VOL. VIL—NO. 33 PATTON. CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1900. ALUM axe FawpERs ; PUHD RMR URDCL KHIE 0 areresnns westoven Lerren. acai Pv El An ordinance providing for We con. ! UNL iH" It a A i" nL | Congress Taking Aciish ls Soppeoas T froth | pos wr Nisan, the Dasiog ae! Mude ihe Ul 1 Ur IS : § i it : 0 LLU i Coan pie sy a Wide Awake Correspontien stroction of a sewer on Magee Sham : at : ! trip Sucresafully, a ; 5 True the CleatBeld County Town. © Avenne from Jot of Harey t Cauney, The report of thy Seaate ( ommit tediy Pater Nissen, of Chicago, one day ast pm Mra John B. Law, of Pittston, spent Gleaned Here #nd There Yoon Mune fackares ppon the subject of week made a trip threnygh Niagara Due to Carelessness o rs a few days last week at this place with the “Conrier” Reporter food adulterations and Rox owed frands hme | | rapids to the whirlpool in a niall boat Shalidarmasn lis ie ber husband John B. Law. : , hb ei : created a sensation in Congress and | pwenty fot long, six feet beam, and Child's Father, Wm PM dod and Town Counct) of the | scons awakened great inrerast throughout four fot deep, When 0 ment arrives of ; ng EE She fun neral of Pattoh, and it is hereby | ET 0GS the country. at Nisgara Falls be gave his name ve : : » nd ord al ned by authority of ARE P RIBIED FR If there could be published 2 lst of | hs | Bowser, while his boat was named the HITCHING WAS WRONG a ile nn Allentown, Pa names of all articles of food found by | | “Fool Killer’ and he spent ten days in off Colonel Harry — ; he father ¢ XN CErpRor kia The Committee to be adniterated OF | dod 4 : there be constructed a sower on . _ of | dodging the ofcers, who would not tense Alleged By-Produe: of the Cambris Chene yupde from poisaiions ingredients, | allow Bim to put his beat in the Would Not Listen ti the fatructions of | Ritose’s staff, , Avenue in said Borough, begin- I Werks. | on 8 rn i at or along the lot of H thos th tet en 4 oth it would be of inestimable value to the water, Others -Citinons Indipnnt. oJ. J Donnelly, of Pation, was a Besides the wood alcohol and other Ea \ ‘ is ; ’ : : ey, thence West to Chest Creek, products tarned out by the Cambria. Pr Jat] f the Cons. The trip wis wonderfully sncosssfal, It was only by ressan that cooler spetintor at Satarday’s ball game : © tio ¢ inte > . dg Peon press Les by gb id git a ae : i ite terminas and outlet in said | Chemical works st Nant-y-Gio there TE — adations of the Cone hut Nissen says he would not try ig heads prevailed that Juha Dosh or. J J. MeCally, operator at Patton, such point as in the jadgment i 4 by-product for which so far 66 mittes that the sale of alum baking ; spain. When ho reached the ishing Doshon, & Higy, who is a resident of gui calling on friends at this pace Engineer as is best cal: | practical use has been foand. (powders be pe sabiibited by law, Will waves le was completely ander the Ldity, was saved from vielonoe at the Monday inst. : This prcdivict is petrified 5 Inge make of special interest the following | water a nutaber of times and says be hands of the residents along the roan! 8 iy A han api ; * : SL iy Lo : Nt of Shih Hy, the lib list of names of baking powdent oof thought a hundred hammers were between Lilly and Bensoreek, several : said sewer be comstructed oo matuend state inhabit the pe aoefnil taining aus sols} ors He a pounding him and his boat, He conid 9a¥s ajo, when he ignored the wari. y BASE Ww as RAE saddens Contidniog Aan dviigek colt go p . ic 7 Sp {inch terra cotta pipe Jnid at such gorers of the neipeborbood When pavis a * i ai a “ not steer the crall, but after going 'U8° of annmber of persons that hie h as will draio all properties and 0 become tired of life and want to 2 i Ae TR Thvie Ato New York, around aud round in the whiripool = horses was not property atbiched to the Miss Odessa Park, at Ibis writing, ; serve the preposs for which it is 4, petrified all they have to do i 10 ME y Caption Cha ai Faw or sexe AEH | pamber of tienes the boat finally shot shafts. The result of the fellows con. visting friends in Kittaniog. : " : Rio aL Te lant ints smoot ated . trariness wis that the horse Fe . swim or jump into the liquid that Fane Me br uieess) Haring Mar out in B aunts wat Revue hows threw Dosh a x £ ta il The game of ball played here Satur. : REA 7% #1 ge Neti gs iE tig Bo BRERA RY #3 Rig EM EY 3 EY iY { od Li & Zi y ¥ 4 ; Wg the SAME: (0 the eorks when the change ! 2 1A i REALS 265 df threw Nimo 8 Hie Ane, | he DATEY. a La 3 on OF dist last between the Patton tess: and = ’ Bh AS gbal Be ow caretet cut WL pity BA ¢ ; ; £0 Alar y AH tained “and ad from the plies at ones and Mr Progigie looks | a here Lf ae and he was hatied ott, stif from the | * he BEY. ana Xi the in ant, A Stover wound up ih & defiat for our owners adjacent to the same. ir ha had just bean taken out Compares Arie cold water and pearly exhausted. investigation revealed tte fact thal 0 0 snore badng 14 to 15 in favor : Egyptian casket £ 5 - i SEA 5 3 ne El TR Pane, th ry MEATY years Troms went to a Hvery stalibe and hired a af the Patton boys, who sroved .- he ed and ordained by the Burgess In commenting on the above the rs # , ant cs Uli, and camel this country seventeen Horse and buggy to drive from Lily 80 uct gentlemen i and off ton lie Town Connell of Patton this the Dally News of Pittsburg says Nearly ow HE a ee vears sige, setiing fo Chicago, where | Bentucrmele. The trip Se thes latter place nd. Come again. ; tay of June 1900. _everyboby in Nant-p-(lo wears one of : Mix By wail Hanged A hindibg fy. he oondneis & private wehool He was wax made without seciden, amd ow whet Wa S = So . F, Caner, his wiateh chain for & charm and it is TE ie ho A Fitivarn Co, Phtladerpbin fiftesn months boilding the Fool Killer 80D for several hours wis made, the The Central Coal Co. is looking for Preside nt of Connoll. gig the company haa a scheme for ot Al Shple ans Fl x A ur, | doing 8 great deal of the work on it horse wis unbitched and fed. When ti arrival of & large force of foreigners | Mi. by Groat Almniae & Paeific Tou Co himeelf, Ti i the Line for the departure home cams, | it any time, thers being to much Me : flining the frogs, which when put into New York : we immense weigh of the Dosh [nalutes i ltaktiim iva bE Estey prosperity bere : : a M. Ornumn, operation, will be quite & money maker. PANEL Ny REARS AUN, kes) contributed to ita success. The Youls (nsinted on hitehing up the horse IREY prosperity here to get Amer Clerk of Conneil The lea is to cate the ones thal Te Gre? an i oe, AY HE. peel has a heavy steel shaft snwpended himself. Those in a position to know, 1718 10 build raliroad, : > nnfartanate that masy mann pio inh te thin Approved by the Burgess this, the i £5 Put iad Field ti «i apd athe Gee nd Fars nrers . ¢ al lam baking . swedain. ! tH in making ita wvight nearly 7" on. declare that He hitebad tiie yrs ih tie A Lane oF bail played here of the : ¥ Er i 5 MED TE 5a . gr 5 nay of Jane, 1900. ; a. B Po FURS The entire boat weighs only $300 shafta improperly, aid. that they py between and Wi : ; Moser postr them full of shot, thon after even some in the above hab, falaaly | advisid him to remedy the dfieally nthe Tryona boys and Waste ALLEL. MON RI they have committed the rash act BG state that their powders do nob cof pounds. It came through without a x am medy the deally seer rsnlted in a defeat for the formes OTRESS. | oll then for paper % 4 alg sain It in oody right th ' moratoh or the breaking of a timber. befor he started homewiend, but tht (he seore baivg 23 to Lin favor of the per A via, ¥ ain. & only right that oon he radely told them to milisd their OWE heme team ae : 4 have correct informa. SOMLALIST LABOR TICKET. : Notier t Poo Foor Mise hants, sumers should have correct informa bums, and even sed pore forcible i : than an to the character oe 4 Nemitsated si a Convention ieid Reovotiy L rn : 2 Bide will be received by the anders Many a man bay made x fortane x mrieter of every ary i tte Founty. langaage. He had attaghed the hold 12 o'clok noon, Jaly 20th 4 ie oy tie of fud offered to them. : so hilek sbriis to the snisdl straps on ¥ through judi toms advertising. Yake Co The Slowing are the pandidates on ing bik ® raps io Hie sntadl straps Ji Si pad Returts Hr a Young Woman ae Men the shafts that are ged to guide the terinasly wx Bt Ledfl Her { and work for coating and + the PRIESTS ANNUAL RETREST of the walls avd tent of § I tin reg irsinSs 5 the $ E18E the Sosialist Labor tioked of Cambria hatin. secdred in that wii. Ie srbedl Poltowing| sd hes halls of the Patton Pubs Akos Ys - Oo a : fr Sa a Bogan ni Bassin Manis Kemet Laedivnl ii {hty for the election 1o be hell in on this hamawand trie A A Following i. the contents of a dis- Building, Patton, Fa, with . BE ee thi : SSE ; SA. November: oe Gol amrons hills Dash piteh from Lancaster: The ais of asen.” manufictos red by Beit) a. TF. . The o invests all; Tiw Ht. Rev. Richards Phelan, Bishop | For Congress. Walter Rowley, of nut a: Ee oF ti an 5 i . igh Mies Surah HB Land be, 21 years of age, «& Co, New York ta be a plied ie surplus cash that be can Iay Bi or the Pittsburg Diccese of the Catlo. | is : be . fi ort th ln Pith as 0 a danghter of Mrs. Hattie Landis, of ke i ! bunds on in advertising Bere, there. He Chae, ordered the frst retreat of Representative Thos Prescott, of Be Alon = hiteh the jaimal in the Egneata, wh recaversd her speech ont [everywhere phat be thinks will attrac ue priewty of hia district to begin at ge Patton. way it should ba, butler some Dash Friday se suddenly au sbe just it six pubic motive. What is the reall? Panel College, Loretto, Muondiy, Cietuiral Assembly Wm, Meehan, of Tour whed Bis whip and addressed vile Ba ago to the day, ls exciting much ha rept any or h The man, who advertises has crowds god the second rutreat to comimenon ‘Patton. ana An oaussally Samp Bil je ingenmt among the medical fraternity. : | Bocking 0 hin 4 shop to sen the beaolies pext Slonday at the sim place. Rich | For Sheriff George O'Leary, of sie Ba elimax fo 1b [oreignens 1 gular to July 13, 1883, Mis Land is was : a wd goods, and as the oelest is to be squipped shy a camouk. | Patton. vata drive. The horse sas anable 0 4 oretty, well educated, robust grt. pubis begin to rus wo will they oon surplice, stole and biretta Those abo! Dissetor of the Poor--T. A. Brows, hold back tie vehicle, which moaned | (in that day she was prosirated by i Jaty 10th 190, i ae from sheer force of hati The attended the first retrent last yosr wil tof Rlandshurg. o She animal Selhante Taking Fright the nervons and spinal tronbles and sae e din ” A ; first shopkespor will in toe oan $i sitend the second this year and vie Jury Commbsioner— W. Will af hors startes off at fall wed with tbe tiyen she has never left ber bea. Nhe is { by sitting, unthonght of and unoared ver . Patton ‘buggy close behind. Half way down | yaw Hite better than a skeleton, bat the hill the collapse carpe. and Dae her mind is as bright ax ever his wife and the child were thrown oat | Six vers ago last Friday, while con- avis fea So hol! of Cordes, Jefferson Co, napinding a few days with friends hore 41K YEARS A WIE ir Pa sows which dally Bishop Phelan bas si i ay ; * Wp Phelan has sa ADE sorted pe Kitwer & Us. Again Doing Business | throng the counters. af hax romipetilion, Pius & stiowing Sleionl oh Risen Eo uke The 4 > hike de - . Es % SA oy : : i ‘and bitterly bewalling the bad eR place: The Rey. Thomas Walsh, as 'q pl) . . Foy jan I with great violence. When pameriby | versing with a member of ber Sundly, | which has followed Bie own venture sistant paste - at ¢ Conpellavile - or wimp a9 medicine plant of Dr. cam to the rescue, | it wile found that Lhe | | her Spwerk suddenly Jet} che and, ! = Kilmer & Co, July 1, wes the most nul, of the had > I y 5 iw Sh disstrous which bas ever occured in a ” be blame bat tomes. -Chaurvey M. Ie fon Aljeghen the Rev. Petar Yirem cape with sight kes, but that pone netted her nor a secant’ b 1 Bingbampton. However the Kimers the child Jay dead in tb fo frown New York Journal. nam, newly orduined, goes ws ssennd % bd 5 child lay dead in tie roadway, Ha for her afiction. Mis Landis recov- One of tie Flaw amslutant priest to the Rev. Father Me- I the ren, _ Sarsing though neck having been broken. The horse | sped from the shock of this additional Tighe St. Job Sharoh 5 Se. a old stan, w a heap nad continned only a rhort distance caiortuoe and formed a dig Ian Those who braved the oppressive BUS TC obo’s Church, South Side, of umonldered ashes. While the fire. we a i el nd formed a sign luguage, Py Pits the R : further on and also fell with a broken go which | senile pendliy © arsed wi ere Sy Monday night and gathered in ittsburg; the Rev. Patrick Hemon, gen were yet ponring water on the neck ul alo foil With 3 Drolien fry which her umily Soy A fr arlained, sen Ae assistant neck. The indigination of those Who (sith her. Last Friday she anoon- : IM. E Church to bear Prof. W. Powell : 8 vorniag Chenango street establishment wer immediatly acqn i5td with . th pries Hot wisre immediately acquuinied with the uyqousl Hed for. i ad me mest | Hale, were more than repaid. Prof. t to Holy Family Charch, Latrobe phe Kilmer were arranging to do busl- fects in the case can hardly be tabd. | ously called 1 Ha i ec { Hale dell - ithe Rev. David Hegarty, newly or smewhers alse. Ae ame ah dly be Wii pining room, and was surprised to : le a ghted his aadience during the | mews somewhere There were nafercus threats of Vio- : ast entire program, and too much eannot | ‘dalned, goes as gasistant priest to Holy © That this great industry might not cluiialebnns id , = jearn that er voles hast retaroed as Cross Churoh, Sorts Side, Pittsburg ence to the foreigner, sod someone avaterionsly as it had oft her She he said in favor of this young man. v be crippled for a moment, through the gue bold enough to propose that a al I He demonstrated beyond any question : Coming lo Patten July 33. ‘courtesty of other prominent firma rope be need. Cool beads had their re wissen or Sain a that he bas thoroughly mastered bis The New York Repetorie Co., under and altizetis, the large factory and ad- uy nowever, and Dosh and his wife she tated t it I ¥ a taihw bat atte | profession, and the Literary Depart. management of Thos Jeavons, headed joining buildings on South street Were gop, permitted ta contivue their way 4 {ment of the Epworth Langue sre to be by Mr B. Jeavous, the charming. Ceacated for the benefit of the SWAMP oo (heir home on fool, the WORN WILL BUILD A POWDER WILL. romgratalated on having secured wach young actress, and little Miss Irene Root people, and possession was taken oerving for a considerable Settee orn ah accomplished entertainer. "Tis a | Jeavons, sapported by a powerful immediately, and there, by Monday, ihe body of her dead child. The pub Jolmtowners Have Purchased & Loeation - tase treat ta listen to one of his ability. | company in a repetory of plays, will July 8 the new, temporary factory ji. indignation ran high for a Hime. Newt New Wloremes. Deus fut to bear him next time be bein Patton July 2rd. Uncle Tom's | wis taming ion Bay Bout, She | Dosh is employed in the mines at the It is anuounced on good suthority | appears in our midst. Another pleas. | Cabin, 1d Homestead, Rip Van Win. groat ney Bemedy, ny quantition of | fatter place that certain Johnstown business men i place, : £ O 3 Ing feature of the program was a voeal kie, and many other popular plays are boat 60,000 bottels per day, and in : ie have | purchased twenty acres of jand solo rendered by Miss [ona Sanford. presented by this company. Many two or thes weeks’ time the full cap. B44 Fallows #1 Wiudher, about two miles east of New Florence “ook Both Gamas. high-class singers and dancers are with ety of more than four times that “Reliel lodge No. 108 Independent gom D. C. Hoover, of that piace on the company. Our readers will re mount will be produced. The im- Oder of Odd Fellows was aise whieh will at once be begun the erec- ! F team did excellent work mer ber Ar Jenvons, whi Fons sho wed AINE demand {ise Swamp Boot will tant Tresday, in Lhe Jr fr 1 A MM. Ction of a plant fir the mand facture me ourth taking both games from, o sch and strived hard to please thos in no way be interfered with, hall corner of 9th stroet and Hot of blasting powder. The ground tton. Our boys played bard and patrons. This season he brings to Ova the oid site, with adjoining prop- avenue by District Deputy Grand Mas: wumehaped is near Hoovers Chemical many good plays were made Io both oo 40 4 1 show, Don't furget ‘erty which has just been purchased ter Thomas E. Null of Addison, this Works, snd adjeins what is known 8 morning and afternoon games We the date. Prices; 10 and 20 cents. WALD . erected immediately an absolu- county, in the presence of more thal the lve Siding, so that there’ will be congratulate the boys on their good tely fireproof six-story structure, 150 Odd Fellows frum Johnstown, jue dificaly ie getting material to playing and hope they will keep the | dausen Gi. Fell Takes s Wile. plas for which have been nearly com- South Pork, Dunlo and adjscent lod- he pl ant. good work going —Gallitzin Times, James G. Bell, and Mary Mortie, pleted. ges, The session lastéd from 2 o'clock | Ir is stated that the output of the How much more honorable it would both of Johnstown, were married at ee ae He Fatih nom to 2 olvloek a. tn. Wednesday i 11 be ain By His Latihe Sew § SY proposed establishment will be about a have been if the winning ball team the Mountain Hem =. Ebensburg, last marning with an hots Intermbmion ae load a day. From thirty to forty 1: ig hy “i ¥ Posse 8 Foy TOF 4 Sami Fireias @ #8 5 had paid the Pagton boys their travel | Thursday, July 1 The ceremony was fropy 8 to 7 Bom, ak which tine 8 Very en will be put to work immediately ing expenses. As il were one man of performed in the parior of the sbave erinvable banquet wis served al the . Patto Hed ile iw o in building the mill On Was comipelie to settle all the hotel before a few immediate relatives Grand Central Hotel The lige Wis The name of W, H. Sunshine, of the {bills, “and friends. Aller a wedding dinner ipstitnted in the aflernoon wession with (HBr of Love, Sunshine: & Co, of this § a 3 : Hi UAT PE pi sles ihr Lk Bix i seven Bap Pogw gn fo pita * for Taptows. ahr Vn He Be - : mother. The ball from the revoiver shi rier I Rb i oy ; : BE ity, hak been mentionsd in connection A rumor current in Patton be toy fh i . iin : i . CARE os 3 4 £ 5 aia posse diag A ¢ thpoiah th ans weugion 8 endisaton Was TY Any HUME | wll th new plant, Bat when Guest 3a is ¥ Foie mei 4 iS i Kans +s RT al ee SIRE Eon 3 PL ois 3 . Ri | effect that Squire Mellon was going to. - iH ag pt as b howd from neck to ear. Seo was ine f toe cegrees ly friendship, Lo WE tioned in regard to the maiter He de : 3 Fle. : - : Fee 1] ic £4 (hgxrrasssss © Yligd 5 x ; | embark in the genegal fiard ware basi. > of buds 5 re han il, taxioatest at the thoe. He was a Ulivi Troth, the U 5 : Gogre - i Odd | ied Raving any knuwledge of Ho- ko i i ness--but when “Philip!” found ont * J pe 3 Re; X sig 68 £53 15 3 Ww air veins. Palle bin Lia anges i gv ; i 4:5 Jhnriwn Poituan : HE bride is 5 Bighhy respected pouty aay ba thes officers of Flton Lodge Na 161 : : about it he gently eatled on the 'Syuire DL re “a SAE Xe Aw Wo eminh ag A 2 : pals uta the Bank. : : just added B full | Land told him the Tp and downy’ in r : Te A ihe 2 > fs fi lg weembers of the fprhs naan t= i - 5 he on natge warty on £3 Taunt Thamday aight John Jay ° rocks, a { that line of the world's prosperity A * ie fre as 2 tata ; - re tha fuvoral finely with I% mambo Bom Ai 19 Roe 3 bak Stavist nen from Rav~ 5 Taking the whe le FRIOE in $e can der 5 2 edu ; iinpaade I waved Tron United Mine cupv sBort thine Ss LE A owiehe Lin, and Jay ‘ation someone bad the plessure of For fhe Canide , County ty Centennial Workers, which stated thal they av % : from some anknown motive broke with ring Ar Muellon's ney shook, A 8 a i TE ) kh 1g WA ad 4 2 ell wi Tyne | Yar boy 3 Clerks of notiew Ta The Yayo bing Hut Ge sf’ Bie large; ilies af oluss : altars pratica) Joker all about ithe’ Pennsylvania Bailroad Company WIR Patton and wos apt every effort Ww have sow in gov inde the sebaol in font of the ban kK. His hand was he 5 rx k gil £% £3 Sadi de A SHR a rt Hm i a & 3 ih 4 5 a % £3 A; 3 % ulin a Wil explals oe = shan Emam Ba toe to Belp make the 8 oiriock AS DERE TAX G8 pLUR Notice 1 severely cut and he waa tracked by thw 15 station of all ne sles, £5 it ‘ Hie ili Tela EU enney 344 5 Lowiinia eats 4 RTE Ir FOR BR ii 7p Rrtios Did Hg Bio to Tus Boe whers he Waa found Froviing uw Dasiiisy Mouse. = 2 a 3 To - : oo wl Gaya fed H iving {23 masa Dlsiios He 2 and His tao Yess Si § En Peryiieny i Ein 45 3 > (it 3 Asiy Owear Sisco was shot amd ins any ited Tuesday evening by his ive. year-old son Alton, at Saath Cabana, Wayne Uennty. Nweo was beating hi wife and the boy fired io defense of the Lu the Hardware Dusingss. LE thors. this numbers will be trebied in a Sp J. J. Donnelly of the Bon Ton, has ea re sp To ull whom it may soneers: The § 5 E OMPBATINA WHEY Ba 5 . x i i Sang : + N . AL Tiler ox TREE Saiki. Sa 3 wo fool Tang uh | stone masons al work laying a fonda. toketa will be sold & iE a : v1 panda Li, Lipase ! - AF rE as : i * LieRs Fads WEE Shedd cg i EIA k ie A x = i ¥ Teed Bu oan Ph : bus nx FEES 3 tion preparatory for the erection of a aa ok i aed peli ® steln, all the Mdse containing ii atone i : ; ink they Hy M80 and Bae 44 £3 " ! avg Ey - cme $45 dollars wh Wich will |store TOO and dweliing on hislat ne at ex Banoo EL Nn te pois dort > Mages a asd Pilly dvenues » ig a = ais Si, tense, Co : : soiver all aYpenses ul 1c SAMAKES. - filam to Central hotol. It wil be 38x00 : Fatiton. Als so ail book scuguats. An For Sais tc erahall boxy : feet, two stories. Patton’s progress . If your shirt doesnt ft come here paities who have accounts against the Twa good §:foot show vases, Ebony : Camphes! Jouruas. and advancement is moving slow, dnd get one that will : Le said Goldstein will preseat same to rimmed. See the Powder, cheap at Mellon's Cash J but 40 a : substantial basis, this year. j WoLr & THoMpsoN. me 3313 L GorpsTEIN, | ut KEvstoss Crorhizg Uae Grocery.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers