The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 12, 1900, Image 3

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    be ng ur
| at Mellon's.
t on Courier.
3 o nepsuen, Losin snd Manager
x year, In advance, i $100
Ome Sony, one
sa Advernsing rated oad Koown pcm ap
: Nr
a pid,
Entered at the Postofios sl Patton as second.
i mail ma tier,
discontinued anti sli ares
npdeds at the option of the
‘Mellons’ Caah Grocery 1
CHL Easley came over from Hastings
© 1.8 Bell was at toe county
7 Tuesday.
A dm Allport, of Hastings was in town
| agen ling of New Vegetables daily
Cash is a power at Gir store try us.
i Mellon,
Miss Eva Crain visited friends at Ir.
_vona last week.
- Just opened ap a full line of station-
ery at Kinkend's.
Wm. Tompson, wifis and son were at
Altoons Toesday.
M. M. Crain visited relatives in Phil-
ipsburg last week. ¢
Yom get Artista Anticeptic
Tonic at Garfield's shop.
‘Miss Anna Kinkend visited friends
in Johnstown last week.
i Two grand prizes for the heat bread
bakers at Mellon's Onsh Grocery.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Torn
bell, a daughter, Batarday, July 7.
Stop at Mellon's (Cash Grooiry and
L see the large clock to be givin away.
Halt and smoked meats received
twice a week at Mellon's Cash Grocery.
Be sure, ladies, to enter the bread
baking contest at Mellon's Canty Gro-
: o.—y
: that Ane Hoe of box paper at Kin
: Toads.
. All ladies are invited to enter the
- bread pontest at Mellon's Cash
When you want a quick and clean
shave call at Garfeld’s shop, below the
. Oentral botel.
| Pred Simmons, wife and children, of
Windber, visited friends and relatives
in Patton last week.
Do not fail to ber Ww.
church Monday evening.
Two given free at Mellon's
Cash Grocery for the best bread bakers.
books ip pada, |
: inks,
dates, ete, ete, at Kinkesd's
; Cyeling has its ups and downs, After
the downs ase Bapner Salve, CW.
Uneeds straw hat this sweltering
r and unenda half dollar only |
one at Wolf & Thompsons.
Dyeing Is as simple as washing when
you use Potoam Fadeless Dyes. Bold
¥ C. H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa.
| New spring suits for boys and child.
“ rem. The sort for play and the sort
reas parade at Wolf & Thomp-
Patton's ball team went to Gallitzin |
the Fourth and lost two games.
The Courmn pepremsutative did not
2H. Hum, of Plemington, Pa.
who has been spending several days
| his sister, Mrs. Ed. Moore, return.
: od home this week.
LAL the Methodist shurch next Mon :
day night you can hear W. Powell
Hale, reader and impersonator. Ad.
ssion 25 and 1) cents.
‘Rev. Sigmon, of Westover, will
presch in Baptist choreh this Thursday
evening, July 12, at 745 pm. All are
cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Dr. Ash 1). Bennett, of Mahal.
toy, and Mes Matilda Nelman, of New
Washington, visited J. C. Harper and
ily Saturday and Sunday.
The great Roda Royal shows had the
misfortune to have three oars and
iwelve wagons smashed in a wreck at
astings on the morning of the 4th.
Mrs John Asheroft departed Satur:
day morning for ber home at Patton,
after a pleasant visit to ber parents ODE W
and other friends here, - Philipsburg
Tre large street car strike as Sto
Louis, which has caused several lives _iuble men
and many thousand dollars loss, has
been declared off and everything is in
penceable state.
The attention of the readers is called
to the large ad of Mellon's Cash Gro- |
Ladies are invited to call and inspect
Quite a number of Patton's young)
i people enjoyed a “straw ride” Taesday |
| {nested the COURIER representative
had a good time,
appropriation of $108,000 but got only
$70,000. They decided that summer
hathing is a great public necessity, and
will spend most of the money for that,
To those who drink whiskey
pleasure: Harper Whiskey adds zee!
to existence. To those who driok
whiskey for health's sake; Harper
whiskey makes life worth Hing. Rad
by Palmer House anid W. L. Nicholson,
patton, Pa
A steady diet of pulpbor and mo
Jaane, ix sald to be a perfect protection
against mosquito bites The inscel is
declared to be antagonistio to the at
mosphere thal sarrotnids a person who
indulges in that method of driving the
impurities of his blood to the stirface.
Elmer Lapory,
fol accident Monday. He was kicked
by n mule and rendered nnoonscions,
‘but upon being bronght to open air
he gnickly revived,
ful cut on the head, Mr. Laport escaped
quite Tacky.
Mrs Joseph Walterath, sooompanied
by her children, visit her husband in
Patton this weak. Mrs. Walteroth
came here to see the
town and & favorbly impressed with it
Jaseph will remove his housebold
efforts hore as oun ax Lhe nedessary
grrangements can bi made,
James Gilliecs, ove of the hustling
nected with the fire brick works,
in the city yesterday, He was one
the delegates to the last Democratic
state convention. There's not & more
popular Democrat in the north of
Cambria county and be ia one of the
party hustlers in Fastion
Jahinstiown Democril.
Thursday afternoon a severe rain
and hall storm passed north of Indiana
Crnsiderablie damage was done in the
vicinity of Newville,
the derrick at the gas well being pat
down at Newvlile. The drillers were
in the derrick,
‘were badly injured,
bat fortunately noe
although they
were somewhat stunned. At the home
‘of Alexander Campbell 8 window was
blown in and all the glass broken, and |
Several of the members re.
whi is amployed in
the Pardes collieries, met with a pain.
Pall, Carroll, $100.
Crutaide of a pain
location of the
(yuting men of Paton, where hae moons |
Fri day's .
Lightning struck
Powder, dep at Mellon's , Cash]
| Grocery.
See the trousers in new patterns that |
not to mention it, bat all the same they | ¥¢ are selling for $1.50, $2.00, $2.50,
$5.00, and $8.50 If you can beat them
Boston has opened its free public for price, teil where,
The bath trustees seked for an
Chap Tawerane,
Many & man has been insnred Again
Bright's disease, diabetes, or (ther
dangerous ailments by a fifty cent bot.
tie of Foley's Kidney Care.
Desde Berardi) ny Ebvnshang up to rate
Friday. Joly & :
John Rabus et ax, to Jowmph Beoagels
Galfitzin Borough: consideration $800.
Henry Volk, to Joseph Bengele, Gal:
Hitzin Borough, $1.
Maggie Volk, to Joseph Bangele, Cal
jitein Borough, $50.
Excelsior Building & Loan Associa
tion to Georgia Corsaro, Flastings $200,
Albert Gauntser, et nx, to Netlis
{arle, Ashvilie, $0.
Ebensbarg Building & Loan Associa:
tion, to Andrew Strittmatter, Carroll,
John J. Diethrich ¢t ux, to Rebeccen
George McKay ot ax, to CO.
ker, Cambria, $117
Trastee of Uatharae Leamer Fatate
A. Bar.
to Bamtel Leamer, Basquehanna, $450.
Davie, by Treasarer of
to {. H. Parker,
James H.
Cambria. $4.
P. Kelley, hy the Treasurer of Lani
bria, county. to commissioners Ff
Cun brig connly, Reade, £54.
P. Kelley, by the Treasurer of Can
hris county, to commbmioners of Uani-
bria county, Reade, $55
P. Such et al, bv the Tressurer of
Cambria COTIRE Yi 0 FormaTbeioTairs
Cambria county, Reade, $5.
P Such et al, by the Treasurer
‘Cambria county, to commisioners 0
cxmbria county, Reade, $74
Paward w. Parabrugh, to Alfred J.
Miller, Pasion, $175,
John Devil et ux, to GGabrial A.
vey, Blacklick, $i.
(rabrinl A Harvey ef ax, to Jobn B.
Hurvey. Blacklick, $i.
John Lantzy of ax, to C. H. Barker,
Cambria, $1,500,
There are no better pill made than
DeWitt's little early risers. Always
prompt and certain CW, Hodgkins
on the farm of John Frech a nomber :
of trees were uprooted.
Mears Railrond Changes
The appointment of 3. 'W. Creight.
on as superintendent of the new West
ers New York and Penneylvania rail.
pan], has made necessary additional
changes to those slreaily announosd, 16
tale effect August 1. Frank P. Aber.
cevmbien, of the ©
field division of the Pennsylvania mil-
Cron formely leated at Williamsport,
Powell Hale
; his fine entertainment in the M. KE
C Arnboy division.
ne is reported that Charles P. MeArthur
| Pennsyivania rallroad civil engineer at
Harrisbarg, will be sent as an assistant
to Mr. Creighton on the sew division,
{hich he is to control.
the entire division and will report only
to the general offices at Philadelphin
It bas been demonstrated by
jenice that consamption can be pre
cough cure.
grippe and all Wrgat and ng trouble
Cores quickly. CW. Hodgkine, Pat
ton Pharmacy.
Pur Drynasdie 10 Oven
About 780 avlock Sunday mortisg
July 1, the town of Glasgiow, this
pounty, was suddenly startied by an
explosion at the home of Michael Botlo,
near there. Mr Bollo parchased same
dynamite on Sata: ay 10 hiast sothe
stumps near his house, & ad after taki ni
(it home Str tod Bim son, & youth ol
Cabont 10 vears, to put in in a sale place.
The boy put the in the oven
thie kitehen stove by instructions from
his grandmother Buviiay
Mr Rolle anawars of where the dyna
mite had heen stord, mde a Hee in
Che stove, A short time aflerwards,
while the family were esting breakin
Cin spother Kiteben, sowse distanee from
the house, the explosion ocearmd, com.
plitely destroying the building. Ne
was injured except by the shock,
wich was felt for some distance
treat opportunity offered to good,
Salary of $15 per week
anid expenses for man with rig to intro.
duce our Poultry Mixture and lusect
| Dustroyer in the country. Send stamp,
American Ni Co. Terre Haute, Tad
cory on the third page of this paper.
t tells you all about the bread aking |
| 1eok | it up.
ambria and Clear :
will be made superintendent of the
Wilson Brown, of the |
| Atnboy dividdon, will be made superin- |
| tesdent of the Middle division and Lo
WW. Aljenbone, of the Bedford division, |
will take Mr. Abercrombie’s division.
Mr. Creighton”
will have the absolnte management of
‘We keep a head
ax per.
vented by the early use of ope minute Hl if the
This is the favorite reo
ody for coaghs, colds, croup, asthmi,
Patton Ri
Co.’s Store.
Doors at ;
t hem
38 Screen
cost to close
Cultivators at
3 ek
Ready Mixed Paints,
_ Reape rs,
at prices 15 make
( for you to bu y
Fwpuw %
x »
lowest cash price
Stoves and
ways the
on first-ciass
‘¢ do HONEST Tm Copper
re Sheet Iron Work and
not only guarantee the pric ©
right, bri . the Quality
Materia! and Workmanship
to he satisfactory. :
We will mike it an object for
YOU to give us an order.
P. 4. DIETRICK, Mgr.
Ton’ H urry—but be sure you examine the bargains at
Pitt & Seeley’s Clearing Sale
tory to taking inventiry and to make room for fall purchases.
: We will sell entire stock of Shoes, Summer Dress (
Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Mattings
for the month of July prepa-
and numerous other
‘lines, which we have no space to niention.
Come early and avail yourself of the bargains.
Ladies Oxfords 750 to $1.18
Children's Oxfords 65c to 81.00
Ladies’ Dong. Pat, patent tip, Ince
cor buttam,
Regular price, $l. 5 at $1.10
2.08 1 1.50
1.75 1.35
Children's Rhoes at equally
Cotton warn, the best kiyid, 9,
C28. Mo; former prices, 25 30,»
4 i
24, ;
A, and de
Sumner anderwear, all kinds, rast
(go with the rest
- John
are om vitel to
Canned Goods, Etc.
At Lowest Prices
You call
and see
ie 5
Flour and —
Also best grade of Lime. |
= Weighing done Ce rrect-
on streel so es, located
ctlv in front of store
tongne potted cheese, ate.
We keep a fresh snpply of vegetables
constantly on hand.
Fanoy wafers in packages, potted
chicken, tarkey and tongue;
chicken and torkey, lunch
Or stack of canned goods ix fim
alps and prices right.
Fiill line of teas and coffees
Pickled salmon Se per Ib,
At the Same Old Stand.
Yours Fir Trade,
We test your eyes Free
and furnish Spectacles as
lenses can
Ye da &4
SOW dN = #
be exchanged tine
within a year.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Or money refunded.
The Patton Jeweler.
Staw Hats,
Just come in on
Tuesday last.
}) rOCessiOrn.
Mothers hest stock
Infants shoes.
ce by NC Waid h
suits. Just
Otlered as
1 h ££
mches in
. hour
(lock (1st D
1 3
i FEF Sy
Fe Te
PTL i ms back yy Pie reall Gp lp
i fe contestants will staid
The 1
gontestants wis
ithe contest
"y § 5
Not trash
1.25 and 81.350
‘We have the tollo
IC ome
T wu ® * 5 sit 3
‘3 ¥ 57
sntestants wi ey
bier «
W\ Ing yd,
Diamond Medal,
New Century,
Ww Ing
sn Eo aay
Seeded Raisin
Mince Meat,
hs N. }
BRC kages 5
pe x
AL Rages
loaves of bread Ott
; tri k ¢
; wus Toil
Appl Oh,
tor the ladies
rizey 1s Mal
Wany rn
We wht,
. 3
urease :
foxy d
August 31st, before 3 p. m. for i Repectic on.
Per Sack.
S] woral otters
> Sa Ja ge EXE
3 PAC Rage
ign A
oe AA ¥ iA
dh ard
a A
matoes, 2204
3 bi
* %:
ans open
to get some of these bargains.
ot our b
until stock 15 $0
a fia
ns Laxmi
the best
sh, 714 fect high, dial
pounds, 3 day, double
1 Guaranteed.
- et Be ¥ 4
2 238.
Fv apt pied Appies
i % q x : : 5
eprter Loarranis, 213C
LATE, 240