and Mrs. Chartes M. Schwab, the don- | ors of the church, and the Rev. Father H | About 5.000 Peoptt Witness the Tmproseive. | Cermodies sami. The cornerstone of the new St. Mich | | asta church at Loretto was inid Sunday | | afternoon in the presence of 5,000 pec: | ple with impressive cermonies The exercises began ut 3 o'clock, when the stone was blessed by Bishop Shanaghan of Harrisburg. He was assisted by the Very Rev. John Boyle Vv. F.. pastor of Bt. John's church at Johnstown, and he Rev. Father Kittell, of Loretta. | Following the blessing, the stone was wid, containing photographs of Mr. | Ferdinand Kittell, pastor of the chareh, dailies, a copy of the Pittaburg Catholic. a souvenir copy of the Gallitzin Cen. ‘tanary, written by Father Ferdinand Kittail and containing the early history t | of the Loretto charch and the hard ia ... Because, if the chil delicate and sickly, it wil hem strong and well Because, if the father 0 y is losing flesh and becom- © ing thin and emaciated. it will buiid | them up ard give thern flesh and § ard remedy in ail throat anc tung affections. No household should be without it ft can be taken in summer as wel as in winter. corr ART Sar: New York. £ Se LETTER Compiled by x Wide Awake Correspondent fram the Clearfield Conpty Trwe. ; The family of Thomas Cook has moved into the honse lately vacated by HE Lowman, Mr. Butterbrogh, of Grant, has io | ested at this place with a Jivery stable and boarding house. Prank Seabring, of Grant, has moved % his general merchandise stock mito the Mrs. Curry building at the lower end of town. Heavy rains at and pear this piace have caused considerable damage, D. W. Fry snd Robert Buchanan are hauling the sew rails from this piace to Rogue's Harbor for the Central Coal company. RP Chase, candidate for district attorney, was looking up his Republi. can friends at this plaon last week. While it is not our intent to censure or enter into & controversey with any- ; One On Or cumcerning, any fatter of any kind, yet we feel justified in say- ing that a correspondent in reporting the ball game played bot ween Hastings and our hothe team two weeks ago, certainly drvw a little hard upon bis Pata mistakes are ‘made by those ¥ould —— Again for Fifty Times | eam. down to g 1 felt wo weak I ] ago; hors of Prince Gallitzin, who first ee tablished the charch over a oentary officials: the name of Pope Leo XII, of Bishop Phelan, of Pittsburg, bishop of this diocese: of Bishop Shanaghan, who blessed the store, and of Mon. signor John J. Keane, who preached the sermon. This doctiment Was wigmed by Bishop [hanaghar, Father Ferdi. pand Kittel and Fathergdolin Boyle of Johnstown. The sermon was preached hy the Most Rev. John J. Keane, DD. D Bishop | of Damsscus and cornected with the Catholic aniversity at Washington. Monsignor Keane is one of tie most eloquent men in he charch. In his sermon be highly complimented Mr and Mrs. Schwab, who presentsd the church and econgratoiated the Fer Perdinand Kittel], pastor of the chareh, on receiving soch 8 rich gift. He glso salogized Father Callitzin anid his work. Father Kittsl] responded with a few well chosen words to the elognent ad drew of Monsignor Keane. The new church is to be of stone and will be one of the finest in westsrn Pennsylvania [ts amt has been ati mated to be about $125.006. The | eburch will be very large one. The foundations are now completed and are a fine piece of work. The Rev. Father Boyle, of St Johns, and the Rev. J. C. Farran, of St. Col ‘amba's, were the only priests present at the ceremony. There were members of the clergy present from Cresson, Gallitzin, Fbeasbarg. Chest Springs, Bt. Aogustine and all the surroundiog towns SEVENTEEN.-YEAR LOCUSTS :Imdng Groat Darnigs ard Around Pills arg. The following article is clipped from the Tuesday's Pittsburg Post: “Armed | with sprinkling hoes, flaming natural | gas, biaging torches and baseball bats, Erst Bod residents spent the greater Monday night defending their They had been attacked by the wheel ix nid on Lhe prods with the part of of savage 17-year locusts and their shade frees, flowers and plats wers bing devastated Avalon a few days ago, and is now mi | grating northward. That is the reason that all that section of the East End lying near the Allegheny river is in a istate of siege. The jocusts arrived | early Monday morning, but the strength of their forces was pot realized untilin the evening. Wher the heads of home holds in Highland, Negley and Stanton avenues and thoroughfares in the neigh- Portod reached home [ast svening horrified to find their handsome trees almost covered with the insects, which were rapidly devouring the foliage. “A sagnetl of wir was held to which + Senator William Flinn was invited as "being sn expert tactictan methods of sxtermination were dia cussed, but as each man was etend fas to night again for any 3, H Wilson, Livery. Several 0. his own ideas, po general plan of cam- LC. W. Hodgkins. ‘New Pension Law. means of support other than her daily labor, and has an actual net Income : : Then i pounded the heap, Many » a man has abieon tosared against Bright's dicease, disbeies, or other : sted near switoh, which rolitown on Spangler Railrosd, Will be sold at a ressotiable Apnire | , i of John Colfer, Parton Pa 232 angerous | iments by a fifty cent bot- ¥ it grew worse and t! | paign was agreed npon. ' the scenes in that portion of the East {End were curions ast night , | a natoral gas pipe. Ramee he was carrying the fire ranks of pose. 4 ing scattered around profasady, wo . hope that woubd Jdsagree with a i insects ceive En when she is withotit desperate revenge CW ith a garden hose he wasmbuid : Ld Lge ad me As & result “One man had pat a lignite tip oo a | garden bose, and sttarked the home 10 With his portable th Trad Hy Ee Pio inerders (Mier ag thw MATa the peed pasoiin Tobaonn stiwped walter Was in BEET ii i torres T the the One bloodthirsty man ook & upon his enemics Sen off his trees into & heap on the gn wy he took a baseball bat and As far as it Sent, his method was the most effectiv Fast Sambi A house nnd §iot and al aif wit. fads to Users Inpaire Ireafmosn Crinnet be Carnal fawm? A we they 3 oe APOE Fors vu one way 6 enn Penine wiv i had rhenmatism. It 1 continued = ant work. d geist recommended me to 's Pain Balm. 1 tried tirely Tn op re poOMT fn foot Brine ® 1 went to adrog store ! mation oar i Iaken itm i fu ol Lust hil Seni Ed i 2.3 Ya tuess fs the psi i, mon £4 : By arth. "whi 1 mondition 2 1h Wem give 3 tman af Pesci CRAG. bw ow : BY mesa by Dresoshy iy, Toe Hil Family a are The Dest. XN Toawia 1x tar pape for thelr vivtings mean on the kokout for just mh 80 : thelr trinmnh aed feasting | talse contained copies of the papers of the county; copies of the Pittsburg the name of the state and national : fog. it was shrank on f bed of 2 od “poe by weariog my shoes Piwith a vawn “the Ten gusirter Is aba 38 ever Sven 1 once enjoyed the pr tllege of swing | shallow pool which was a cul de sac. The mackerel swan behind their vie tims in serrisd ranks a company of bungry, determined crestores, upof & gorging fest Wo whieh pend be po Bogt They the fry for wiles maybe jowing one bere aml one thew appetites Wwheited portico them where (hore was fw Na alert fisher there merely awal there 0 Keep Now ther had Gen tor ony ert ito caps mitt Tose opportunity was 5! Rand 8 ty and lamentation They at will And, yé pode, fast they did! No cue who bas not sen 1 wank) believe that the colds capacity of a ma Rered conid possibly deal soesessluily with the pumber of small 8h be avTnsily swallows The way he conducts the operation of feastiig i wage { Fpeth ing his month wide fhe mar Lore durtx tn arsong the smell for, some al ow hich are perhaps pir of Wpgth. In an instant ane yet ta he seen wicking Bat ina he Es Ev venir} it Sood wear the of hix month Then ane pulp, sod tlw viptivn od. Wibent & process ik FER many times 1 £44 0 future Bmw AR for ix momewhat { shoal of Ul ter Aims Selay has EY AEE E FE GEE ed CHITOSE yale af fhe oF watohie in An A sir the FOR HAN aften whirl skir! the § Caer 1 Iie 5 bi bme lk the sewtTh ih Erased SOMA NE mans M Agazing POC ES thelr Fix om Perea Long SET ING TIRE The O18 Way of Shetaking Them on and the Maddern Way. The obd may whee] was 1a was made just x tre wheel aod 1 of expanding i Rented If owas crowned rir of the whawl mod then frou whee! apd alse to contract it A wed the wheel 2% © aban Soe slirin FR + Tipe a TE Na i WEVSOE Ter B Law $a Pune Whey Sawn pyer (0 then hen Cow in Phas paoked with Waler 16 Rew Barring thw Es The suoders way will puta 8 Byatania rightly tire an a wheel tire getting pris By this method the tire is trife imrgdr than the = it will go over the Di this paves HGH whaed Hes horizontally, with ing at the center for the hub is dons posed of IN sections, radating from the center amd fo shape lige the soe between the spukes of 8 wheel The outer end of pach section is tyirtiedd ap ward the turped up ends making 8 continnons fange. or collar, atl around fhe bed of the press. Each one of the sections has npder it a hydeaulie evn. wsdide asd ds fad The fhe Fe 3 fevely. whnah #i opal to work fo R&R COmOWOn Senter in nee etd tire arogml jt within that termed gp collar, or fixage, around the wile, {When the press ln set In aperation the “The plague attacked Bellevue and ng or flange, is irresistibly contmet When it tosses in contact with the tire aroand the wheel it does Bat hring up Against it. bat Keeps on sontracting just the same. HOW Sentraciing the tire ma well and setting ft agua the sheel. the Dreswnre being rabl Tonrsenl until the when! aelf Bas heen Drought to the reanisite degree of Anping . New York Sun i RE x ALPE us Morea Rie ed GT AF Bile monent a8 are carpets here. They ary handed dows in Tamilles as Beirhoonn from peneration to geheralion to lw cote darkesedd and suibstoed with age They are rags always sod ate wade of paper Ly 8 peoular ino apr pearance they are Rundn hae das guercd baxes which come Fapag and which are so mgd sy Gimend as band kerchief boxem sail the aid hue American conwnl in Koren. "The ma tives always 1ske of Geir sandals when they enter the house apd that tact accounts largely for the long le of the rugs ‘When | was thers, Bow. ever | abocked the feelings of very Mares or ne carpets sud daring my say i «© pletely wore out seme of those be fil dark colored carpets TH aban: a goarter of a8 loon AL very sfective” Earth Partifientions. Mi ehgineers are practiceally greed thar be material for forties Flam r to ses When tay is not chinioatie, as on the pag aiore, sand is collected (nto bags and are ald in regular heaps along the Line of the proposed fortification. lo such a fortifieation the balls from (he ene mrs zuas sink without doing dasage. and shells explode Barslesnly Pine Writing. “By the wit, Naggos™ who was lovnpisg io the oBve of the jae Tro ATTY ag 8 RU te literary editer. “what do rou consider the finest : ete?” disc of writing ln exist “Well” answered the Lteiurs ray pe pod eritten ina clrcle of the sige of fine as an wif Thieme 1 _— . ay an A Perilous Prafession Sea ie Hoy Fade BAY Gelade Ise Sep’y half ste Le Rings ma aa 3 oa pr” it on sight. | an army of mackervh successfully cor waned. per 8 shoal of small fry in 4 rocky fatent ed followed ; eral attacks during the last year and Vheta county, der. and the sections are all armaaged Lod Osanibirda © gaked Borne, neller Adviress with Haote, Ind. Grate Retinol Foo Astin. Miss Mand [Hekens Parsons, Kans, arites: “1 suffered eight years with asthma in ite worst form. 1 had sev was not sxpectad to five through them 1 began tsing Poley's Honey and Tar and it has never failed to give immedi ate releil Patton Pharmacy. Raodared Kars to Philndelios Fig New Wesel emtioml On acconnt of the Republican Nation. 1 oar bosiness and look after our large! al Convention. the New York Centra will sell axcgirsion tickels to Philadel phin and retors, June 16s to rh, in clmsive, good returaing on or before June 2h at dongle fare for the round trip. Specific rates and time tables will be furnished npon application to any New Yark Central ticket agent. JQ Hood. Justice of the Pear, Crosby, Miss, makes the following statement: “1 can certify that one minnte songh core will do all that is claimed for it, My wife coald not get fer breath and the frst dose of it re 11 Las aise sediten my family” 11 wis foveediately , Suda NE lleva Ber Ta a Pate iE rhs sl ou Fire ne efi ders Ano rbudea perety. © W, Hodgkins refiand voor money If you are pot fied after wang 4 It every w hers wilmaitrad te nen the most sunoemsiy wlan’ Rd oe in hows] sompiamnix ad thes onl ito hE ars that peer fais safe aed rellnbie pleasant, BECKERS IN MRT fanaidy Riopdirdnd at Fheenchnrg fate Foeidday, Juice mye He AY AE Paton, Trostes Mary Montieth, Patton $106 Colonial Savings & Investment As sociation to Mary Cherkousis, Patton, Peter Farha FRE pal Grits 5 an FB. Jobin, aM Ib 8x agi too M. D ; 1 840 Archie Kirkpatrick ¢f ux, to. Codlp, Elder, S882 Ansignes of D I lis Lewin, Barpeshors, £312 Edwnrd (VP Brien #1 n%, Koitreid, {ambrin and Bt a Thongs Aer Cambria ami B jews OF Hien, Crmeson, S00 David Atherton of ax, | Barnew of al, Barvesbora, $50 ta Thomas Bras Baw Pasta . Atha #4 Bir of Elen i ark. by the] om beia copnty, oa (Commissioners of {nm paititein boeougl, BR Hy nx. Haren inn 8, Si Ra. LER de fae KAD Saag Fated Clark, Ant y. hat Elen © lark, Gals rin Bornsigh, ig Marnraret fiarma Reads Fu Taogmie A Hapigeer of 3) 10 306 Harmon, Roxbary, 127 James Parrish of ux to Ashville, jose. 2H Daviest ox los enabarg. BH. Petar Po Parabang Varabiigh, Spanger, WF Grifiih et ax to Cam heik sod Jeckeon, 12,165 dobar A hanes of wx toy James 1. Misahall Oambeta, $1181 iit Aled Reows, ihariem A i . EE eid, ¥y wd ST 0g % a Yinsmwer 3 3 Pa saved giving her gata ins Over-Work Weakens Y our Kidneys. Unbealthy Kisners Make impure Blood. A in wor thm £5 AE 43 em 7% the thal rary Tae beg ir ard friends smirer of Cane 1. Read, Eb ‘Wall Paper. Wall Paper. tg LiBaries James Muh. Liew a hundred Work of at has ager in this County, siwo 8 good So. " lielor; good pay fo right perty. Neurly 100 foll- page engravings, sompt- | LR paper, {laminated covers and bindings: over 20 goidien lilies in the praroece Bin the cloth bindings Sells at sights presses running day snd night so gread 4 in the sade. Christian sven and woman making fortnnes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian womans | made clear $500 in four weeks taking orders among her chayreh sequAintanom | Write us Jt may eal tos permanent paying positon to manage coprospondencs, which you cas stend ter right st your hone Address 8 (3. K rivowies, tipper Broadway ond ith Ave, Xow York EMIS A Mer suffering from piles for Afeen yours [ was curad by owing taro boxiw af DeWitts witeh hase! saive,” writes WwW. M Baxter, North Brock, N RB it heals everything Seware of count. erfeite © WW Hodgkins Patton Pharmacy. Kurs Dironkeniess, Lares Dig i isers THE KEELEY ty VW hen PURE DRI ST \ TION E RY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CORPECTIONERY PATENT MEDICINES, in need (sf aah {+> Huber’ % Drug Sto PATTON. PA. Prescriptions property compos aided, Teartificially digests t Natore in strengthening and recot- structing the exhaceted digestive or- mos. It is the atest dlecovered dig: int and tonic. No dther preparation SSUGROTS | jan approach if fn efciency. It iu- stanly relieves ind permanently cures [ryspepsia, Indigestice, Heartburn, Flatolenee, Sour Stomach, Nausen, Wieck Headache Giastraigia. Cramps, and ili other resulta of imperfect d ation. Prepared £ C CeWitt AC. . Hodgkins, Patton Pres | Wa have the most complete stock sf Wall Pager in Northern Cambria patterns to select from, eonsbsting of Kitchen, Duung Soot; Purten, Hail asd 3 Otfieg papers, Picture Department. 5 x » Susy ry Rett 3 Pn anita 3 % oat : 2 Apt iw Wad Sha RAE 2 . i EH EE Ed ys ie 5 isi Bo BAC WW dik dhe, Patton Art and Wall Paper Store M RE UT Aves, Ry oo wl EN, Bod fe Wo Pte an RS HE RE Sh Te VASE Words About Bicy(les. not necessary WT eves, fru 12 Fawr Fiilenntl Rivet, be | hes i | New York at an outlay ef over $10,000 Hustlers [oon the poblishens desire 8 Man: safrios fram severe dyapepe | dis over twelve years and using many remedies withont permanent good I to everyone” Writes J E Watkine, sings: niariey 100 ross i nally took Kodol dyspepsia cure. 18 did ma so much good | recommend (lerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. it digests what you eat. CO. W. Hodg dinm, Patton Pharmacy Jo nN tore! are invited to call line of « Yon and see my new GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Etc. At Lowest Prices Flour and Feed SPECIALTY. grade of Lame. CARPETS! CARPETS! I have just received my new Carpet samples for the spring and summer trade, and among them will many neat patterns FURNITUR UNDERTAKING. White or Black Hearse summer Shirt Waists Stylish waists, every one of Shasmy and such s variety of colors and that none need gu unsuited. ; n't 8 worthy sort of Shirt Waist nade that hasn't ite representative bere in white amd solofs. ail monde Er styien, principally “without ye and French Yncks, Far White marveis of heanty, and white i» all the be found * os this yess. The prices begin at Ie, 34 : and pun at Mo, Se and sx on up © $i oand Le Ht east The goods are sam Oo interest yom, five they are pew and stylish * h SETI SE, 3:0 Lue ac) them by Mail . and Color 2 va are tyiven. The New [dea Patterns Have jumped right inte high faver, nd ne wonder, for they are perfect, fways give satisfaction and are only + gah for HRY aime ne Try them if ¥ wy airendy. Lan Price an have not done Bein Tes 3 AREER LIRE LN iy RL ox TELS CiOK. Altoona, Penna. x Fe much they tor us ao se av yy handle. xe aust Fr WAR LR PICS. cht or kind vou may - "Te 3 ok We have them tor Ea ® «4 } te] ulries always kept on hand. a al Ai EAHIS We “rh E BAZAAR, vl share of the are et a atterin 0. BRADY, Prop'r J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers