LA ar i pss CHOLERA DURING THE PAST. YEAR The Germa of This Flat Pissase pre Luvkim 3 The iid at Dediary Seed by This Winderinl Dis Lavy. Handreds af thousands of dollars have been lost in the poailry basin ‘ot aocount of the Joy astation Sat ge flocks, eanmect by ok seein olre © eke pa in | ere aad #4 uP Bal exo fis wader raping or germ ch tags nid sponds rapidly through Take timo hy stop Lo expatinenl oF ante rimmodien, ith de the fowls up. terrible disease but this remady cute it every time. It ie also guaranties fiir roup, which ema be told by boars: breathing, swelled eyes, dischirgs al tha nostrils, resembling catareh, Fifty dollars is offered for any case the mix fare will not cue, Uf some of your win are diseased it will prevant the pest from catohing it. Tey I It abeap, reliable anid effective; 3 siden. $ific proparation, goes more than three times as far as any other remedy; does more good than all of theto pom: | siped. It is used and endorsed by the st experienced ind largest breeders plalo and fancy poultry in all parts the world. The manufature™ .q cannot say too moch for DeWitt's every package or refund oie hazel salve. One box of it cared If your druggist | akin Adisensen. Look ont for worthless imitations. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. money. o's beblind the age. In that case send 00 for sample box to Americin Mfg Flsute, Ind Av Badu eed rates ts Philsdeiphii. On account of the Republicin Na- |g. ormanent position of trust in your Convention at Philadelphia, p00 County. $850 yearly. 19, the Pennsylvania R Railroad | ; y. By ) company will sell excursion tioket®510 |g wallace General Secretary, Corcoran (Bullding Washington, D. OC. opposite ute of one fare for the round trp prggary Department. 2001) Philadelphia from all stations on its live pimam rite 50 conta i. Tickets will and good golng Jone 14 to 19 Inclusive; and returning to Jana 26, in. ainingany pel clef | ti] he tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and now sorites Vl desire to wdd my testimony that It poy be the Ceause of aiding others ¥9 Eb hereby giveti thar an application nde ti the Gaverior of Pesnsyeanis on 10, 8k Harristurg, Pu, by Sidney HL Brose Whiten 1 EB. WwW. W. Hamly, timer the Fel Fok Ny wot do preys Tor hue on anil regina of certain cere He pppoe April 3%, 1804 and the supple hig foul the charter of an intended vor. dim Tir Diy datiad sant Pena Jap 5 Piston sohioana Company, 1 the chabuetay and heey of which 1a the constructini, wmaibtainhg snd ) Hus of telegraph for the private wee of Carper atin is, win pala ESAT. uate fred fn piles, fire aint for the lennsselion ty over of thi plied fo any td) rps, int Crawford, Mercer, Lawisnos, Bear Aynutenig, Westmoreland, fans, arate, Somerset, Clarion, nin, Indians, Fulton, Franks, Ads wrk and pn, and for thse prFrosss v ass anid enjoy sil the tights benefils bof paid act of Assembly and sapple. 0 FOO WiLsG Softcttor, VAY AIAN BERL FEEL IAG LEV AMATA AAVBARAAANIA Chola ison TIREIRIEY LOND = — AAAS AAAAAAAAAS AAAI TAY | : : Gable & Co. ALT 00 NA. vy Fy i bs $2 iia nt comfort: Address GABLE & CO. 1220.20.04 1158 Avenue, ALTOONA, PA Onrs Is the gnickest Mail Order Store in the State, J. C. Kennedy, Ronnoke, Tenn, says what the doctor called an incurable Cures piles and all Wianied. Christian man or woman to gualify Enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope to EL The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and in. vigorating the system is to take Dh Witt's litle early risers, the famotis littie pilis for cleansing the liver aud the bowels, W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Nothve! Notioe is hereby given GW pare others that herealler there ie foaflug or lounging in and ballssof the Good Build hing chililren or aduits fouod |} loafing in and abou! the in inter HA trespassers, by the police and others as the law directs, A Pras have been made to effin ih out this regiiation snd costs to Hay Bee waived by keeping ehisdr ¢ afi iy i tha rob EEs Lis April 2 0) 1808 J had staonmacii wind ye ap Bop in being B Pea to nse Kodol dyspep has done me so rauch good 1 call it savior of my Life? Writes Wy, Wi Kinsot, Afabai uh Tenn, i digests what yon vat. Pharmacy. cpervant fron : : ® : @ in Pa i Te ¢ ’ fo : . : : : : : : : ° LW. Hodgkins, Patton | Afwy Fhe bE eo Afsr the Ruvoss Fig te ’ oleavi lew woke SLIMY AYE SLIRNQYTS § ogeer praw EHR Z : on rhe shallows A go A the wes werd mine! wffimabels Wonts ws Fake in Wishingise Sear hs AAA Ab 1 4 SS 1 HIS OWN PORTRAIT. flaw an Artist Paints a Pletore of Himself. fr has been & compomen praciice with artists of all ages and countries paint thelr own pictures, acd at ihe {Mz gallery in Florence can be seen 8 magnifoeny cotioction of porirails af the world's great poles done bY = o£0, 500NE ¥! bia soe in © {nrentive Aye | i ese ‘How to obtain Paes ! Mra monlerate. No fap J atters Jiren sem fid 5 £8 SIGGEFS. P Patent Lumyer, wa lS lA | welch hn ny proms ¥ Peele var oiduion Tr be patentability of sme. How Patent sel uaon Frain. Patents © through us afveriised Tor sade at cor expense Patents tales out throagh is reorive sia sation, withogt clearge, i Tue PaTesT Recown, | af iastrated snd widely circulated journal conwaited by Magifactaivre and nesting for sonnle couy FREE, Address VICTOR J. SVANS & CO. Prttnt Attorneys, Evans Buildiag, WASHINGTON. DC thorpseiven. It is a covetsd honor to Ge | invited to © coutrityy te one’s own portrait fo Live i yr HY for one mast Far wn pent ior hs compliment i. paid Ack d may De easily pre rion ipting | ATES OWE DOTIrRit Is 8 ante w hat tran hlescmie task, for the painter must do & good deal from wielnory, esbewiiy if lie puts Bituself In an stilrade Wah is difeult 16 refledt i straightforward portrait fos the pleture is obyiously the easiest spansge, for the painter bas only fee the gnirror in fron Bix meedel Triole and gesdrope eyed when Any way emoved from profile wan be for onesetf. bul a wand be po bow sG, 88 10 bat bi one the artist wold be working © footion of a rdertion, Ww titel, she tems: of if Ix a bothering oor ndition The looking st oneself for & ion thane (8 one of the strange Ans) trying enuititions of tainting ones own pd trait for AN an itivs wppeRs 1 row the nore ame ries ta Then [ike fhe rimd 1H fpmeaior which sslmis to be poe wn Fhe Sie aliiien soeself ghpelr to WTeRan LaRR One pod Araw from (hes AR eas tore easily as $ i do Bo Yop for aw want of bhalanes ar faa which maiehs otherwise go andetsct wk BCR MERE The Parrot Torsed Browns. Lene had the wife of 3 poor Wash. Inpton Clerk beott fearing weanivn of 5 At last a for $16 It wan ated in fhe worn Ing. and it came to pas thal A Lew the depths of (he Soul try opened the Soir th the delivery boy. Her mistress was out] tere was not a soul too indtrait her In the edhe of ethics as afulied to parrots “1g it for the table? she axkod “Without dooht.” was the wicked re Wf bervapon the parrot was dispgated. wd at suce, plocked, trussed and put | into the oven a beautify] brown when the mistress Fe was lust turning of the extaliishment returned. asd that same evening the rte servant frog the country was bark among the ducks Cand drakes of her own village green » wiser awd sadder girl Washington Thnes The Tronk Strap. “Noo good” said os baggage maa, touching as he spoke & rope thal was tied around a trunk standing lo a mil road baggage mom It was 3 stoul [pope and securely tied sa far ss the knot was concerned, bat it 41d not bind fy the trunk, and it wonld Lave been difficult, If not impossible, to draw it rose withont some mechngioal means tp help. As iT stoesd with the pope lsose shont It the frank could have hewn enslly broken Dy careless Lan: diing as though there bad been no roi around fa all “X strap is the only thin Rg. Zhe BL wf Al, Ha trunk.’ New Yor ve the bag aArousd a Brolfling » Steak. The headligg of #ieak often filn this Bupa with Sito nd the meat odor In naan HL le can be aveidnd bry Sx pan] 51 Ba Opel The nN of ghee sTOve OF range whe “It's bard mo down after a trip “ARY harder thang te settle up ¥ 00 go Revard, 50 YEARS’ Anat gon: r Spies Te sh, E. Band by 4 saendaal | § Cg, 70enr Ne | fork LF ir, Was sue artlouinr atti 2e than get yay 4 ms : MeCATL TOMPANY. B05 108 Wad $608 Stosst, © - - » New Toes Oty, RB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A Fook. ranted a pk EL Z Dentist! sited a ng, hs 12m, ane fp mtesbnm = S. W. Worrell PIER IAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Baiding, Room Xo 8 $7 Conersl Surgery and the Eek 3 Spreily A : mt x onthe TM AHAPFPEY HOUSE Matiaffey, Clearfield Ca i ina Fed Chae XE TEE Dik, Hen wo Mpa Geopor Peuatson, Prop'r. Parnell & Cowher, BS i TX ou PORE REEL RG, VA FirstNation’ GF PATTON, Pattan, Cambria Co. Pa CAPITAL PAD UR Rin o OF SURPLUS $10,000.00 4 has LINE Wi H 8 SANDFORD, Caslyuer. The Delineator IS THE AE Pyrron, President. Woman's Favorite Tlagazine, and tu lesued by the faospns Sshicn ind The Baberik Publishing # nite Lat oT ra iT West Thic repysth Mtresr Naw York, af the ree ar Rabiy | low pate of for a mn Oran mami 1, dr 15 cents i Lid all family Sagas it it 3 News Whanoing Cough, Asthma, Eronchitis and iociviant Corse ntion, Tae CERMAN REMEDY" Cams Ureoak and Lang divases. oud ¥y wh Sruegas. £54500, Ny ~$ £2 OW. Hhoate Patz on, Pharmacy. ondensed Time Table. E Head hin Kx # ¢ SH or Lear SuRELANGES fp “ wrtiels, Vo mils Rigles Alimreting A cpiaats fe MY es SS Eastern Brane h. os and Boned Sil it ahd t Hard Logi Ke Senoke. Piwmasx I WEVKS MERRY elect January 22, 198 Main Line. 3A SE 3 Sits Pat ware i Has EW FR Ei 3 Wat Aluew platings, duiiy %, siM3Ls % -Woontwaod, Work dave Cambria & £ lonrSeld Division. & Patioey ward PTA go ome RrTiving al Urvemen 0 BITInE ad reds Neartliwnes spin BR at Ma sapbedl 8% 2 at eles Cn ; Audit at Matai SirtURasphet at 78 tingdon & Broad Top Mt Railroad. gi effect Sept. 11, 1508 Risse tiywaed Baan #4 fi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers