ed IN'T SING. Smperntitioon Begs or From Breas. 3% Priv Sinana EE, wn GEO. BOONE, JUSTICE GF THE FEMS over 30 years, has borne the and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- with and endanger the health of ng Experiment. a SS ERRELAN ep ¥ ¥ i “and Soothing raps. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It HIS OWN PORTRAIT, s neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic e. Its Ago is its guarantee, It destroys Worms How an NE thatt an Picture of erishness. It cures Diarrhoea aml Wind - Coie. : 1t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation a ep It assimilates the Food, re regulates the hott ch and Howels, giving healthy and natural sleep. pir, | The Mother's Friend. ALWAYS ES ESRESERES HE GE A 0 Se wakily curtail 4 Wirt sheng ; { t : = : : 2 if be puts Plsedl 0 20 8 bie a i ot ; ee s ALBONUTE OL FART ot TAnCH PHY NI IAN & st Mis RasX homies ant RING LASA VAAL BAA VAI BA HAA HLIVERE LAER LAN VEY ill End Sale” “Mill End 5a aaa therm ikd Fan Ke CREE B10 0 the in a r used a kutfe with a keene The Parvo Torneo Brawn Lehr isd tae Be A 0h pane Inston i 5 srtag im Fir a values, To take advantage | of tb nities afforded during tus ait means considerable money saved At lax > for B10 kag. Bind Serva Remember the sale continues but ten Better come this Week. SALAS A RN AAA A was the phx her Fre a Fig ret wae 4 bag Td shoal Toasty hired -y ged 81 ste dacbaesl Traseeedd and fo 2 phan JE 4 tented PRvhehin. ALTOONA, PA. . fy on Ok RF LE cag al fries ies tan . aE peel Phy dv ; sh ; io Aa 34 i Pulham fo 43 REARS Sat INR mri Wess There Sie anid ing 4 ch] I heaps sar PELE ad a eed 3 g pe é # * ¢ o & ? 0 ? ° ? ¢ ’ » ? @ & ’ & : ? ¢ ¢ e $ 3 this sale, as represc : alte ihn farnich us with the “3 111 Ends.” makes the prices and we can assure you thd he has | $ $ { : . Ereei 3 The Fronieet kin specialist in Amer jea originated the formula for Banner handy tittle poker volume, oon. | 3 i Salve, 3 Cute or The T % 5 thestime tables of all railroads | °° For al skis Sincases ull out or “~i good . Trauk =a 2 Fe 4 ¥ MWS Reid ig A $78 to TEL Avania, 18 proving a great ys and for plies, it’s the mos aie as hie Spoke 3 RERARe 2 ! ; : + ing medicine. Patton Pharmacy, id cling % Le spoke BoTGe LL3L WAN siness men and commercial al i ve {a truuk stapling in a ad throughout the State. The, The quicker Youstop a cough or a Ad baggage room 1 was ® EK wn publistied monthly, cor eoid the less davger there will be of FUPe 85 = grely Usd so up to date, and contains 140 fatal lung trouble. Une mingle cough Bn Redd, but It is on sale on all trains and cure is the only harmisss remed ¥ that Khor xii 8 bairle ows Co. stands and by many pives immedicte results. You wi ream aiiba ung ent ! the deor of the privat oat dealers. Subscription, one dol jt ©. W. Hodgkins, Patt Phare matY. to help ae abt tho tobe misters and requested that Bis ua : year. ingle Gopies, Wn cents a me ee tout If ite otk could "be given 1 the general i C A. Wm 1 Hastings, Pia 4 ail Yegari seat oft Woods Lag Sorin oy : fsx Lis Thay iw wii fv ee i Patan Lawrers WA MINDGTON. o = Tires i : oe : Panis esi George Baker, of Bradenvite, a man anne ax 1 with a wonden leg, was the victim of 5 ground will never nd a AVY ¢ pie wa) intcderons gasanit one day Ins wee Low i x : be dow AE Ee th ; SR Ret enidr Del ow a > ] : t = : Ex P OF pM and #0 pleasint ak DeWitt's while an Bis ®ay Bone abs, EREe cwxbl Yio ner areal WAR the pean Foley’ 5 Kidney Cure srusk "Naw York Huon Sir LE fhe eulamed wins Glow makes kidoeys and Wadder right. bx: Xe ANN » W a a AR A RNR lish od oariy FINOTA, COW Moda kins, Ho wan overtainn by ¢ thee men, Ww Srenk alten Nils am the pryeed dies or shat oni eer nied Bitacked , Hn > WALCH Gl holey. have a great Had Of RR perianoe : th medicines. Fain! sGmnwr oy Ok a the dy sentery in worst form. We thisaght she woul die. 1 fried everything | could ul 3 f. but nothing septal fo do ber good. Sl ssw an adyvertisinent oan viper that Chamberisin's Colbie, Chol ) ‘ ib PARE BY 3 a oh ys Unmentioned his waonlen era a d Dinrchoea Remedy wi ighly Ch pe eit rad witha xX gino BRR 3 § and kant snd pol & Bole ‘ oy sep the. : od Ye Ts palilishenl af ow It proved to bw ine of Loa food 8 Now K oda iy saline: we ever bad in disesta what : Lo . It waved ny Hale danghts eat all the poo tera life. bos slizions {or every oegdiiriiy cures stomach mother ois ii 1 Mh an exvellont W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmac pried] seth aor Rate re ALL Wilt Ag Br ow Ree of ok 3 ah) knownat as Gist ; pial wh Ndgss Rnd al AE Cha save y ; a ot Blosi Way vo Unive Baokaehe, ws a 6 e 8 wi in wy L Hs & foe Sain RE ey an ity ands my Hitt dang! Wter wnch Backaches ave caused by disorder in Po ih Erietic mis iss Palisade Then ix Sust as Hi iy i Ry Sieates § % : Lh ] a Nand 1 ARNE Rees a Pre on Te As mn 15850, os LEY, Mos Livo ¥ the Ridnevs oley's Ki daey cure wii i! ins A wes h s, KB. 1, Por sale by make the kidneys right. Take no sab. Patton Phaimmacy. stitate. Patton Pharmacy. ego evord.