The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 16, 1900, Image 3
Raia, vs Two THIRD-PARTY CONVENTIONS At Mellon's : : Path Sve Oe wid Hed Sphere’ enw to Froese Sieve, pended the 15 round Meerap i Carrolitown . A neroner. Lenore and Manager (ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION by, ome year, in advance, SA verti ng mites made EDOWR ROD apr phiestion, AF No papers ages are paid, pubiisbiors. Entered at the PromtoMive Al Patio a svg plans mii maiter om een Lhe Aimoontisined antl al Gules AL the option of mn Coffee at Mellon's, the best. Come to Patton on Labor Day. Yeuddy Save money by buying at Mellon's Only 15 days left in oor Bread | toast, Mellon's All goods goaranie aed Cash Grocery. Miss Margaret friends in Altoona. Fall goods are arriving Mirkin & Kosner's. Garfield has the agency forthe ( field steam lanndry. at Mellon's fatale iw Visiting Joseph J. Hughes came Gown feom Ebensburg Satnrday. win only at the City Hestaurant. Che census of White Flaios shows more dogs thin people. Thos (3. Morrisoty, of basiness in Patton ote dey hast we wl cier gles vo ¥ Mr 3 » frvomn, Ra given Stop at Mellon's ash { see the large clock to bw Mins Bernidette Rhody, is the guest of her oncle, Chas, Rhody, this week, A large WENT IN R5 crowd of Falta : at Har es boro Monday evening. Harry Mellon, who k at East Pittsburg the past tw non Ray ‘petarned home Sate ray. writing Ledgers, day barks bute Sere books, letter Gl dates, ete, eto, at Kinkesd's A. Dibble, the pleasant Lraveling salesman of Johnstown, was calling on grade in Patton ope day bast week. The Patton Hardware Co, P. J. Dietrick, Mgr, sells aii the standard % | pede of phosphate at rock bottom The skin of elephant Chachie, Ritend Lil rystal Palen, Landon, ue sighed % Ramjet ons fourth the weight of the beast in life. Thirty minates is ali the time 1e “quired Ww dye with Putnam Fadel Dyes. sald. by €. H. } gs, Pa. TN. Nagle, the’ | Mand newly purchased rotten Bn the rao track at that place. 5 To a doctors buss and de rH at HARPERS Whiskey. Mr. Steattiff was eogaged in ate county, “while working mnong wouple of week she ins to # dark room, patent ghey oftin Cemetad a Ma in now pulling exmursionlsts abou Exposition city in a public cab. one knowing anything House and W. L Niel WwW. OW. Strattifl and wile Westover the first of the week, Were REE ing off the stock contained in ag a shore. Mins Anna Miller, of Durward, jikely to go bind result of wiping her eye % CATH eye became poisoned, and for U it her suffering being o- Paon homes ate Le mem they have beoune d sughided fil fron Lh Munwour, Lhe Gare Cahird in the Pacis Gran § Prix and came In HBOX, whith was sold tor PLE Botled water or distilled waar slioid not be oped eliber by grown peop children unless fe pe iw danger Ceontaminat don froan the water nary use, Pore cold waler able. A ehitld mony be given a aol, weer foe, water the first the moving. : had un breakfast: a wo retiring. iy H. Denlinger, omic amsing badly a misfortune wd & pair of gloves 0 3 pat them on and before starigag « take n business drive, strk a to enjoy his regular saioxe The glow immediately capght fire, and before ne could remove them his hands were burned rather severly. Left her home in Henderson Www ship, Huntington county, oi ar Rixoat Augast 3, 1000 X Jenoie KRbawaliler. aged 15 years, about five feat tall lar greyish brown yey, light brown hair, i low arebead, bud on light lawn dr or Black and barred gingham, or i gingham, and wore hat trimmed wits welling, pink Sowers and dajses. An of her when Wr bouts will confer a great favor by ad dressing Ramus PF. Showalter, Imi yoo of Altoonn, Tea at all prices, Msilon's Complete fine of first class Groveries Lat Mellon's No extra cost to enter our bread oon: test, Mellon. Joseph BE. Malloy, Patton Monday Leave your orber for rabber stamps, le BNE 3 ete aL RIDER. For a nice chan to the L01Y Heston Pont iy wes the Bn 24 $e La Jose vi YA TORRE bp wt : jo os Ye pved Tey Daye Dwar Grastuated toy « The fire al» hoses, © tipple © Any it Bodsan Vere Ta Ww Fue oh RH WAS Bie parti Ly Tver Entaiity Follows Failure he vil war With Pow sevshleasrne od ganiemt with Bran Hane were fi : vert th oy had ie a rebidd several advertised wo bepefit antl I wi take Foley's K ty ACY. % For Infants aad I Tran, ~The Kind You an ava Bought ° Boars the Bignature of The following iW contained in a patel from Indianapolis under date Asgraet 14 slowly to The other, Phied-P The Delos wn a don Fst . y Fhe LOAN BR 5 waa Eat BS Ae ¥ a ¥ & i 334 # Lphmgy oF santa iryained 1 INTERESTING ois piled Hy 5 frase hae © lea Wiss TENE pp Tar Twad THRYETR YEE Ws HE Fo fms £8 Bo prem deniared ARLE fog PEEL Tene, Haelogats attend Wid utd ¢ mat Ars are coming in the Third Party rmventinns sohaduled for this wonk Anti-lmperiaiam Ax pescted fe import want ie calted to order known as the prepa nt, of bath Me. Mav pominale watient to Fa Arty £ Levit toh rae rr thie A fhm Vee aN sans fate : nd they are as firm ros 1 fay vent irmanlt tay Lhe and o Stepan 8 heat yrie of wv FE pena y 5 far Prostient WESITIVER (E7TER TE a sept Foo exciting games of 3 § fa at Fag? Brvlisy Tepes atl 8 plead b feat Xow Th An Ben aia weveral gt nA SEY dai BY) threw Gown i agora 3 18 Be Fs A ly faptist Everybody invited to ro TB Ry PR BN pp PN J PIS IA OY Ht mid it I ISIISSIIIILS ro” | | | We Ww 1x hy fact that we Tip on ER iil Amerie: 'OLF & THOMPSON, Good Building. Cheap ohn Store! GROCERIES, Canned Goods JOHN GANTLZ, Proprietor. FIRS RIZL, SECOXD | RIZE,