept on han dd. Se of th wonderful b Py rere 4 THE WRIGLEY HARDWAR Mahaffey, Penna. pays and was in badd ebay. § La tein werent alee tlopad seaallolien with § haa % hatiney vo 4 pitt Seppe mi 5 Fantpl Sne LIine adipose, stew] apd brass dh Eas. The Patton Art and Wall Paper Store. AC. FIZHER, Prope. WOLF & THOMPSON, The Reliable Clothiers. ISITITSS STITITIIITS. New a = sy LL. {lo Per Cent. Qu Rebate