| promis during his canvie for the © order that Indies may walk the streets _, | mouth and the little red hat to get the FT + | impression on his mind that he was | only & piayer aud not the ampire, that | gentleman needed no instructions when it enme to making rotten decisions . against our tesm. TTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors CB Wits Gren, Editor, BLIRHED . - 198. 1S 11 CONTAGIOUS ! LA Ducasse Which is Clsimed to Morr Dang: sreis Than Smntipox, The Johnstown Tritgne | The nomerons and sudden deaths in Johnstown and vicinity during the past EL month or so from the disease variously | denominated as cerebral meningitis, perebro-spinal | meningitis, spotted, fever, eto. has canmed widespread alarm among & number of citizens and cre ated a general desire to know sate ‘thing definite as to the character of the disease whether or pot it Is contag. jous, how it may he detected in its first symptoms, and what treatment whoald be applied then or what OORT | shemld be taken to prevent it In fact, ‘a very large nomber of people are ‘much frightened over ita ravages, especially among children, and it is much more dreaded than the dis ene called smallpox which prevailed “about a year ago, The physicians do not appear to sitogether agree on the mutter, and neither do they appear to have been able to do much sucoonsful work toward combating the chiens “when it once has gained a good start, Pomdbly it is more fatal than ero ailment which has prevailed in this © place or vicinity for a long while © Medion] works of a general character state that pérebral mengitis denotes in- flammation of the membrines or men. inges of the brain, and that acute cer _ebeat meningitis may he smsociated § | with an scute inflammation of the vor- Prata Pens Tawkiire, responding membrane of the pital Our present Representative has wade ovrd, in which case the affection is several pew departores in the matter Chilled terebro-wpinal meningitis. Thi of appointments. In the first pince it is charscterized ax a remarkable and js known that he declined to make extremely fatal epidemionl discus, bat SR {tia pot stated that it is contagious re nomination and He has dectined Lo ! bat the further Gemcription of the Sine ‘make promises sine hin election, bat ‘eames would hardly apply to all the those who have watched his move cases which have prevalled in Johns ments, agree Hat no Representative town, for it is slated that outaide of we have had for years, has Hevoted | Instances, in which i is indaced by Talis him nar closely and energetically or blows, it in cagsed in grown persons to the interests of the people of his by exposure to great beat or indulgence | Distetit. Especially hin bie been loyal fn aloobolie stiroulants. In chikiren, to our soldicrs sud their families and | however, iL may he developed in the ; to the wakingmen. gonrse of scarlet fever, erysipelas, and Ab the Jolinown post office he ap- a pointed & ove arm soldier; at the Bed: : The Joon sy DROME 81 the beginniog ford post office he appointed a soldier | 1\¢ Intense diffused pain in the head, with one of the test records among the Nusbing of the face intolerance of light ing Spring post pffios, be appointed u | the neck, and bead and deliriam, which soldier who had lost a leg; at the Rid- in active or violent ade dlesburg post office he appointed & ax well us delusions enter into the de daughter who has been devoting ber Miriam. Convulsions sometimes pocur, life w providing for her father, who lost Other wymptomiCare lows of appetite, his sight by an secident at the Riddles. often vomiting, constipation, disutrbed burg Furnace; at the Gallitsin post TVS of respiration and more or le office be appointed a workingman who debility, except when the patitonl is had lost a leg on the Pennsylvania oder the exitements of delirious voli- _ railroad, and in other portions of the tions. These symptous belong to the District he has appointed workingmen | fist stage, the duration of which var and soldiers. Sal les from a few hours to a few days. A © Por his six Consus appointments, he | very large portion of cuses end fitally. is pow having six young people & | Bometimes lite is destroyed in & few pointed, all of whom are members of | hours and in most fatal cases the dor : soldiers’ families, and it is reported ation of the disease dons not extend be- that the beads of the departments any Yond a week. Among the first forms he is selecting ixoellent ma torial for all of treatment recommended are the let- positions. ting of blood, the application of cold to But the editors as well have come in Pe bead by menos of either cloths wet Lek, Somerset county, he showed his | ©2'd douche or the joe cap, and the friendship for the country editor by | active purgation. ; | The name spotted fever was given to appointing P. L. Livengood postmaser; is PP ating 8 | s disease which prevailed in New Eng. land, New York, and Pennsylvania CONGRESSIONAL AFTOITN MENTS, at Patton, Cpmbria county, he ap- pointed E. Will Greene, editor of the PATTON COURIER, and now be has se- s : cured an appointment in the Post plied cerebrospinal meningitis by "Office Department at Washington, in %0m¢ writers who hold the opinion ery, for W. (\. Smith, one of the edi- ‘to the which name was formerly tors and proprietors of the Everett given. The reason for the name is Press. ; : the occurrence during the progress of Actions spesk louder than words. the disease of dark or purple spots While some of Ke disappointed ones | Which are caused by small extravasa. who could pot make profit out of the: tions of blood in the skin, As these i patronage in the different counties of spots occur in only a certain portion of Br awe ant aseailing Mr. | bee: and are preset, In odes S50 _ Thropp, yet the thinking people of our tions, the name spotted fever is declard four counties have only to look at a t¢ be not appropriate, Differences record like this we print above, to de opinion #s to the nature and treat. termine in their minds that we have : ment of the spotted fever gave rise to the right man in the right place. a violent controversy which mounted i into several vilnmes of medical we ris AFTER a sharp debate the, Senate This ix something to a general way followed the example of the House and about the distase which h voted down the proposition for an ex- very widespriad fear in this pounty, tention vf pueninatic tube postal ser and Wes Bm : : vice in the large cities, The general by many people, wha bedteve 1 sentiment in the Hanae jd that the ser tents should be quarantined as come vice js & good one, but that while it Pletely as for fmailpax. is controlled by a company that ia dine posed to skin the governmen t, it ought not to be used. has cased hy $v anghl 10 be contagious Nag i Ae Sake began 10 use Kodol dyspepsia cure 5 3 —— A ——————————— A —— From Anthea Westover Corronpobdent, What could lower the diguity of the | office of Chief Burgess more than for that Official th be compelled to go out a on the street pnd suppress roudyism in * savior of my life Writes WR. Wil. kinson, Alabany, Tenn, It digests what yon eat. UW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. INTERESTING WESTOVER LETIER | with some assurance of safety, why not mri compel him to act as High Constable and Cheif Police in connection with his other duties, it wonld not be asking to ‘much. : An exciting game of bail was plaved here Thursday Inst between Hastings team and our. own resulting in a dos : feat of the fume team. The score standing 12 fo 13, in favor of the visi tors, Outside of the nsnal kicks there was nothing of importance except the Thursday of lust woek between Hast Witity of the great hig man with the ings and thix place, was the orderly Ld suits and the great big Heh the plavera conducted from the § Tenrfield Conniy Town, When otir high constable falls to ar. reat oman it woold be a blue lookout for Jeffries to nhdertake the job. Mining Engineer Harry Aunlthouse has returned to his duties at this place. with friends ip Madera. manner in owl Hallacinations, : | from 1807 to 1815, and came tO be ap 1 had stomach trouble twenly VERS | » and gave up hope of being cored thi 1 It has dane me so much good | eali it the At A Shoft and son Harey have pe tpn to work after a two weeks! Visit | The main feature in the ball game | themselves during the game. {the Hastings rooters bordered ers were ‘ eondoct. | the nmpire, they did our boys to tive ‘tune of 13 to 12. The game wan errcr- Jows 80 far as we cotld see. Wm. FP. Moser in off to Michigan on a finhing trip. Wo make the predic in no way some Whoppers. Postmaster Jacknon is going into the incandescent gasciine lamp business in the near futare. | Peter K. Rishel und grand-danghter, Mins Odessa Park, spent a few days bast week with John and Wr Rishel at Corning, N. Y. © Ownr wealthly lumberman, AP Fry, | patiently awaits a rise in walter Lo run | 15 inrge rafis out £ Clearfield creek to marke Mrs 8 A Kuhn and little danghier, Annie, retorped Thursday aller a two weeks’ visit in Perry county, Thos Apple, an engineer on the I. ‘AN WR R, spent part of a lay and night I Mw Jackson, st this place. The ancients teledved thal rhenins | tien was the work of % demon within a . man. | of sedatic or in will agree that the Conia enough ; Bik never been Cilia § ohm rl mer jnin's pain balm world a mons, bat it will fare rhenaatinm, And Basnmsatory rhoamialbey infliction Bk dem: ie tir Tang. coped Gib | hundreds bear testhinony to the frath of this statement jeives the pat, fod this quibx mie Cwrhich it affords aigne warth many tines ite cowl Phamacy CU. W. Hodgkins Cia BOLI ALD ree F ’ Siathen! Notice in hereby given to paresia and others that hevealter there stall he no joufing or lounging io and about the halls of the Good Belling Biber | ebildren or adults found Rtering © loafing in and about the sams will be treated] an trewpamers, taken in vastly by the police and otherwise dealt with : the law direcis have been made to effectually (Rey put this regulation and oosda to parents ay be saved by keeping children from Cats N Laoway bd ¥ loiating the sang April 2, 1% me tigans Tabulen for sour SOMmach Too of Xast's Faces, Wiltlam M. Tweed vas a portly nu with a beng pein far. dreaing pf medium wie, home, Hille preine e¥es Pehsekn and a straight. frei month that Cwm deckdediy Lis best feature The ipatlines of Lis faze were those of A Bartlett pear, litle end spward, and § “pever saw craft 86 pairably wrilien ‘upon a human counleaagon Nast ‘guedd to be fomi of demwing Twenl's Pface. by the way #8 a sack af money. The peneral oontosr of his head lent Hell to the outlines of the sack, and ‘he ued § marks for the tose and exes 'Btragge lo say, It was a capiial por trait | Another of Nist's trick plotures 9a ‘one of Roscoe Conkling. He wold draw a large letter v owih & sinabler ¥ inside 1t apd surtiount the pain with ‘an interrogation mark ermide down The big V reprewented Conk Ling's point ed tard, ‘nose and the interrogation paint the Hyperion curl which Le always allowed to fall negligently upon his forehead. That caricature wade the hauglay sen (ator wild and exasperated him more than any bit of fon that was ever poked ip his directiofl.—«XNew Orleans Times. ‘Democrat. og Photographed hy Earth Light : Evorvhealy sho Jove to wah heavenly bhexdice Las ¥ tiessd when the eresoent monn Spence in the Epomenon called “the old moon ino FolnE ones arp Parts the horas of the crescent 18 seer oth of $I wring with a pale, ashy of £3 th fiir of few west, [rises 0k Brg eed : the whole revptd hy & The cause the ecanth i Gen aol Csatfciently nl yy yisthie 1? Liye the appeatapise % aw - fal 3 a ry fast By the sunsin 3 Hh Tiwi imnt Lo reader ear 4) Xs tepipis in Frame, Wo pl nomenon, amd te spon} wiry dp ¥ ptis : fre : Compation Tompiy Atkins Bays nt When Atkins be Coffin, £u ¥ 5S in Yonans 51 von din, vag Siti . i peivin share oi New York fementd of the Narvissun Pra foslil fe 8 Corie sin Compiled by x Wide Awaki Corjeapondent | ilienil Pai ayy TES Wits | iat : ya pod of water and ¥ ¢ % gates] whih UH this Aged gird WAR Livaes 5 nat i fh PEE He Won spo Id hve hosatiney HEY an bast SEaw did bie iis §RE IO were playing SParthioat won 4 i SEE £155 Some of closely on hoodiumiism, yet the play. will not cost you & pent yesponsibie for their good. Ome applioation w However, with the heip of pain. It also cores sprains and Brides in one-third the time riquired oy any : ad bites, quinsiy, pains in le wicker snd are guickly cored by tion in sdvanoce that he will bring hone | ast week with his sidler, . i ast week WS h #1: throat and long trontie CRIT MPRA Anyone who has had an attack Arrangemenis statement minate tough CHIE WhL GO Rd oda Rares Laid Cw hie Jung trocbise the smaller one his sharp Chamberlain's puin-baim = teal It if it does no ' iil relieve the | treatment, (ute DURE froat- chest. glandalsr and other swellings applying it Price, 3 and Ww. dyery hottie warranted. 8) cents. Patton Pharmacy, © Hodgkins Agents on salsry of $15.00 per week anid expenses; the grealest agent selier ever priciored; every stock and powitey raiser hoyx it on sight Hustlers wanted. Referince Address with etamp. American Mig Co, Terre Haute, Tod WwW. 8 Mosser, Millbeim Fa, saved the ifs of bis little girl by giving her aa inate cong cure when she Was dying from croup. Its ine aniy harm. ms remedy that gives immediate re- suite. It quickly cares coughs coda, bronohitia, gripge. asthma, and ad kins, Patton Pharmacy. KN it $l Kare NiNETEER ofl ty d Bde We 4 Marte¥ia: E00 wr pro | Por sale by Palen J. GQ Hood Jestice of the Mian, wh Bar makes DRE fey Loren, 5 Fy hls that otw clade for it, My wits cond nod her Breath sed [oe On ome oF 1 it 14 family.” IS irmmeni intel ¥ and cares sodghs, oclis croups, grippe, all throat aod Hodgkins, Pal- seth ang ag Branchilis i ton Pharma Blosdnpersd Hatin EL York Uwslin, i Chin aosotnt of the Bepablioan Nati al Convention, the New York ( Senteal will sed] ewrarsdon tekels to Philadel phia and retary, June 15th to DMA, wy elusive, good rurning on or before | wall Paper. roa, tabiten will June Mth, at singe fare fue the rend trip. Mpecific rates and be fainislieal Gon appLeation New York Usntesd Licked agent 3 wet ¥ oy AC i 21 Ld pats Ta S318 x Cg The Eminent Kidney Bladder Specialist. rer of Swamp-Baot at Wark in Ris Ladoratery rei YE Rwampe Itong ae I teosdled with rhenmatiam, give New York at an ontiay of over §10,0000, made clear $500 In Bisa goss benefited my Fhidadeliphin Yia New | af Wall Oreo “A Work of ager in this Connty, alee & good So lheitor | good pay to right party. Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sompl-. BOUR pRpeT, binditigs: over 200 golden the cloth bindings. Sails at sight; i. (due our Ponitry Mixtu illominated covers and lilies in the | mroien bindings: neariey 100 roses in 8 end stamp, BES i Haute, Ind. ain over twelve years snd remedies withoat firmly took Kodol 4 did me ao much good presses running day and ight so great te everyone” Writes J. promotions Christian met and Womb Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. making fortanes aking orders Rapid 14 digests what you Ope Christian woman kina, Patton Pharmacy. four weeks taking ~~ est. . W. Hodg- § orders among her church sognaintances and friends. Write na Tt may lead tha permanent paying positon Lo manage snr hasinees and look afier cur large porrospondence, which you oan attend to right at your home Yor 20616 vg fee saffering from plies for fen grant | wea enredd by caeiBg two bases of De Withs witeh hase sive, writes Nath Bewk, NB Perare of count ng erfeita. CO Hodgkins, Patlion Frm EY Hicate This! Handed Dwliars Besar for : ee a ae Te i § Lo FTodwedi, £3 i #3 ihe End we shin pee Siipiels Neos PRE pA wid ast ay adviigne we Dreuggists, Tor sree. Woandimsie a v A¥ PURE DRUGS, ATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, Al 101 weed of kw SH aA Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON. PA. Prescriptions properly compoandid. Posow, | fuiominge Atartifcially Lents Nature in strengibe stracting the exbaus guns. 11s the Intest ant and tonke. No other cul ag scnvered digest. preparation and permanently cures wp i Heartbur Flatulence, Sour Stomach Sick Headache Gastra ly all other results of imperfectdig Prepared by £ C UeWitt 4 Co. CB OW. Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy, HL. among them will reach it in efeiency. It In 5, sia, Cramps, sod Address 8 0. i fe Knowles. 12 East Fiftesntih Street, le tweets Broadway and Pith Ave, Now | You are invited to und see my new line of (GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Etc. At Lowest Prices. Flour and Feed A SPECIALTY. . Also best grade of Lime. * iw re 2 irectly in front of store JOHN GANTZ, &« Proprietor. = { CARPETS! [ have just received my new Carpet samples for the spring and summer rade, and be found “—. . many neat patterns CALL ¥ » ; = examine them and get prices before buying elsewhere. Aud siog and recoo- digentive or i gents . FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. White or Black Hearse Wall Paper. We have th Papast hndbresd & most complete stock Northern Cambria patterns to select Kitchen, [Maing Clowr @ Frens consisting of ftoons, Parlor, the Lowest possible prices Picture Fall nad Offlew papain : Summer Underwear. No doubt some have seglected 80 ; prepare for the hot weather that base steve na pred apd strong, sw # words ri Bra stock of Under 5a abt our wear will nol cotue amuse. LC AWa have very nice cotton sib sleveless vests, neatly fnisbed and tape tiem, ab we, 100, 1p und he each. : Low neck and short sleeves at 1a = ny * i All pure while, Paes line, low neck and sleeveless, & : very beautiful rib, at 28 pach. e {aidios’ Swiss rib drawers, kbee tongths aod adged with lace, ae 3 ERAT hae.” A mith sin tay and infanis’ ’ Biliren ws & 4% Fags d $5. X08 THE BAZAA wot new, we are R, G. 0. BRADY, Prop'r * !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers