PATTON, CAM Avenue from lot of Harry Cooney, Creek, in the Bor Lo the “Courier” Reporter. and onained by the | a it rete my 1 THE JURORS DRAWN. For the Sepiember Term of Court at. : Ehenabrrg. + | The following is the list of jurors, | with the exception of those from Johna- town, for the regular term of court in 1 J : Grown Jrireirs, | Burkheimer, 3, laborer, Franklin, contracted | Bodenshate, John, farmer, Summer at sach Hill Twp. os and Conrad, Thad, : Springs Hoppel, HL. J, farmer, Bare. the same Jones, Charles, esrpenter, Borough. e Nicodemus, H H., maugh Twp, O'Hnra, F. B, Twp. | Pringle, John G., carpenter, : Wit Borough. Rhort, Enoch, drayman, Patton, | Walle, Isadore, laborer, Croyle. | Weigle, A. 1. miner, South Fork. Weavers Jarere, First Week. this, the Appleyard, Joseph, miner, Croyle. ' Beaciley, Thomas B., miner, Gallitain i Borough, Bans, Joby Borough, Los Bender GX. miner, Gallitsin Twp, will be received by the ander coin. Hugh, farmer Clearfield Twp. : So clock July i t ostlow, Charles, tencher, Adams. : farmer, Sommerhill Insaberman, Portage watchman, Cone. liveryman, Cresson Summer. Avex. Moxrerr, Borges. B.. laborer, Galiitdn farmer, Bammerhill ii. Twp 4 Flenoer, Philly, ork, i oh i Fork. hai oh ih Eh aey, Samuel, 57, an. Tunnel hlackamith, South jones, John 4 Tarmir, ¢ Samnbrin Kopp, Jolin, Bremiat, Pons. y er, Burr. Leveutry, Lewis, farmer, Stonyoresk. Tittle, Wiliam 1s: Blacksmith, Chest a George, farmer, Richland. | Matbollen, Josie, Mawar, “Rawat, superintendent, Tames, clark, Ebenaborg. | Rows, ary. carpenter. Reade. sag. Hoveard, at borer, ar : i Kemi Jobs, clerk. fallin. & Ady Wes ¥lo ot x Me anamy, dB, farmer, Reade. Owens, Jo n miter. Carmlltows : erman, miliband, Dale, | Penrod, James, farmer, sony creek, Patterson, John, | Plouse, Daniel, livery Thompson, W ham, 40 Yoder, Sheidier, OO. H. farmer, id David, farmer, oR Hil o (0, merchant, Wilmore, iBall, Jacob, farmer, Cravie o ne, Locian, bert. finer, Barr. ¢ fe hael, firmer, White ner Dennis, farmer, Stony . . faryer, Richland. Barnestio farmer, White. ‘Geleaned Here and There by Chest FI boar ta RIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, JI 12, United Stites Marine Hospital, Lington, DC ALUM BAKING POWDERS IN CONGRESS. | Report Frat Evidenes of Their Harmfoloes . aed 1 Oraralpming I Mgr Prrriogew. Was there any Committers on Manufhctares of testimony which showed that there od WeTe cnmm of injury to health asa. resnilt of constant use of alum ? Mn. Mason, Yeu: | can torn Ltn the testimony, Mr Perrianew. | have the Senator tarn to it | want to emphasing the point. 1 agree gor to oar foods, the Committee state | ¥i0D the Senator, It as always been | in their report, exists in alum baking | my own impression that slum baking | powders. The Comniitiee found the | powder is injurious bat 1 wanted fo testimony, they say, overwhelm ingly | make it smphatic, If the proof sustaing “that position condemnatory of the use of alom In Tl Far 0 pnts ugree with the n wders, and rensommended SON, 1 quite agree 3 the on! Ee Senator. [tis claimed that there is Lihat mich ase be peuhibited by law, Seaintor Mason, disoussing ye the Sen- | net a country in Burape that does not "ate the report of the Committees and | i prohibit the nse of alam, Certainly | the several bills introduced to carey | [three or four of the leading countries | the recommendations of the commitiee of Europe to which I have had my at into affect, said: tention onlled prohibited the ose of When we made thin report we mde hu in baing gar he. chbmist it based on the evidence before us, and rn A Tins he C : Ee she . the evidence is simply overwhelming. ean befire | . ap re hela [Ido not care how big a lobby there profoasors Fo y teh Ba a. many be here for the alam baking pow. Pan» 2 evidence that L der, | do not care how many memor: ‘cream of tartar baking powder is jals they pablish, thers is no place in | healthy and dues 110f Hah residgum ‘the human economy of human food T° is injurious to CMe MasoX Yew [I may say for thin thing called alooy. The over e : | whetming evidence of the leading phatically, 3 roe; that ting weight of the | physicians and scientists of thincountry avidunce i, thal, whenever any of Pr distinguished men, who hive a (is that it is absolutely unfit to Bo nto human food, and that in many case national reputation, the leading chem if the gentlemen will read ne weidinat) sof the colleg were interrogated ‘upon the polit, they stated] that fast, ‘som of the phimicians say they oan. = : | bron poses in their own practioe--the every one of then, tn my reoollection. uRGANLZATION PERFECTED. are diseases of the kidney doe lo he perpetual nee of alain in thelr daly} The Clarks of tartan wii I river areal the Wonrs of Tabor When you mix a mineral poison, we : ; i 4 ti ¥ they all say that alum Bx it impomsi- Fags 3a Don faation §) Se Hows Js the (bie to mix it always to such a degron| Chas Deen avguiiaed in Patton, for the that there will not he a residuam eft on of Dsttering the present son Jam, whi rodunes sinning, rpous o il of alum, which pm na, ditiod and work in Union with the Tux the Senate were some time ago direet to investigate fod adulterations and | aecaniulated a volume of testimony | upan the subject from thie best informed’ | parties and highest schentific ant borities | Lip the country. Ome of the groatest sonross of dan. | ¥ ou : I do not care to I simply "ns FOr, Wash | | with members present as follows: Ane derson, Winslow, Campbell, Harsts | whi Light Co, $77.40; J. MM. Gill Lo, £138; OC, MeClars, $2: H. 8. Liugle, James Mulligan, $16; Joseph) Karthedm, 1: Howard Waoomer, $1. _ 5 oo?! PER YEAR. WAS A AERROW v ESCAPE. COUNGIL MEE 1 Aw Altemp Made Munday Eventog to orm ! : the Kinkead Properiy, i Monday night. some party or parties at the broke into Joho Scheid's barber shop, which is tensed by Vern Roobk, and tole eight of My. Scheid’s ragors, then posirnnd oil all over the shop, and started un fire on one end of the wirk beach by {igniting a large bundle of papers and Ltowes, It was one of the most BArFOW Lon Fad Magee XumoeoOeitiande Ni 8% cncapes ever rennrded in Pation as the Adopted. | Nate had bamed a hole about & hall wet in re {nok deep in the hard oak plank bliss July 4, | tering the paint on the wall and on & | plata re frame, which was just above s the fire liad best started. The horne, and Cornelis. The minates | party or parties who done the work | of meating held June 25th, ‘were read | galnod an sutrancs hy taking out a and approved, | wilidow sash in the rear of the hoild. On piction of Cornelius, steonded by | {ing and breaking the lock on the door Anderson, it was carried, that eonncil | leading from Kinkead's kitchen to the suspend all other business but passing barber shop. It is supposed thst the of hills dustardly trick was committed about On motion of Cornelius, sekonded by 1038 er 11 o'clock. The building is Anderson, it was carried that the fol owl by Frank Kinkead. About four owing Wills be accepted as read and weeks ago Frank moved his mother orders 4 Saws for same. GH. Ayers, iulo the Olson property, now owned A. Repsher, $11.43; Patton byt. W. Hodgkins, but they had Jeft Water { 0, $b; G. 8 Good Eleotrie thse organ an many other household B54 articles in the building, and had the ORR Mont hly Bills Pai First Meeting. i SEWER To BE BUILT. Patton borough counvil gular session Monday evening, Wm J. Gil, $51.20; Patton Jon Mig. ‘eriminal suceeded in the disbolical Frank pln, Frack would have been a heavy Hiram Joos, as would siso John Scheid. £40.77; There will be, no doubt, & warns Recep or parties if Wilkins, $886.80: Dan Jeakios, Paul Short, $2450; John Edwards, thon for the guilty party $535: Ambrose Karlheim, $33.25; they are fodud out, Bunoch Short, $8850; OC. Cowher, 8.13; SOVERTISED LETTER LIST. eB Lt Bf Unéatmed Tatters for Week Kod. aa daly TO On motion adjourned. and o>. ; Soa an The following isa list of advertised etal Mestiiia. P EY letters vesnaining in the Patton Post Patton borongh counail met itspecinl nee Saterday July 7, 1900 To session, Monday evening, July 8th, 0 shin any of these letters the applic pursces of transacting repmiar DOs gun should call for “advertised letheny'! pes. The following membiirs present! tron aatled for within two weeks they MeCorraick, Anderson, Window, Cor Gil he sent to the Dexd Letter Offfoss laborer, Portage Henry, , Wawyer, Sammer- Harry, daboger, West Tayler. : He Fairhurst, | : Untearsity of Kentucky, i Washin | versity of Michigan, 4 miner, Portage, Twp. Lit pier farmer, Snmmernili yp 3 (% apd which contributes larjpely to the Gwinn of the people in this country, | | want ta give ihe Renate an ides of the lane of men we bave oalled. They | are the leading scientists from every enilege of the United Stales that we. [coukd get hod of, Benstor Mason, from a long Ist of * % cof thelr fife is trbe 3 sucoess, solniitiata who had tetiled to the hurt: fulness of alow baking powders, ami as to the healthiuiness of orem tartar powders, mentioned the follow: | mg Appiston, John Howard, profess of chemistry, Brown University, Prov. cidenoe, KL Arnold, J. W. 5, professor, Lt nivers sity, ‘of New York. Al water, Ww. Cy. tion, Washington Bb, C. of or mid thay the natural strain, : profesor and di fuctor, Goverament experimental sti- rier George F., professor Univer. sity of Peanayivasin Caldwell, G. ©, profauar, Cornell ; University Ttiaca, N.Y. : : University, New York. Chittenden, Roswell H., Yale University, Now Haven, Conn. Cornwall HB. professor, University i discharges, etc, comprised the pro. Pivision | gram and the fine display was highly . of Princeton, New Jersey. Crampton, 2A, professor, ! x « Washington D.C Frear. An Tege, Pornaylvanin Jenkins, Edward H., professor, de] eg, New Haven, Conn. Mallet, Jobn William, 2] University, of Virginia. Maw, W. M, professor, Army and gaeenoon a heavy rain pased over | : Department, United States puiron causing much inconvenience : Gewernment. Morton, Henry, | president of Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J. of chemistry, SE Chandler C. F., profess. Columbia # professor, chemist, | are of Lexington, and when bo goes in to do anything | for iy professor, State Cok makes i partment of agricuitare, State of Cou- i neetient. Jobson, 8. w, professor, Yale Col- | park, were i grand success, both fina. : Prescott, Albert B., professor, Unie Ann Mich, Price, A. F., medical director, United (Stites Naval Hopital, i) LL Sart, Charlies Letitesant-caionel, ‘assdstant, surgeon - genera Mbites Army. Cernd, Washington kx Tucker, Willls G0, clalry a : pit of f New tiniled Bates Aray, professor of chem Riste Board York. ii af Lind Harbor, griiionsog, sun han, Vietor of Mics han, Conemanigh so 0 wit, W, K., 3 Burgean pl tat hes Navy, YWashin ghon, 0 WL, Uhlef Chemisty arisen of ag griculiore, D.C. i JE $ tb £0, Harber, constructed by Charles Nugle, : : Lo as, 3 Ww ¢ i af Washington, | Ou oN % sind Lee Uliaps, out of : CRM penchintits wire ave in favor of closing heir rompeotive stores aL 8 po om, exe peeping Hatordays anil Monday's. This i a reform owe have long desinsd, People Hpand more than two-thirds of their oomscioos life af work. Tha | wark ix to ba well done, and if the rest thpa “whould be po wore shesin on the body that | ponies from eying 10 do the work well. Any struio beyond that puts he next days work in danger, and prey ents the worker from enjoying the rest and rec reation which is wo truly his right as is his right to work eal and sleep. The following officers have been elected: W. HH. Bell, president; Bd. i, Moore, secretary; Ed. Honter (reas avery’ John Cantpbel, financial sec. | Fire Works Dispiny, EW, Hodgkin, proprietor of the | Patton Pharmacy. held a large crowd of spectators in the vicinity of his store on the afternoon and evening of professor, | the Fourth, witoessing the large dis play o fire works. Ballons, sky rock- ets, red light, cannon crackers, cannon sisted by all who had the pleas is CW. is a hostlor for the amusement of others he always it a grand sucoems. The Two Floater. The picnics beld on the Fourth by St. | [ary’s Catholic church in Shorts Grove | | and the: Patton Fire Co. No. 1 in their ‘neially and socially. The large crowds professor, | were well behaved and no trouble | ‘marred the day's amusements. In the | "to those in charge of the picnics, but | ‘when the time came for supper the {many hungry obes were quickly Marc, Charles Edward, professor Columbian, University, : served, A Fie Piece ~ Workmuuship, : One of the most interesting alas of the Fourth of July parade in Patton was the small locomotive, which was Harry It brought forth many ecom- | ments from the visitors present lo the : « effect that the engine Wis an exact {aie = pationtiy I constenet Wie Sternberg, George M., Surgeon ane © fades ile fail. LC owned ih : ide at fap Lede Ayre earn the amount Washing: Wyman, Walter, Surgeon. General, | model, The boss worked long and Tocomisdive. | [hey sped to take it tw the vars Pate Ba peat, ; Crone off th Brest and mos rns Heprfeid hares Buader, was sinex ng Baturdsy alterna and | destroyed by tre Mr Bead v the Hghinin “re toum dionwal bam SER Load aR Hi iia in township. &3 farms J ye Hardin mediately bi shied but mansged beer was al i bi “ The Courier did of the loss, or surance, if any. See those photo envelopes at Kin-| keads # ¥ : with the school property. turned out and foght the fire. the tlie could be pat out, the harvest ‘senger train, which lays over ings pyery tight and Sundays, was heavy coke cars running into ¥ trae Ki x tip free ut Mellon's Ussh Grigory for th best and secomd best boat of First, a $85.00 clock; setond 310.08 in | gold, : bol dell, Campbell, Hartshorne and Corte. Hue, The minutes of Ist miseting held ‘July Sel 1900 were read andl approved, On motion of Winslow snd seconded hy Cornelins, 15 war resolved that the Borough Engineer prepare plans and. Cupecifieations for the constriction of 8 sewer from lot of Harry Cooney West of Chest Creek. in accordance with or dinsnce No. 57 and to advertise for bids for the sonstrustion of the same in ae eapdunse with the plans aml specifica, tion thus prepared, same 4) close andl be subraitted to connedl for action al elght o'clock 2. m. July - 1900, Um gwotion of Cordell, onded by Cornud fis i was carried that the prop. | erty owners have permission to build hoard walks from Beech to Palmer | avenues on the Alley ranning pevaliel On motion of Winslow, a sueonded by 1 CAndenion, it was carried that they | build the width of the board walk on above alley 3 feet wide. The Borough Engineer mbmitted in profile showing the grade on Beech avenay running about 300 thet West af Sixth nvenue and Fifth avenoe running 1160 North of Palmer avenua. On motion of Cordell, seconded by Cornelian, it was resolved that the communication from the Board of Healtl be laid on the table A communication was received from J. J. Donnelly asking that be have permission to build a residance on the | corner of Lang and Fifth avenues, an motion of Cornelius seconded by Core jdell It was carried Unb sme be, granted. On motion of Hartshorne and sen | -onded by Corneline it was jarried thut the grading on Fith and Busch avenuos | be Init] over until next mesting night. | On notion adjourned. | Grate Fiend on Yite The Howard Hustler suis on Toes. | | day Mr. George Confer way cutting rye on th Swartz farm about 4 mile north | of Howard. Ha fit bis pipe, threw thie | mated on the ground and ent to get a drink of water. he discovered the ry eld was on fire. | When ae looked up The alarm was sounded and all hades Abont an ache of grain Was destroyed before Ciovirpd savS that hereafter he will ool smoke in fled. Lock Haven Ex. press, Hagiage (ar Wisised, The baggage car of the PP. K B., pains at Hat badly w socked Sunday evening by two i while the frain was standing on The woke oars darted ar parties dons | ot purpe a, mans that soine party astardly Lok Two grand prizes ard to be given ; Marv Pornor © Ciening. olf fisst honors Inst night” “Patton Fue Co ning, : ‘ap the grounds beresad } rrmed Bread, i | ¢huroh Monday aight. Chactes Uaderholm, Wile fii Jones, Majk Kerpesar, Miss Mar. i gin Kelugher, Augie I George MeCmiley, Mm John Peigthal, “Horr AIF Syeddberg, Jacob Sooash. Cisik, Wm. Davis, Walter Joy, H. J Larabert, U1 Me Mullan, Mm Addie Reed 2 Wii GRRENE, Postmaster. Musial SY Se, Eiward Little, one of Patton's mest popular youug business men, snd Mise Bivs Handburg a highly res pS Cyptiog iady, nise of Patton, were united i inarrisge on Toesday, July Sed, at" Hin om. Father Edwin, 0.8 8B, of floating. The young cotiple immedi © ately repaired to the home of the bride | wrhere a wadding breakfast was served afr which they boarded the PL.RR, pasmeriger train for a wedding wor through the eastern cities Mr. snd Toi Mrs Little are recipients of many val- i nalile wedding presenta. Ca po ions are extended. Calqne Serenade, {bis very seldom that he yousyg pesipie of any town will pay for the _serenading of a newly married couple, bai such was the case in Patton yesters dar. Several friends of R. 8. Tomer hired two Hungarian bag pipe mush ¢inns to serenade him and his wife for one hour. Ralph says be enjoyed the intuie Righty bat af course that isthe owly Tepovig. Mrs. Alex. Montieth, who was quite pertously injured over a week ago by falling down the stairs, ‘which lead to thus basement, sini receiving & severe {wenlp wound, hy ber bead coming in | pantact with the stone wall, is slowly Lresovering. Her many acquaintances lin Patton hope that before many days she will be able to bu arcing again, Arrangoments were ¢o m els : * duiy whereby John Otto took ror J. B. Wilbur's chop and buckwheat ‘mill on that day. John is well-known fn Patton and his many friends wish him success in his undertaking, which ls not a pew ope, as he ls a miller by trade. Mr. Wilbnr bas not yet decided where he will locate. AL the ML ® Ennrch. W. Powell Hale, reader and imper- semator, will give one of His fine enter teinments in the ME church Monday The Pittsburg Post of June “SW, Powell Hale carried 1H say the side | sion 16 sod 26 cunts. Eadly | be 0 fri | Mitehietl’s mines, sod it thought by dean Dans. y grand dann will be held at the Fireman's park under the auspioes. of Nu. i, Monday eve Helreshments served Ciood made baw been Juiy 16. Ba sure and go to the Methodist Por week ending June 30: Miss Laura =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers