MIAVIAIAMAIAIAIAAAIAAAL IA ARENA toona, Pa. ANOTHER sday, Commences, Wet August 1st. ten Qays any out-of town folks | ial trip to Altoona They have learned ar the Jax lig Bt Store whet (liese Mill Ad : | ogre Will you be present to a in necial offer ring hich we ‘shall offer? and cont tes for tw make a sale. will arrange rder to attend His IT MEANA A SAVING OF MONEY TAGE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE BEDUSED PETOES THAT WiLL plstv IL Bee purse tHE TEN DAVE OF THIS SALE, 3 ALTOONA, PA. »The Littic Blues Book.” i This handy little pocket volume, ¢on- "taining the time tables of all railroads cinins * ai an. Vatley News, Brevread help to business men and commercial travelers throughout the State. The on whether the ed- x ia poblished monthly, rhas the wight to ood upto dute, and contains 140 y of the various pages. ih flood the {inion NX a reven ve of suffer. news dealers. Subscription, fo y to say a good word | lar per year. Single copies, ten cents rlabi’s colic, cholera and Address, Wm PP. Hastings, Fab, Ail remedy. We liave known ,.., py : this 1 jedicine in our family | ars. and have always In many CANES B dose : one dod An A. Sanders, writing from | > Epidewnic of [Harrhoon, Me SRE 3% w hi a ohysiclan Is aw uited. quite 4 Bane pidemic of disrroea 2, beleive in depending Implic-' He bad 8 severe attack and was cnred on any meclicine for a care, but we by four doses of Chamberlain's colic, £ of { chamber. | (hoberas and disrrboes ve Treg hand and intorol at the inception anid they say it Is the % might be they ever used. For cases Lhe Hodgkins, Patton Dharnnay, Baa avoided and in very many presence of a physican would pot be required. At last this has been our during thie dust twenty For sale hy OC. W. Hodgking, DeWWitts lttie ire drombles, king, Pat ton Uharmacy. PATHS Tisera 0 ¥¥ vis | for hyer ang AY. are re pills Neve TT gripe. Hoan Trip Rais : he New Yak ‘new tariff of round trip ra all stations on the Penns ” in effect on and after Jone 1hE “rates provide for the sale good for continuous piesa 4% jouruey, to be begun pn dnto af sale « duy following, and Hmited for atin: : Ulernitrad Tine vw of a counterfeit egal ty ' dealer wha sells you nde tesfelt of DeWity ratte ; An ake i i You can bot trust him, aly genuine and orig sive, a well known ¢ piles and all skin diseases. otir dealer Hives vou DeWitt's Hodgkins, ha TG fram date of sale Patton | find it to their ad { round trip tickota QUEER We DD 3 5 donor 8 til AVIA AALLHH LALLA RRRLR ALAN VY EOHRILS Eloy edd Bim to ens in from of an optle wisps office wi in Penusylvanis, is proving a great ours it is on sale on all trains and ews Uo. stands and by many Pir exists | gung ami troops being Kop | UONS return passage within thirty days | This ix a materia redoetion in fares and passengers will | antige to purchase | = Milton Mas OLIPHANT" 5 LAST vases EE id ae Fon v 3 Fol au wrresd or aS en [Tne Patent mecono, pose Pa wd Bm 80 per ASE A ag i mn ¥ Notuw ia” Invent: a Age ” : Bewsk © Bow wattle Pater } Chom pon widevnte a fer 10 pate : Lettary ghee iy profile E 6. SMGERS, Padert Lower, hs A al AA ol A, Gifts That Were Ros App: i by aA Those Who Herojved Ihe Even WEEE, or 1 A well Vis thi mi rE felwtrm hile Works white 8 wilh 8 81 sil instroct ng. Mat bg sine RK passionate Gesatee wf Banting as a bridsi 2 SE Bh Ti ine Bite A of wi TF ah eign Bi onl ong i Leapeti ed rtiet was froseited Patenis Eaken on * ; ge Parzen: Beier : ¥ siroaiated Fescasl cosmid har Ma rufwte sn wd Lorman, Sead fon spon pie wipe FREE. Addoess YICTOR J. EVANS & CO. [Patent Attoraers, Leann Building, WASHINGTON. Oh © HOEHIRTTE WOKS wor bn drawing and pil pin oo want wer of an # {5 cod frepptand That tie TEE pot 8 fuRuy Beg eaneiny 8 SLRtEY wok OE ti ow Lepdag Yotwea vedi aids ek Higs you wil rie tle SHE Ba teats pis RAR 48 a Livies wu Whew Naurishment Te Yair iF Cleba RA ECE iG oB evide skier oof 3 Life priveg Cmmmlera and mote the lose wn Bl “tree #52 0 bs 4 Way we an i or shai at axibutists + fennois in view = of ho ix—-% ally deny the eit Rolngy on 8 piReel etviy pondditions on the same are amauitat: ifor tie soeive iL mERuracy asst that | existenee of Hie as we oe sannal sen with faim Cr ae ft De prema! hep, S01 100 in the vers sohist of ue, for and le manifentin PEE Wi BPE Blade Lo perros might wired, bre iol 1h then a Nikola Tesla in Century Mugs rine DESERT : Opticians Latin, Hiram Lad retarned bome fro : pe, where be Lad wan bigh booirs a #& indent t of the gncient sagmagis bot he “fell down’ he day whess is sider a demure young girl in hey een $38 isiate 8 Blgn she had seen oe. Abecioiely vary i MoOALL COMPANY, E08-1468 Won THIN Biowei, oe aw Tek Op, BE read thus CON SULTU SABO UTYD UREY Ba Hirar: struggled manfully with it for several tilnutes and gave 1 up. “1 ant good Tain” he sail “There are some words oft that are fata but the others are either wroeg ia ler piination of Are barbarisos fro © langusges and, taken 82 8 while, doesn’t make sense “That i» what I said” rejoined bis “bol Retorab, ont in the Bich en, trapsiates Bl without any trond Bhe savy it means, "Consult gs about yoRr re Whereupon Him collapsed — Youtl inlet, oY eR 4) Spann Saved Ny Presence of Mind. trolley mUT KR DeeR rope wa seif or bo pullest from i Liar CAL. Ww giv ing Poiis t oils} mn teal purpose AR pA ASIA AS Dap a 40 pr Truth 8 as Lopaoss! hte © be so by any cutwand tauch a2 the sunbes 4 iid R - PATENT Good has GEO. BOONE, (ice in {and B Ey Gort Swrgory 358 SAREE F FERTTNGR, P TOT. Parnell | & Cowher, mii BGEAR, The Delineator i 4 IT ie Woman s Favorite ok Foley's Kidaey Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. Haodglons, Patton, Pharmacy, Frusisaaaas Pons Bi Wi r Cre fee R sedensst Tisse Table ie oR Sh Ee wl susie ry Wan i Di str & wi 0 Bd Sa 8 srgnspyNaYRS BUSENEY suis z¥ 128 ¥e ra g Kai way, TRL PORE Mah oa. wm "5 pi a * B i Ri oR A h¥RnEaY { ambris & {enriinid Division. fees Valion ~Sansrbward 5 TON wR. ARTTVIRG 1 Crass BEE pon ATPL ing at Uren weving # Mabad 1x90 hwnd a wa tas 3 aE TH Hasson Mr