BOTH SIDES Were & ELOQUENT ON THE NEW SCHOOL QUESTION. Pap Perkins. he he Fowtmanter, Tells ¢ the Cawse of Higher Educa on Was Knotted Ont In the De- Bate at the Jericho Postoffies. (Copyright, 190 by C. B. Lewin] Lich Billings. Abner Jones Mj Moses Plumber bev bin holdin Jericho | | hack fur the last two years from bevin postofiice they couldn't be budged. The other night a mighty smart jookln stranger was stoppin in town, and it wax ar ranged that he drop in on the crowd | and take the sehwolhoum: side and put 1 the three obatructors on thelr backs named. and when the proper mitait ar : rived Bquoar Joslyn speaks aRpranger. ff von was a resident of : this town, would you be for sehook yy x 3 houses or ag'in ‘em? Borough Schon] | ee em. of course tephis District. the man. Td vote fur the cuose of { education If | had to live on one men) w ing i ths Pinsncial State | of Patton Reavol District from ne A ", to Jane 1 1900, ; SCHOOLS, ah 1 in np ans hart (2 and the way COWS wie, where ‘wonld yon be today? He bad gone beyond readin, writin and your life.” Moses,” says the deacon. yes hut 1 didn’t eall a doctor.” grins | Moses. “My old woman pulled me through with herb teas and good nurs fin. and you all know she can't figeer Gi | the value of two donen EES “The stranger wns simbbin his toe agin stones in the road and didu't jook happy. but he braced up and said fo | anmwer: Yet nw fake a case right here at | home. Here In 8 store. [It had to Tie ! designed by an architect % {carpenter contd build iC draw the plans fur a buildin? that we are sending, post charjte. an elegant sterling silver. plated sugar shell, such as we seil reg- ‘alsrly at 0c sach, Indy in the United wI'hen the pint ts on the stranger, .g¢ Land 1'4 Hike to see him duisdge 0° pew schoolhouse. The matter has some up Almost every evenin at the | and bin hotly srgued, bot | gift is sheoluite, : oF: Mr Flom ask for it themsnlves | kip read. write and figger, but Kin be 2 : The stranger was ot hand at the howr | of any of our mberlain’s coli, cholera and disrr- oes remed ©. Ww. Hodgkins, will Agurin. refund your It was his higher education that saved isfled after ning it. ‘admitted to be the most successful “That's a4 strong pint agin you. pemedy in mie for bowel Sompiaiate ‘and the only one that never fails pleasant, sale and relinble Proposal ti Marsiea Laie. Eprror Coram Please annonnne postpaid and free to every pearried States who writes for it. There is nothing to pay. 5 deadurns, and will send ne illustrations from which selections may { sid do | far higher education no IAD COB 1 “hee made. Ore oliloet x to abvertise it I eyay: it was 8 ghart hit of war geknowledipad Moses, Ht 1 had cone shierable to xay to that architect turn dWdp’t know how to stop 8 hen fromm fle thisls bo get had never heard that thunder would the people swept milk sopr: he didn’t know { Krate that Ww is yoor sows had only teeth on ohe mw. be sue sonvenir gifia Mig. Oo. x” Quaker Vailey sil fhrware We & holcive that the most effective way © snipes into the homes of Ladies please write today. first request for (asker Valley doing , Morgan and Harrieon Sta, ¢ wertin. “ hog fromm rantin or ® dng rive Uhicago. « kfilin sheep. He sven poked bis finger | nto A WANDS nest to see If the critters Lawns at Nome Pm not agin schools Charo Hoe put if they Is to tell sur chibdren NAT oe snail the earth revolves on its axis why | don't they alan tell ‘em that seratehin & hogs back with a sorarob will haly | to fatten Kim? de {That's a pint Moses it's a Sing i sb ants the deacon as he BPs on A : #abmer and Moses hev node their pints, and now we'd like to hear from Dish Billings” Tee got mighty litte to say” (ples Thal as Bo gite with his bash | humped up like a camel. "But it esat be that an intelligent ; oan Hike v G5 tx opposed fo education 5 | protests the stranger. F104 RR Sian ws i ‘a day. " i aration that Pa a ination. The ess edooation fhe more | vice and wickedness.” L “That's jest the way Jook at It. Lamps the squar. "1 say education be Tore everything dhe, but we've got men Ip this town ‘who differ with te. | 5 You wanidn't t¥ ink that lesdin men of | is town wopkl be ag'tn schoolhotisen, would you?" “hey must be queer sort of men, i Doty thes want their children to know | whi discovered Aseria?’ | ATHat's a mighty strong plat, mighty | strong” ssyx Dedeon Spotoer, as he : tuniks his cane on Ys foe and looks at = | Abner Jones i “1 reckon Fou Bittin at me” re i plies Abner after whittlin away for a ‘moment, “and Pye got & few words ito say. I'd like #n ask this stranger ‘here if be x America” "Why. certainly. str.” “said the man. “Has it ever Jom you any good? Has whether Browa?” “Rat it Is knowledge” | "Yes, W's knowledge, an strong pint.” whispers the descon "Yeu, it's schoiiboos knowledge” | says Abber, “but jel me ask you sun thin, | plant pumpkin seeds?” { “Pumpkin seeds! Why. pumpkin seeds got to do with educa tion 7” in. don’t believe ten farmers kin tell you when Americn was discovered, want to drive 8 hog to market? a ‘and Abper’s got him” shouts the dea : rt don. at come here Leon as he Jumps bp and dows. The stranger appeared to be sort of Wir = THOMPSON. (enufusmd and maken down, but tried to (git out of It by sayin they were mao; J fnteicate ‘experiments, [trifiin with the subject. “Tro one As Ba't oppose to schools : ways Moses Plomber, . winny salle aren land education.” “but I don't want to many of ‘era 1'm sayin that vrervhady orter kboaw ‘how to resd. write and cipher knows who discovered i it ever made any Aifferenre to you was Bmith. Greens or and that's a | What month In the year 4'yon | what have | “wQuite a ftttle bit. | reckon. This 8 pounty ships “puff pumpkins every | year to make 2000000 10 crat ples. 1 hat | they know when to plant pumpkins i Which ix the best fur ‘em? | rockon iyou kin tell what year George Wash | {ington died fn, which Tean’t, but d'you | know whar to fasten a rope when yoo | “By fing, but that's & stroug pint, | os aceordin fo what sort of sil : 1 did to goheral sincation. You look like 8 man of peace, but perhaps yon lave had trouble with a seightne | same tire ¥* “es ! bad tronble with Sain Whew er once” ! "And you went to law? Pen” Era go to law yon had 8 lawyer, | that man Bad only koown ssough to rend, write and fgure hw wouldn't ‘have bin a Iwwyer He bad to hev 8 | higher eduertion fo be 8 lawyer. Dest | Fou see” | "1 skamiy do” says Linh | Mr. Wheeler. Thers was a alt dnd Fou got Jentice.” “That's a pint far te SPARE, LR shouts the deacon ! “You. mebte ‘tis, but lemme tell him sow §f tirned ont. Bam shet up one of {my bogs with Bik mad 1 proved 38 bast my lawyer fost the case and shure : ‘od me £10 to best The hog wan't Cath over $35. but Ram had to pay his ilmwyer $12 aod he west home from (the lawsuit fo And the eritter dnd Ly San And nie ; LThat's gineral sdueation. lost $22 and & Log Between us end and I'm savin ve had "soff of i red am agin more soboolbouses Gl dont The descon juniped off the foor peal Lemid 2 wae 3 pint aml 8 strong one ! ard he stranger got down off the came ter and said Be wasn't feelin extra well ad guessed Be'd git to bed early. M. Quan Gur [PIR NS Breer iT CLEANS THE SHIPS. In the Egean Nea | into the top of a crater, and though i tg hard to find anchorage thers, vot a | nieve sail through is appreciated great by captains, bergose i cleanses the hettoms of the ships from warioe growth. Banari was pi In half by an earth quake. with the result that what was (Once the CTRLEY of a volcano is now a | crescent shaped harbor. Two glisten ling white towns of Therx i Er LE Nioholas are perched on the summit of the steep cliff4. whose dark and $amal fge is similar te that of the top of Vo wovige Sandia aot agalost the sky nre large nuh af windnills, : in 3 dd it arb Tome sy but jees that build up _powadays they want to stuff chiliren fy , making a 0OM- wis a heap that's po good to soy . ihe Kodol dyspepsia care. It body.” ron eat and allows all “But what mao kin 16 eat plenty of nourishing ssks the strangc the stomach troubles are kuowledge how wo X enn by {he medicinal | the earth movalied on ts a is? " i te “Tot a’ pose we didnt Boowd I { ans os we fopersd that the sand too a rans ionduin nels Wouldn't we have Heied the Heitien Patton Pharmacy. st Yorktown lest the same, and tir wod Murase © iwopMn't the price of wheat be he akes are mode by 1hose same ss today? 1 was talk heed the earlier symptoms young Jim Benwo Uotinr day. ey or bladder trouble that often could tell the distance to the sou with in Bright's disease or diabetes. Wn a mile, but he couldnt tell bow y's Kidtiey Cure makes the many rails to a rod of fence. He comid 4 ho wits, baie he well, Miah | delay : give the names of all 1 1 : pho foo thw elay. didnt know that cuttin a bogs tall off would make him root the harder, prob ak know Ress TH “Hot fur hb ably hopin to Bnd a pew one. He could teil when every siate came inta the 0 go o 1 6-foot how » Ebony | Yulong he din’ Know that 8 cow i kicked sideways Instead of stouight ' behind.” i | URy fing. Moses, pman + rpoi tly cured of ay 8 and a strovz pint besides!” ave the following appropriate yi. Aoaean “Tu the face of them facts 8 of Burns’ famous blessing: 1 can't see how we are to git another ve meat and cannot eat, and schoolhouse.” ha none that want it; but we : ~Kodol ether in your Fife ¥ queries the stran i. This. ger of Moses, “1 hev. Three years sgo 1 was down but that's omtery with fever and everybody thought I'd | nat 5 you were saved, and how? If: ealled In bad stm: io with ie exelnimy | “Yon have been Ul at some time or | T a Retr 0s ity am is only suid wo kuow that a re the three ; si of hn oi * gies wizinal earth ; t af the thee was “horn ft leas than EF yeire gio fiat stop of the oid of sta ceria ATubit < f hat The water in ihe gi | the sulphurous sireana tro tani island drain Las a i Certy whieh compistely et groseths of every bined fron the § cof 80% ship. a Se wi fry the Oe Kaew he House. Citizen As me where 1 1 ol stor Bigboddy Officer Citron iter Tat pe 8 2 doors fer Xap is Judge. Metals get tired wey frus k Suctors | on x Pon arconnt of t ¥ Pest of three weeks a jets 10 peg the ~ondoetivity of a wire pas sae od 3 facie r Rid bay : aft to Want uf enre does gx mors damage than want of knowledge. J Pattor Pharmacy. Revikesls aval Lambarger at anh Groen DYSPEPTICIDE The jaroatest aid to DIGESTION. 0 YOUNG MEN i {gradudes are ted fai was mad at each other fur ten Fearn Sallinn Throunh - Yuleans Crater fa the Mgeas tes a vessel may sall More than 208% yearn agn tha Like of {me Minute {i ng rie a. w the only | remedy that produces imme ow “i Specialty. ¥ in to meglect 4 hack trotbie Foley's Kiley Care na sure reniedy | for Bright's disease, diabetes, and | Lpravel Try ih A futsal pe sche ar others sgn of Ridoey Patton Pharmacy. Fepy, Butter and Choose Cream, WANTED, With fur edneation and rood pharseter, 16 LEARN TELEGRAPHY, ! Halland Acennn ting and Typewsiting. : relishie imstita p fadies also sdmitied, catalog | Fall term opens August 18 GLOBE TELEGRAFH COLLEGE, “But yon bad & lawyer. and so a ean ApProi A % ar permanently Cares eo. w Hodghine, Patton Pharmacy. | : When in need of $a Fy PURE DRLUX STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, TENT MEDIC IN ES. Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON. PA. Prescrintions genperiy eompoanded. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it. How To What Out, Fill & nattie nn plage with your wales and let Paanty- Aor hours B pre ae + ostang set wedi »E An 4 rinArY passage. | ! tin Ls bid iter and Jcasting prin in n passing od § Mt unpizasant a Ke address Tir. K. Gener % risk when you boy | Surin seve ney if you are not sats | ; TP ay reed it is every where | of wholesome food. Kodo! dy ple na tis the only preparation known that will The Each iady will send her own name anly, a% this ix to valo hefore THe ghle a gift to send to persons who don't Wea give ehoite. i Mellon's ; «about the wheels we | 3 weak ] wonderful preparation ieney. It in- shen | cure digests what you eat ») the ody! | pan be notrished while the worn out | organs are being reconstirupted. Joa roms in he rit, and oe mation oan the taken out and this tub v $v noroml sandiian, bis ng A “ jnstantly releive and completely com ny [nee phiel \ all stomach troubles. Try it if you am oe give Oo SE or wy 3 t that ok = Inigo BY will So. — by Hall's Cstarmh Core, Hen d for ro a i Patton Pharmacy. re CHENEY Tota, O; aire Family rook are The best. New White a00ds Phere in a fine showing of the less fieivy weighta in i mone reat deat of style for a very litte mor Plain White F wide a { medinm [pore at 100, 18c, Me, 25 and 356 per ht weight fancy hire waists, 16e, Plagues salty pe pink nd bloe shades, 18 md fe per yard oo ; : : ; Anything made to order out’ of Tin, Copper o or Iron. New Swisses. ) ‘There came with the new invoice s very pretty assortment of the popular [pia dot Swisees, one sapecially good gale ar Me per yard : Sew corded Swine at ide and 13%c ia 4h 7 bb white dress goods is a Hoe of ad Duck, very nloe for skiree and LHttie boys’ wear, af 10e and 135¢ per rar Also sdike Dimity, 28 inches at she ptr yard, i aki merit and mail ordes speedily Plu T bing a Watch for Large Cofiee ] Thed.C. Harper(o. Magee Avenue, Back of Postofiice, Patton, Pa. Ww, COOK, Altoona, | Pen “a It Is not necessary for uso say much. handle, because they We: hav ¢ them for for themselves. Tadies and Gents at ah priees. Lexesarox, Kv. Bicycle sundries always ke ept on hand. . Give us a call and get a share of the : barizains we are offering. This is a part of our partnership with the public. Ad- vantages we gain we share with you. More than this, we often give you benefits in which ‘we have no part. The selling of these goods gives instances of both situations; some of these we bought cheaply—youn share some of them. We are selling cheaply without regard to the way we bought them—¥ OU GAIN. In Summer U nderwear We carry a very charming fine of vest, shirte and drawers in cotton and Lisle thread. So neat and delightful it nukes you cool to look at them, and keep you cool to wear them. price is right, 5¢ to 50c each, Hosiery. We have a fine tine of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Hose in plain and * fanny stripes, polkadot snd etripe, iso the drop stitch Hose in plain back for Ladin Hoe to Soe the pair Laces and Embroideries. No finer line in the large cities ti elect from than we have here for v Es jon bn the new how knot and ilove’ designs, Summer Dress Goods 3a plain and fgured Inve and dimities jie bere, and the price is right. If vou re think SHOES. We want the parents to come in mad look over oar fittle Gents’ shoes qo: ; ’ Made Just Like Papa's. They « come ty Tap with Niele Evilets, also in Black. The prices we are id ren’ & shoes are Tio imbiestion of their real value. Interested in oul and sombre ti patronize this store for A SS, SHI SII Fitteen Dollars in Gold FREE For the Boys and Girls. and girls at this store, that we're in terested mm their welfare. want to imterest the bovs we will explain to vou how for the gold prem: sore contestants & od th A first, five for the LitY Ten for the second. JUST THINK OF ITI Co. Binghamicn, N.Y. When writing men: ; ton readin fis geasrsuse offer in this paper. # ¢ of purchasing a bot weather doo took over our line before buying. Be