The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 16, 1900, Image 2
Pers are al} { ready half starved. Thay need plenty of wholesome food. Kodo! dysyepsia cure digesta what yon eat so the body | [can be nourished while the worn oot organs are being reconstructed. It is ‘the only preparation known that will instantly releive and completely care all storaach troubles. Try it if vou are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. (0 W. Hodgkine, : ‘Paeds Resirded at Ehenshorg op bh Pras | Friday, Angast 10. A SE : Nerraen this Goversment nor the 0 hin Miristar hit poowtoed ny offi : Lopetifiontion the apg Antment of 1d avg © Ch pag to be an envoy for, the parpose of suing for peace, Im pothing hpi abide however, about such die BE Ht Tent; not Bikes is slap any preparations on the p ors. If present pu Bil OF Sn pl 0p SHRED Spe Tea 30% 10.068 7 Muse Chang's af af wariike art of the Vow: are carpied out gir PE ai reqiast 1 Hak Clemy or to prevent the in ish troops at Shanwhat wil i bes; amit lathe reco iad right of any pas spied forces in another F Brite re sored. ing top oewasitderad pices. sary to protect the lives and property of its pitimns. Rds BRIGADIER GiENGRaL JOSEPH Yes 2 made 8 plea for a large stand. | ing army in his gddress beilore the students of the Ubieago University, He declared the only security for peace Swan to be always prepared for war. General Wheeler a topic Pacific Possessions. the history and development of the is ands rocently required by the U nite States, snd gave the results of his own Otmer vations ax to the resources and af our pew dupendeniies. suid the desting of the haan race y ns ot ts be gnided in the fatore gely by the govirnment of the Un. ley observations among the Fillo 4 Pp nos anid those of Uline fordibly im. pressed upon me the importance of all institutions of learning devoting a ull measure of effort to jnstalling a it of chivalry ind patriotic devo. . 1: was to keep that spirit fresh strong that Alabama enacted a law hat the national flag should float over very school honse in the state are now a great world power and the destiny of the bumni race is the future to be largely guided by their inflasnce exerted by their govern. This should be impressed upon : Joseph A. Gray, Spangler, $100. generation, and the memory f the flag of oor ponntry floating over | school hoose and songs breathing riotie devotion within its walls’ nid indelibly bi connected with the imprensioes of the vonth of our be Last naar Fx rursnon: Nigar Fails, The Butlalo, Rochester & Pittsburg ), announce the last Sunday fon of the season to above points gust 10th, This midsarumer day prion will be i most enjoyable one | d will be the last opportunity this season of viviting the Exposition City and wonderous Niagara at the low rate w. Rpecial train will leave stawaey 8:1b am, fagara Falls ot 4:30 p.m, and Fan p th. The fare will be 1 for the round trip from xsutawney. Mokets will also be ning fri Boffalo on regu- ; nddy, August 20, 1900, wet tridn No. 8, the Vestibuled Lin: Hed, leaving Buffido ab 9:45 wm. : ¥ie Whaoping Cong h ‘Both iy children were taken with hooplog cough.” writes Mrs. 0. Fl pt, of Danse, His 28 small such relief that 1 feed a a cent Bolte, hich saved me i doctor's bill, Pate 3 Pharmacy. In India, the land of lanibe, ands dis becuse they cannol food. In Americ, the land of ahitatn plenty, many sufier and die because they cane wal the food (hoy eat. Keoddl «Ei sits what vou eal. antly relieves and radically cures ; WL Hodgkins, branes Xk; Py ton Pharmac y, The dread of prople with weak fangs who suffer with stubborn cooghs is consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar, if taken in time, cures the cold, heals the lungs and always cures incipient consumption. Patton Pharmacy. ~The woif in the fable put on sheep's clothing because if he traveled on his own reputation fhe couldn't sccomp- lish his purpose. Counterfeiters © PeWitt's witoh hazel salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their own merits, 50 they put them in boxes and va like DeWitt’'s. Look out for | them. Take only DeWitt,s witch hazel | galve. It cores piles and all skin dis: a OW. Hodgkins, Patton | There | CCarrall, $35. hit fF made tt a anhor rere will certs, Hastings, Wha Or. Heo briefly tra wed Retorning, Kidney eave Lhows. merit. 1st ton may be obtained Excelsior Building & Loan § tion to F. M. Cronanr, Ashville, $4 tng Fred (3 Betis, et nx, to 1 A Boncher Rusquehanna, $150. Bteward Miller ot g ber company, Limited, Blacklick, 81. Spmngler Improvement company Mary Vighetti, Spangler $165. James Mallon ot ux, to Feter 5 Miler, . W. Moore, et nx to Adolph Peter. son, Elder $100 CC. W. Moore et ux lo Adoiph Peter son, Elder, $135, John Mannion et oy, Daniel ler, Rusguebanny, $500 Maury Witheim et vir {0 Cresco; B00 . Abel 1. Heese, ef 03 to RB Reade, $330. Baphia Dietrich «1 bright, Cheat, §75. , Fred Blan i ot ox et al Bratt, Reads, $80 Cornelins Mot £150, WM MeCo¥, by the Treasurer, John UC tiater, He ade, £02 P. Flynn et al, by the Treasurer, John CO, Gates, Uhest R22 hip Nowe, Hower Adam Ab toy Bherman 5 © Angeline Storm to Excelsior Building | & Loan Association, Ashville, $1,000, si bo Vinton Lame Mil ‘ahan to Gstana Bobo He May Call on Yon. A pew fakir in abroad in the rural regions. He drives through country and sells soap at five dollars a box, which sum inoladessyd ifarty varde of carpet, selected from {samples which be has in his wagon (Fle takes the five dollars, Jeaves he ‘hoax of soap, promises deliver the Lunrpet of the selected samples within a Lweek and drives away. The soap is Egoorth probably fifty cents Ib stays with the purchaser. The | worth probably fifteen dollars, but it ‘stays with the fukir ‘wad bas not yet heen deliversd to a single vietim. Farm families shonld be on they guard sgainat this aew Dairy against other fakirs The lack of backache and a ran down peneraily, all mesos itidney Kidney core will restory tay sarpot in and A lseriet Foley's Your strength and vigor by making the kid: neys well, The no substitute. Pal “ton Pharmacy, # Pid Fr Happen in Dalion af ias Pechis” stamnwered the b fal young man at the ether oad of 3 10 aut $e wefa, wonid ennsder me i hold iF I wan fo yi ar itheaw 4 Eins gor SRald roth shay Fa of Ldness. sopsider i the grintessencs Met hers endorse it, children piel Bolle nme 8 fate Chagh cure ail throat and Hodpkins, Patton Pharmacy. GREE oY MACKEREL. Way Ir Han A Corging Pema wood the Tone Masniged, M.D. Kittel ef ux to Joseph FP. Soa | Cet px Cresson, $200. Dieithrich of 03 to Elizabeth Marsch, Elder 8185, Filizaberh Marsh, Sandquist, Eider, $45. Jahn J. twihrvich of Bx LO Mariage, Br. Larroil, $25 John J. Deithrich of ux Mertens, Carroll, $25 John J. Deithirieh, Curroll, $25. Byron 8. Wor sdonrks, of al to Namioe Bparr, Br, Reade, $2,995. J £ h 11 J. er vir to do ts Agviinsg wo Amy Mert Margaret Luther, ef vir to Viecent Koy vt ux, Susquehanna, $75 Michael Erasnan ef ux Campbell, Giallitain borough, $125. Philip P. Miller ot ux, to Adam Milk ler, Basquehanna, $50. i Chest Creek Land & Improvement Patton { company to John Zahursky, - $100, | Lawerenoe Smith ot al by the Nberiff, to Solomon Dumm, Carroll, $860 John K. Powell ot al to F Cresson, $325. Wiliams H. Denlinger et 9x ot ol hn Fema pli : rene, i vonid Re to I. H REE ; { Lys i ing ha Vi #ihohy Bre per fength i Sogn murecny i wf Bim foal and Lobe gf ther Cio Bax HL Donisent Joseph A. Gray of ox, to Denlinger | 57 | Brothers’ Oil company, Spangler, $100 It will surprise you 6 experignce the | benefit oltained by unaing the dainty and famous jittie pills known as Dee Witte little early risers. OC. W, Hodg- (kina, Petion Pharmacy. Chnpging Mommetial Day. Word from Syracuse, N.Y Conrsmanderdndhisf A. I Shaw, the Grand Army of the Republic, “saying that at the conying in (hicago a resolution will be passed to change the date oral Day from May 30th to Rorday in May. He says that meer bern fool that as 8 now the i lorgely devoted to sports snd amuse. pent. and 16 is thonpht that the of Mem Fhe : Cweonld result in oa more faithial and praper of basrvarie of the day, No BE 51 rede “ x 3 BE 0" EE SY. Conklin, Boweraville, 0), a ved mote betel from than from months treatment by physic aghetifate. Patton | Hodueont Rates By the Men York ¢ The New York {oni sis it peiinced Sars fake to narmay. end rhi, Talaw bine ts. AR. preg, heap, Apa Piatersta Williams LV Bie Kuights o, Aroit, Mich, A Cirand RNG Kuighta Tempe tar, Biate of Now York, YX. Pept 4h wrk State points | National Encampment, Union eran Legion, Fort Wayne, Sept. 12th, Soverign Grand Laxige, 1 OOF, Richmond, Va Sept. 17th 23d Now York Hata Un Noung (People's Society of Christian Eodeav. ‘or, Binghamton, N.' ¥Y., Oct. 15th 17th. (From New York State points Rpecific rates and detatied upon application to New York Central Tieked agonta DReave, far Ink Loi Sept. Tat Boh ana Sih Ted, fo, nfo The soothing and bealing properties of Chamberlain's Cough Hemmdy, ts | pleasant taste and prompt and nent cures, have made iL a great favor |ite with the people everywhere. Far sale by CO. W. Hodgkine, Patton Iserin Pharmacy. {Rta ie of | HE Se ampmnent : top b day | TE Ce whont of then ter 10 an BEoLY lr they ap an LYSrRe Gd Caften rove whieh Lihelr Hyves i ack Sia Poi tail» probably The Old Way of Shrinking Them wi wud the Modders Way, boa Bah WARS fend tavhow] ag COALEe of i 3s 5 i Virb 10 : Ey Now Yo bi are Ingran DPramaerat Aah Haine may dod Sprataetest fom ehenticats Ge ti iors foolg oie Basil win Fit PE the : refund yerir money if we price of | admatted to vor are itm Diet Isfiecd aNer naleg it £YH he the remedy in ose for bo # HY # sufs nd puiiable WERE ARE 12 Hom bpd gaia HE DRL EE TT se aaa the pleanant, Frogeomnt ta Married Eadie EUrroR Lorin: that we are sending, of chargy, cieyrant plated sugar abel], sn siariy ab $e ewch, 14 wd by she Doogie States Ww Th Finase emt ond and froe stiver. Arrival #0 sharing TM Wek mani EVOry a sinner Le we marie Crusher Va Ah THE Met iL L COMPANY, SER TAE Wid Thk Noowet, 3 «ove Kew Yoew iy, 5% Honey wd Tar s and stops the cough. Fa GE Ta PATENT Good Ideas Sa wiped he % trang THE oa £1 RECORD, Ba 8 nds Have and Dan's Mow To Pind EEE Fela ‘be ANS a Il A A DYs 3 A Ss. = Meirson 0, G. SIGEE ERS Patent Lawver, PEPTICIDE The Sk #id to DIGESTION. Dyspepsia Cure Diggess what vou eat. 1} fs Toend and aids snd TE a or grepar ration Spiny Ie in wing ee ry fh wae f oi HERON. Le wi 15% Ca, CHICO. Patton FY Harmacy Thed.C. Harper Co. AL Alot Avene, Yate 7 $A a RR or Paix th Esa acy, Patton, Pa. : nr : a oy dry wod } : Wl Sag en pily resets Obtain 3 patent” sent upon request. Patents i ai rt ad ties pet rats taken Cpe ia Fan? Tr ; or ¥ Parry send for sample copy FREE. ines VICTOR 4. EVANS & CO. i Patent Aftorneys.’ : WASHINGYON. Fo YOUNG MEN WANTED, fair aduication and good Rist aeter, te LEARN TELEGRAPHY, Rail pine! Accounting and Typewaiting. This is endorsed by ail eading rail. Wy companies as the aniy perfect a reilshble institation of its kind. AR our gricinates are amvinted to positions. Lid io also admitted. Write for free stalog. | Fall term opens Af 18. GLORE TELEGRAPH COL LEGE, Lexisuwron, KY. sen in need of PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, NERY: JICINES, ear Sarr (INTE iit Drug Store, PATTON, PA. Prescriptions properly compounded, L. W. Cool i DOMESTIC VALUES. ol Faroe amany the many choles Things at are even now marked at -Remeval welaet following: funy cnlicoss in new snr intext nrder, will Sula LIER, Wer the Conn EHSL of vem and colors tron ginghams, ail eolors, : 30 per vand, Lm apron ginghams Se per yard, Cisent diveas ingame in fresh, pleas. ag oolors and reguiir 10v grade; sale grice now Sc per pared. Handsome dark percalen for fall Warr, 1 regular 12k grace, have been deasmed to go at Tid per § yard. They will soon be gone al 8 viaite lee thin Still a few pieces of those we English coitings that have sowed 10 12.0 per ¥ suaehold goods are very much fgowdt in price and 8 would pay a Horie kecper weil to come bere and lay in LEY, expacially the newly mar. soe 2: Rn = have about everything you dai think of foe home isons, woah Eh ae Geowng Forward I. W. CORK, Altoona, Penna. A Tew Words About Bicycles. wtishiction. * ’