: Sa ea New ; Contry four is the : a he Fores They Exon and How They ! a Are Broken Up, / : A. nerswen Lesser and i ars Cia ; ; * Weoneer : | Melion: B Cash Grocery wx fav jam = Ae of the Trae fop- § a : : Sg a ? i # 3 3 % Er 5 PES a ro ey a Tends of SUBSCRIPTION. It's # doctors business to stody health i fiahle re. . 0 hi have to sl | fer im one Ine of busines ¥ ih i Che a Land doctors sonfidently seonmmend ’ is One spy, one year, in advance, - - ro HARPERS Whiskey 1 hry Palos HR DE | umbornan “How thes bepin : x 8 : Ea 3 BREV. Sai ¥ i x 4 i ; Ma Advertsing rates minds Koowi Gps ap gg x lon im 438 Sor ok few dk a thom. "Honse and W. L. Nicholson. PALO, | now will lupins wedyed for sn instant sr No papers diseintiouaed wnt Kil uerour PR Clim way (et af ‘u stvpans Ard i i Wire patd, Dobes slo the pti f oy | : ce, si Sisk nit pe, Phil Dietrick, wif apd dauglie Entered al fhe Postofiee st Patton ssseond and J. 1 Donnelly and wile, chan madi mater, panled by Mrs, Dunnitliv’s ster, Fanning, drove to Carrolitown, Spang. : it mri alshast &s mobil jo Jer and Barneshoro Sunday, .. : : I doen mWaening ives In ke X a A i goods guaranteed at Mellon's 3 Cash Grocery. : The ball texms of Fannoe ; © Fall goods Are arriving chatty A : Wer Ville wii pinay 8 game £33 . Mirkin & Ku.aer's Glen Hope Aogust : will no fa fue if Attorney Somerville had business 8t rovers of the sport shia ' Bbensbur Monday. i . ¥ : : Flizaheth Beck, conceded Se Garfield has the agency forthe Clear aides person in (Clearfield conny re field steam larndry. wt her homie in Leave your arher for rubber stamps, Tuesday at Phe Age ete, eto, at Kinkeads. : and 3 dave . For a nie elean Junch be sure and go a the City Jectanrant, The Couns : the mange me © A eur Jond of New Asbury flour at Pir tor Me ms Cash Grovery. weiter bs Don't fail bo see the fine line of fall the fair 2 “4k goods at Mirkin & Kmmer's. Mr. and Mrs FD Harker, of Eben | burg, drove to Patton Sunday. : : gond altractic John W. Kephurt, of Ebensborg pis vonr on wan » Bunday visitor to Patton. i | rary 5 Tadd 41 ¥ Feil od New Century floar as arrivid, best made wt Mellons Cash ( irooery. ‘Mise Eva Crain visited friends a Ebensburg the first of the weal Two grand prizes for the bost bpp] ve pet Nino Thess bauehi is to a sit bakers tt Mellon's Cash Grooery, Mis Corn Saydes ix Yisiting her Pant Fn Pr Te SAE INA Ni Er Ni PN Pn Pi BO 0 Bind Pon Sst cd PE Pont Pan Pt Pt Pd Pt PsP a Pst mp & ton at Mellon’ & Cash Gironsry ard K ws BEY = ts = mg eh fa id SG ma see the large shook to be given away ay go : a ) Pr 2 . gi i EL Money refunded if {oo ds wre not ps de ah a. That's ®EY ad & + os - Aeleal’ "wx ew LHEAG GROCER | ES, ned at Mellon's Cash Girewwry. ffs of DeWitt's ih huge. TTT Tame C of salve arn dangerous They iock Has ea Canned Goods i Ti iE2ie hot treated SHARE dade Be dn To Bosna atl pl af sh a IE BRO TREY Ran COR Re Five Melunohols rane Is the Longest HY § i s af Thee AML i Ladies are invited to call and inspect vio salmening. & | that fine Be of box paper at Kino oo on skin diseases tise ial : - our an a Feed kead's aad genuine DeWitt's witeh Ruel saive. MUO STO8 SURI CRE F. HIRINNT Ie saw xe wo Bi: Ag SR itA § abd oits Phar ey Weg ee a 38 srt otk wy gs X i 5 : ¥ A i. ! Ere Fatality Folous Failoe n Indies are fnvited to enter the If taken Mellom's Cash disesse and diabet 5 i i ex Agnnire £8 EY PRT En RD EY ae Flonelhiy BT mera Bite SLE y =: ; ; # ‘Ai a tod relatives | In ‘patton “the isco Jeine lke Foley's Kitiey core van be [ape Bot 3 &F vor tha eal. for the «uh aliie PF urmshers JOHN GANTZ, ow a It A yi The Patton Jeweler. Yio Patton Pharcmpey, rit Mover bas Gils ial Elita When you want i god job of leun- a : i ha im KB cers rhe Parakey Udoasare Fo i : Proprietor. dry work esl at Garfield's shop! below Ln sovoant on Ue ['M. Orin, the plasterer, has» crew of men at work repairing tha Heb 4 swe. SL pte of a school building. fr the panna trie Tickets wi : on Angust 25, 3, &nd 2 turn unt Angas 31, i dopositing ticket with kant agent Chicagy, prior bo noon of Sépten! 3st the payment of fifty iimit way be extendal to inclovive. io Mable Robinson departed yes rday morning for 4 visit arheng rel : In New York State. The lack of energy : ; 7 a Li b : 2.) oy backache and a run. dows condibion. TL A A : i ,. genersily, all mesne Bidney Bearden ti ow sii < re . Lk pay Hl : ny Ye Foler's Kidrey eure will restore vour 1h Tes tines akeih SB setae of es BB a led at strengih and vigor by CHevA weil i a . : . ire ; od os : : ip / solid ! " ah | | : ; : - oH Passos ew wir dott iw owime Leo 3 SECOND PRIZE, A shark in a Florida river met ux fof. The Shia 2th er ena tien sg gh yp : : ok» el RE 3 dStore Foss wag) od EE | i $ 2 4k 1 ! ’ Ci word turtie sed tried to swallow hin, ug ax bt D280 Whe | 2 i ‘HH; o Yowlker, an Si ' il fret The turtle exte WE Baw tars © 4 a Ae < a rex FN ho {1 Teck, heated wt hp Beard Rippers, and the Ee ¥ renents sl offset fo dd bo Yigwew Frau the Frant Tomb Hed Nedimyer. of Ht, tin Patton a few hours Mon. eal out. ve RRL 2 i “Pam a switehman The Fatton Hardware xy: FP. Jennewse, of 8301 Paitler St, : Hetrick, Mgr, sells ail the standard ond am ant in all kinds of westh ; of phosphate at rock bottom goon o eald wb astiiod in he ) a t nd Was in tery al shape Noonan depasted isp WE rests pkey Mellor # ie £5) En county, + heir little rch Laison doh pevarred Sanday, In man vans ane wok 4% : : awl the oid dr Mr Richiued Kelia AL. Bisnppented from Frugality Joly Sb. SE, Mr. David Taylor, Greene Ua, Pa Is one nen Cha is 4 ain’ Uo i he Fora wager of $LIHG twa ave going to attempt to roll an empty CASTOR gS i rel weighing 430 pounds rom Vi Th No” | i Fal enna to Paris, a distance of 847 miles, : For Infants and Children. petsen or 50 days. The route will be throug \f : unlch and Strasburg. On the Pugs The Kind You Have A Al ways Bough i : He Tank the Hine, have boen cat the arms of the cities Ea ps 7 of Vienna and Paris, the dat names of the two Bodeetinr. PE