PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA. THL RSDAY JAC Gi RA $1 00 PER YEAR. 20th, 0 at 7:50 oPelock p. m. and Specifications o can be aoen © roid proposals will be Furnished for bidder, same to i sealed and Borough Engineer, Patton, Pa. Augout Thy, 10604. Spe those photo envelopes af Kin- ead's. Be Disatation Nusthew. | No tice js bereby given that the Part. y heretofore existing between & H. C. Mitchell of Spang- is this day dissolved. The busi tom of the firm will be settle] by H. Catubend to well the one half : parties Knowing chemuelves being to the firey are requested to ent of acct, to He CL Mitchell to ety Pa, for adinstment. ; JE Arpiar 7 : H. C. Mone. Spangler, Pa, Joly 21, 1900 Cli Notion to Tarpayers. 1 have now in my hands ths school borough tax duplicate. Notice is hereby given that all parties paying maid taxes on or before August 29th, . will ba allowed the 5 per cent Ww. ak WEARLAND. Lollector. VB. Cosklin, Bowersville, 0, says; I received more benefit from Foley's dney cure than from it by physicians” Takes no Pation Pharmacy. We offer the follow. ng at special price: . Mattings. samples. Pillows, and Window Shades Iron Beds 3. ® to $9. 50. Thre-picce Cham- r Suits at 13.50, to High back sinks upboards, Whall trees ved springs, orcs: mattresses, a full linc. ing chairs, side- ards, dining tables, well as Kitchen. at all proces; line parlor tables, | | Full dware, paints, oils, las SS, Cre ocks. ct. Full line stoves anc anges at all prices. Very Respectfully, Gleaned lar session Monday Contlet months of BO paeeting, ‘council. Motion of Cordell, seconded hy ‘Met lorniok, owas carried that com munication be referred buck 10 Bored ‘of Health. Car I wis | orders be drawn (Good Electrie Light Co. $5; © | Repabur, $6.15; Jax “MelSormick, it was carried that Bor- : : “Monday wm lige general | in about : partial insuranes, the exact am At: a bargain, 2 LOUR = | AL IND GENERAL NEN # ag Here the “Courier’’ add Reporter. COUNCIL PROC CEEDINGS The Monthly ®t Paid Drdinanee Na, AR to be Draws ic Patton borough council met in reg- pvenine with all members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, A commtinication was received from John ©. Gates, commissioner's clerk, asking if council had mule arroge- ments to have ridge Avene removed, EL rangoments for removal CHT. A communioation was received from J. R. Cornelius asking council to take ahd fir MaKe ar ab same at Tien for street paving off east half of his fot and place all on west half, as be Motion of McCormick, seconds by Cornelis, it was cartled that Patton Cornet Band be (ome part of sireet fp front of ions building and ‘aio dn front of Bell building. Motion of MoCormick, seconded by Anderson, it was earpied that Borough Engineer ronke mspection of ground and find the best masmer in gelling an for propestien back of clay works Motion of wore Bey Harisloroe, MoeChrmick, that communication from Mr Eftia Motion did Wot faery Mation of Winsim Corneitas, it was carr wirhet Mr Filia thi the papers be had taken from © connetl, Hal Indie» KOLNGYL ON ak Das ieaa, Motion of Winsow, Anderson It wis carried that Bast Magee avenne sawer tw and Barongh Boag ailvertise and swive wir 0 of make : Ri Wry A sonnnn GRmnty ¢ ber of mils sesomed fe Bell over i that clerk fn When he petnrou rk of sa] tas seconded b A profile of Seveptell aor Bai Toate tesd Uy bia for oon. seas renedved from EsEONe TE meiGing for aun pose for 180 A communication sar received hy thie Board of Health from John Gould relative a gagnant pool of waler hear bis residence, and sald board having wedurpad romaman ation to The following bills were read amd on | motion of Cornelius, secorided by Cor dell, it was carried that they be seeped, with exception of J. J. Donnelly for ase: Go, $5.12 Wm. Gill, 860, Ro McPherson. $15.55; Howard Yerger, $30; J. CG. Bimpeots, $80; Wm. Armstrong, $50 J. U. Blair, #4; Patton Clay Mig. Co, $11.95; and ‘the following for street’ work: Hiram Wilkins, 814.14; Daniel Jenking 87.8%; Ambrose Kariheim, $1.75; Paul Short, $2.75; James Mulligan, $2; Jos Karl { helm, 88 40. . Cowher, $1.50. Motion of Cornelias, senonded by McCormick, it was unanimously car {ried that M. E. charch be exonerated for ofie jot on Paimer avenue sow | asmemnrnent. On motion of Corelias, seconded by MetCormick, it was carried that coun. ed necept Me, Yerger's grade on Fifth “and Beech avenues, amd an ordinance drawn up to that effect, Motion of Winslow, secohded by ‘ough Eugineer advertise for bids for work of gradiag arowlid school prop. ‘erty, Aaid bids to be stbhmitted al nex , | regular meeting. Cin motion adjourned Mastin Has B3000 Mise Fire which broke out ab as ug pract sdioiaing Has YI iy emis Tid, denice The the hotel Miche! Nagi ab $12.00, £353 which bas tet yet been learned, Corigio of the blaze ts anknowi, is Mr. Nag the same kind, the Ly fre fons than Kix po fogs has a bad record This la sad to have bean firms cari LEA PO I five ve Eau? By 2 Sie stro feels Lisl ATH, Fra Sate pool and 1 billed table with complete ouliits. Parnell, Cowher & address BF. Hofer, Phitipabarg, Pa. : Huntingdon {aunty There by | thoriges the arrest aad | of railroad tresasssers, will likely be | tested | shaymiskionees Rave notified the ahariflt "that they w ost assnres C Hotel de Wertz bas on FKinh : rage ww pri : LEERY granted permeion to ‘that the peaches wi where f& and MA, Apply to o'clock Ca. Paton, Ia, or 10 TERY IDE STHALING LAW. Mali she Fist Sand’ Against 3. The Assembly of July 11, constitationaity Re whieh ane in Hontipgidon, The county i pay go more bills far the waintenunee of persons imprisoned for Shem Rumberger save plrasaners proer iy as his private coun Eothe Ditls must bw paid. It cot ‘Hustingdon county te to mi sintain #0 ride-stealers ant mont Thi sel with mueh ne terest by Cambria connty this ofenae wii} admit toil to} eoramit #uil, Bogrders of repeal ny this kins IC mone of Uae it Spe LS Gy paced Fe people to board for 30, 89 or 90 those “Knights of the Road” SRIVE BO pay oT so OIE. i abonid he stopped aL an ¥ ang re AE the railroad Diosriinig LOTINRL 0 2 FIRE PEAMIN CHOP Wo OEMS Thala Yalloy Haw fol Fiavai Fajovss Ir. JM Dim, CH Nittany valley are being gathersd in bis afohard now, but the pking Marketing regular crop will not begin for three © four weeks vet. The prospecis am that De Damm will marked 406d paskets or 2000 bustels The droath fas boon bad, bit The we he of fine Savor LAL aH eR ¥ of Markeviown, iu A few wry pepched of FE aid ow Fik jrdivatons anal will hee within thi sik of wil Th oe ¥ Meare re a none 1 inihany ee ks £ PU » of peach © Faas a Go ¥ REEES ia wribay ie eatiniated) 1 1108 TARE To fronyy Luh bea & aint of the aroharnds Con in Va 4 Sa CHOBE kis fay J Ue wae Three Yenrs ago. Cave WY sem eRoong Iwate - 3 Be 8 Eg iwi AR shiva, 87 Wears ods Lia axl @ Asati Do af ane Ciansyitie, pron his Bch week Aitan iH Diary cosinty, has snsered oa ad dha Bospeital, aire k tira on the head Jane 20d with By Cearge Kok, AR bartender, Suriog an a<eveation ainbel bay He GReonseions Hin fey the hospital, prepiaed, fo the herin aot Comscionsness returned, but a few mingles. During riod he recognized his EEA frablew was throes % Grass bey snip! iy a iy uno viD POLI ima Five Mh Be Wa isk Lis wiall an wis wnpnotion Lal & formed inated ony this brief pe Smother and atiersd 8 Tew sentences Then he foil aslpep dgrain and baa so re mained sige The hospital physicians are puzied and ave arable - iit noe Roaew, abba assailant, under 32,008 hadi flarney Liang rs Residinoe Peatnoyed, About 12:40 Toemlay night Barney Litzinger's residence on Mellon ave- pe was discovered Lo fire anid at the time of the discovery the flames bee on had gained such headway that bula few honsehold eects were saved. The Patton Fi re company responded 1 the but wis powerless to do on the preventing the Mr amd Mrs Lita Hager ky od depatoed about § o'clock that for Plativille to spend g fan ol The i estimated at abot party covered by in Veduesday morning Stmau Plarividle to lndarm Barney of his severe los ph aye ® slream th Toms rasrnid Towel ir Yraohe ts, Toe schoo! directors] gern town Hii fave ected teachers {or the coming term as follows: Kirk Na. 1 A. HB Sechettig: Cross Hoads, of Dats fu! 5 Ray wir: Flam RK. Tally anes Ryorin Mug Eel ress wef i hiner atiart] [3 oo Eoparal services were hold Nunday afferpods ab 4 » which the remains of the add rest in Fairview nih. whitid were ta | cemetery. of the Act of imprisonment citinens. WM ds i af the largest peach growers in Hight Cand damiey WW Th ial is AT MELLON'S ASH GROCERY. IC COMVENTION .. Monda ¥, £3 * 4 henshu ire August 6th, a ries LINGLE RE NOMINATED 134 Ji Phim Eh, shew iY The Domocratie county with hat c iptle npoaatt Jab Winters Angle, of 2ation, Sine inn DgEh. Walter, of feat Bhs owl ponerse, Baward BE ONeill, WwW. A lLantey, ne (or Assembly hut Jobin 8 gutting Woks et pee vie ened wns sailed was fuga Foe ¥, A real ; sii Baud bea =] i { a Daure fhe thos Mhaprid 53 Bere aren api Then Wg tere, Arieth aelves Mr Paward amslinh, {12 Neill, Allerpuin of AF Johnstown, fell tou undiftate fr Hist then The rod the ony lopest during the ponvenlion, Ae 3 fives tir lhe Tima Rixteenth wand Phe Deel Dna nips bed £3. Fo EE a Paar Mab (near. Wane LEAN WRN $idhe that deve There werd candidates sory Ons af Amslenms Wo taf sear Pattan: EA. Dunham, of Baie; Witituma A. Luntay, of Alleghany Town. worination Gner. in Sie perane ad ianad FELLA FATTER La } Washin g Loans fom ahi SS eon Hera the contests wased wasp. The diverted fron a rales and Boring the lowest a each hallor 16 deep oul ConvRntion [rpm 3 ki candidare + fin Las Neh | Sir fants. ot Fhe seminibion fel tex dat. MM. Wallen, wan indorsed for Ath power lo anledl heown sind a dedegation of Ie Batae & sutabie ag. doh nations, selon tha Wi pleted date Tor State Senator at (he Senatorial | poofareiion, with the same number of sor fering to be select] by Lhe Denwe crata of Badr county, The convention passed 3 meting of seantorbing which eidorse City pisdtorin; declare W. i fren tas be the greatest Democrat alive, and to % cortain exlent disapprove of tbe ge. tion of the delegation from Cambria and Blair covnties to the National con venlisn in voting against the free silver plank bi the Democratic platior. The ful business of the convention after several minor changes the party rides in the county was the re-election of Robert H. Cresswell, Fag, of Johns town, as county chairman. He had an opponent in the person of Landlord J. BR. Denny, of Johnstown, but the latter was easily defeatad, Francis J. O'Con- ner, Hag, of Johnstown, presided over the deliberation of the conven: tion Monday. it Fimproved sower Pipe Press f. M Patterson & Company, pro- prietors of the sewer pipe works in this city, bave placed an order for a new pipe press, which will be of the Latest design and of a capacity double that of the press now in Gse, The mas rddemidd in She larg anu the Patterson & Company a for the sre ¢ company with whom the order has Shite Of rps) Tae Groer of fourth one ever manus bens plawed will not be Abie to have the Bg ed “ry x pa : <li ud RPI. DEW DEons Pilisy Lived Sig REART > , 4 ike g gh bivpe in Ctoteer oo Doel Hay froma Masd pee airueiarx A el srs oie Thurs, July turned in folly jeceived. FN. Don bag song infhirmation witl be TEE EY Thana. aN, Patton, Pu educator, hospital be Nopvnnied boo {born in consentinn assembling a1 Ebemtmrg Monday and made the following county nominations serving as principal of an _eut of public schools at Lawrenceburg, Prof, Ridpath was called in 1569 to the Popalir 1885. the Ranke pen, ST Clair, hard: Wm Elms, W. (2 Ram’ Edmiston, Lrastes, Cattems § Toup Chave HISTORIAN ony oEAD. Waell-Ruovwn Althor and dienton Expire; Afiey a Lang Filnem: John Clark Ridpath, historian and died in al _ Preshylesian | New York, Aah o'clock Tuesday svening of or + He had been a patient in the hospital since April 24th. His wife and on, 8 ro ‘Ridpath, were at the hudeicle when he expired, John Clark Ridpath, LI. D., Putnam county, Indiana, no April, 184 and was graduated from Asbory inow De Pauw University in 1863, taking the fit honors. After sieademy al and 4s stiperintend. Thorutewn, Ind. chair of English literature at De Pays, tater being transferved to the chair of history and political philceophy. In 15706 the deceased published his first book, an “Academic History of the United States” following it with a History of the United States,” and afterward the “Lite snd Work of Garfield” His “Cyclopedia of Universal History’ was published io Prof Ridpsth wos instrumental in seouping an endosinenit of from £1,500.000 to $LO00,000 from the Sale Mr. Iie Pauw and in michartering the institation ae De Pauw University, after wihiloch he resigned Gls profissor. anid the vige-prosidediey of i ship thas Tuk git de: i Univeriity in order that thine to wring Hud kath sation of a of vata, his whole has Deon LEE Lux Peden Neues Prof engaged in he pm ¥ % Heel eladwr jets sie Bistory nites] Montes Posehaed Figo tiv } aiiits wik Haven ¥ Memon TM. Bickford have parchased 100 acres (F ay dan Tain Bun, 8 Cc Urvals The Lands om Fheecly £F Monten THE if ATE i The | ¥ppremh sass lout A) mired dares A, PINE Brn £39 trib ary gat Beach wre about ine miles | Fe De he nw sraetant Ih cough snd one mile It is reported fre brick wesrks will the near fatane tha mite for which has not vit Bepn dechded apon. Mr, states thal no company Bim been thal a Fore. Stevenson ELE a slay on fide recently purchased at Twin Rou The alay, however, ; Stabe 18 of fine quality and will make fire brick | ar 4 siperior grade The capacity of the proposed new plant, it is stated, will bet sa great, if nok greater, than the Queen's Ran work in Look Haven. | sui=ed vet to manafuciure Ih the ly ban Heense in the same county OMeery Bioniod, The following offices Patton Castle Noo 02, KG 1, were instalivd | at jast stated ation to serve dnlal January 1, 1901: Geo. Banfield, P. Co N.C Waiter Rowley, Vv. (Sidney Roundsley, H. P.; Fred. erick Mitchell, vice hermit; W. H. 11, Bell, master records, George Law, clerk of exchequer: Linpoln 8. Bell, keeper of exchequer; Gust Andean, sir Bepald: Freeman 3B Williams, W. Martin Johb- [ettweilder, fist second guard; Co ot son, ensign; EE guard; Wm. Gregory, A Family Rens. Mrs. FE. E Cooney and children, this place, are in receipt of an invita. tion anpouncing a grami reapion of of the kinsfolk of Mra Cooney's mother, | Mm Lose. to be held at Hall Park, Centre county, Pa, August 2 Mis | Cooney states as there are many i this vicinity who are acquainted with | the descendents, amd, if they so desire, | ean avail themselves of the day's pleases hy going or ace MRpanying them on the 231. Hall Park ix a gravd place for a day's outing, aul those who iH be well repaid. Foavhers Tasiiin bes Harris Lrtl Feld department ay hal topohers will Thar soho Aannouties burg i i Wesmlern i} nannies Th Suauried, Tn, $5 int- palais Pine Dell Vind sesmort, ¥ FE Sesion 8 kaTREL Freer HELO AEG SEI, ie GC afffoors and the sx hie Harker sely fitted 5 win af thei guaaterian Ba be TRANSIT ES 233 Mea ‘ firsts ings, Bice, sah oy The | asd Biel Heoendd, VE ed fit ford burr Brewing company vedvedd in this appest Clirense was ssked. hares being dependent the record, and ‘the hearing of su ane Pat gen TE LR REETR, s3lonntaincer Several Patton Knights at tended the baoquet ami repoct a fine , time : i. Cau Sell Product in County. Breweries any SU PERIOR COURT THE Al Fhitasteinhin Muli an Imporisni eistiis of a Cambria Case The Superior ennrt, sitting in Phila- devipihin, has filed an opinion sostaining the granting of a license to the Pitts. by the Court of Cambria of Quarter Sessions SeOapaty. The case was Nightengale's appesi frora Judge Barker's dismissal of bis exonptions to the granting of a leense ter the Pittsburg Brewing company “to sell the prodnct of 1s own brewery at whidesale in Cumbrin county.” The remsiong argo seine the granting of thie fiosnee, and in the Superior court as causes for reversing the lower soart, Cate disposed of in order, in sab. station as follows: e Pirst- 711 a resi dent of Cambria county.” On this point the court reaflicms = foriner decision, saving thal 8 corpora: tion nuthoriped by the Jaws of Penn- ngage in the brewing tines might be granted a loense to ts product a% a wholesale dealer af place of manufiete are, and thet while the act requires the applicant to set forth in his apphoation his and “how long it does not make the county al the time of or even at the Hoonss, an 88 thelr hie anniieant & pot uy Prania to al A nation oot Tie Horesnnt adiress he has there ronidesd” opt bedi Ex LEY TERM HAOTIOE SER 453 3 & babar bie appara, patiiing the tial pres Semin Tha ars pthign i the directors of Ape aliens soaet says that a lioonsn ise nat sake iE Py 4 “Pex bras obit La 0 where the applicant for ; dows Hn smunitind proven nse sew of birth of the {iin set forth the p diene tors gud IF nat ipsitemd citizens paburmiiiating, 'Pivind. The Pils SEI : biker ¢ Browi ng come i a whohaler snd quite a punber as Brfwers and gd sonny. To this (be repling that the ipeestion of 4 right of a brewing come sany to have more than ane Drower's i= not ine eid not be AM Daw G0v dpilieors in anid pedieed Fourth appilosnt waa inler- ated in cd ber Pla cin Where Hguors were wold and kept for sale in Cambria sounty other than the place for which xy ™ $44 iv objection it is de allegation of facd an evidence outside the evidence given on ch cases not being onght ap for review, the court ust take it for granted hat Judge Barker determined the question of the fact In swerruling thi thai, this Ceorrectiy. There being no bills of exceptions allowed in stich cases whereby the ral. ing of the court relative to the axams imation of witnesses and to the admis. islon and rejection of evidence can be brought on the over and made the 'stibject of review, the fifth reason as | wigned for reversing the order must be ais overruled Sixth “Thi petition Is not verified aMidavit of the applicant or any iy its behalf before the proper apthority in Cambria county.’ fn averruiing this objection the court Whe aMidavit may be made bee court evidently lerk of the proper notary public, or As a malter of prepared (0 ay with propriety by standing rule, that the af before an officer residing clear that the juris. Legrinintues had ne by REY: fire the peforring . magmirale, A Fda alerk a Aas ta Tae © EL Ly fhe Justi # sf ae practice, we ara yd tant the conrt mh Hit ax davis be mage ia RR earring t Sa ctakable doubt ul ine Pebedioy ard no osuch nb sw wisi 2 : pillrny PT pik '% ian five Ey 5 bas iy ¥ Fave hi a aise AG donee 104, site vineipal Xin eon canes sire on footie Twa grand proses for the hivead. frees ab Mellon's of best and First, a 808 of Sl aiid HAA gold.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers