Woman's Rights. Many women su ffur afl : : ho Witte Hite early called Yamale weakness jast io rR : ont of order nod thes hewisy healed Dy B AN osprey urge. 1 neale woes snd lesves arbstitars Paty The Kind You Havy Always Bought, and which has been cough ture. Thies the favorite rom. A RenUOMSS FRREIY PHIE po pi am in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ody for coughs, colds, crywp, aethimn, F308 uc 6 I 1 ain" W ative: iE and has been made under his per- FTPe Ane sonal supervision since its infancy. nih quite. Rvs wid : Allow no one to deceive you in this. ton Pharmacy —- Save pote : ounterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- | The Blsod 1m strained ri ments that trifle with and endanger the healt the kidneys, No hope of heal o ore f Aiovat what you esi : and Children—Experience against Experiment. the Kidneys Are Wrong, Poles” ¢ Ride 1 [neta re . oo % ally cures DR. S. W. Worrel J i Py poy Cure will make healthy kidneys tion and all stomach disordos. PHYS AN AD wl lied and pure blood. Patton Pharmacy. Ww Hndgkine, Patton Pharmacy. 4 y L Na “ vim (fee in frond Baildiog, Room So 4 a & wabstitute for Castor ofl, Paregorie, Drops Rew the froussrs (iD Dew patter that Hates oo kw, Hr Senrral Sorry 392 Ou Eve a Specialty and ‘Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. [It we are selling for $1.30, £1.00, $25, Rpraine or sores, Hin we 1) pennil v : contains neither Opinm, Morphine nor other Narcotic $3.00, and $4.50 If youn can best them woands or onl, Leif substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms for price, tell where quickly cured | and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Worry & TROMPRON. must healing ou Colic. Tt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation Sutton Nothing else Gost as goo and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Noties is hereby given to parents and | Phirmaey . Btomsach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. thers that hereafler there shuil be no Fatkan Players be Gare The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. wing or longing in and about the goo : : : ea ; val the Groot Building it be of Erie the noi irehiere or adnita Joaftg in and about the trated as freupassers, § taken i | by the police and otherwie dealt ‘an the nw directs bave bass made 10 igi auf this regulation and Contes te parents may be saved By keeping chi nirem any man in Jobnstawy, iting the mann PO 8. Gon hy : pened to be pe . A : April 2, 1800. 10f who are sla (hampinns. of the world, Dr. Vo. A Murray, Cima Min RS 4 28: Hh oy a pated wom nrrangped, the plavers De PRY Sic ay & SURGE ths Harmless ready th voriieeass sx Mr Lioyd worse Sate resfits 1 ; : kins, Patten Pharmacy VA a Bane me many diferent cough WN? vathes WAR pyar Jotinstown Or thinks § is, which ii $e a Rye, er a nil He pretty much the sume thing. He likes es * Abate teat . Wika to talk about hm prowness with the FIRE TIFE AND & {ini if $00 esta a mich Srsheieel inte Fins at Se Amira and never misses an opporiapiy ii gid tay ipiteh a ganie 3 his ably - aT Br AHCH, rennedios, bat none wa miver Bedi pitcher, and the gare Was | satisfaction than { & twnal poral iit Shel ue Hip Mr Uharies He ark, XN. J Dis Pas peshied upon in snide or hoarse Hodgkins, Pa 4 after LY TE AAAI IAVUA SYS toona, Pa. Reduend Beles vo iitistsnrg be BENE A bi yi Tr LAP al 3 Bi Ray WLR : ’ $ $ $ § jet ams ANOTHER $ Ponnsylvan $ ¢ ¢ fa fos * fio 0’ [Bank + TON. bria Co, Pa Mill End Commences af ernd, 1 : a Hoddgkine Pa ® and continues in Many ou t-at-tawn seta} tras p to Atoon: hey have learneaq th e Daylight Store when progress. Will you be pres hii pecial offering LE Ww hich we shitil offer IE MEANY A SAVING OF Mis TE YO TOE TARE ADY ANTAGE THE BEDUSED PRICES THAT Wii FREVATL HERE DURING THRE TEX : DAYS oF THIN SALE ; : - : Woman s i avorite Magazine, - ALTOONA, PA. ee a Be Saberer bo id oftest] exert rie siete? fe i p~ Si] be IN 7 eens, Snaf ews, Beauly, aid, feshinoes 1 mew % “The Litt Bite Buk.” INL Ji 1 lt asd atality [mR 2 Tran: This handy littie pocket volume, con. —-— ll ; i ein : gists ui 1048 w, Bi. aod 8 en Cp taining the time tables of all railroads : - 1 we AAA AAA : He : : in Pennsyleania, is proving s great help to business men and commercial Gi Sa travelers throughout the State. The may be i } enlion whothe? pe ed Bonk ix published mimthiy, LAA A newspapn thas the right to recied up to date, atid contains 140 recommend any of the varioos pages. It is on sale on all trains and tary medicines which flood the (0 wool (0 stands : Feb as a preventive of suffer. pews dealers. Sutecrintion, one d ati Kattor oo Raemmtnind Patent Mrdi- eden 7 Valley News, Brevead 0% : ; 3 : for re a sation mr = / ; LRH TE . By feel it a duty to say a good word | year. Single copii, ten cents RUE, Nav ; fo : beriain’s collie, cholera and : remedy. w "* have known ton. Pa nd sed this medicine in our family fr Juans Fears and have always Ae Epidemie of Domrrbmdos . ia) WRG Y CARR A dose Mr. A. Sanders. writing from Cocoa Tes : rile C7 cir . otfe 3 fi Tr Foley's Kidney Cu 1 makes kidneys and bladder right, 3 wy kg $f 3 1 : g While & aii inn is awaited. quite. m0 ppc not beleive In dependiog plies He had a severe a vi that if a bottle of {hanber- oh owers ared dia ain's diarrhos wr reread were py Lit say Hs in pent avoided and in very MANY Cases the presence of a physican would not be required, At leant this bas bees oar experience daring the last twenty years. For side by OW, Hodgioos, Never gripe Patton Ph arma Peis, Patton Pharmacy. The law holds In roth Maker and vies excursion tiewets from Pennsylvania to Bei! te anid return Sikes. Bop. July S4ch, 25th and hk h Earn. a |, WEE ; — aod Lang diseases. vos vou DeWitt's! ing to July 27th, inclusive. at single nk 3 i 2 TY BS Srugsts. 254% Sts vos you Patton fare for the roand trip. 3 8 And ars sil nawn Ripans Tables pleasant laxative.