e WS itor POOR omecrons MAKE SEN BULES. The Farlow ing With Te ot Eoiterant tod Many : Henders, : For thé first time In ha History of Cambria eonnty, the Directors of the | Poor anid House of Employment hive adopted rales and regoiations governs ing the a ation of the Directions and the ‘physictans and deputien employed by Boned. The ralen and regulation have boen approved by the Conrt and are pow in fil force and effect, All relief Fores fae rendered lo pans wheather for medical attendabos : or otherwise, sais he Tarnished at the fmshotise, except in such cases as the Direcrors may deam it proper and eon. nient to authorize that the panper be maintained elsewhere. The county has beeu divided into several districts and a physician employed in each to render such medical attendance as may % required by the outdoor poor in fhe ! district; therefore no medical sitention services will be paid for by the Di rectors except to the physician em. red hy them in cach district. It | be the duty of the phpsician to i ench paper in the district as soon possible after notice has been given the Steward of Directors and ren. sitoh medical aid as may be peo: | : hearty man to-day and feel as weli as 1 No payment will be made or other attendance or relied furnished Sold by Patton Pharmacy C. W. Hodg- kins, outdoor, except in extreme cises delay wonld endanger life, or 1 it would be impossible to remove e patient to the Almshonse, or when shall have been rendered hy special | wr of the Directors or approved by (3 Stranshangh, Blacklick; considera fer an application for relief ik made : $1 be investigated by one of the hors, and in cases where ha finds hose ha proviited nothing but the mig expenses petually incurred travel shall lie paid. Thiz is a departure, for | formedy Constables were sont with BY ang were pid foe their firme. : allowed $13.50 adolia, and $10.50 for children for rials incloding coffin, Every patiper shild will be placed in & pod family on soon 18 possible, to be resp larly adoptod after the Stress of the selec. tion hax been demonstrated SAVED A tHLD From © Hinde PREOe RT Samuel Sprobecker, a Phils siphin and Mending railron condu ted, ie the took on th Reading rac oi [it pert Butnrday plight. A 2 Traliac: girl had steayed sveay from YEA bh her home on Front street andl tonditing | over tho railroad towards | Fev Tier bank. Aube reached the conte the main trek a northbound freight traln going at Vremen dous said Fl down pon or Ther hile fan din approaching, but grew bevridered and stood helplessly between Ha Pula thee “Marriage Licensor © fasued ww Cambria ring, of Amsbary. i Fork. Comnty Orphans’ Court, Alonzo Pugh and Natinie L Wood: | John E. Sipe and Maggie Blough, of Roxbury. George Frank, of Scranton, Pa, and | Polly Lacount, of Patton. Michele Cavotto and Prospera Bene. detto, nt Barnesboro. Walter RB. Beck, of Johnstown, and Bernatta Boley, of Bradley Junction John F. Barnicle, and Blanche E Donglass, of Chest Springs. George W. Harper apd [rene Rob- ert, of Johnstown, Irvin Shaffer. of Johnstown, and Efe EB Swartzentraver, of South Pierce J. and Regina haabelle Gill, TEC feo J. Burk and Quinn, of Gallitzin Lang, of New York City, of Rt Mary Beeghiy, of Johnstown : John Gimorge Ott, of St. Bonifaciog, and Isabelle Remaley, of MeGees Mills, Larrie 8 Rearick, of Rena, Pa, and Lizsie M. Zachari an, of Twin Rocks, George M. Bauman, of Johnstown, and Mary Langhein, of Patton, Harvey G. Lamar, of Gallitzin, and Berths N. Stier, of Poplar Run, Pa © Harry G. Berkhile, of Johnstown, and Olive H. Dull, of Hooversville, Pa. | Vallie Baker, and Millie Calderwood, of Garman’s Milla Andy Shimko and Hosalia, Caayl, « Bloan, Ciearfe Wik Johnstown George 17 robachick and Jela Zoretie, Caf Johnstown Mathias Gonar and Helen Glot, of Dunlo, JP Orner. of Strongstown, Pa, ad Etta Rafer, of Conemaugh Town ship. OH. Lanta of Spangler, Yon Lied and Dorothy of Johnstown, COharles Daftke and Wilhelmina Bad. and Bridget A. Logan, kK. Dropp. Cor, of Windber. A WONDERFUL Le (F DIAREHOEA Lo dimly od A Prominent Virginia Ridin Hud Alpawl But Was Deooght Back fa Ewer ph Perfect Fleatth by Chamberiain's Unie | Evers wet Darriaea Remedy, Rend Flix Editorial, Frony ie Tima Hillstille, Ya. 1 suffered with diarrhoea for a Jong tine snd thought 1 was past being cured, I had spent much time and money and | att ored so much misery that | bad al. mont decided to give up all hopes of recovery and await the resuit, but not- joing the advertisement of Oh amber. tain. 8 colic, cholera and diarrhoea rem. ody and also some testimonials stating how same wonderful enres had been wrough by this remedy, 1 decided to try it. After taking a few doses, 1 was ‘entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say farther to my readers and tellone stiferers that 1 am a hale and ever did in my life.—0. R Moor. DICKERS IN DIRT. Desds Recorded at Ebepsburg np to Date Friday, August 34. Fligabeth Wilson of vir to William tinm, $6850. Charles V, Schmittle to J. BE Schmit Fired 1 te, Reade, BL pecesrary’ to send the patiper to the may deputize some | Thomas Ot of ux, to Joseph Garrity, Sider, 5350, James B. MoMallen, by the Sher ff to Pdward Bender, Clearfield, $106, E. P Bender et nx, to George W, f, JIA Samael Kelley ot ux, MoMutien, Clearfield $105. : Pelion Olgiati ot uy, to Emma Rab. hina Glalitzin, Township, $250, Jomeph Kneley of ox, Roberta, Soaquehanns, $52 Herman Hornaner to Charles Patton, MG Aber Mathews 20 4. 0 White, 83.500, x. D Kittel] ef Michael Anna, fe wope of a3 Bares Wi : dally, Liresaon, $100. Angostine Dongherty +t ux, to James Douglass, Ashville Jomeph Eee ey 63 ux, to Tony nett, Rosguebantia, 310 Vrahwora Pell of vir, to Ji dail, Carroll, $830 Juba J. Dietrich Baiiey, Carroll, $50 John F Ben Lan Virus Modghaed, i x § Epemedy. narcotic in any form and may be given ‘us confidently to the babe as Lo an [tended ita pes in the traatnlent o Cand croup has won for it the approval Law: lane Blanche | Simon P. Miller, of Dale and Katie Line, the ploy of the Vase! unl rue bial : ay Pig de 8 ford : pity far {unless Cad lemey meer thi i al F phenoinenon, sizing goes on day nnd Bight always f to Margare Cina : ions will be spent going without money any more than {we an keep the vigerots body without fond. Dyspeptios used to starve then faplven. Now Kodo! dvspepsin care ‘digests what you eat and allows You to eat all the good food you want it ay jeally cores stomach tpeibles, 4 7, Hodgkins, Patton Pharfoscy x Wear Wi of children Mothers Mothers affected with Leronp or a severe cold need not hese tate to administer Chamberlains cough It econtains no opiate nor great suooess tliat Has ¢ £3 adult. The stele ated prajee it has received thes fh 1 Taited States and io augy Pio Sale t : Patton Pharmacy. ennt Of Pal ing thereon fe ema ry right at ao! adie John Mo HLEOMIOrY, 3 Pa The quicker you stop a poipgn or a potd the Jess dhoger thers sal fatal lang troubiy cure 1a the only harmless pe seed iiteen immediate rosnite You Ww in: WwW. Hodgkins Patton Pharny 2 $e of Locusts Good te Est. Al} mative Alona pont laine: With u reno IW rpies ant line boo in #0 ad Ft CUTER : Yardy Load of than be al ga Flaps vE° bi Hey i frgen 3 wilt Lp SLES pre tf el The meek Boon ors i the orisn head foes the delle was plane wild Phe se ening rps with wy Boney. Was was THuinr LOL ; that. shay § fail short aA Fare wid isELitute By the tine | od jocuri hy edn adi 1 fe whist fin Se mw ad Jolin the Baptists Salts sheen it be {ise t Ray fell HATE PRE ths $3 A arent Literature hE The Zong of the Yunlon River, HT hore 8 # the Yok pipe that I have Guver Reginald fedrtan with any stream, atl 0 Captats Giray, who fur rusainy boats an the Mp A Hrtery FY 1h Wea fae ing Ne be a molt ] LSE Red Atl mayie iT oon Har with the Le £0 of fn ou pivily the sont as {ay as fn ATTeR stings whepe co that msde escaping Amer 1 spend To think that fron the heller of on heey were isd Bh oat the sound have pels my explanation of the without avail. The thors nox Has sansrantly +5} hy in Sing. are. there faker we night sold Was brainy evaryihing “He. i id Bod an but en on get up stream ene ds tate. vou fan hear the rocks rolling over the bed of the river. and this produces a most pecaliae sound.” Portland Tele gran, PA Ss mind Freaks of Feptastons. Gunpowder explosion 1} markaide feature sepa Eile "Iw Bun fraguenily ; : Rly Tt ¥ ia Ia Pru Po 5 Se a bis i the alr and an will | ily Criss sayin hy A newly ane tant THe fotiowing offs “On the fre the afte and freruvan.” the feast Roothing Fle oT od fiasnn ras dinlte sueh an Wintel Sig Se Readteg a Nank, wetter iB Lime DB ’ A Journal 2a Sister ay oR Lem, looking up ibe track on the oreowming Conductor Kerohecker alac gymw the gels peril, and spring ig from the : Jeading through thir cab be ran ba tar out over the cowanther, ng to the bar with one hand, wilh the he grasped the child Ly the hair, swinging hat aver his head apni the sine Boller end then gained a Gxoting for himself on the tender. After restoring the rescte wl daidd eanductor rain us though he feat which he had srmned was of ardinary oorarenon, Cpade it standard over th g the gldeboard of the engine and himself from the supporting Ainge to : arms of its overjoyed mothir, the | 5 calmly bomrdiod his ; Halv 2 sarees, and for piles, (t's the ‘ing medicine The greal sucess of Uhamberlitan » eolie, cholera and dinero the tee: Te pent of bouel rompdiaints has graater part of The civilized world, For sale by CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmaey, Now ix the time to order your fall and winter overcoats cloth this year in complete. Fanny Oar stook of Call and | Huow., Mepchant Tailors Re The greatest skin pecs stint in Amer. fen originated she formula for For all Dy bien, nll cats most Pattom Phartiacy, rhe mnitingrs a # Hye nf fav iTRTGS A eum of the ue nite puegyatly fusther nage Banpay: ? We can’t keep the campaign tue of Lim thing necuiinr abaat ihr has hoof the Yoko Pan hiia ¥ be ship land of famine, hots cannnt the jand of pleaty, oan In India, ands die beacanne fond. In Americ, many suffer are die booanse the Mist ihigest tbe Dywpepais com Alpiits what yon eal they Foy they snl jt inxiantiy relieves and Pa y DHT si stones tepublear 40 SHingins, CaP aires Phuarmiey Troe dread of people with weak longs Seale b a Yar, with stubboen Poluy' RITE wha suflor paren La " Hotiey StL In Tie, fat 1 $n peed Pres Hw nye ioipaEny Patton Pharma Pesan en Alin sab pry tho fable sat on shpat ; laisse of Be traveled on his apitatiseg fh eonbdn’t ansoan ne One minate congh | DYSPEPTICIDE The greatest aid to DIGESTION. obtain MON & Co,501wsw. New Yo Prnsh ( Mes, 08 F A A aadiing tia n. BANNER SALVE, the most nealing aalve in ihe world. or YOUNG MEN they Jrs Sastre iF RIVE ar Sr ari HY Taiii ta = Foley's Honey and Tar heais ngs and stops the cough. o PATENT Good Ideas may bw secured by our ald. Address THE PATENT RECORD, De osirnhy { : Patent amt auen ve saat. throngh 0 wi freitined for wale At uy EXDENSE Patents Iskra ont $1 iis teoeive Epeeoind THR Parent REOoen, for vrenleted Romeial Patents ‘ne rip aw filasirated an oor ted ve Ma weal for sam 2 VigTOR J, EVANS a co. Futons Attorneys; Evens Building, DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You WASHMINAOTON, DC Miserable, WANTED, fair vars BLEGRBAPHY, vets Ene wired TPR ae eaitin ir. £1 ading rails ; Eup 2 nga if RAP Hoi faN TON, op I iN VE RY Y or MEDIC \ ES, Drug Store. PATTON. P A Proseriiticns properly sermmunded. ery Handssme ones left ihe brewed nll wold, ed and see my new ‘Removal Sale Prices in the Carpet Department. Think of being able to bay a Willies carpet that anid regularly at $1 i jer ‘ard at the fine price we Dow Wer ib $1.15 per yard. The styles are this seasons and some or selection. A iine of extra beavy “Valvets in staridard makes, in attractive color Grr pements have had their prioes shaved from 81.55 to Wo per yard. Sy inuch for elegant velvets If you like body Broseels, ‘why, we ire oifering the best 5.frame in sta crdd weaves af a square redaction from §1.70 to $1 1H per yard A very fair Tapestry is selling at 48e per yard, ti standard Ingrains we are offering exira Soper 3 wat iormely sold at 75¢ at the generous recliedion to 8ie per yard bos ed all wood Lingrain inn the regular ied aloe is reduced to 56 per yard, 1. WW. COOK, Altoona, Penna. We test vour eves Free Spectac] JOR as Lenses can any time satisfaction gnaranteed money refinded The Patton ewok John tore You are invited to call Hine of GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Ete. At J.owest Prices. Ait Flour and Feed eae oe ated t if store JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. ‘ SUES, ETE Yi ¥ 4 J nt. Is {LH { fii satistaction.