“ Ha i B35 0 1 ANegel clable Pr mia 3 8 ig Too i nce ax & aie wr od Ir SUEY PITCHER! OF THE po UITRY YARD ; Mes? CH! Lew Destrover Kiki Wore Mites, Lice avd Dher Vermin i 1 Oy Thun all Other I Rewediey Ceebined. The war bs on | The dayn of Loe a wrmin that have done so much to make fife of the poultryman miserable, hie bosi ew nprofitalile are over. or 0 Destroyer is the proper sition to we | This preparaixin derful in ite power, and veri t exist twenty four Fours after ; lo the Boo} Or fowl pil fn jt. It is cheap, re- and effective, one package being to protect 30 fowls from. BE at prot When this | profits at once in- of mites or lice you may fool sway money with! 1 TOONA. Sih 3 ga Hae canton bo want and we'll your rants Are guickly and satisfacto "y Remember that we pay all charges on Dry (Goods when the money comes with the or rder-—and we “ask you less for the goods than other stores do! Address all orders makeshifta. i ; An Epidamie of 0 pases dng Cuagh. ant winter daring a epidenie : whooping cough oy the disease, having Copp coughing spells We had aeeid Chan 4 cough remedy very soccesd eroup and natprally taried tein that time and effixcted a complete car. and hn E Clifford, Prigweton Norwood House, Norwnod! N.Y. This pemeddy 18 for sale by Patton Pharmacy © Ww Hodgkins. Ho Anoed peokdia Ban 1TH On aveount of the Fianat Clanvention A SE fi La A ¥ ¥o5g8 RET ¥ 3 company w 11% medl Bxon - Phitadeiphi TH Ty YEE al Bhi mb rate af one fire for 1! inimnm rete M0 condi (0 Thelo std paid good going June nelagive: and returning to June. clunive. the boweia { Pharmacy. ABLE & CO, 13 Mriais Pith Avenge, ALTOONA, PAL ers i the giicloest Store ig the Hae JO Kennedy, Roa cannot say Ga mas hy Cie bax of 311 oul aw Rh skies. ah 3 Waal Chpmlibn mia Or SRRaan for permanent promition of trust ipa Lasniy Bm 3 if wi Hirose ify Wend Li goer § Tete Be re op nie fEieeh Tied id Par ie & bien BRL vigorating the Witt's litth Hiktie pile for cleansang the Hyer and WwW. Hodgkins, Patton sely rners, The Frye HE BEG ANAL RIGHT... BUT THE NEW TENANT DID NOT CAR. BY OUT HIS PROGRAMME. fe Thought He Could Bluff the Office Elevator Boy, and There In Where He Made an Awinl MintalkeThe | Boy's Story of His Hevyenue. (Coperight, 180 by i Ho laws A few works Guo whin Mr. Hocka way, the kodak age fr noyes! into root BR Bie took an early appartiinity to say fir ane “larnis, thers are owners of sky papers, and there are agents and jan itors of wk Fars, but the sdevaltor bay 14 the real boss. °Y op sirc he in” 1 inambly replied Af he stands in with the tenant, that sppant i= all tights if lie don’t stand in | then the tenand might ax well hunt for gpother ofee 1 want to stund in with Fi, Rammis i “Yeu sir “Yan gre a widow's sot Here's hall a dollar to cheer your minthet’s lonely heart You are trying to pay Hf the gigantic morigags left on the co ite bY THORN SHE RTANTED Ui GY wHEDR THINGE lore’ A AE has v finif to Ae Thin is simply pres SHOPS, LJ dave ned balven snd ded. siak aud rattle around phan frown me fo won with Bins £ [rogue ney. Al you've got to ifs for way interests seats call hers, Buea rand a ren Tree atid oN Nan are ont wanes who wanls ceathien, amd you dor Qurmuyint Ami you arn RB Jasrell Le said an hw onited me on 180 said Lomi always to ee out wilind whis calls Fou Ale iso from calling again You may thigt | have reorsl Le ; Tonia | mete you shiv thas THe oalar? Eee, sir bout thay are Taose. "Al Manne anather Rani the gianntic sar He. tion of mine a we Hr 8 feo Wool a Rl ght it. W vq a a ELE Raa ad : we i pe ©] rast yim RCE make wd pete y ook wivk if REAL 4 wi Tat CRgniel Bink we puderinml each ag tees, dnl HL WAS throes weeks ¥ wae what he sab aid hat ae my fenlings, One hiss forrth foor a lawyer's hay ei ihing we 8 spwed off Tar Bost topped the ale _yator to punch hix bead A pad thus was ate geting ap 1a answer J eal from Mr Rockaway. He was ma of abeait 3 pnd, taking we by the ear, he said “Nan oping Yhung monkeys at iH have no more of this! ves penoed ind roy report you fo the aguot apd Have Foi honneed! What do you mean by wt Ceonduet 7 “{'my sorry. sir’ Phat pales Ba differance. From ahis ume out 1 shall have an eye al “fon. amd you 3 either walk chalk . get the bounces. Do yd hear mel Tie iron struck bolus. Fram that hour 1 waited and longed for 8 ross _ hemiled, sharp posed Woman to appear. | Luck was with me On the afternoon r of tha Afth day she walked in and made iratghs for we and said “Bah, Po loeking for a man nanied Rockaway uhis wife “iiave vou gut business with hin waked #1 latveoostriey Dusiness. {4 there wneloa man in this building ™ whee ino Mr Bookhaway bere, hut he's got de wihiskera' Well, 11 onll wn off in Tase me rig a “ev, he has three secntla] { tonk her § ay He Ligh got 16 Stata i vir thie tenure | held 1h elevator ¥ooaaw fief Pater TOA ti and § rhe Brat wim of Higlo wit ad when £0 Zeit Ed taht him that he hal better ather quarters he prupR red dain’ see hate toe Barely x ofiice furnitiiie iia Tet wert cries to tke hitin doer ; aide % ike. gud peek a lugep on Dis jaw, sid wilitness vot Hngerad in his e3es. Pex: vo wold fhreaten oF repromeh me bit he didn’ Ged at all that way, Om the contdary there Wan sadness in His vole asl geptionoes ty his hand as H. A. SEITZ, he reached oar for a farewell shale gaat Linge yo I he carey out the 41 fo PG be a Tather Gi bein Mf that gigantic vit ilar faded tant You © hia ail et i better. {1 DR. S, W. Worrell, wax you who Lrostight her up’ “You air" “And son ave ay wide whiskers I RWRY > Wem WiY SAW all Ot was thy own fault, Office pone. whiskers Se, repewriter gone and the redbeaded woman eanped on my frail 1 am Una neinlly ruled, Saw. wile. and can’t say thal 1 hime even saved my honor. However, Lier i 8 THY hand. apd I lear you pe ill wilt. fd wil be a great moral fessan 10 me, » That afternton Mr Basher the agent. calli] me inte is offew wel ml sg oapiis. BRR YOOr wonndet dignity been healed? “Nex, sir’ “Phen don’t take any nore ra beets we} warned up in te afalrw as that 1m oom G3 CRUSE Gud he adevator Buch Ht wip sud wert forsiioes, Just gy present oor tinting Eg Cand 1 hoes 3 piny long rennin so Something mins bol up at sny momen) however, fat ir does {twill ned li the fault ot SAMMIR the BEivvatyr Boy. MUA guia a8 8 £15 ALL ATE THEIR HUSBANDS Crier Fnilove of a Lostiy Experiment to Make Spiders Weave Sitk. Aw Jone ass ad the Denning ' dlpliteenth entry the plea of usiGR the thread (hat the spider spits fro ite Daly tn slistitute for the thread UR WER 3 WE i PER fait, Prot 2, £3 late patito fad tain when slong fronting CHiriasts persons oases BE RCE cof silk. Tor il has Fanti denpoisten ied thd Fw hte PERI Heer eal spn the spiders OF Ria Rs thar after pale snnler spol rot Ties. Sede SEY ag aed gid Atul col font, Pasa our SIRE sree Ered gieorirent In Ten fasas frou eho wecond, LAME Fant sprue dav: front the third amd 5 £00 verde in four gays, Foes the BIL {sey yards in 11 Jags sal frogs Gad sixth #000 sands in 27 days 5 German in Muuiaciung was sn he Hghted LAP Ee RrTARGYEND £ Waving: 4 with mall Sniper Tn fare nan sf He apniders avi Mada gas to Chirrany. All went well unui female Lad abl thelr eqs gad gun 1 ania, wl fpr ail at now tl were fonral ta have dian iawar peer feniining compiitons had grown wh fond of them shat pach fad spe Sr der sail saten her mate. Phi CRIS trantie crpbed he cantly experitaent Washinglon Dost A Truthful Nomesviatare, in a cerinin fatisehinhd flee (roe only Vermont magpie sirup has peso lost [ts sweetness, rid wp veral HDR a week fram the head of the tahie pater familias pours out judi ansly meas ured quantities of it Bn the plates of his children To give pyuapcy Wh ihe ceremony he always ¢ Splat us that this : The Delineator and Mazie an antelope, Cwith someth Og ; tite he im Boing to RS » Bob an ostred alee frou the Breet hawks for Teddy Ome day the Intleér wisi] philosopher ; WRK seen to regard the carious plates for a cousiderabie space of time Wa x lence. “What BH, award? ls aint her nsked. nse replied the bopefal Hl wan {ust Hanlin that aie an Bob an Maze | Co. i Limitests, at 7 to 17 West Thir pepnth Street, Now Work, at the re -markably low rate if alls seems 10 Qt birds an snakes ald Anya wiv skinny tops, bint pots general Iv gota n el phant or 8 nipperpatanas Now York Commervisd Aslvertiser. Wanted 1 a Stone. fave 1 ped alwats beet generous with on an the maior Af Baushold yg ef Tor # =a Then he ty ik Yes fob there wonind by Bleage frat Strategy In the Poalgpit, How shied Nal § Ploeg scares of Ban Eanee, ipsatiaic. CAvennpes Cad Wren the far die, 1 shall forgive yon, if I live on, it GEO. "BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Ofee an corner of Lang and 51 Cisllestdionn prosint in fended to. Properties to sell poet read Dentist! Oe nn Ye SUnE Bal hing, sent to J fy Patton, Pa Office Haars. Hoa mio tam. and 1p aap Mm PHYSICIAN AND BU aE, Office in Good Bolbiing, Room . No 4 Sar Generyl Suegury and the fer a Hpecialty Al en ia wT] peewhuy perennation. AHAFFEY HOUSE Mauhaffey, Ciparfietd Cul, Pa Aout hota ian Bon el Tips, Bumt of Liguors wig bling N {a teedd Maps Oreos FERGUSON, Prop'r. Parnell & Cowher, CR geen be fr FIRE, LIFE AND NS 1 ACCIDENT HW BEAL BEXTATH AY PENT front Batiding, ation Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSIC] [AN & SURGEON. Sie nl Rey Bh wiaitiear, caitie responded ai oN wl thirvmd ymerville, Attornev-at-Lilw, For Fam! yi As wall an fxr bs aw nest i B ARTHOL. OMY Lai or. 5%. and bottled by the Galliizin (Pa) 3 Doping Co. Atteruiedd to i : Prourmeio! ; irstNation'| Ban OF PATTON, Patton. Cambria Co. Pa. CAPTTAL PAID UP, £100,000.00, SURPLUS, 210 000.00 sugges LENE BREA eset TAY AEE A al asia Yr hrrmst pil 4 cy oh ve dep nile, A. BE Parrax, Wa Ji BaNproRl, President Canhiler 18 THE Woman's Favorite Magazine, and is beaed by the Bamous fashion In effect Rept. 11, 1888, sublishers, The Butterick Publishiag $1.00 for a year's spbseription, or 15 cents ¢ pir eopy. 0 all Gandy magazine it Withee preat outerer 10 Domestic Neods, and carn bw petGUnED: Todd for ita cheip Cenies, nsefuinese, banty, and, ahnesk aad utili ¥. Grippe, whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis and Inciptent Consumption, fs The GLRMAN REMEDY Cares Yara and Ang AvREBnes, Son ba wh druguists. 254530«s APPT FD WwW. Hudghins, Patton, Pharmacy. { . dered Time Table. Hoa down nes 5 Gt Mail Roe i 8 0H Eoszpmna nd es sa a i Sg ee Woonel in vel Bigier Wallaertan Morriadaie Mites Li FRE: bf + Hipmtarg iss vv Add A < PAEYHESRBEBEN SE pi ppmnte Binharne Ponte iat if ntiearss oe ae RE Tae. oe ‘ ¥ x wr . Ta REA {BES Fadia & Vaaiing HR » HHA res $ fed £3 ge te Lewin ow TEE erasing avs at Hustingdin St Phiita Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. feave MEBRE fr Motes, Hen weak caer barent Bt Tabac PW {at 0808 1a, day Sure fit with thw te via mal £4 gras Fiviston oF th ag rniirond; at Mehafles with ih as AYN arin arnt Nofthoweslaviy FRIRRY. Gen, Hwee WOH Narthoui Lien Press. Ag, % Meares Youll Philadelphia & Reading Raiwa Hagines Burn Hand Coal “No Smo IX BRET SOvVE ; Papine fame » Boer, ad tisnciand ab Roches. fash FH siti wn ty an ated pS he aud af the = p ii Sygiary fetal sind i Lontiraal ag, srwain Jd WER : Greet Pmaenger A 4, AEE sii, Bilsdeiphin. Wil eR Laie Talis x Pennsylvania Railros "in effect January 22, 1806 Main Line. Lownie pv Bast ward ae Bos press, eeek dese Adersivi Geax at weak Gaye Hal} 4 Eanes, da at Re : a8 Ye roe Westuunk EE Arann , Wik Smys.. CEA wewk days tf ambria & Clearfield Divisd Lonmve Patton SMeith ward Tenis No Boat Tas a. I arnting a FE Train Noo 76 at 00 pom armiving a sat $35 pr mn Lassa see Ballons Northwan. etn Nis TO al ited a. ma sIYIVID nt EM ae ma, ated at fiien Lad 150. Trarn Noe TX al 00 pos. BIVIGE © fon gt BO 5 hi. aye wy (dent amps Te : Huntingdon & Broad Ts Railroad. Sewttwusd. Tenth Nu, 1 (Eeprrse rw iy oXoept Mencia y Lo, werivirat ab ME rtine at Tratn Naso 3 Mill leaves hunting kwgal Sanday: Ba 2: Isiias al Ee Tahal al HE pos Pein Ne 7, Rupdars nis) avis ME Chiles abs sl a0 STEYR tea Hi Bs PREY, 8 1 Ny PL wind
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers