SCR TERMS OF SURSCRIPTION. Ome copy. One year, in advance, - - - $1.00 Sh A Adverusing rates made ROown upon ap ano papers discontinaed srt sit pest wre pald, nnliess al the option Entered at the Postofice nt Paton as wooed class mail meatier. of the The Alphabel Ab. what a stfeteh of time it ties Pos tosrn par fetter {hroagh: Wa start in life With & B £2 And end with 1 GF Mellons’ Cash Grocery ! Largest line of New Vegetibies daily at Mellon's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell a son on Satarday. 3 (0. Yeager and farnily attended the St. Boniface pienic Monday. ‘A.C. Thompson, of Bellefonte, Pa, was a visitor to Patton Friday. John T. Blair and lady, of Ebensborg _ were visitors to Patton Sanday. 0 W. Hodgkins returned home Fri- day from a visit to Cleveland, O. Mr.aod Mrs J. B. Wilbur visited friends at the county seat Friday. Adam Fees, liveryman nf Carroll © town, Was a visitor to Pattom Monday. he A large namber of Patfonites at laying at Lor tended the corner stone otto Bunday. Bggs, Butter and Chee (Cream, _ Bwitser and Limburger ,, at Mellon's Cash | i af 2 Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, of Du- bois, are visiting friends and relatives A J. Kerr, of New Kensington, spent several days in Patton this week look: ing after business intrests. © Murderer Hummal was axecnted ab Williamsport Tuesday. H# had mard- | ered bis wife and three step children. Sweat and fruit acids will not dis goods dyed with Putman FPadeloss 1 H. Perry, Chest , ploinics, and the retail trade ished cream st wholesale prices at y Restaurant. Cream guaranteed satisfaction. of Pat bere for several days. — ifipsburg Out of 17,000,000 pleces of registered bandied annuslly in the United jo loss has been one thousandth or cont and in the transmission of ry letters the lows is bat seven ndthe of 1 per vent. naylvania’s coal output is ‘ retarns of Great Britain, and ®, and a foros of tearing the stroot- It will take 250 cars of iron he cotton acreage thin year will be he large t on record and will not fail far short of 26,000,000 acres. Cotton raisers also expect good prices, for lst ents crop in Indi was almost a total re, OUPS Was ainall, and the present Cambria county is being represented the meating of the American Med Association at Alantic City, by Drs. B. Slater, H. B, Tomb, W. B. Low. Jr., of Jobpstown; H. C. and W. A. Per. Other Cambria Tt is & mistake to suppose that cold drinks are necessury fo relieve thirst. Very oold drinks as a rile increase the feverish condition of the mouth and omach, and so yreate thicst. Ex peers fence shows it to be a fact that hot drinks relieve thirst and “wool off tue body when it is in an abnormally heated condition better than ioe-vold drinks.” Engineers on several of the big West n lines are preparing to lead a cam- paign against the nse of more than one ne in the drawing of a train. The main ction to “double-headers,” are that they increase liability to” acci- dents, in which the engineers of the second éngine are almost always killed, and that the dust and dinders are es. pecially injurious to the eyes of the . erews of the second engines. 8,0. Daggett, manager of the Pal- . mer House, recently returned from a visit to the Gaines oil field in Tioga connty, Pa. Hysays that country is fast developing into ony of the busiest communities fn the State. Mr. Dag | gett, along with several other heirs, is interested in this new oil field, as he is part-owner of, i large tract of Jan sit uated about 20 miles from that newly iscovered oil field. ATER of similar con J. C. Harper Co. makes a specialty of | plumbing. -1t There Are several cases of soariet | fever in Patton. / fee cream at the City Restanrant . wholesale and retail | Awsessor JobnRomerville had bosiness |in Ebensburg last week IW C' Bagom, of Dubois, spent Randay in Patton visiting friends. IH H. Blair, of Welsboro, Pa, was a | visitor to Patton last week. Policeman (ill enjoyed Tuesday af- | tarnaon at the plenic at Sto Boniface. Salt and smoked meats twice a week at Mellon's Cash Grovery. i Prand Mrs LaVelle, of Philadelphia, : visited J. (1. Harper and family Friday | of last week. Thomas Cartwright, Jr. smiles over "the urrival of a young daughter pt his “et there be Hght, and there Wis home, June Jat. Miss Pear] Rhook, of Philipsburg, is visiting with her mother, Mrs A H Rhook, his week. A man walking ten miles a day would require ninejyears to cover ail the stpepta of London. roeordved | Tt. is ramored that the Patton Supply | Co. will in a short time begin the erec- tion of a fine store room, Pitt & Seeley recently received i fine delivery wagon. They are cer tainly progressive business men. : [needa straw bat this sweltering weiither and uneeda half dollar only to buy one at Wolf & Tham psons. New spring suits for boys and child- ren. The sort for play and the sort for dress parade at Wolf & Thomp- BOTH Littie Brow received a new buck board yesterday. It was manafaciured by Weteell & Bender, of Carrolitown, and is guaranteed to carry 1,800 pounds. The Patton Hardware company, J. P. Dietrick, Mgr, recently received the contract for the tin work on the ime provement of the Carroiftown chorch. The company screw of men are at pro- sent doing the work. According to scropture, God sail light.” The council mays, “let there be a sidewalk constrogted in front Gf en’? but all that was done Wis to have & few patches placed on the ad walk and still it i in a delapitated comdition. | Have yon tried Mellon's Lottace abd Rhubarb ? Will you have mised some. thing if you have not. tn Nebraska thers are 141 log school houses 527 boli of sod, one of baled straw and one of steal. Wm. Wolf and Wm. Benpett are yer i 1CHS, Suits, New N CW spending this week in Philadelphia and | New York seeking pleasure and seeing New Shirts, the sights Vietor Spuncer, of Wilmerding, is : visiting at the home of his grand par- New Staw Hats, ‘ents, Mr. and Mrs Jos. Bloom, of Fal mer avenue Cyoling has ite ups and downs the downs ase Banner Salve. ‘ept or bruised. quickly. Patton Pharmacy. After Just come in on If you're it heals the hurt Tuesday last. | JC. Harper received the sontract of Atting up & bath room for Engineer : Sanders, of Cresson. Tuesday morning to begin work. Just received a full line of Fairbanks dist, globe valves, sizes | Gp to 1 inch. Try a Fairbank's or Men may differ on politics, religion or finance, buat all who have per Salve are agreed as to its worth for outs, burns, sores, emsew. It ix in the world. Patton Pharmacy. those who drink whiskey for Harper Whiskey adds Bent, To pleasure; to existence. To those whiskey whiskey makes life worth living. Hoid ‘by W. L. Daggett, W. A. Mellon, Fat ton, Pa | The mounted police whose daty it is ‘in Italy to prevent the fliegal felling of grees, get only $8 per month, out of which they have to maintain them wink at the anaathorized felling of trees and shard the proceeds. : Joseph Helsel, of Coalport, met with an accident on Monday near Comfort ‘Ran a short distance below Irvona which will prevent him from gworkisg for several (days says the Standard. He His man jeft disc valve for stemm water and you will oss no other. Por sale by J. C. Gould, the plumber. 4t piles and skin dis the most healing medicine We keep a head of the Procession. I SA AA Mothers best stock of Infants shoes. SA I SO. See the fine wash who drink fur heaith’s sake; Harper suits. Just » » i ‘in. $1.25 and $1.50. Not trash, but their | hermes. The result is that many of high-class. We lead, others copy. was taking a load of Meat to some per. acne near Comfort Run and got out of | ‘the buggy Canitmal took Cth lines fell put, and in atempling to peeaver them he was thrown out on his kead. He sustained several agly conta over his Jeff eye, several teeth were knocked loose, sprained his left leg 10 water hin bores whey the fright and started to run off Jou jumped into the baggy but Quthitters, Shoe Men and Furnishers. ‘and was considerably broled about the body. The buggy was almost de- ! molished. Prothonotary's office the other day | welien a couple of ladies |) who fe Vs at that office for the purpose of tran. aarting a little business wood ap before High water mark was reached at the Laminary. for Bright's disease, Phiiadelphis sod New York by the Philadelphian & Reading Route, have recently been equipped with new vesti- huled service throughout. These trains now consist of combination smoker, heantifa! new coaches, latest and most Jxurious of Pullman parlor ears, sod a new Paliman smoker, complete, mod- ern and np to date in every particular. They leave ‘Reading Terminal,” 12th and Market Stresta, 7:30 and 8:30 a m., reaching New York in just axactly two hones Retnming corrmsponding trains fenve New York at 4:00 and 4:30 p.m. from Central R. R. of N. J. Terminal foot of Liberty Strest Whitehall Terminal Routh Ferry five minotes earlier rrher fast trains belwoen New York and Philadelphia nearly every hoar during the day. The P. & R. also oper- ate fregpently fast trains with Poliman to Readng, Harrisburg, Potteville, Clet- tyshurg and Williamepors frome Reading Terminal. and to Alantie City, Cape May, Osean City and Sea Inland from font of Chestnut and South Streets. For a soapy of new Book Pleasant Piaces on the P. & R. send a 20 stamp to Edson This Space is reserved for PITT & SEELEY. Watch for their new ad next week. J Weoeks, Genernl Passenger Agent, | Philadelphia P & R engines burn hard coal 00. smoke “DeWitt little early risers are the ‘Apes piila | ever awed 12 J. D. Moore, Millbrook. Als. They goickiy care ali iver and bowel troubles. (1 W. Hodg- kine Patton Pharmacy, I consider it not only a pleasure bot a doty | owe to ny neighbors to til about (he wonderful cure effotad in my same by the timely owe of Chamberlain's cholera and diarrhoea remedy. { was taken very badly with flux and 1 procured a bottle of this remedy. A ony, fow dimes of it effected a permanent cure | take plessuce in recoommend- ing it to cthers suffering from that dreadful disease WJ. Lynch, Darr, W_ Va Tiis rensedy is sold by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W Hodgkine Aged Pricters Dent John H. Winters died Satordsy at hin home in Monsy aged 79 years. He was the olclest printer in this section of the State and was well-known in Lock Haven, Williamaport and other cities and townn Par Torty cousecative years he was employed on the Muney The funeral took place Monday afternoon at Muanoy. A futal policy 8 to neglect & back ache oF other sign of kidoey trouble. Foley's Kidney (“ure isa sure remedy disbetes, and gravel. Patton Pharmacy ) Rackache shotild never be neglected. It means kidney disorder which, if als lowed to ron too long, may resait in Bright's disease, diabetes or other ser Ly fons and often fatal complaints Fol ey's Kidrey Cure mikes the disses well, Tuke nothing else. Patton Pharmacy. : Look far our special offers in next moe of the COURIRR, and also hand bills, En. A. MELLON, A Cpt of Trini [ wish to say that I feel ander lasting obligations for what Chamberiain’s cough remedy has done fur our family We uve used it in so many cases of coughs, lang troubles and whooping coagh, avd it hie always given the most perfoct satisfaction, we feel greatly in- detitad th the manufactures of this remaniy and winh them to please accept Respectfully, Mrs For sale Hedghinn our hearty thanks. 8. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. by Patton Pharmacy, CW ify and get cae that wil Wong & THOMPAON Por Rami. A abo rooms 21x80 feel, gituated on Pifth avenge. Uall on or address AL TT Cornetiox, Patton, Pa 36il the sounter and the courteons (ficial proceeded in Bis neal a¥ahie manter. to expesiite the hiotiness, Thee Ladies had = evidently been looking apon the wine when it was rod or upon the heer when it was mmber, bat to the casual obser ger they were able to conceal Any man ifestation of their potations, with dig mity and discretion. time wah consumed but on their depart: Hi sderion war astrmished Lo abserve that they had tarried too long, A gentle stream meandered across the Roar outside the coupler, easitated the calling in of the janitor with his mop and that gentleman cond sot be induced to beleive that the dampness was cansed by the heart breaking thought of tearing them selves away from the county seal Cambria Freeman. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the we— Signature of § SSE a & Fy Erie at Sh Ni nnnecessary whieds ew : Yours for Good Goods, sur shirt doesn't fit come here A Below Central Hotel When you want a close <have or firstclass hair cut visit my shep, Frervthing clean and up-to-date | A clean towel for We make a study of Men and Styles. We fit individ- uals with Clothes and give each tliem the best appearance. customer. Our garments are noted for character and quality, and “ate popular because we make Tem right Onur correct SUITS will please you, $18.00 And up Laundry Work. I have se¢ured the agency for the Clearfield Steam Laun- | dry and solicit a share of your, patronage this line. work guaranteed. & ik oy @ * £ 5 h ATEN I ATAATS, PATTON. PA. 1 ae Wah HE ge ( oe Sd : : Please give me a call. The Merc Gartield Wilkins. and all kinds of Anything made to order out . of Tin, Copper or Iron. _AT-- Patton Hardware Co.'s Store. Plumbing a Specialty. Watch for Large Coff es $ok6 WHER PATE vanee £5 < saa In. 38 Sereen Doors at Pat cost to close hem Thed.C. Harper (o. (11. Magee Avenue, * 1 3 Cultivators at 4d % Bargain. § & x _ a on wh 2 0S gh Macs 0 2 aRYOInee, Patton, Pa. Ready Mixed grades. Reapers, THE | ® be iy Py aXe Deering Rinders., Vowers and Rakes BEST at p 8 i pl ICs w¥ izEy igen Ca aye GCL aN vk EARS Se RRS ey IT ANC § eK % a = » 4 farmish Spectacies as 5 a 2% wa i i La uses Lan a ow = yay Fr yun 243% Sitka Rs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers