stig die rarron PERLIMING oO, Proprietors. LR WILL OeeEve Editor, TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ome copy, one year, in advance, $100 sar Advertsing Fates pusde KDOOWD Spon Ap a Frome plieation. id apers diseontinued wotil all ae 1 are paid, unless at the option of y Butered at the Posteo at Patton se seond- | sas maf] matias. 4. Cc. X Harper Co. maken a » specialty of plumbing - 1% A. R. Heller, of Ebeosbarg was in Patton Batarday. W. A. Lather cams down from Car-. rolltown Monday. Sheriff Wertz came down from Ebens- burg one day last week. W., D. Michael, of Wackesha, wuss Satarday visitor lo Patton, Sammel Swab, of Cresson, was calling on old Patton friends over Sunday. L. M. Patterson, of Lock Haven, calling on Patton friends last week. John Johnson, of Dubois, was look- ing after business in Patton Satarday. James Moore, of Houtzdale, was a business visitor to Patton last Thurs day. - James MeGuire and wife, of Glen were visitors to Patton Sat urday and Sanday. An exchange offers the warning that the man who does not pay for his home paper will never sport a pair of wings All goods are alike to Putman Fade- less Dyes, as they color all fibers at one | . boiling. Sold by C. H. Ferry, Chest Springs, Pe. James Nolan, brother of M. M. and Dennis Nolan, will again become a res, ident of Patton this week. James re moved from here about four years ago. Michael McTigue, of Patton, was in Cresson Saturday evening on his way home from Windbor, where he had been for a couple days - Cressen Record. The very finest. The ne plus ultra. was The creme de la creme. That's Harper Whiskey in three lsnguages. Sold by W. L. Daggett, and W. A. Meiion, Patton, Pa. Just received & full line of Fairbank's dist globe valves, sizes | apie neh. | i Try a Fairbank’s disc valve for steam or water and you will use no other. i Por mala by J.C. Gould, the plumber. 4t | A cornstalk recently grown on = : farm pear Owenboro, Ky., is seven. | teen foot four inches long and has J; seven joints. Two feet and six have been cut, off, the stalk be- | rigina y nines fee! ten inches A charoh bell cracked in ringing at iage of Schleithein, Schaffhausen ny a few days ago. When taken ; wan found to be of the year \ooordin It is oldler than the a bell which inspired Schil- | Monday F. V. Perry, of this place, sod the Kuhn beirs coal land, od in Becoaria township, about a ath-west of this place. o hundred amd twenty-one acres in the tract and the coal is of an excel cellent quality. —Conlport Standard. An aged farmer of Alleghany town. hip thus exhorted his son: “Now don't | prgit while you're in Ebensburg to git some of then 'letric light plants we ern #0 much about. We kio jis" as raise om ourselves an, save kero- sene. Bert Cresswell hax ‘em.’ Claire Guosaulias, who has been em. ployed by the G. 8. Good Electric Light Company, of Patton, for many months past, departed Monday for Johnstown, re be will be employed on a con- on crew by the Central District Here x in the hotne. If a mar meets his wife on he street he does not notice her, while she, if she secs him fn time, slips out of ght if she can. It is not necessary 1a go to Korea to see the above state of fairs, because the same frequently ) pens right here in Patton. The Berwind- White company is pros- cting at Brisbin for the lower vein with fair prospects of finding what they are after. Ifthis should be the case Houtedale and Brisbin will enjoy a return of the prosperity that once ex- jsted there. As the tide is turning their way, five families having recently oved back from Windber. Philips. : The Lock Haven Democrat says that Wilfred Strunk, of Beech Creek, was ig in the Bald Eagle dam at How- a few nights ago and captured two os larger than any fresh fish ever seen dn that town. One was a German carp which weighed fourteen pounds and six ounces; the other a leather carp weighed fotreeen pounds, In | eight sharp, the total weight a8 ninety powinda t Riohand Byers; or New Wasblagton. + | Pa, was calling on Patton friends Fri- : : | day. Cr you wants good tin roof, your : hotise spouted or some réepuiring done, | call on J. CC. Harper Co.-it Pasties, picinics, and the retail trade 'formished cream at wholesale prices at (ity Restanrant Cream guaranteed to give satisfaction. "An infant son of Mr. and Mrs John Kerrs, of Fifth avenue, died Toesday of last week, aged about two months | Puneral services were held Thoreday Misses Mary snd Anna Thomas Bertha Sharbaagh, Steila Fokenrode, ‘all of Carrolitown. and Miss Vietoria Flick, of Altoons, attended the ball held in Patton last Thursday evening. According to a story told by John Lowe, Assessor Somerville had quite 8 orday for Gallitdn, at the marriage of ber consin. Mim Jennie Anstead, to Frunk time in making bicyrie assessments in the western part of town law compelling assessors to assess all wheels, also ali cheng, it keeps them wide awake while on thelr rounds. avenge, were called to Grampian, Ps, Monday on account of the death of Mrs. Bennett's father, John Gabrielon The deceased was well knows in Patton, having resided here several years He was aged about sixty five years Further particulars © sould not be as | certained. JC. Harmon, of Penfield, was sen- tered Tuesday lust, as Clearfield fo eight months in the connty jail for “man -sisaghter, By the now Harmon was a store. Mellon are visiting friends in Altoona this week. BE P. McCormick, Albert Thotnas and BE. M. Ellis were in Philipsburg | yesterday on business. Liverymen Weakiand, Nagle and Beeger each porchassd 3 new horse inst week. They are all fine animals Mra M 8 Seeley, of Corning, N. Y, has been the guest of her son, Ras. doiph, the junior partoer of the fom of Pitt & Seeley. at the Commercial hotel the past week. Oliver Minnich, and wife aocrompan- ind by their daughter, are visiting at the home of their danghter and son-in- jaw, Mr and Mre T. J. Scholl of Fifth avenue, this week Miss Carrie Yeokley loft Patton Bat. wheres she ‘was Myers, of Hastings, Monday morning Miss Yeckley retarned home Toesday Harvey Bennett and wifin, of Beech : sccomponied by the bride and groom. | The Rev. Father Eagen, of Carnegie, hiss heen chosen pastor of St Barthol- simew’s Catholic church st Wilmore to sneceed the Rev. Father Ryan, who has been transferred to Lilly. Father Eagen was to have been installed server. 41 weeks ago but was taken ill keoper at Penfield, and in his place of bussiness trained Ezekiel Hewitt with a weight as the resnit of 8 quarrel aboot the delivery of gods. The jodge in puming sentence, explained his lend: ency by expressing a doubt as to Har mon’s intention to kill hin castomer. Mrs RM. Kinkead returned Setar day evening from Lebanon, Pa wheres she was attending the Girapd Temple Session of the Ladies of the Golden Fadle as a representative from Paton. | While in the above city she was a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs Weida, fomerly of this piace: Mrs Kinkead says the Doctor and family are gelling ‘along fire and they send their best wishes 10 their many friends in this pisces. Daniel Abbott, better known 16 his ‘many friends here as “Graodpap™ departed Monday afternoon for Cum | beriand Valiey, Pa, situated shoot six miles south of Harrisburg, where be | will spend several months visiting his ‘daughter snd other relatives Mr Abbott, who is in his eighties, has many scquaintances here who wish him good health in his sew abode and that . should see price 1s by the time the robbins come again he will be back with the Pattonites. Charles Robinson, the Spruce Creek telograph operator who riddled the | body of John O'Neill with bulieta on the morping of January 17th because of his alloged improper relations with Robin son's wife, was soquitted st Huotling- ton last week, the jary being out seven hours. The sympathy of the people was with the prisoner, bul the ‘verdict is & surprise, 8a a manslaughter verdict was expected. The jury be lieved that Robioson was temporarily insane from emotion. A few days ago Ralph D. Olark, of supporter bovs We have a patent suspender and drawer for little and girls that away with the inside waist. washing, ironing and does sewing on of buttons. We think them. ¢ each. y ii The a 25 More novelties here in foot-wear for Ladies, Misses’ and Tots than any other shoe dealer offers. Come and see for vourself. ‘New Bloomfield, Perry county, hired a ~ borse and buggy from Liveryman Har vey Flickering and drove to Bioomfleid Junetion, two miles from town, Xbers he hitched the horse and mide & call o a young lady. evening the horse broke the bitching strap and came home without a driver. It went to the livery stabde, which is witaated near the little creek, south of town, and io wandering aboul the sta. bie the doors being closed, tbe Livre fell over the stone wall into the creek and was drownded. Ils body was dis covered the next morning in the (reek with the baggy on top of iL Engineer Wolfkill, of the Pennayiva. nid and Northwestern, had an experi. ence last Monday th at made his hair stand on end and h KADCErR, #8 11 were, 3K Li Re sti ‘engine which contained powder. The cur was to be aft al woods on both sides of the track be tween Sidney amd Hillman are on fire The car was forgotien Rowers, er, ant the train was in the midst of the roar. tng flapes, when to the horror of the crew the cur behind and in front of the car containing powder was seen to be on fire. It did not take the crew long to realize their daoger. not stop in the midst of the flames that were leaping all wronnd them, but re. newed speed was added to the seain and as soon 38 4 clear space was react ed the fire on the cars was nxt ial. bat it was a close shave - Panxsgtaw- ney News, For Infants and Children, Sometime during he : Midipes, an the They dared Outhitters, Shoe Men and Furnishers. Saves | Deeds Recitded st Ebensbury op » Bute] Friday, May 11. Frank Peopington « ax to R r Montnith, Patton, $325. Magdalene Donlap of vir 10 Annie Dunlap, Spangler, $150. Locinda Bell ot vir to John Lastey. ry, Carrolitown, 700, Mary A. Stols to Jobn Lantey, Sr, Carrolitown, $1,800 EF Spencer et ox to Matiida Heowlie, Rende, $300, Jobh Lantay, Sr. et ax to Ned Irish, ot al. Carrodl, $18,000 Exscotor of A. BE Patton, Trostees, 10 Frank Pen- nington, Patton; $106. Assignee of DG W, Kriss, Ashviil, $22. Jessie Flien Gore et vir to John H Clark, Cresson, $1 Leander Bush of ny to Emelia Ander son. Blsekiick, $1,000. Henry McAnuity ot ox to Thomas George McAnotly ot ox to Thomas Barnes Bernestaorn §ET Yoes Lagach ot ux to Peter Offert Gallitrin Bai lding & Loan Association to Perey Rich, Cresson, $R01. Alinghany Conference of the United : Brethern in Christ to John L Fdwards, Blacklick, $220. William T. Rielly of ox to Websler Coal & Coke Company, Gallitein Town Callitein Buibling & Loan Associa tion to Joseph Zimberland of al G allit- gin Borough, 178 Peter J. Little et ux to Joseph Ben. pele Callitzin Borough, $0 Michael Bracken ot ax to Fon gle, Callitains $875, Frecutors of Robert 1. Johnston Peter Siminelstwrger, Cambria $100. Jomnph Wr Polly Bender ot vir to Jobs Popo ¢ vicks Paroesbaro, 380 Jobn A. Blair et nx to Hidabert W. Connery, ("hest Bprings, $12. Wiliam Miller «2 ox Ww Steward Miller Flacklick. B34 Ramoel (worge ot 0x 0 Seward M- lor, Blacklick, $65. Stewskrd Miller 10 8 Flack lick, $500 William FF Wik to Joho Hennessy, White, $150. Assign of James (3 Readiey to Ed- ward W. Lentz, Allegheny, $308 i £ Fo Jr. Amma Sabie die. William Miller, of Clenrfield, st tempted suicide in Pittsburg Friday by shooting himself io the bead in the owl. lar of the residence of his sister, Mrs Harry Mayborn, at No. 4,658 Flimore street. He shot himmelf in the right sey temple and in the forehead with a Jomeph Hogue to Syl vester Eckenrode, Alleghany, $860 Rowed ot sl dry and solicit a sha re of WOrK guarante H IGH G GR ADE. MEDIUM | for Church Sup ers. Dald’s smoked meats are sure to bring you back for more. Imported and domestic Holland Herring, Russian Sar. ‘dines. Mackeral. Bloaters, Codfish and all kinds canned fish, Fresh F country eggs and butter from Bradford county a spenaity : per 1h and Roasted Coffee Myers et ux to BE : wo Notice our Floor Shoes. Goods, Etc Matrings, Rubbers, Dey. BAY STATES FLOUR. UNE RP ASSET WARD'S BREAD. Below Central Rotel. ‘When you wunt a shave or Srstelass haar 51 my shop. x clean and up-to-date A towel for each nstome We make a study of Men sles. We §it individ with Clothes and give best appearance. pret Ea 43 Ly ¥ ow FTV ciean garments are noted for character and quality, and ire popular because we make ‘em right a Laundry Work. I have seen for the Clea rhe 1d far correct Yo. $18.00 SUITS will Se Agency | m Laun- your. A i : Te OM Sire patronage im this line The Merchant T alors, PATTON. PA. ease give me a call. ilkins. calibre revolver He was removed to the West Penn Hospital. His wounds are not serious and he will recover. Miller is thirty six years of age, is mar- and has one child, bat bas been separ ated from Bis wife for several years Hin eater says that ever sinoe bis [lines from fever two vears ago be hes never heen well, physically or mentally Wanted, Two goed painters and paper bang- y Patton, ers Apply 16 A C. Fisher, Pa dal I consider it aot only a pleasure but adaty [ owe to my veighbors to teil aboast the wonderfal eure offeted in my case By the timely owe of Chamberiain’s | solic, cholera apd diarrhoea remedy. procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of i effected a permanent cure. 1 take pleasure in reccommend. ing it to others suffering from that dreadful disease —-W_J. Lynch, Darr, WwW. Va Pharma, CW. Hodgkioe For Mie Have five pood beavy which arm 8 and © venrs 4.WK to 3000 poonds, all and ready to gO to work now 2-3 Win ¥ Mossgn Westover, & for sale weighing ams eb well “ak ont like He was coming ta * Punxs'y with a train of empties with the exception of the third dar from the Measure | l take people of Patton and opened 4 fhrst-class formerly occupied by the ( STOCET £¥ -~ Nn announcin have room vicinity that | in the Post Office. where [ will be pleased to wait upon the public and furnish to them (irocery Business Watch ticement next week. The Kind You Han vars Bough : Bears the } Signature of everthing this space pertaining to the ior my tpe 5! vie Know! ledge I was taken very badly with fax and. We are This remedy is seid by Patton hroken | made to order ont . Copper or Iron. hut EY RT ma a e : Plumbing a the Know, ledge Ww hich we i * hav : tat lon $ n . un KX possessed {ie a Nan ng selecting used in Why wioace| = A> . iy i hat S BAR CURD TE are Homespun * xiires——le . $ I excelling lore. 1%T. sg hE " We test vorr 2ves Free * + k = » x $F v < % {a and mroisg Speciadi OW aS ML iLnses Can exchanged any time sn ous dl Ui WOLF & THOMPSON Clothiers, PATTON, PA. 3} VEar. few Cob ye # ah ¥ paranteed reinnded TOZER, The Patton Jeweler.