The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 16, 1900, Image 1
| VOL. VIL.-NO. 37 FLOUR IN AT MELLONS CASH GROCERY. A Ward Hide Frosted. The Johnstown Pettiocral. of Wed. | 0 GENERAL NEWS a, contained the following: “J. Ward Hile, the popular catcher for the J. AC, team, wax prstrated by the ‘heat yesterday, shortly after noon. He was walking down Clinton street, when he was overconie and fill over in the street. He was soon revived, however ah wan as good a new last night win Hotd Labor Tray Piewie, The preparations are the holding of a grand picnic on Labor : Day in Short's Grove by the members of St. Mary's Catholic chorch. It is not necessary to go into details as everybody knows the pleasure to be bad at these gatherioge. Watch for Jarge bifle next week, Nutice To Mawr Comtractinn, i Bealed proposals for the construction of a 12.inch terra cofta sewer on Ma gee avenue, east side of Chest Creek, will be reccived at the Couticil Ubham- ber of Patton Borough autil Monday, August 20th, 1900, at 7:80 ’vlock p.m. Plans and specifications cin he seen at the office of the Borough Engineer and also with H. OO Winslow, chair of Street (mmittes Blank proposals will be fisaisid fof for each bidder, same to be sealed and wesed Clerk Town Council, Patton Borough, Patton, Pa. hi H. (. YERGER, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa, August 7th, 1900. See those photo envelopes at Kin- kead’s. Labor Duy Cobiiraiion, The United Mine Workers of Patton will hold a grand piooie and dance in the Piremen's Park on Labor Day, Good mnsic has been secured for the oceasion. | Refreshments served on the roma. All are invited. : Foor Bade A a bargain, 2 pool and 1 billiard table with complete outfits, Apply to Parnell, Cowhir & Co, Patton, Pa, or address A Hoffer, Phiipstiarg. P We ng at special price: ~ Mattings, Carpets. mples, Pillows, and ndow Shades. \lso Iron Beds ‘om 3 50 to £9. 50. Thre.picce Cham- Suits at 13.50, to High back sinks, pboards, hall trees, d springs, all prices; fuattresses. a full lin chairs, side els dining tables well Lichen, les at prices; as all in line parior tables, cic. Full line general rdware, paints, oils, lass, crocks, etc. Full line stoves and now on foot for offer the follow - Shai Gleaned Here and There it WEES at ty Ea the "Courier Reporter, THE COAL BUSINESS. fa Cambria Conte REEL fen the Baom Many New Migs. “1 mee said a well-knows on miming. at Jolson “that the Berwind. White Mining GOMPAny is opening « mine al Windber and that the ontput from that tegion is fo be greally have bose inforowd that coming winter the artis ay ar cies in this county will be greater than uver. As near us § oan jexrn there wii be a dozens new mines apened in Came trina county with the rex: few months The most extensive operations are ta ing made in Northern Cambria county, where several drifts and namerons test-holes have aiready been sunk The Centre county capitalists, who have bundrads of thousands of dollars invested fo coal in Northern Cambria, Cure foremost in these. Then foliows the Webster people whose abief operations wre now confined Lo the testing of min- ing machiog in the swighborbood of Ebrenficid, where many thousands of tons are to be brought to the siriace by Lhe tee of diggers invented by mechan oad process. The nomeroos develop ments nave been, wrentiohed in the COURIER recently, The just report of Mine Inspector Evans shows that many millions of tons of coal were reg i Bilis and during te vear of Ie that Lhe fonoage preset by he sualpal year. We have CEranible ation the in CNR Aeiroogiien does Bod fo minh so Tar ax authority Monday ikl Fags increased. i during BE Sha Ly monntans of Uasmnlaria oositay i expe tad iargeay Ph wil, ba of that present heared of cA yad Amount AF f irs Pte field © pusine Li te rons of ah ne resse An the shipments, that gurging of the about this thw ‘doubt that when Lprices fur mining ends next sp thar the miners {ag ratars have bowen anne i will have onl Hatever riving Ria sottien Sent, "diem wi ATA we Dw = Saas Year, i Lhe po Hares. Ww Bik HRY Saal | OR WIR fad wi £% fied Wo The Purosaiawsey Fay, | Next week the Cireat Punxsntawney Fade will be held. Angust 21, 28, 25, and (94. That soctety offers $3506.00 each {in premioms and parses and are spend- ing $1,000.00 for special attractions for their Fair, in all $10.0 spent that week to amuse their patrons. The Fair lasts ail day every day, day. The display of farm products, {to be uneually large. And the three big races every day, will be very excit ling. Wednesday will be bicycle day [mitted free. Admission to grounds 3c. | tions on the P. & N. Ry. at one half | fare, and from all points on the B B_¢ (P.& AW. Ry. at about the sane De | Tickets will be good to return Bote on the 25th. Do not miss the great fair, it Lwiil be bigger. better than ever Special Meeling of Connell. Patan boroogh council mel in special session Thursday evening with | the fullowing members present: Camp. bell, Cordell, W Cornelis, ¥ f § k Miation of Winslow LG be * Looded by Cornelios, it was uaamionsy carried that Ordinance No. 5% relative to grades an Fifth and Beech be accepted as read On motion adjoar SNES, Mone The first printing press over sel Cin Montreal was that which Franklio plasmad faa v SBiL ia the eri de Rameuay in 1775 1 fof manilestoes to indie | pale Paved Pitailsg Vivas Bp Benjamin ar the print HEEIR The press wis aflerwaras movil Bo dhs i ge 4: % ¥ SALLE AN ow Beitr raslonss tails arped ix tablet Cmemory of Fraskha will Fos pehacesd A arm Bascany A hist cansiderialie Huntingdon connty Bway the Cfeore the y The pest seems 10 bo now raisers and } ravages Two grand free at Mellon's cash ir begt md seeonid best. First, a 825.00 oloek; (gold. yan pri ud sega There ia an absents of 3 O00 will be fresiy and the special attractions can be seen ach ‘inalow Hartshorne, and ORDINAN § ent ntes the grades fromm and on a paint Avenae in An en fe Fi ful? i om Fl Hf Mivih soph grades and Ordinans wat inoonsistent Ww jewel Patton repealing al therewith, He 4 ia Pasrgess and To hereby ested iy wa Caine crdiuined Uy pit hor "roel The graces an that parla Wi Basch 35 Palmer Paarl ave Feo Falk Toon pean? Biya ave Pasian cory Eh Soapd spe? Af thes handed res; ii She SEA bur of the gf He Eh pri flies preys 3 Engineer, tached and made 3 part © Ther ss wisiios fu wha i heed 3b wi paaf ho gi ps Ba Rg LE fat grr 8 iy =a le BG ¥ eg ¥ 3 NTR $ ARTEL Bairnty We wink parodies RPI Pod wine SALES Fo dl an SREY AE of Avra, pp a SETI LR aly Poi aMeREi President of Ustpog A Ho, {dark of Cound vo Bayrgneme 130 Hayrgess. FATHER DiGRAM PASSE SWAY Well Bi wf satniy 7a P an 3 Fhe Phe wae mat AVPRE REN Tie Rev i aL her & far i CREE Bl aw Sp? SHORE at Ta A Lives para [glee 11) Dery hwadth Baw aud abt a 5K imanid Mig a 3 wodead priest was aboot Fag mrt was ordning A Ha band mba pans to Pitisburgr on 3800 § eRe wisik Poms 1 aloe Bry, i's Sesninary, LE at The same Done ae Mather Poy bis Kittel, of Loretto Po tom place this Thurs al 1 o'riock. afte of the dead was chanted by the prema af the Plasburg {How Toe Interment will be made in the a Gh ale y We, BOG £2 The fTanera day morning, Lehtrch chmetery, A Smead Baad Thers was 8 email riot In the mining town of Windber, which i 8 sad, wis pore or ees infuenced by Lhe present troubles in China. Hoping, a former ‘horses, cattle, sheep and swine proses Johnstown laundryman, und a compan. | ios named Hop Lee, who assisted him =~ im the work, were sitting on the porch Cin front of their establishment Satar- Lon which day all children will be ad- day svening, men, mostly between the ages of 17 | Thery will be excarstona from all ata when a crowd of young and 18 years, congregated at that place ans began fo tantalize the Ceolestinin Sung men were importuoed by inary gi away. bul igen continaed > 3% phe Ul Winuin Arnes 1 froin ¢ A seuifiag the abou titre stared a free forall fg op Sing was badly cud with a koife, while Hop-lee was Dudly id by strnek A ead had y for the police, armved, #5 a vy erlevarin 2 bo bu & 25% Fre aftered by beng differen pias. slready bess sell i ES whet the officers was dlape reed, enw Vie 4 ¥ tae sieved tises of 4 numnier Tha rat . AE RITYRIA fuitow od. Lock Thavesn Yew tel Civtitiomet ARERR Oa £1 RW Meck 3 WEAKLANLY Caslector The Cand 28, pool retartang west ag iON valiny Fools AR Bing at a hwviep thie radar 38 the Hisstrngs on was ran. speed a mile sepa two sek, killing them Rimes AEG Monday atwanl The carves of one rR Tem Ned VE 3 firsl Slr Cams i track Toe oar ran af vis the wnat th Train, § Ene preventing the from pling up 5 it were 3 cars were badly dumaged {ands Teens off the ade ear oo JY ORPR igpar} © Eat of 3 Tk ios Tee DRO Dine ita Having tse first Ane wey af ok it that bs ap he with Bim, as be was iyiig with kis a Tight How be PEFR, GE Was ape fn the wreel Up real GeG, me dangerous injuries whale 5 Sead Papa hy Toews id ante ig oR saad Dewy dabding whee Than ewan only shideer DEGVIRE en A sing: 4 New York Central wreck aria a ths wrenlt epee of Alloons wak called 1 This crow With f ates arsved at the scene Toward evening work train arvived and fw wseion MOIR pVery Tow HY Oa aavigdent | wre nt 3 A #2 4 2 ipRe, ® W PEM tha Patton LW Crews, assisted 4 LEE 1 yg PAE # she ‘ ertainty a ¥ manieh ame Tom Es ETES wma ® sre Wo : 1g By teri R03 shotsand watahead Cin Hae ated wd placing the esate bn Coenen at Phiilnebhorg parstions ane Fire ho? Ia FEE ATR Augs ier J os. panies and Banus will be pre {anire Western [Hara ard Parade 10 and Clearfield, ela ; lvarield, Dubos, Boona. Tyrone, Patton The Repass Band of phvoes, will give a representation OF Yh Spanish War in August 38. There will wnt fem Pm NTR ans Blair nRiiew Havens Pedifonte, nfs, Srnmpaort. 58 the syeaivg of drills, Arve works ak PRUE grand above oe display. For the wiil weil gxetradon t tens in Lhe Beech aay hs - MEP Sfiel retary, 2, dheivicl, 23. 2 Uren Angast an Aug 24 ut single fare for the trip, and on Thursday, Aogust roan gE =, port at 8 am, arriving at Philipsburg IAT 930 a mu fpshueg #1 1040 p Puarther partic. alars may be oblained upon applica Yurk Central ticket $51. than to New Agen In Theat woitt Horse Race. Wi Bethsiy stir np trade, or see how many ers’ they could atch, or wanted a pratical joke, it & hard teil, but at lest 35 amusement hunters of Patton went wo Carrolitows last night to sew the mingte chee lrotters race. Wm Aleiioe Fis Hoe horse Nolan! Were % Lhe track, Toad Xan tae if He Wanita 10.7 ‘and it Ie ARany gactered ES ¥ Span Taare 184 Wis then 1 0) 4, 5 % 4 Ge fron Patbon, with tase arson. Pao August Th BR est thes sn the track after the consing the front along on iN : When the engioeer af peered ae Patton train wos engaged the Cay mornibg on the | Sthay An in Bik ena buses hall ganws and a > ¥. 0 mer House said, poasion the New York Uenirae ete from all sta Chone Aug. JO door about 8§ o'clock, bat reosived po or befors of Sethe reSpOTMG ithe aa. will ran a speciki train heaving Williams The doctor remarked the principals winded Lo Saeki. cre ‘ or Ex Palmer House. NN NO ONE WAS PRESENT Wiha Viel Oster Ba- Was Train Iiapataber fur BW 4 O Friday morning when Jobe Redech, right olerk at the Palmer Holes, wont ta padi Willian © Ressder a train dis pateher forthe B & ©, at Piltsborg in order nat he might tire the aarly train | for Altoona, conld not gel an answer fron the man. Joba called 8 OF Dag- gett the manager of the hotel and sammoned the clerk telling them sboat the strange sction of Mr. Reeder. They looked in the room over he tragsom and saw {hat things wees not right hatdy amd face on the floor and his fut still in bed Mr. Daggett produced a key and got inte the roan by a door from another room sdiseent Lo the one Mr Resder ocotiposd On gaining an entrance they foond the body still werm, bul the young man was then beyond human sid That the deceased had expired be tween 5 and 8 o'clock is a forgone con he weenie Of Lhe pluston. ae he was seen 8t the window af his rouvn aboot 3 o'clock by George Patton Fri. trio AX 2X. aniseed several witnesses nid decided ing inet, Hol DERRY There wis no signs of 8 de or foul resRiting from hpsdesy or i arene Miller dame Io & Chem ph lay death 9 Aart had something to do 9 aware hie death The renains Sere akon WW Alloons Friday a lrompaning tow terri Zi the stalin. Tout Papin ibaa! awd } Hewder harsday, was one salt, 1 live at rd aes a Was Sloe Bir ax lnanks spenyt Lda eva of the witnomms Patton, Cambri § segtuatroms by acrapation. 1 is Et Har i 5 ng aiid with me and 1 abst Valier, He was heaith but cvenplnioed of a I gave him a glass of water and be 500k A he is he powder about 8 aoloek 1 knew him before and fever Bnew Bim to Rave ny sickness ist hee wild he had been working very Ward in the best and remarknd that he would Bave x good night's rest, the weather being « n Juhn Reisen, sight clerk ali the Pal. | #1 Hew in Patton Cam. and my bosiness is night Palmer Hows I was at dg. 1 rapped ou Reeders a ean ng ¥ * © He spent § RAW His Last nemo Rar bris county, cherk at the i [ then notified the people the landlord, got a door and found the r. Daggett, hn “ open the : : key of the door on tbe inside and the Returning to leave Phil. door looked. 1 looked in through the transon and saw Reeder lying with feet in bed amd head on the foor. 1 entered the room with Dr. Van Wert and helped to take him off the bed. | that he was. dead. SWhain be retired he sald he wanted y ba cabled at 8 o'clock, ns he wanted take the sary train. | ssked him if wanied ice waler aud be said be did. 1 jgave him the joe wiier, bade | Bim good night and did not see bim again until 1 found bim dead in his rou. Dir. Wan Wert said dead and thought he had been dead abot Balf an boar. Hessd be thought Let of perfectly nat vier, who fie dent vias id Tesuit yr elook said be natarad fran mas, Ms seeped 00 domoa amor night sa | He Pramsilay adie ta8 Gl Re ¥ * foc Bits hy MUAH He Un Depesl Wile BnneLes: wad x Saka several At wih ay slurs far Ww Amini pes will. ay EE CURT sla Thy piel AR Hoe af sends, and 3 fine noth, badges, steed Lipps rostamps, elo ew, spares Sud. The best might have 1m, te Cal Follows aos and Reeder. wan = % Hig! dita i 1 sEmoUs CHARGE A Youu Mum of Wend Clepeged wily Favsing Sonos ole, Quite a sensation was caused in the mining town of Windber Thorsdsy when United States Marshal Ros sr rived in thet place and arrested Harry 1B Morgan, 3 well-know yoang mesa of that plese, on a charge of dircolstiog and welling: connterfeit gold coins and osing the mail to defrand. The surprise wana gomplete ane for the reason that the {mpiminings of Morgan had never besp wspeted. 1 seerns that all the spur one suin had been circuiated in Ak tioona und that i was thers that the Hirst saspicions wl clues 10 the guilt of Mong were obisined The facts in thes pam are being concealed untill the Usexritig, which will take place before United States Commissioner MacLeod af Altowns. Morgan was on Friday mndded in the Hollidaysburg jail in de fanlt of bail Morgan ws aot churged with manafectoring the spurions moe yr and no molds were fond in bis [osemion, but it ix claimed that he was instrienental with others in its dispo- mition, Morgan ws native of Philipsburg, Cegitre comnty, and bas been amployed at Windber duriug the last Iwo years he Bis always been a quis, orderly ping fellow, and fived in a shanir ab isdber, doing bis owas cooking. A Prism! of his Friday sflernoon tele Pham te Johnstown to the offect thas the people of Windber beleive that 8 avibilis has been made, but they are willing to await ndgement in the ose until Commissioner Macleod boars the Spvildence for or against Morgan. In nddlition to the sounterfeiting Morgan ie sins charged with having dropped in the Windber postoflor letters sidressed to fapoh Henery, at Conpellsburg, Pa, Sofia ang seers devised to deonive Cand defrrad the pubilie for the norpose af staining money under Gales Bree Terie ® Insp ior Sone. who made wforaiio is warking on a en New Hampsbies, and Margan moet stay modal in Hollidavsbarg antl Semtismber 1. the time set for the hear inge, andes be osnooseds in forabdiog 81.088 bail Paced 3 in Patton Angust § and saw Mu Reeder, ANOTHER TO THE L181 Wan Kilisd on the 7. BK 8. While sige ba mee Hs IVsiag Mellbaa. A a diam Sesndret! or Scanlon? of Din, was kilhed Thursday morning by a train at Sommersill Keandrets received word Wednesday tht Bis mother, who lives st Brooks ville was dying. He left Dunic at pues for Summerhill wo catoh 8 train, LAS tae latter place, at 1 o'clock in the ‘morning, he bad s conversation with thy tebegraph operator at the tower, 1D Flom he told his story. He said ‘he thought if be could jump 8 | fndght train he conid get to Brookville in tigre to see lis mother alive. The advised Bim not to undertake to juanp tie freight. This sdvice, apparently, Was abe beech Af all events a little later bis mangled remains were found. His skull was crushed and his left band cut off It is vot known whether he wits killed by a freight or by & “Sauipper. Smith Fork relatives took obarge of the body and it was sent 0 Brook. wills for burial Friday, Scandrett was M4 years of age and was an excellent YOAng man, Shipping Con Prom a New Opening. The (rvona Uosi company ool meted 1s ship from their new opening lust woaok, the first trip being made on Thersdsy. The new drift is known as Mige No. + This company is now shipping from three drifts, two tapioing the B vein of coal und the one just opened ison the I vein. They have alee started to put in & drift on ihe £ vein, which will give them four wires to ship fom, greatly increasing their capacity. The coal from the four Hives will bw an the railroad 5 } Al hongh Year Wr uient Bathe were siup- Ww arking eller year and (bat the winter Stand. 3 CORRS Bn ar i il toast coud TR ! prospect te for a pox] Mall and timide are exoecionl oA DR IRIS Lard, teediitg FRc tain 5 The LE. have appainted commitiees CATT AnRY Medits WO Af aas Af the Baokisile which will | wire al Hidgway ¥ fas pred rernion tin Lar 2.3% fseld in 3 Fo 3 £5 nlges Septamber 33 : Fissined, ont Py EE SE Sera oa SAFE akhas gy BG» 1] Wer oal Fae SUDUAY : yi ew Tron Bl lead ginger | ane Dy Bal ; {br this notice, and proving property. Lawman the rod to Feagaiite, AY have Ln LEY hss = rg onc a Spa ORaiadd Leas Gites i Sg