J Pa Tenehers, Directors suid Friends of | EMestion In Peansylvania. 1 desire to call your special attention to the next meeting of the Pennsylvania State Tethers’ Association, which will | be held this year in the city of wil Hamsport, Pa, July 3d to 6th inclasive. Bvary enrolled member of this As Will receive a copy of the ad- and other proceedings not only | f the State Teachers’ Association bat f the City, Borongh snd Township | aperintendanis’ (mvention apd of | the State Director? Association, thus’ ng the very different fines in the State. ‘appeal to the [riends of edooation In Peamylvanin to enroll in jarge pace numbers. There ure over 26,000 teach- the State in the public schools the number of snperintend- teachers, directors and other friends of edacation enrolled should | not be less than 10,000. he trip to Williamsport is a pleas. . ome, it is an ideal place to meet hotels, its citizens noted for their quarter ty, elegant drives, and the i to Eaglemere will be a great gotioni. The program is excellent: y out in Iarge numbers and show intrest in the great educatiorial fon of your State. a find it utterly Impossible to the meeting send your enroll. fee of $1.00 to Prof. David 8. Treasurer, Kutztown, Pa, who | sem you a certificate of member. ¢ me not plewd in vain for our dear hewt thought along | : joe of my Tite.” kinson, Alabany, Tenn. what yon eat. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton | Pharmacy. Longest Syn in the World. The Pheonixville ‘Bridge Company | ol bridge ros the 5 Lawrence te $4,000,000. “The Carnegie 7 was an nnsucoessful competi wews of ve awn ; Por the fperie) Council Order of ark. 1ainid Annsonees Sprctil Proursion | Work of art he net bren the Mystic Shrine. at Washington, D. .; May 23-24, the Pennsylvania Rail- pond will sell tickets to the | public from all stations on its line, to the general public, from all stations on ‘its line, to Washington and return, at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold and good going May 19-21, retarning to May 2, inclusive. The ancients belived that rheuma- | tiam was the work of a demon within a man. Anyone who has had an attack of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is dem- | _ onise enough to warrant the belief. It. bridge in Scotland will be thrown nl ve shade by this ane, one of the great. est structures in height, weight and length of span in the world. Including {ta approaches this bridge will be 4,000 feet Jong and will stretch 130 feet above ye St. Lawrence. Its two end spans will each be 800 feet long, ite middie span, the longest cn earth or over it ; will be 1,800 feet long. Some idea of a splendid span may be formed from the fact thet it will carry a weight of 0,000 tons for 1,800 feet, 150 feet above the river. Rednend erates (a WHkewburre For Parade Day (May 23; of the Knights Templar of Pennsylvania Forty-seventh Annual Conclave, at Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 21 to 23, 1800, the Pennsylvania Railrowd will sell round-trip tickets from all stations in Pennsylvania to Wilkesbarre and re rhs. torn May 21 and 22, limited to retorn | ontil May 23 inclusive, at rate of one i ~ | fimited first-class fare for the round trip { minimam of twenty-five cents} Tick lets will pot be good for passage on New York and Chicago Limited Ex- press, and are good for continuous | | passage only in each direction. |W. 8S Musser, Millbeim Pa. saved. the life of his little girl by giving her | ene minute cough cure when she was | | dying from cronp, Itisthe only harm- bbe remedy that gives immediate re | smite. Jt quickly cares coughs, coddn, | bronchitis, grippe, asthma, and all OC. W. Hodg- throst and Inng trouble kins, Patton Pharmacy. Vontilathon. | There should be plenty of white space | {in an advertisement and that white space should be well distributed and clean jooking. Don't let. your adver. pisement look choked for breathing woom. Ventilation in an advertise be & pleasore to meet in & business way. An advertisement that looks as though its owner was afraid some little paid for withoat being utilized, pots the ve customer in an aneonseions | attitade of dealing with a close fisted merchant. ose. You would not clatter up your lawn with cast-iron dogs or deers; look | st your advertising lawn in the same | way. ~ Profitable Advertising. Beech Droek. OMoers Kleoted Officers of the Beach Creek railroad were elected at a meeting of the New § Commonwealth to make this meet York Central railroad stockholders in & record breaker. Joux A. PASSMORE, fle is Only & Printer. is only a printer.” Buch was | remark of a leader in a few avenings ago at this place. Who was the Bar! of Stanhope? He | : What was Prince Claimed for it. d Wiliam and Prince Napoleon? to call themselves printers. The | of Rossa and Duke of Battenburg e printers, and the Emperor of China 80d cores coughs, colds cronps, grppe. was only a printer. works in a printing office almost every \fiiam Caxton, the father of English TRIUMPHS ANT we, was ®& practical printer, was G. P. Morris, N. P. Willis, Ince Gale, James Parker, Horace Greely, Charles Dickens, James Ba- chanan, Simon Cameron and Schuyler Colfax? Printers, all, and practical ones. Also Bavard Taylor the poet. © Mart Twain, Amos Comings, Bret Harte, Opie Reid are plain printers, as were Artemus Ward, Petroleum V. Nasby and Sut Lovingwood. Senator Plumb was a printer, and so is James ‘Hogg, of Texas, and leader of science “and philosophy, Benjamin Franklin, in his day made his boast that he was a ” printer; also the score or more now. serving In the Congress of the United States, are only printers In fact thousands of the most brilliant minds in the conutry, many graduates from all known colleges, are to be found printing in the publishing houses of large cities and towns. It is not every- one that can bs a printer brains are : abwoiutely necessary.--Lisbon (0. Pa Reduced rates to Philadelphia. On account of the Republican Na- _ tional Convention at Philadelphia, _ June 19, the Pennsylvania Railroad . eompany will sell excursion tickets to _ Philadelphia from all stations on its line : © at rate of one fare for the round trip _ {minimam rate 50 cents |. Tickets will (oe sold and good going June 15 to 18 oy inclusive; and returning to June 26, in- | | Suatve, statement. Pople ated epeemtion Paani in the art a {Yary { some of the full-page pict Philadelphia as follows: President, M. E. Olmsted; directors, W. K. Vander. Bilt, C. P. Depew, F. G. Baer, W. D. Kelly, James Kerr and Charles Miller. J Q Hood. Justice of the Peace, Crosby, Misa, makes the following her breath and the first dose of it re lieved ber. It has also benefited my whole family.” It acts immediately bronchitis, asthina and all throat and lung tronbles. (1. W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton Pharmacy. WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY A wattirae of Orrtginal, Kateriainisg and iste tive Historie sod Desariprive Writings shave. vg the many tha Pye liok metits which 4b aly gv Banded Yours of Material fntet! sowial set Mond Progress, by Sars Boal oA MILB sanigtod by g folie of Thin dw Eminent sil Mpwe in ily (puadited Author Magni contiy [nstentedt ACF Bhawan & C6, Puliiabiers. Prlsleiptim, Pa This grandly inmiedcg vida fs prastimily exhasarier of the thaty sablests Walsh 19 fe the Century's Grand Mart, {OE pee Aity £ pabiioaiing EEE ail he far af he onlEtry Ts boon Tuy peer wd oe Fim gon Si ow ail ta PRERE ae R19 FREE wot hae bewers wiki og Eppes sr Srp Lng (DB eee igor, reriise wage wine als sind of plan, in Hig and in while woop aed Wdly went exieny of ww mis and apes BLP diversity of syle, FELT Pome, varie ard In the greml Dimmer Demi) od SEs wit adi ani Sa tat THIRTY FIVE ith Jeets vr evn ehgsess Ta Aang ¢ thE EN TURYS WONDERFUL PRIOGERSniiING Bad Go veil peor TLR peered ead Neos the raen of Ba Rave written ory bulls tod then Jomeph Wiowier. who chapiee an Wars of the x sveiens Meliville, of Arth temiding spirits In Balding or ve writes os The ant Kpectaiists and non of relatively, write on Piet of comitents It is a Dasok for the old and young by She professions) as well an the Hasiness smn fact Tor every persin win wishes Lo got 5 sam of the veutary's progress from he vantage ground of is closing veal The work conteine TX pages. fd counting It fs gotten up Lin very atimctive «ay see the Pablisker’s | advertisement in another solamn. Noir dew 4 went sibs BETTIS Noel wh Tophes wa : wont ok crminkion the ry” Rear AS id the Wosdnipee, wi flere, Saas rye Navel Proog rims’ responding Tank the aubhicts shawn in Lhe ment suggests benithfulness and pros | perity, a liberal mindedness that it will of an inch of space would be | Do not let your white space be flied with knickkancks or corns. | ments which printers are so prone lo “1 can certify that one minate cough cure will do all that is My wife could not get, me, but kept { pot salve it" London Tit-Bits has pever been claimed that Chamber. lain’s pain balm would cast out de mons, but it will care rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the trnth of this statement. One application re- jeives the pain, apd this quick relief which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by Patton Phamacy OC. W. Hodgkins. Nsthew! Notioe is hereby given to parents and others that hereafter there shail be no loafing or lonnging in and about the ‘halls of the Good Building. Either children or adults found loltering or josfing ip and about the same will be traated an trespameers, taken in custody by the police and othverwise dealt with as the law directa. Arrangements | have been made io effectonily onrrey oe this regulation and costs to parents be saved by keeping © Shildsen from pe lating the SRI, Gio. B. God, | April 2, 1900. 18¢f fdentitied, A riehly dress=d woman entered the sfios of a Trust company in Philadel phin the other day 10 rent A box. “Fave you sny ope to dentify vou! C asked the attends) at, Lo ompertainly pot” sald the wor diguantly “Everybody knows wie | Cam “That may be’ was the reply, { doen't know That yin are the wanan of that nage Iust then another woman, who had | teen transacting some hosiness, mg a her head, and a frigid nod passed bee reeen them. “Tks vin Know the hank oficial “1 don't want to ksoew her” snapped the woman “She lives next door tn me and instructed Ber footman to kick my dog. Inst because it chaoved to be on ber step. You needu’t sdk noe to Mentify het, for | wont” “I wanldnt et volt entify nw, re | ported the applicant for a box “1 think you have acted horridly about your Cold dog amd you left the Doroas so elety, telling everybody you wonlda't belong 8% Jong as 1 was a member. A | give Christian spirit)” I In the meantime the hank of .al on tirely satisfied that the Wentification was complete handed over the key the box. to the ill concealed chagrin of the other woman, who had identified . ber against ber will. - New York Trib woe, hit fides woman? mike i Thought They Were Doge. Snmmer ia Dawson City is delightful, Cand even the winters, say those who bare staid thers in that season are glorious. Many are the stories told | | about the wondrous beauties of the trail over the we amd the White pass, | wheres evel women have gone, dling their dugy from day to day as | the men handled theirs. Every man and woman there Las a story, all in teresting and some theilling, “1 nwed to like to start out first fo the morning.” said a Detroit woman. nee, as | hurried my dogs down the frail 10 ‘the gray dawn, | saw three stray ani mals romping on the way, Now, if you eateh up with 8 stray dog on the trail Be fx youre so, my heart iatter ing with doy. I began whistiiog 10 the hall will eroatures “At frst they pakl ono anew ratuping asd leap frog ging up aml down the train Bp my teas amid gaat the Detter be mike ny renegades When we of then down and stared at us 1 9 again, and ihey all ran How I felt when i suddenly dawned on thar | Lad ean trying fo Lan wild wolves! «New York adepengent, Heo autdn" § “alve It, A» a train TIE hin mothe and an Ban wegkrehiing a. & 3 Fong ii bi & smaceell In Saal pease with the Raat come Withon 0 f30ds stopped daying, sat Fat dead Fo aE fimalind 13 tas pres lire Ae Ni atent 53 J wiRIG BD JY Wk B® prods Irn Er k re. take Pass hl cob ata bilan with saad hut one axked the bs IR year Statham aster when Be “Tle has ms RvRKet in HY the oo Yew 3 Wot Chamding did . gums +3g Rim the sma) pleve apd A leek of sarprise crea ave as be elt the CHTTHIRY while I Bt pxelaiming ‘RBeguera. I knew he could gommd. fravdolently nsing such han Hi We i slowed aver the | squseid much amusement by © z 8 | regaier ay cent and , dollar sizes are 30:d 0 Rates. Tne Rock Island's proposition for cheap rate excarsions to wud from Col. 'orado during this summer has been negatived by the Westersi Passenger Association. In consequence notice wen served yesterday on Chairman Me. | Leod by General Passenger Agent Se | bastian, that the Rock Island will take independant action and pot in effect a rate of one fare pins $2.00 for the roond trip from Chicago and all immediate | ‘points east of the Missouri River to. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Balt Lake (City and Ogden. Tickets at this: rate will be sold on June 20, July Hand 17 and August 1. From Missoar points the same rates will he made on the days following these duten Tickets at this rate also will be sold from Missouri gateways, Kansas City Omaho, incia- sive, on Joly 7, Sand 8 Four special excursions also will be run by the Rock The Rock Pha ing in service special trains for these excursions, leaving Ubicago at 5p m and making the run to Colorado with only one night on the road. - Tribune. If troubled with rhenmatism, Chamberliin’s pain. balm atrial. It will sot ost you a cent if it does po Ome application wil relieve the passage 10 October 31. Island anpouness ite intention of pain. in one thied the time required by any sther treatment. Cote. buros, frost bites, gquinsey, pains in wide cheat glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by appiyiog iL Fwary bottle warranted My cepts Patton Pharmacy, OW, {he Hodgkins, Agents on salary of $15.00 per wee and expenses the greatest agent seiler ever prodnced; every stock and ponitey painer Beis it on sight. Hustlers wanted. Reference stamp, American Mig Haute, lod a, Terre Sin Handed Dollars SS00: Rowwnid To WeoM tr May Ooscerx. The nndersigned having been aothorised by the radlrosds somprising the Cen. tral Passengwr Association fo act aa i Jotnt Agwnt to validate for passage re ‘tars portions of excursion tekets which will be sold at reduced rates for numerson important conventions Lo De Re. Louis and other cities at intervals from May | involving : held in (hieago, Cineinnnti, 1st to September 30th, 1800, the use of autograph stamps, tek dating dies, ote, will pay 8 reward of Five Hundred Dollars £00.00) foe ine formation resulting in the arrest and conviction of any passes or persons CAPs irr oh oR ar irpitations thereat Rpm wo Engravers and Makers Orders have been plaosd for ail stamps and dies required by the an dersigned or bis employes for the pur. poses above referred to Theretore, any orders which you may receive pur. porting to emanate from the ander. signed or his representatives for stamps or Sien bearing the name of the Central Passenger Association, or EF .C Donald, will manifestiy be given for Node sap the purpose of perpet trating a fraud on phe railway companies. Po Dosa, Cliiongn, April 23h, 1h Dirunkenness, Cores Doug i 3 Lh THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, a FIOPEBUEG. Fi. pO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble ‘Makes You Miserable, Almas! ne reads the news. eid the wonderful made Ly Oy aT 3 Swamp. Root. erry Bex ney roubie, rer Swamp-Root in no bos 40 MIASYY WHYS, | prasty ce. &ma ang § the hel iiss 100 gad gio ) paar ta pur exntyl in svary case . thy’ al arrangement has bean made by ich all resciers of this paper o Raye nal airsady tried HL May dave @ ya Book offer ¥ send in this paper and fa ¥ ad good druggiss. erieita UW {Uhicupo By give Jt ise copes spraing and broies and Polos, 25 and Address with : New Yor Jo bm mdi | for which the pabilishers desire a Man. d . ager in this Cownty, niso a good So- Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, leitor: good pay to right party, American Mfg. Co., Terre Hante, Ind. Nearly 100 full-pape engravings, samipt- i “A far suffering from severe dyspep- gous paper, Duminated covers and gy over twelve years and osing many hindings: over 2% golden lilies in the numedies withoot permanent good 1 moroecs bindings: nearfey 100 roses in Anally took Kodo! dyspepsia cure. it the sloth bindings Bells at sight: 4i4 me so much good 1 recommend it presses running day and sight so gato) everyone.” Writes J. BE Watking, in oh sale. Christian men and WOmAD (lark and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. ng fortunes taking orders Rapid | digest Hodg- promotions. One Christian woman | B wat jos eat. C. W. made clear $500 in four weeks taking | © a ordes among ber chursh soquaintanss | and frienda. Write na. It may lead toa permanent paying posite to mange our business and look after our large sorrospondencs, which you can attend to right at yoor bome Address 8. 0. Knowles 12 Fast Fifteenth Street. be tween Rroadwasy and Fifth Ave, New York 010 Island from Colorado common pointe to Chicago and immediate stations on June 28 July 12 and 20 and August & These excursion tickets both east and ‘west bound, will be limited for retarn. Satter saflerige froth § ¥ > . yours 1 natin i. sd So You are eh ited 0 call of DeWitts witch hazel walve,” writes. and see my new ine of WwW M Baxter. North Brook, N. B It heals svervibing Beware of counts hear of count: (GROCERIES, Sr Canned Goods, Etc. Wrsdead ilare Bewsrsl Sor A sal that sand be cued by nes (EY & 19 Pruss. Toleda, e. re ave Enos P41 ; 4 heliieve im | : | ET rananetl wt sircdn iY abop 6 a ant any ofl ) mande rane aon Ty any oblige A Teiax, W holmle Tragxints, To 5% £2 Manvin Wholimals Macy. At Lowest Prices. Flour and Feed A SPECIALTY. Also best grade of Lame. Ww eighing done Correct- ly on street scales, located direct] v in front of store. JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. CARPETS! CARPETS! I have just received my new Carpet samples for the spring and summer trade, and among them will be found many neat patterns CALL 0, Wane as § gptata Totals £5, y Hails muprrh Cite te Lain internally, ete ing directiy gen the Hood aod mobos sur. of Fle evute es rire, he per bettie wall Secppivie TT Tevtinsoninis free. ¢ Flite ary thie bowl, When in need of PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, Callat Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, PA. Preseriptions properly compounded. Aud examine them and prices before buying elsewhere. Ne a etrengthent ature in str strocting the exhausted dig gans. [tis the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No ther preparstion ran approach it in efMclency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures | Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ulence, Sour Storsach, Naunen Sick Headache Gastaaiifia Cramp an all other results of iniperfect Bigeion. Prepared by £. C. Deilitt 8 Cou White or Black Hearse (. W. Hodghtina, Patton Pharmacy. co FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. Wall Paper. Wall Paper. | We have the most complete wtook | of Wall Paper in Northern Uamibris. Over a hundred patterns to welect| froan, consisting of Kitchen, Dining Boom. Parlor, Hall and Office papers at the lowest possible prices. Picture Summer Corsets. ; Wa have about 25 dozen good value well made summer corsets that should he marked 38c, our price only Be each A better grade, strong and shapely” with 1 side stripe, s regular 3e value at 38 each. Elegant makes al Me, p ime stimmer corsets in many : yy The, $100, $1.50 and ap. ec have & fnil re . . h ] Our goaranteed Cutil comet at 50c is LOE pe iy SIRT. X Lig £ko mae ad £2 bh Dest in the market. mang mine : Of course we have a complete line of grok Ss, watiges, neavier grades, bat these are just right for summer wear and oan be sent by oy Bo ios TEL Ln of “wag rues As Live us 3 Cli 430 save rain na. per cent on Promptly Filled. ho. W. COOK, every atton Art and Wall Paper Store Yu As x. > AR ii ART % A. C. FISHER, Prop. Aves, Altoona, Penna. ———— Did vou see the big store +t THE BAZAAR? Lhvery tie Bazaar says there 1s always new, ; full know just where we are going to put the next lot. of new goods, but we un- I makes them things added to simmer finest styles, and newest shape wonder how they full of new goods 2e serson who calls at * something 5 a £5 M3 TLR "wo i oad them pretty fast: the price 1s wal move so rapidly we of the latest Basia store 1s a fme line of Ladies’ Lats tammed in the sailors at prices that make you were pron ceed THE BAZAAR, a. 0. BRADY, Prop'r rh TASER NEG TON 5 RES MRR Sibi o