po Terrible | Head- / aches OLDEST BRUG sronz EA of crev. Onl ( Pa. Jan 2 a 2 Armstrong fk Co, Be thfert, F Sir: 1 ars plexsed to hear that vou have grrasged with | the Chicago ea) Cor th lave thes att stop with you os fom days. You «i find bm sn hos ara) te und te Hable i in ail his dealings, and very boos £ am ing. LU He hae Seen at our stove severs) 15 AE “Foy of satisfaction and Bas eomipiied with ail that ht agrees : $ Tt will be to your best interest to recopimend Bim to 2 yous friends and customers needing name Very respet’ly The Simmons Co emia eyesight is defective , fro HO Optical La's Doctor avid | vathy with 817 those wisose evemght A Sstraius me vo make a few statements ota all my ifell buverhad to potstend | - serious difficulty of imperfect viston, dr made x burden of what wouid Hoe been a delight. On scrount of orofitatie leer often have had to be | In New York and t advice and help both from medical trestmientand | asses. In each case failure and disappointment y resuit. My nervoussystem and my general health y affected by the constant strin required to ihe” work to which m ed energies were devoted. ? attempts to be bh having been so unsuccesstal, et | in the advertisements of * Denton and | dcr it was with mach diff I him. SV. When Tid go. will which he showed in examining my eves and testin ight gave me clear proof of ri "The mn | ~~ plied me Fh a peeiect fit. They fully met my long feit oo» They ceeded ail my expectations snd seemed to gs doers which had always en fast closed before. P 's terms were most fair and reasonable, ax were all his with me. There comes fo my mind the conviction | his public statements are anvernished truth, rmanertly benefited. that a. IV. After more than a yesr of constant use [ fined the i as sod ss beneficml in their effects as ewer. Faroueh sin my health is improved, my bors are lighten ened, my comforts are greatly increased. give me sc coms io books I could make but Ee oP ol They in Hany ways incressed my enjoyment of life and ciency in Therefore to ul! whe have defective st ight [ confident! earnestly say go and comsuit your Chicago Optional Co 2s : “Nery fru ¥ i Geurgetown, Col. Rew. ACH Word i It was my Jot to be bors with ny left eye turn od towsrds the right, which is commonly called ved, so that the sight : , snd in erly life my right become weak. About two Yoars ago ak wach out of curiosity as hope of bewefit, | Et a source, but after a xe es which that ET see ta read fivcle day ight withaut Rianas. Goud Rot 80 In fart) years. bel marvel lo me. : 36 hiru 434 ta 63 will at be dima fed. Rev A EL Cam eran. am puck Ta Wien niy grateful Wo you for the games | 1 give my testumany on pe others 10 Bh Bich sansed me. in and agony for B log "that I covid not discern my own face in the | » rd now with aid of my glasses could gee to do most | We i” work with it aloge, and the pain is completely gone. Jawrence, Kas. 1 remain, 8, yours traly, leaee Deaclioen. : Alooop ly gq ed fitted for me. E must sty triad 8 pais to suit me, bat nt money on glasses that " rut frome esch other. 8 New Vork : while there Ha N.Y... I sad my ever 1c see e beautifully with em 1 have had a g Pains in the Temples. Pains Over the Eyes. | Pains in the Baek of the Head. Come more frequently and want of glasses than any other cause. vou suffer we will tell you whether it is or is 3% your eyes that waite the rouble iw defective might, my hustand sup : | proved my shin that 1 Paar of ey also here in Denver | have several Be Jesmanal knowlege of your | Genity that 1 was st last imdloced oy And when I did go to comsult Bim it was with | PO¥ The : 1 comsaited your Doctor sight of ny fight Niagara fails, of my left eye wus i defective. 1 could not rend but with the right eye | desire to testify as to the efficiency of the pat many hare pot the right ones wire of Bo wee, WHY ; 's | nea 1 cu nie 10 Missouri 1 broke the frames and "sock | | to the jewelers, and they seldured the frame, As 1 tne] 0 ye glass back isto the frame, and broke the glass, spi up the center. They had not another glass that would e. 80 | hawe had to go with it for about five years, Jo vache + id have such an shie man in the city as | de you will do as well for everyone as vou have for me, which have 50 no doubt you wl remain, yours truly gral Centitlis, Missouri. Bred efally Prof. ¥. RK. Saxton. ——— one for the right eve Bas entirely relieved me of bid ne he Jeft evn that was hurt some 18 years ago) shows s wonderful improvement. Paar mont Suge { could pot tell my fingers before soy face, now [ can 2 Ee ne of oe so ont wateh 1&4 por : me that ino one vear 1 could see ae goad Ty i ere ext] I could with my right. | believes now thal if the improvement kees on as it has me to thank you again for yr courteous of me when you changed the glass! for me. Wi sshiay of the season. 1 remain, Jom traly, Ww. . Blain, 1 thank you for your kind enquiry concerning | glasses. Ita sow (wo years since I got them d the longer 1 wear them the better I Like them ke use them see nicely with them, and they do set ! , and instead of having to take them off terest yi thew awhile, the eves feel them ly be too glad to swal myseif of your Kind of them free of charge. Yours truly, Mes. A. G. Durst. { am well satisfied with the glasses | gd from you. They give me sntire satis and Joan resd amd sew without pain. jdently recommend anyone who nesls glasses you a visit and they will be weil guile. Wis. ‘Mrs 8. B. Clark. Your circular of a recent date to hand, and in : mtisfied with niyv glasses that you fitted | heiscve : -~ : mie half conect with spectac Quth { in tee day time, and at git 1; ire mv on. “Shon ther need any attemtion | weeks, My eves darpotic i Davenport, lows. | trial 1 will say the elegant hotse glasser Lod a degree. : warn price | have sought your help. Very many hace ¢ | heen going elsewhere, but you are changin St to the Profesor, the care and | W, Virginia, Boffalo, N. ¥., A. from defective eyes } Dear Rector © Afier 206 years of bad and | me me to visit you and yout by asking tpinion. After Thies month's true test and eves has so much dm {feel yous again. | am very thankful to as divine providence gives us such a mae of science and enl re 1p wsvist poor failing natare ig so mark I can only bear words of frien so pany in the part who vary fitted to my trade and from the excellence of your stack and prices must conse the palm and the scculidt stience to com. Yours try, ¥ ge victory ao-st., Buflale, Mrs [BE Woodward, Some three years ago your eve speciaiist made were nice e-gissses for me, wis “eh gave and comtipue to give | every sutisfartion. Pemonally, | know that bis skill was in demund during Bis vints to the Northwest, and broaght | relief and comfort to many. The sufferer from any weakness, are or ohliguenees of viion should without fail go and see 1. He bas made the eve us special study, snd w without Ht a gifted eve specialist. His glam are excellent, Bis pOuTIeSY unfailing sxud Bis prices moderste © [ wish him every succes and mock patronage. | Masapel is, Ming Jamies O. Jones. Desr Doctor: [1 is about mine ¢ months since yon fitted me with walking and reading glasses, and I ami very much with them. Before wearing the waiking re my gare misty, smd | was afraid of Josing my sight, but t bas now disappeared and my sight is very much imp Yours very truly, > G. N. Barner, Dwar Deetor 1 exnnot expres the feel to vou her relief which yolir glasses he ve. Some few months ago 1 owes 5 s3y right eve and 1 ould net five mimutes st a time. Bewides the py: in my yew was almost snibesrabile gf Hips. y) nm thank. fil to state owing te the relief given by yeurspec- tales ihe sight hay been restoged te my right eye] : weil T oan read us lomg as 1 wish ; also the pain Sipe ti ven | most | Ny - my head never troubies me. Hoping thet every sufferer who, reads this. will #t once try your incompandie glasses Very respectfully vours, r Mre WW. Beadler ATR Des Doctor © The glassed you meurly Iwo years alo have more my mam BRTIROIne expeciatinns have disappeared, sed my powers of vision are rresiin enhanced { can see well st wt distance | + al my eves sever grow tired remding or sewing. | ; Yours truly, Pawling Groen Mo. Mrs. Fenty A Nevis A AI Drews Doctor - Having some lime since par chased & pair of altndst gone to see at a didance or any sein ot might, | Bereby certify hat ey Bare | greatly improved my sight ne mynichs o6 that § can : oy any fire prist without ny Zimssey at all and v pain which sraahied me whey read (ug before wed your glasmes has wholly loft me. | can. wt my bh te praise your glasses for the good they have { heen te me. i others whe are soifering the mime a i have been may be benefited Ly purchasiog a pair of your | gliamses 1 am respectfully, John H. Dowsing, Lime O. ao Chickgo Optica © o, Des Docttor | 1 thank you Fery wack for thie good voor Sammes have dione me. | can see a gow without them as | combd with (hema year aps. When | Eo Vhews Usens was half af my Aight se that 1 ceaid not see wilh. Now | cap see aiehit in frost of tae with thal eye. Yours truly, Mary A. McDonough. avis for me than excesded | My sesdaches Tietront, Mich PEI : 1 have been sifected with wy jo | edoem since infancy and Xihomgh {i comsuited many different eve specialists aml opticians, say | glasses I ever got seemed defective in some Way, and [ aiwars fend difhenity in reading, sewing and pestarssing my DeCessry domestic duties. Since vou made u pair of glasses for me about a ver ago | seem te have entered Hpot & new life a everything Lhok at 8 pears #5 cles and die pimet, and with their ase T oan red and the fvest fabrics Cand etfors the mioat intricate domestic tice with ease amd | comfort. 1 ibini this testimony & 10 whit yet have done to | me may induce tiers simailarls effected to give you s tral as | {am eomident you can belp itbhen. Thankfully yours, B28 Adem St. Chicago. Mrs. Dalton R. Williams. A OR NSIT I thazk you lor sending the cirvaiars. My hashand has piven them in lhe mill also to eur friends. Your spectacies you wade for me have been s great comfort ta my eves 1 recommend then to all people wha require glasses and ave Wea eyes ¥o on are the only ome wha Das drvesd ia wear sights Yours wiscere iY. Cpicage, i Mes. arwond Kdwards. = Chicas Optical Co., Buffalo. N. Y.. It gives me reat pleasure to recanmensl your glasses. Ny Then suit me B erfectly. { have fried a great many | other £lanses fro doctors kad sphomns hut eves | | ; ould get any 10 duit me a8 fears fof IY eyes are wy weak. tas como ta wear them as they : rest mY eyes a8 soon as I put them on. | Euoglewood, 1H Mrs. Julan Mann. a ST Tear Daetor 1 Be be perfectly setistact I lave $0 ve tout We giamses ro Atted fr me 0 EY, Xe Hsueh { Rave Bad them hat four hey Barve done mye a great deal of good. » so reid as they did, neither does the lids droop so much. Mase of my friends have remarked about the difference ihe glasses have made on the appeanince of my | eves. Ioan aise reas] as lo ug as 1 like. and my eves do not get pared as they ut ad te 1 will gladly recommend Yim to any sue of my friends seeding the trestment [ did. Yours truly, » Rev. H A. Warm TOWS Feet and Wrinkles e ui this line of Seascale Pleased reseyrs itself for treatment io have often inberited the tendency | pervous temperament. y treatment, sometimes with partial relief. but sever with . every change of from front to back, as in farsigine too long. as in nearsightedness (myopia, irregular curvature of the comea, { rour lasses, my sight being 1 at the bead of thew ; the New = scientif fo-mechanical work —our specail | you consult our Doctor your pre : not being a disease, bat rather ul mex han ssmaily megarded as evden ces of advanciog age. are to a great extent the result of a condition of the eyes which cam be corrected or mimoved by the nse of eye | - of Nervous Derange- ments, Headache, Neu- gia. &c. SASHA Prin of 4 pervouns charucter the refractions than The sufferers from this afflic- Subiects of chronic headache and are of 4 highly writ all kinds of ‘ No more frequent alent Toe cephalgia or headache. tion are everywhere, They have + benefit. because le naderlying case of the trouble has not been removed. Hepoe no slight ex. _cuse, the old tronble has returned ** Headache is of varipus kins, sccording 10 the exciting cause. Thus there are catarrhal, gastric, snd nervous headaches. snd again, qisese headactes are caused by tumors of ihe bi rain. * * * Anything which reduces the reserve nervous powel to such am extent that it 1s insufficient for an emergincy way be (he un- | deriving cause of headache. | more frequent source of nirve waste ; come from some defect tion, or convergunce of the eves however, no ie that which in the refraction, sccomunoda- The ERIS of sight instantly to ihe object Thre is. HA eas so ot are in constant use, adapting themselves 1 position and duitance of locked at. a “If ap eye fe a ICALLY ~~ 100 short einess (hyperopia, 3 . with an is in astigmatisan, or : eyes are sat evenly balanced in muscular development (heterophoria}, we uve in such Cises 8 causative actor of Yseadathes which is permanent, ™ usually inherited, and is a constagil source of waste of nerve power, and the removal of which in nigety six cases out of a hundred hus been found to relieve cor existing chronic headache. Jlaiy jrom fuachinl rb suis, we are warranted in mying that {hone apiily fo the Chia Optical Cv 's Eye Spactadist, before wasting time and mooey and perve power in seeking relief wi ah medicine. Onr present civilization and school svstem bate a marked intinence in producing and per petuating nelropals tendincies The close roogs into which Girer score children are pucker at the period of physital development, the i to hooks which is expected of them, ve Light, the bending position which from pos weariness {ev 28s he imorntive to stand lass to wi 1a neurastheac child. ret always respond, are potent factors in prodocing eyestrain and is many fox disomders It maths period of youth that me “ sats with chronic bead ache can point as me al ow heir trouble begas. » Symptotis— Pair the back of head, rare regular intervals, or care, work, or surain. pain at the sevemil Ne tive analon i 5 Ys # 5 ph Shes. a pver eves, and at S55 Paroxysmal, ¢ itiper at pity son especial PRCT eTent In nomen thers 1s often grest cervical vertebra, at the lase ol i, i peck, apd slso at lhe Josey omt of sho whder-blade or scapula. the (wo seapale en te aly ism of as i wt thet hse Others have pans “het: AR or in the lower part of the back. oi occipital migscle, and 5 spook « of the bran “+ Chromic Beadiche causes i feeling of lassituue. incapacitating the perso for mental labor and eben CAaRung them fo exclaim © 1 fear I am going! insane AAR FPN ok es 5 £4 wi a aie sid pe Ta Ambrose I. Ram York Medical ‘ Eve-strain is a frequent © canwe and | pertiaps the ost important of all factors that | tend to produce fanctional nervons diseasss, * * % 1 have yet to encounter a case | where typical wick headayi hes oct ur that is pot associat: ed with eve strain and moscniar psutho- tated glosses, ii purely Jur Ese mich momey. | I hi exINnIenLe strain Chi delet. is Surabie alone through appiicatinn of esped sally prepar- ed glasses. (hur own success fis proven this Simeerely, CHICAGO OPTICAL CO., BUFFALO, NEW YORK. To carrect Feffacts TR CTTOIS ECS by means of f properly adi I Lo} Specialist 8 experience has cost frm it hy eh 3 ae and 12 LGA patients with many doctors