Bor Day Celetrniion nited » ine Warkers of Patton n : Neotiow th Taspayins. have now in my hands the school borongh tax doplieate. Notice is by given that all parties paying sald taxes on or before August 29th, 1900, will be aliowed the 5 per cenit W. J. WHaKLARD, Collector. See those photo envelopes at Kin. Just received our Fall and Winter Stock of : Woolens by and want 1 85a ; our selection of 1 Pug hie pases own on Lhe had pees | « «| Gleaned Her 1d There Lo the “Couner’ Reporter. KILLED ON THE: RAILS. Eaidaspnd Pode 1. a Frotcnaann, ¥Fosmid Peg Sanday Motnong. pnday morning a few muinnt we Jot Ey ohare remains of broan, wis Tesi & wet of Magee & fingie's T¥. the death of Ww hoa shronded in mvklery, bat onion of the seversl po Yriton mo the effect tha Hoyo tHe ROUS 7 oT elo, wax on his way Wa Oe ee (LR Te pon Ei iad Paria. oy Faloord Papier, % wip sTy Cid bre cred £ i sens $0 gee YRIADS § | be Was &l em frac ana wn 4 Mr. Oft gave the alarm al Once andl was bat # few mingles until mains were taken 1o bis hte home Unidertabivr Back pare Sh bow ¥ five vir hae Bo SEERA Bony, Cit hn An antl HiknneT rnisinid and thas is the Tarpest and finest ever showed 1 the coun: ‘ty. You only need drop in and look the over to be cony He CAL will rece _ msual prompt nd carefn attentic 1. ‘ £3 ANT TAILORS Patton, Pa. James Mellon, J. FP. wt phoned to Corner SL Bat In sone manner 4 offeial wird untill Monday of the acy The remains were jald lo rest in fs a Le a god der aii not Sher n ft. he why Gernetary ale man IE on £ wf Alanis i oat of Calin {8 Kel I0E TW] ¢ offer the follow: cial price: attings, Carpets Pillows, and Shades. \lso Iron Bec ds 50 to £9 50. gh back sinks | ds, hall trees springs. all prices: esses, a full line. chairs, side- s, dining tables kitchen | line hardware, paints, oils 8. crocks, ctc. 3 genera i Full line stoves and at all prices. rio, Prank U Pomct, i | Giasteiger. ji said be will sue for dams . mom iif $94,900 Eo sea probably bey aomerian {aranes tae dismcoverad, Edita 5.1 Editon vi MR, DRE Wi PEI Pogley Wii copie Bay wR ha fory r fob aasinfacti wy fr Railroad company £m yet recived "Pennsylvania Cimjuries sustained by th emmeives and fuanibies in bedug run down by a freight train at the Johnstown passenger aba tion a few weeks since. Bath Mr. Beg Lley and Mr. Urbach, it will be remem bered, lost a child in that catastrophe. ; Mrs. Begley had a leg tut off and Mr. Begley himmeif sustained | bin head from which be will 1 in J aries LO is eg appears to have Deen permanently atiffenest. The talk Bow mol b ri sid ait. pet attorney in conjunt tion with Bag, of J Beard io ort of Rams reel Lv wil tw her ST La x mad Potton, Pa, Aggust CEE a 8 {eer ark & Lioyd, Ebersbuary, Lenct fur the bridge proper was lef ver fully . recover, while Mr Crbach’s jusjured WERE Erin 3 FET wi Sanday evening jesiting from Enansburg was observed to te on fire, Ad, de the of) Youn Babe os SE Was with prausys they he by fire was 7 Birt meen, sr Ean Ta Wary Aen Jomets : Mrs. lines and Hs annt MC Walla, died 38 the Bone Limes mbey! mine, age 57 Barwin fir ma ing baud the ta grijie, Bair entire system, affect Ang CH mas sel pect Who dropey + Auffore ¥ wnoany wid and inter dawn mie Was a idl pat tecoinedt 3 in Wil & Lan JON Teno By OR BOOM aE Comtonet Fay Seam SF ark. Tw eonuntly SORUBRROITS RY the contract far ther ane work fron bridge fo Bagiit wk at Viatondake 0 Hrber of Pailon tad 38 The other bids were: J. = Johnstown, $1172; Shomaker $2348. The oun. Toe gy Fanpad o wae §10 » Their some time ago to the Guood Rosds Ma chit company. ££ The contest on Bread baking = and the result is aa follows: Mra Jubo CO deonid Ist The ta gn, Me A A {er ane $1 ens {unl Bravery H. aw sek. Mrs TN The Cone Lhe Saetl, wa Were area WA eat thal s bast they Baad it wan a very difh I AL 9 irene} as ciiasent to Ebiasbarg § vias pes pene 0% musical 2 sped red 53% Alasa ERY e METH spsignmed Miss Susie WENTZ Paiton, Pa. Carded prize; Maw J. H. Ricker, INTEREST TO ALL Sr pin of Fhe WW Ese sas Fale Bitenk A CIENTS A nr he pr ar the Path wing is hs atrved fair Rd Beeipia Tomiie pos AR mitted hy UO of the bas aE - a oy LoF phim f(y sip Mibpwr Cornel CPE wale mised aries in Ob Frapchman toward & Sic ehildenn, SOME WISTORC MASKACRLH Perham a wBirh WAT flave Fern Sins Toe arulontie Ye od : » sind Bi of Baw Le Eval purges fant ; aE in hi [then Toil place ; in perygaenit ney. Mil Ee saerifiossd in this brota: way, sped inn AF Jerossiy Dives Pes wears 04 » Flaman Em deste by he rativen, ard the ineident which begun the mass hebatior of & Lima brite, seep was the rode bis sflaie Hare (Ran 3 ware xii phe mh fi ore simoedd throd Huoguemite saat out Were BROT capiared sjey a ower bee smears D0 2 1% the stalemens sls WwW. Hodgkins Leeper Mornen, sixty-five vii <i French yah hae pot % rent RETR Iss 15E Ghee Hrd shana Say Were AwRRG aa Army, caught in the yb Hams. Was mag U Satis wie pe Mercy, many nalite conve children iB ihe orphanage. fn the inassacres in Bulgaria, is 16% jages were burned, 15.000 rp ten 53 PRASOIN (Were kithd, and the ro woes and children Were vevond description. The Indiuna Mutiny, in 185, which tridges with the fat of pli, bod to many massacres which inciaded women and? ehiidren. Since IN 'Y ddd fry sent + rk Town § horrible Patton, arose from the greasing of rifle oar in Linde thes peat 1h whieh | pont fis gree of those thay of the smong whom bravely PORE, zis of Hai of Cx neler and seni gohier Ma MARSSITE 4 A bspancd dated Spt NL oaind an any 1, to Lanes, ite of OMp mipiment, UX thw Philippine rans ander sen » Viens ony Lis tothew of HE ATTS wry «attacked Vanes ite Snacy i daria an Sas Wonaahow Heesiyed Geld Mestn) speed aw SIE 3 ns 5395 & er Ses BN PI Monday, aTelorRk Pp can he 0 B ough Bagi Winslow, will 3% per ETE * doliare as ia yuri aH A guar of montrant wit he sealed and sunt. Patton Patton A ry meBmpany EP gi Agwettion oda Rink Pa. I 1 YT EmORAR Rarough Eagloeer. Fag Tork, 19 day bax sw, ie Laoidpors, writing pads freer Ales pens, inks od no and See. YSTONE CLOTH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers