' GEO. "BOONE. sa A beclbic eparaienioc As | simiiating the ¥ i mack a of Ofiee in Gaon Balbiling, Boon Sp Genersl Surguey and the Eve go Shecudly ast on d———" Far of Old I SAMUEL PITCHER wy ote. recipe. frontier. diet. process, ot + Remedy forC onstips r sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, a ciation. j ut ’ " " : Conldn't See (he Junker, Dr. V. A Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGED AEN 2: 24 Few MeL Hay fe x py wea ALAA LAMA TAAL LAVAS AAA AL EA | End Sale” ‘Mill End Sa Railway. | on eis Satake. Pra tz mee BRL +33 1] FirsiNation'| Bank HF PATTON. Patton, cambria Co, Pu frreaw Thetf Came Trae great chandise in A Uniane River Bou i farmsh us with the prices and we can assure von that } used a knife with A keew e values. To take nities afforded fieans con £5 SAE nd 5 . & PERT dar byigine The Delineator Fast ward He come this : av HE I ein : Woman s Favorit heii Aponte, wink dass "lagazine EFI PIAS 4) yr Fran! tae Es hy BM : HLA "3 #0 SEP RHAO Mees RA Wek Ave {Cambria & {learfield Dividon farsiysy Patton uth wnt 3 cents > & ® : $ 5 : ¢ : 4 , ’ ’ ’ PF i ’ * ’ ¢ s ¢ : Mr. Laxkhart, the on and manager vi ¢ this sale, as representative f 1 makes he 1 : ’ $ $ : * $ Make the LUSK fu Wal that duta W Ea iH ¥ LA ash Reldlitiy at vies GL § Me TH ad TE ae I alTiving al Crean Kid ple sidenm. BaYiwslve seen fur iy gre caterer to Donestio Newsds, : 7 5 does seth fhe Tayuest fragt slednieiy hae and { Fai tice) fore AR cheap “ras eh Dal aR Pond rising al frimeen f : sty, and, foslineoss : ’ 1 a oud IE 5 / on io ¥ i Foi Li & man go go £ ge $5 rgd ok Ret eX IR eT A 634 NE rk 54 us Eg arriving si Mi The greatest Kin speciauast in Amer vo want 2 esl by 18 | Bees hen Sep. cs ; ch : Baton wi 1h Sy $ fader Uswnphbell ul «a originated the formula for Banner pitaia Silva. Por all skip disesses, all cite or sores, anal for piles, it's the fost Hed ng medicine. Patton Pharmacy : “The Linite Phioe Bak” ; handy little pociet volume, con. the time tables of all raflroads : nis, is proviu 8 8 Eroat Matmb Man amparad, rong: the Ste. The The quicker fs pablished monthy, cor onid the jem danger ap to date, and containg 140 fatal lang trouble CO ovaarhy a on all trading and ctre Is the only Barn less dy that tien her maker the pian wu SY 8% dbekia t fast ju prenortal PROTECTION Son 1550 : 1 is on sale th A ! Ie 3 4 ok Pa i A Gian go — ee oT see For free wenmination wnt st a, standy und by many gly sonediate resnlin op will Hike ta tmising Gyan mb monkeys eat Pils : ~ Bu aeription, Grae ded WW. Hedpuion, Pa i takin Siti 1 eit Nie Sreaitast. IF} veg A per year. singe o opie ten Peirte ie to oe Heat, oi. Aa 2 Pe gd LIRR Ea ad as many eves in Grote tion as the : A I Mein at Lawrers WASHINGTON, D.C. going wibont ni sy ~ y ie ky figs ie Fy ou will never find joy other pills sn an keep the vig fod. Diympoptivs ted to starve theo rr pe Base ar peperdon an the widen be Foley's Kidney Cure sivas. Now Kodul dyspepsia cure JEON TCR - ne oral, | venin and it Elin te makes kidoeys and biacder right. Mather Teas ow : Pamghtirs Late, Ww Hodakin Patton Pl + SITAR Lrtifivial SpoBges, iter worst form. We them int ali die. ¥ tuled averything | | conld They Tomato, the i wh und 1 men bd i 60% om mht 1, ches ot Ks ic ng ininin ra i Makes Restful Sk very bos medion: vou over had in TPPOmEg Boge! > SR » BY ABLE IGF ITU Shutimen BEE Wa SEE ois a ts ; ; Lagi i d es La tu ; the bose. It saved my Bittle dnugl 8 3h Pepa i : 5 anne ihe ee : ihm sa x Let ik rh aa fers life. 1 am anxious f ; or to know what an medicise it iw. Hud I known Phin Way to Care Fimuhoae he. Backache are 04 od by disorder the Bidnpyvs, Foley's ley cure wil Livery, Ro Ey r sale “hy make the kidneys right. Take no sub- Patton Pharsaacy. stitute. Patton Pharmacy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers