| transact 8 general routine with all members present. YE held June 4 were read and I Patton ed «¢f stone when the grades are instead of plank, setablished. He | viz: For light and water 4 mills; for , | interest and debt 3 mills, and for street | parpomes 3 mills, a total of 10 mills. Om | derson, it was carried that council Be a money derived from % mills | 8 interest and debt. 1 Cornelins it was carried that Borough ST Pater Tey PB 0 gente per Bony. | Motion of Cordell, seconded by Me. Cormick, it was carried that Borough 1 Engineer be instractad to give council grade on Beech avenue went of Fifth 1 0a far as Decemary and that suid av. bee rade 21 once. A report was yecoived | Board of Health stating that that body | had perfected an organization snd that | ‘the members had made a tour of the town, finding many places in an un- healthful condition; also ssking council {to lay aside $200 for the eXPensEs COD. Hartshorpe, " ro be held | over until next meeting. i A communication ‘was received from: Board of Health, stating that it was an | | tion be referred to Borough Solicitor. { A petition was received praying for [porous Oornelias, it was carried {that same be referred | Yo Borough Re 1 Bihghamion. ton who wish him woceess in his new home. Ten Years for MoRinxie i When court sewmnbled wt 1550 Man day afternoon Jad Barker called up 3 3 | for sent teno. in fine of $500, ordered Lim to pay bw | posts of prosecntion and undergo ime I tiary for a period Of len years. Millinery of all kinds weather and the Fourth of July at Mis. Dartt's % Cleaned Here and There by | thenes to to bridg Patton Borough Council met in in ie of March: | wpecial session Monday evening to} | rade will start at 16 o'clork sharp. borough be ioromings ehildren wishing to part Pe made an amendment L sbove motion, | | ou | DUTE. who for the past 10 : . Borough Engineer Yearger was pros: i | ent avd stated that he wished to be [48 font § { fond ou bir. 8 search of his home. counterfeits, | 1 ate i a rr Just year, {Staten | motion of Winslow seconded by Loree of the Er — On motion Winshiw, seconded a : busi from the y anid board Oa motion of pay tiGeo. H. Corpman, secretary of the (t actual necemity for 1 sewer to be oon "| Philadelphia for a number of years be : fisre coming to Pa : |» sidewalk on the Bast side of Mellon 1} avenas, and on moti: of Hasutorne, - "| been employed at g | here a chair bas hous ‘Other improvements made. No 1 will hold a picnic and dance in The colamn will form at Bell's hadi The following Fire ging: thence down | Mountain Hews of Saturday's Pita | ion hp fo ort ctr and pisced them in readiness on the pail ii front of oe We knew little of Lhe past of the army except that every- shelve was retreat, and we felt that the diay ws lost widle cnr commander wis way. We lay grimly waiting “It ‘was then that 1 first heard the sound of gailoping in he rear. We paid Bittle heed, for their was basinems © before wa J beard » faint cheer an the lioof heats rong clear on the pike Then mncther, ad then » orm of shouting. en rinet the trees % foam-coversd Black horwe, and rider } w a Me, Gen. an : ged ta have the tract Sor dep hss svt Be of dismond drill, that will | ride to be & myth Sheridan, said this on at kh (Gen. Mating, who cisims to have price of coal is rey a and 38 Cedar iin veiw a us on an Gon, wre defeat wan sined 20 te w a Joc s lio very deep and that. where it san nob due, snd Hefore be line between Sandinarin | 11 an horoughly died sdmifted it. The battie was won | (Order and Patton Fire Co, 2 No.1 tested, "it fn anwared hat if the quAS- withoot him. In fact, and the story of Covatrioer Ataaed. (TO Ea re [arom pa , in Manning's own Detectives Fiyan sad Ganon of Pit Sound ta le, the developments of the I eh from the Nis minerals will begin af ones It & : of bem » TE of Bedford | yg hat M. Jackman in acting fn rend be bea du The charge = wich that part I" "imate of Peale, Peacock & C0, | gation aguinet the charscter of Be tea ont hele barply 1a the ot the country han bes Bode, Sata: ar on, of ian ot ho are =| hero has stirred the ireof mary a brave "> . I ms ma ang i u - 3 AT: fie inpitution. of {hn wight amid the sound rhe Order, fourth: Patton Fire Co. No. 1. fifth: Darkiown Fire Co. sixth. P | the results of live tot cote ap to oxi a’ Ee “4 k Sgn . | pectations. tht ss opening will ba joa Sa of on. Pail Sheridan ‘made in the visnity of Woods PI head ! ; war | ol a i . WP Parker, of the Cloogh & War. | 0 ji posing gare for the tly making the | Cnt Hain . pen Co, of this city, fought in the rig he wore, which he bad sn : ——- Cams od om. raskn on the day of the battle in the se le jumped from bed in the pret | in the onama valley; was bebind the be bens works ut {Dw Seek tidings of the battle. even Entry. afr ® Catiad Le ap Petimeyiranin 8 A mt whee Git Taray ae tek the *%: the pletares of Gen. Sheridan on , nlmioner Rowell “and was Ee Ea os s raped rn i he nT Ls iobie aliares or while at work Satur revultant confisdon, lam dont in his grserals niform | frightful insns of those who met Sheridmy on the an flanking sword. As T saw hiss not im fact, Mr. Parker, nid bis hand sau insignia of B ‘ | wood on which | peruin and never 8 weapon wat i [day aftlemoon Ho hind boarded un en- | 2 gine to rile down 40 C ower, the sugine pouting bacikwasd Sepdee on whch |g Wine | As lp sat in the suddie before we. : JOR amped pally WEEN chester, and he was with the! shouting | ow ii our ; . spowed Cres ou 2 ge a wolf. Xo one www tba necident EP: [ham wie mene back 10 Wis The xy hin to listen to bis isp The bridge ba not bees et yet, Seved that an young Campbell attemp- Seserted. If sto: bt 2 Co on otaed omiriinh to at from the end of the tender | Mr Farber i= a man who Bigseell MEY. 50 cont and bis ohirh wie od by the boders, wh ia vd ore on fought Lravely in maay # baithe during this ia Bioase of the private soldier. erohabile that the’ bean : a oh Se Tet Tet te . ars _ | Touaih sears of age, ed be sre nent RAR : Eo al Campany,* sc Sl ey. amd frank. Ha bias loess In charge of on Bridge majority, Was ason of Mr and Mr ola rtme Pheonix Bridge Company. | pH Cam Uonemasgh " eens : Neon Bircham, $295 0; King Brides am yt. ree fry soc 4 yas shen er Company $225.00; Wrongh fron the Knights of the Maccabees the TOO to Detroit from wa, Bridge Company $790.00; Good Beads ¢ which bad been bis hots for many Conemanigh fire Company, and of the | : Me. was hrotight ” Ct ‘Penneyivanis Kailrout Relief Amocia- Parkas vod] ML berger, $1417.00. | boy io New Hampebire, and it was in bedist-ahaped Beal. | ; Cron Progurty -i | oie brothe ol William F. and ove sister EE REE Last week one day the Methodist | Fliabeth. ‘Another brother was killed he war broke oot. How 8 chamied OF lis exhausted hore as Be mid 8 Chareh organization sold to the Gireck *everal years ago within a few hundred that this company wa the fist to which | Boys if Td beans here this never would Catholic Union, Brarich 9, Patton, Pa., | Yards of he pot. whers Brace Tet bln Sheridan addressed his spans to tars | HT have happened | But we'll sleep in the tbe church property located on Palmer | death Satordhy. back asd that Mr. Parke Hinmll mv. old amp to-night or PB leave my avenue. The Catholls Union has given OF Taterest to Travelers the fa ident, is best told by | Jam on this Heid Pron he Juba ie aad John | The Rilowtng order hey bess re himself, vd i Ca power solieet sont bastions ceived by the varios bagioy 3 Am as we PRRRE SUT Cape for the purchasing of the church, ot the stations of the EE —. aT ne Domed weit into eostasies of enthusismm, Gee. which they will take charge of the 8r4¢ Railroad Co “it is desiresble thSt weeks hefore we had driven the enemy | Sine rican galloped off = & day of a wt applications for large baggage checks to Stranton and then had retired to our of the Hm. while we lay down againte, ¥ where | ball be wads a muficient tie 8 entrant wiwait orders. regation decided ; | me prior 10 op nchiments at the crvek For days} “That was the part of Sheridan's ride "ghia 1 saw with my OWE eyex R’ was | about 1:80 o'clock when the general ar vivid, and for two hours or more After did be busy himself with re: | fir the advance, while the men in Bis una b oh a: ie. aecmen : er at 5:30 o'clock afternoon 0 Cotter 3 atenpi ee SE Wee 4 to drive the rebels back, ® Piya i > from his army. The mrmy ay in « { compan will not however wo army of devils from hades could’s have ¥ agro, , 0 curve like that of n bockey stick, the lan. ak: fromm 5 forward baggage by a train anless pre Eight norpe on the left amd the Nine- jmouted fie stesking within Sveminute teenth, my core, forming the handle relock in the morsing a nearly Highwaimen Outwits by Gicte the side of the valley, “so thusk we looknt | hth a. aah tok Gen. Shunt 3 Sree 0 : eam. The Sixth corps formed oan the distarion a4 keen ren a ho had charge’ of grid te, han | ard and Juliet Comner, of Uniontown, | the fort of the stick, and luy aang the bind . © Back again a td W. E. Proberts shop, near that place Friday. One of the creek and some what behind os. ¥en we siept in the camp that night been added. and var- roffans reached for Miss Howard's “It was aboot 5 o'clock In the 87% 04 Gen Sheridan lived to be made a | purse, when Miss (Conner dest him a dawns of that fall marsing, October Uh gut major general and to be given the blow with the batt of a whip, knocking 1864, that the rebels bum upon wa The thuinks of Congress for the very deed him down. Then she whipped up the | attack caine ss suddenly and with 38 0 ohie man Mansing, who was DO ‘horse and escaped, saving money and little warning as a lighiniog fash © fue second in command than I waa, their park east of town, Refreshmen iit whith the robbers were after. saw it all, for that mori WY 00% py to decry.” of all kinds on ibe jrrounds. nt The italisos pursoed the gris sme i pnd flyer a peconnain chia distance stoning and cursing them. ance sod we were dressed and behind 2 wen NALED AT WINNER. | failed ‘0 reveal any mons material for est a Seng sd black ll ap 5 1 & 3 & = are | gh 4 heen the baile of Sept. 2 Esaving + he Wee corps of his supponsliy i arb aha on F NY Fihook, who bad been employed in *atvon.is highly recom | eed nb Soma i a ew} At the Firemen's Park. On July 4th and tb Patton Fire Co witith be wore so often on his Bilis, : | Daggett took charge, departed for Binghamton, N. Y.. where be will en. ter one of the finest hosteiries in that of order will be maintained. leit, Frank isa first-class clerk and i made a large vircle of friends in Put Pigesions from stations on ! John MoKingie, convicted of the mur | der of William Bannon inn Jobnslewn, The Judge then imposed | | prisonment in the Westeren Peniten- for warm sew | will be served from 13 o'clock a. ma. to Tp. m They have arranged for foot The first of Iast week Frank Risk, Tacos, sak races, and il other sports land, who has been the efficient “oder {$0 make & good time. at the Palmer House ever sinoe 8 0. Fireworks will be displayed on the griands at § ocl look pom To those who dance: Ther have’ secre a good orclrestrs, and the best Poursh of daly The New York Central is armangong to ran special indipendence Day ex. its lines Bo ts of interest. See NX. hen planning Exvarsinia wurions in Peatral thekels penta, Ww your holiday trips. Fe The building sitoated next door Ww Buck's fursiture store af a bargain, Bama to be moved at onow. Call on or address FH. Kinkesd, Faison, Pa WS ¥ plain sewing at reasonable prick, as ent. Plesse leave anders at Goods store. Mid SARAH SHADE : : their | Pars eis : . Ev [ witl collect and return washing apd my bushand is ansble to work at pres Bovtwod The or Tastrusaents. Patton will now have music of their own The band bors received their now fastranients the first of the week, Land an Tieesday evening they held the first practice meeting. A i the members are old band wes, asl it will ‘only bei 4 short tinge not they can bold | + with any organization in the of sr The in wl The elegant dane heen remoceled and 1 The bend Tealy = in vig i id: fant ioned 4 % Huem hl Harmhog iE a Dow thar Fins! Read's a glories Fourth at Kin our car resstworks wher the tempol o,. reekuyer, Twestyoms Years Gd poke The men of the Eighth corpmad | Eiesasutod Sy & Wine Cour leit lay slumbering pasow ily inl Foe Bliososkens, a trackinyer employed their (amp. The rebels had crept sien ig Mine No. 32 of the Beorwind White us sosand the foot of thy mouniaih, (Poal Mining Company at Windber, vingt as we found aller, even Mh eye instantly killed aboot 1 o'clock ti their cantiens Bn prevent the ige Thursday by coming Wr contact possibility of janigling ss WWY with the electric wire in ote af the rept pver the rough cuanery. Every lsppdings. He was stove dend when pleket baal Deen killed oe captured posed tie the motormen. He with pl ROrN B8 Be was spe BENE. wie Drought Wo the surface and taken Ba thee bone of doe Rigas, an Came : known about the dead $ he was a Nav and YERDS sit Xa Gest Ww he pertegily ath it AR BG ther oy of id their Attention oorga, spud we saw brig aveaie swaromd over the Nook moh PRT Tg OR BEAR, wae Towa Teeny Ou was eid, anal “Ears ¥'8 mes we Fieri the rebels as they asd LW works and ing and bored en = - thewt 01 The Aid the chan sac a % nt REI IER, Bs sure $ after th veers: be ith the meal of Lie army wis ; forced ap the stope belind us antit the brow was reached. Here we rade desperate stand for ten hours. Th Ten | issue af the LOURD | We ajpain joined in the general retrend, | [ds 3 % 5 Look {or our see iad he i aifers pext R aaa a and LA MEoN.
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