PATTON RE —— co. PropHistors B Wire timer. Frtitor. TERMS OF or sustcRPTON One copy, one year, In sdvanee, - « - B00 or dyertisi rates Pade KnOWE pon ap : as pa : Fo ns : "hours to repair the damage done to the track. Ss | SN papers Ascontiiied url! atl array. i An | re paid, ardent Ht the dpdion of the i Entered al the Postoffios at Patton as seoond | claw mat matter, Who said re wise hore ? This is the time of vear to clean op your yards Children’s dimity dresses at Mrs Dartt’s. - 2613 3.0 Harper Co. mitkes a specialty of plumbing. 1% Do not forget the eiflipse of the sun next Monday. New line of infant's coats at Dartt's. - 2642 P.O. Stl of Nicktown was a Pat. ton visitor Friday. Dvede Hurd, of La Jose, Is visit Ig nade in town. Joe cream at the City wholesale and retail Harry Saylor, of Mahaffey, was | © this place one day last week. ¥. J. Banker and lsly, of Cresson, were visitors to Patton Sunday. Mrs Hostaurant 1 Bart Young is erecting an addition $0 bis property on Filth avenue. dH. Miller and wile, visited friends in Pattoll Monday. Miss Katharine Conrnd, of Loretic, was visiting friends in Patton Monday. Mrs. OC. A. Repsher and children are | visiting relatives near Carrolitown this week. W. Loog and wife, of St. Lawerence, were In this place ling on friends , Friday. ; Mrs. Benjamine Beaver and daughter Mable, of Irvona, were calling on Pat ton friend Monday. The work on the new addition to the City Restanrant on Fifth avenoe is progressing rapidly. Miss Lottie Glasser, of Gallitzin, spent last week at the home of her . Wncle, Wm, Yeckley. A social bop was given in the Gold- ‘stein hall Monday evening in honor of Mim Lottie Glasser, of Gallitzin, So Miss Blanche Tretrick, of Patton, wan the guest of friends in town sev. ha wenk, - Carrolitown = been appointed | at Jeannette, Pa, Batorday. just left one of the sleeping cars snd started down the track when an engine : ‘strixek him. Children's Reefors at Mra, Dartt’s. parents in this this place, evening. Revord. Cowher vieted friends in Harry Waits of Garrolitown. has | agent for Express Company nt Mt. Pleasant, Pa. One of the Beech Creek yard engines ‘run off the track at the lime house sid. Hing at the “Y'"" Monday. "a short dime to havi the iron horse back | on the rails, bot it required several Charles Edwards, purchasing agent for the Wallaoe Bros. show, was killed He had Enoch Short received word recently from his son, Edward who left Patton on March 19th, stating that he woald leave Millwakee on May 3 for a trip, across two of the great lakes, Sines that time no word has been recelied from bim. Winfred Radelifle, of Ford City, Ps, spent several days isst week with hin “[Qyorty, as he was widely know by his Patton friends. was formerly one of the boys here, Oressmyer, of the same place. He was acopmpanied by Lo C Thirty eight years ago young Augns. tne Bliss, of Warwick, quit eculting bhrosh on his father’s farm, hong bis scythe on a pine tose and went off to the war The soilder boy néver came Back, and the scythe has never been taken down from the free where he hang it, but it has become nbodded in growing pine until it is a Gxture Two mad dogs at Huntersville, Ly enming Connty, had things their own way two days inst week, biting msny eatile for the farmers in that section of Altoona, | An armed posse of farmers mounted on borsehack had an exciting chase after the dogw. They came dpon the animals at Rabbit's Hollow and killed them. The nomber of cattle bitten cannot be sstimated Those who have laid their straw hata tos rest several tines this month fasy now wear them without interruption The COURIER readers can all goess why. A grind organ made ils appearance on the streets Toesday, [tis ae old saying that spring does pot come until the grind organ and nmbrella fixer comes around Patton was blest with both therefore look for warm weniher. IE ia not often that Mr. Wm HH Den linger gets left, bot not having posted Binwelf in the recent changes io the de parture of trains from Pittsburg, he missed it last Satarday by about five minates god in order to make home ower Sunday, took a latter train and drove from Tyrone to this place Bun. day morning, leaving again in the Philipsburg Bitominots The handsome marble statue of Gen. Giraait by the American scuipter, Frank. . lin Simmons, was uoveiled Saturday All goods are alike to Putman Fade- Jews Dyes, as they eolior ail fibers at one boiling. Sold by CO H. Perry. Chest Springs, Pa. Pasties, picinica, and the retail trade Parnished cream at wholesale prices at Dity Restaurant. Oream guaranteed the life cut of rose leaves are rose lop. Bdward Yingling, of Gallitzin, was pers, which are freqoently foond on ) io give satisfaction, | rhaiting his brother Frank over Sunday. 2d. has many friends in Patton who were glad to see him. A Johnstown woman swore out war- mots for the arrests of her husband nd a son, claiming they tried to cru. sify her. The charge was assanit and Mattery. The very finest, The ne plas aitea he eveme de lacreme. That's Harper Whiskey in three laoguages. Sold by ¥. L. Daggett, and W. A. Mellon, Tatton, Pa Sm Snel pandelsoonsdenspetroolrijaig ays the Washington post is the Flem- sh word antomaobile. : nake you stick to the old reliable William Kipling, aged 34, & miner, © ras crushed to death ander a fall of ok in one of the ines of the Ber 7ind-White compasy at Windber Wednesday of last week Jost pat Ved ot Tal it Loe od Fairbanks | dnt globe valves, sites | up to 1 inch ry a Fairbank's disc valve for steam ar water snd yoo will use no other. Tor sate by J. OC. Gould, the plomber. 41 CHE Messrs. Harry Greene and J. T, How - rd, of Glen Campbell, accompanied by fisses Mary Patterson, of the same ace, and Esther Davis, of Punxsutaw- ey, were visitors to Patton, Monday. Dr. E H Hake, a student of the Iannaman Medical college of Phila lelphis, who has been visiting the Jas Nentz family the past ten days, vill depart Friday for his home in _ [oungstown, O. : There are 1,200,000 ¥ire need in telephone servige in Inited States, and 4000000 cally ure weeived daily in the telephone ex- hangs of the country, The wire of Cop mr files £ HL w ‘wonld girdle the earth at he equator 8 times, or each from the earth to the noon five tines, Woulden't that afternoon by Misk SBartoris, a grand. daughter of Gen. Grant, in the rotunda of the Capitol, at Waabington and lnter “was formally acepted by Congress It is a gift to the Nation from the GO A. R., and was declared, by Mrs Grant, who was present at the anveiing, 10 be B strieing likeness, The small whitish insects which suck the lower side of the paves [1 is said that if attended to before they are fully | developed they can be eanily destroyed by dusting the infested plant with slag shot. When fully grown they are pre sistent, and severnt applications Lave to be made in order to kill them pos then alsolnte rildases la donbiiig! PRI | Lins Job Curry, of Curry Han, while driv. ® Lea and wagons ab the New York Central station here fast Saturday, win pbraptly thrown out of the wagon by the horse taking fright ab the 13.40 passenger train and startiog quickly. He fell with his bead on a te and receiv ed severe Injuries about the bead and shopiders. His logs were entangled in thw of the 4 LGOODWT OT sb duh Et ooh aes qiedl the su Ww bw} IFT. rentieniodgd Bim tite and al last second war such ws Lo mike his friend Foor wun Ban condifion A BRON - NM: Sid he ¥ Cyn ™ whey way developed Ban ding Ba frofghitean, Witerhouse wis sls at Muney the telegranh hien that there had bust wire from Waterhogse's wife barre, a telegeain asking if the report was true that he had died, aad r ing when the faneral would take pi When Waterhouse heard this he langhed ard anid: “Well Pm the ll cident oar pos shir ever saw.” A moment Liter he at- temnpied to board a freight thrown under the Lg 18 Ear aiar Vike O¥er ah Wilkes ax fran wheeis gronpd Lo pieces, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Hignaing of the Adams i Cnee, Mrs H. Mitchell, MeGowen, August Quinch, Thomas Speidel in two lots and buildings in Hastings. At anit of the Bighth Ward through Mr. for and the Second ( Fant of Gnviatued Litters for Week Pads ing, May 19 The following is a list of advertied letters remaining in the Patton Post- office, Saturday May 19 1900. To obtain any of these letters the sppli- Miss Mary FE [rven Shearer, Mr Gertrude MM | Btesns, : Foreign - Mike Pehtorick, Guseppe Btave Lancia, Mintos. Frynk Banounski, FE. Wil GREENE Postmaster. I consider it not only a pleasare bot a duty | owe te my neighbors to fell abont the wonderful cure effoted in my cane by the timely use of Chamberlain's polie, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. 1 was taken very badly with flax and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few domes of it effected a permanent core. 1 take pleasures in reccommend. ing it to others suffering from that dreadful diseases —-W_ J. Lyneh, Darr, WwW. Va secured Smith, the former Agent in Patton, the Agency the Crawford hn- cycles in this vicinity, and can sell vou thar Highest Grade at $40 Second Grade, $30, Boys and Girls at $2: rade We have - N ¥ at $20. Every wheel guar- anteed and kept In repair for the sason. We will sell vou a wheel on above con- ditions. [f vou want a wheel come and see us. Outht Men AN araichers ££ >, Shoe S & ier It took but a | ‘pant should call for “advertised letters’ {If not called for within two weekn they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office: W. C. Brainard, Prank Confer, Ralph Number ot Properties to go Under the: Hammer, Sheriff Werte has advertised the for. | | lowing properties for sale at the court house, in Ebensburg, Monday June 4, at Io'clock p.m. Allthe right. title and interest of Harriet 8. Cornelive and 8. M, linus in two lots in Patton, with build. ings thereon. borg HB & L. association. Come | At soit of the Ebens- | All the fight. title and interest of Chas. B & I. sssneiation of Ailoona, All the right, title and intersst of J. HH. Bracken in a lot in Gallitzin, having theron a two story frame dwelling This remedy is sold by Patton © Pharmacy, OW. Hodgkin Pred Reeaidaod s8 Bhenstitirg ys « ‘rovie towne Al anit trusted. All the right, title and intrest of George M. Patterson, John W. Seotd and Siimnel Spare in the Patrick Bore land tract in Reade township. At salt of W_ 1. Woodenok, Byron EE. Wood. pock and Gertrode Seibert, Of FL OC. Myers ina lot at the Sam. mit. At suit of the county of Cambria Of John B. Mullen in three jolts in Lilly. At suit of Veronica Smith, Of Fdward (OV Brien io a lot in borough of Lilly, lLaving srected 8 farmboose and stable suit of Mm, Emily A. Lemon, Of MW. Padoipron wits Af suit of Benjamin Lahn, of Booher & F LRT DICKERS IN DIRT sae Foor pps tin Fumie Friday, May IN Anthony Farabaugh ot ux FN alyoe of al, Cearpsiltown, faba Eighteernth- Ward Loan & Building tmsociation to Joseph J Holts, Hast. ings, 0 Joha A. Baker ot ax io Holtz Susquehanna $2440. Fie M. (inldbarg et vi A. Raper. Blacklick, £7. Jums Moan of ox, te LL han, Lally, $1060 Wittiam Moire by arn of Cambria | ar Perry, Clearfield, $81 Alleghany Conference of the [lnited Brethorn in Christ to George BE Holmes, Blacklick, $1. : John J. [Hethrich of nu Geerte, Eider: $50 Arthny Conweeford 0 Thomes J Met aliongh, Loretta, 1.000 John P. Metauire ot ax lo Joseph Sharabaagh, Allegheny, $2,000 Assignes of I) Gi, Myers of ux, 10 Joseph A. Myenri, Ashville, $87 Matthiny Kessler of ux, Met lelland, White, $1. Alvin D. Davis, #t al Robert W, Holbert, Ebensburg, fA Len J. Parish ot ux. 0 Robert Dillon, Elier. $20 Bone consideration, fy Sara Callies wy oni esd toy Charles H Frang 0% Exeurshon 5 Philipsburg from Mauhniley. Propowd Flea J. of Don (FConnor, the therson At Huprovsanent, spe deans § This Space i for PITT & SEELEY. Watch for their new ad next week. irl wint CK Eh gir verythi Cs hier. Josenh J. dry and se The New York Central Railroad company is arranging for a cheap ex. euro from Glen Campbell and Ma haffey to Philipsborg on Memorial Day from Mahattey return will be $1.00, Patton wishing to ad the rite Philipsburg and Passengers from to join this excursion can do so by taking regular train out of Patton at 8.50 a Laundry ork. Ih for the Clearheld sheet a patronage in th i In Work gua ranteed. each: HS Pink fviares Tag Bn pa & Hath Biv % nie % Sou Garfield Wilkins. ave scene rer the agency Steam Laug- 1 share of vemr All m. and an oppertonity will be given Sreirainn rar on therm at Mabalfoy to buy tokets, Passengers will train leaving Philipsburg at thew Mare a Warning Arnie Duker, aged wight years. while attempting to beard a moving freight train Thursday evening nedar the Haws Cement Mill and had ber feet so badly will have lo De am Johnstown Tribune. Memoria MH % 8h inditeesd thal Shey pratated, says the Shue deus tke fo ihe St pital iourediatedy after The ohild’s futher, And side Gn Breaseh steeped 4 FRGent; ie raw DRer, e- spe’ iL % Hin Sie WW Rest wiliv | evar deed Lia Millbeno Hear apd howell tronlden. | LL Kins be FY aera Are ine RES ak. Ex Woure, They quiekiy ove all Ww Linigls tsn Phuarmay hut vite CASH STORE. aki ANA Big Ss, Hak spac Don’t Forget the Place. Old P. O. Room. a5 mo WOLF & THOMPSON. Clothiers, 6.3 PATTON, PA. We make a study of Men ind Styles. We individ- nals with Clothes and give them the best appearance. a fit (hur garments are noted tor character and quality, and are popular because we make 'em right {mur correct SUITS will please you. The Merchant Tatlors, PATTON. PA. and all kinds of vthing made to order out of Tin, Copper or Iron. An Plumbing a Specialty. Wate h for at = wi Thed.C. HarperCo. Avenue, Large Coffee Mage = i Phiows Se 75a tf paostone, Patton, Pa. Ei sin i Poeak on 43 ATR bead ld RL TOZER. The Patton Jeweler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers