PATTON. CAMBRIA CO. PA "HURS DAY, MAY 17, TGR. $1.00 PER YE AR. The Store Where You Get Your Money’ s Worth. we All Sorts of ens gs. We have selected with the greatest care, to secure for you the most Plcasint designs Men's, Boy’s, Children’s ering apparel. An excel lent assortment for your in- ENS ARTISTIC CLOTHING. You should see the hand- some line of Suits we are We have ‘the choicest as- sortment in Patton. Our suits at are very stylish. + CRILDREN'S NOBBY 5S0ITS, In the mannish styles, Shas so eam You wd y se the quality a $9, 2 $280, user, Shoes and Dry Goods a Specialty. you can buy the finest yods for the least oney. i Carpets, mattings, rugs, oil cloth, linoleum, window shades, curtain poles, and 2 full line of furniture. : Also the largest line of hard- “ware and stoves, shelf hardware, paints, oils, glass, Olliver plows, etc. The leading stoves, ldeal Red Cross, Capello, Dockesh Ranges. Giv ¢ us a call and sec for vourself. Very Riéspectiully, d. E.Kirk Hdw. &Eur'tCo., CC GRENIN GER, Mgr. train, and foil, dislocatiog his right wrist anid | i i 3 1 3 i { { Gleaned Here and There by the ‘Courier’ Reporter A FEW SUGGESTIONS. The “Consrler” Representative Sees Maoy Uhaners for Improvenmival. In raking the rounds looking for ‘pews the COURIER represvhitalive sees many evils existing in the borough, which should be remedied One of the worst feantures is that when the business men adjscent to the paved streets take great pains in clean. ‘ing the same, and placing the dirt in’ plies ready for the Street Commis sioner to have removed, but instead of | disposing of it in some manner, it lays there until the heavy winds, which are quite frequent here, blows the dirt and fiith over the streets again, with the “exceptions of that which is carried into the various business places. Then, again, the Street Comniasioners cleans ‘out the manholes of the sewers, and thewe piles of dirt are also left | streets to be carried right back into the ‘receptables. This system should be greatly improved on the Another bad feature in the mhske-up ‘of var town is the many delapitated sidewnlics adjacent to Lbe streets paved, One that calis the attention of many is the sidewalk in front of building, the postoffice. This Le, ‘above all, should be the best in the it ii the most delap- | ‘itated of the Jot. Then there are sev. | , eral more old wooden wails on Mages town, but instead, ‘avenue which should be replaced with more sabstantinl ones, Fifth also needa 8 few more brick walke lo ‘compel it to take om a metropoiita BT. It i an easy matler to ole more evils, but in giving the above for the oitisens to ponder were a TEYRr the Coulter will rest on the subject | until ext week, Our Eomgrrmssnit Eosieisins The Washington, (D4 Star of Toesday, “the following: Reprewventative Thropp ‘entertained a party of distingoished guests at dinner on Monday. Those present weve: Poslmastor Gedersd Smith, Senator Bate,of Tennowes, Sen. ator Foraker, Assistint Secretary of i War Meikinjobn, Representatives Can. | non, Boatell andGrafl, of Hilnols, Gros vapor and Dick. of Oblo, Grout of Ver mont, Richardson, democrat leader, Page Morris of Min. 'pesota, Moody, of Masacbusetts, Ben ton,of Missouri, Dinsmore of Arkansas, Evening ‘ Latimer, of Baath Carolina, levy, of : » I New York, Littlefield, of Maine, and McAloer, of Pennsylvania Track Hands Reeeive Mote Wages Several hundred track repair ‘employed on the mountain district 7 § & 3 } ‘the Pennaylvania Railroad are affected | iby an order that wen into effect a day : Lor so ago, granting them an increase their wages from $1.12 to $1.56 per day | This advance is probable granted with ‘the desire that more men may bese. iE +. ; : snred for this class of work. and that evening, and weee laid to met in the Fair Velw cemetery Bunday aflernoon the class of workmen will be improved. ‘A railroad man states that the scarcity ‘a critical point, some of the sections | having only three or four men at work ‘on them. : Word Brel ovated. La M. Deiozier, conductor Spangler branch coal train leaving bere ‘at 6:40 4 m., met with a painful ey (at Spangler Saturday. He had jumped from the engine to attend to some railroad business, and by the time he i had got through the rear end of the train had passed several car lengths, and Mr. Delogier made a dash for the 1a some manner be stuinbiesd a finger on the left hand. The ahs ary will compell him to lake i vacation of several days # Rite Vouk F. 8 Yingling, who the clay works, met with two weeks ago last Friday bad a rib broken. lle di that he wis so severely inj) right on with bis dil day It commenced to | ¢ rabily ¥ and he calle who prosournced x 4 i see En ena ® ou 5 GIP ESL Shik ail aehietit i Fak wh £8 § ¢ ta broken i now taking the rent be shoul had for the past ta) wees Pailading wee oid J. Fitspatrio} his completed for § story addition to His pee avenue, SINS le ing teade Mr. Fizpru compels Bim make gore Cpemtatrant and store bash oo pects to have said crmptered 1 month. Bee dpi Wad the public Pasay May Inn, contained 3% 600 the transferred to iw stad af Tennemee, the batsels olf | § 381 of dee great convenience A MUSICALE Ya be Given in the Schad Hullding Toes : Catay Eveniog. A musical entertainment will given in the assembly room of the ube He school building, May 22nd. There are very few people who are nol pas sionately fond of music, Such a vari ety of instrumental and vocal music will be rendered as will satisfy the var fons tastes of the aadience. Several humorous mixed guartetts will be given that will amuse and delight you. Then there will be classical selections that will satisfy the more cutured lov. ers of music. Mrs. Hasson will sing two eholor solos. Miss Pickering and Mra Hasson will vendor gellent dent, “Cheerfolness.”’ tha voon! part of the pp that nyost x in shore rogram will eon. solos, and a chorus reciting ? You know that Miss Farley pemsessew rare talent and that ab ways pleases. She will give two of her best selections. Other recitations will te given by members of the sohool A great feature of the program will be the playing of Prof Druckenmilier, a Fohnutawn who is a master of music, Those who know of Prof Drucken faitlers’ playing wil iw delighted 10 bear that be ie golog to be with us and that be will render three or four seise- tions. Persons who have never heard whee fi real master of mass ab vga Hob fall to be wih have has Fealdare of wi a bee glued To pir Rr Al worth the price of ack Brissy i Con 15 and 1 hogy ad Senta, bo faa Sevictly Fook’ PVtospesily Plants THE Ciauacd Fork lauveiaad gos Eid id DsO% as Pi i Tei any was effected, AN Bass of and ih r eapitad SPRL ATE Sting. Bi IRAE ik Bee Tetary To EMG COT Ji shy. Mem Lid >. x £5 Hair BARE © manager, hy Ml Baw and Bran Sd Ga feu ars 30. Ad seen dager af brick plan of awa company, Johnstown. The new 15 will Bave x capacity of diay, md will uae 2 Saar Tae propert 3 £3 ERE ay long lite bas Rien ve Lise alent TE Lhe gelY foal BROW Risnemand, of South Fork, which the Mouth Pork Bric Company in afew days. The min si tw bail in the valley on the south fork of the Lone maogh soul will be thorough iv equipped With new machinery. I ted thal the origional intention Was plant a Johnstown bot the cox) mining town of South Fork come to the front with better efforia will 3s 95 to canduct the Poletti an Eastern Hospi Mis Catharioe, dagghter of Mr. and Mrs Wm FE Jenkine of this place, died in an Esstern hospitial, Toesday fof last week, after a long illness of con (sumption. When quite young Mis Jenkins feil jared ber spine, and at the age of IY Brought to Pattos for burial Raturday ‘ after services at the home. Miss Jen: athy of the entire community. ant racied Bar the Clark {Um Thursday the brustees of St. Bene diet's church of this place entered into a contract with the Howard Waleh € diet’s church, says the Carrvitows News. This clock will to the people oil this community, The work of propa ing the tower for the clock will in a few days and will be completed as rapidly as possible. begin Palme Thirties vi bail tes Fiat x SMES Eheir Haars, burs Pray Phree young but the molbey Wats Caps got away be aint of Mixed and Male (aartietts duets, | Do you dike good CF Fa Fa Pearterth WAN Baie Harry, : nen the therefore supposed fo bo of Lhe Dest the tiew shell penetrated al ment ae Ballets fred from a Keay Jur : g Aumity, wood, the differenes Krupp wrmor plates split from the point of impact, years the young lady was laken Ww & hospital, where she has been 13 years, thos making ber 30 years of age at the time of her death. The remains wer not afraid af anything. ceeded, and the funeral took place 2 were well The prop, which the fellow workmen of Ma- choke declared supported not less than : 1 * He : & yf AO § refine 5 Ave tons of siate and. loose earth, was The success of the devotional meetings kins was a patient sufferer and bore f taba i ORR : 0 F had been rapidly app hing her misfortunes with much fortitude, | The bereaved parents have the symp. fise a large four-dial town clock which is to be placed in the ower of St Bene prove to Pe LIFE SAVED BY WHEELER Nable Od Cowmarster Trimped Beside} Him Many Wiles A tribate to the gentle heart of Gen. eral Joe Wheels came in a lether from John Witherow, a private in the Seven. teenth infantry, to sis parents at Coal port. ombong, wher Witherow is recovering from a wound in the knee received in a campaign near Paniqoe, The writer tells with gratitode how Witherow | reneral Joe! waved bis life, was obliged to march with his column to Camaling, the sx pidition having no ambulances to sarry the wounded. He staggered along bravely for a time, bat : hha wonnd weakenad hit Finally, in despair, he was about to drop along tha swampy trail, General Wheelsr rode np. Seeing ihe exhausted soidier, the general leaped from the saddle and made the boy mount in his BR place, hen the gray oid leader trudged ahead knee deep through the swamp, wmisiing, while the wounnd- ed private rode his horse greatly. ST a ADVER)ISED LEFrER List fae of © ope ladon db P hei for Week Ends May 18. HR. The following is a lst of advertised jetiers remaining in the Patton Post Rytaurday May 12, 1900 FREER, pant shonrid call for “advertised otters’ CFE pot eadled Gor within Tass weeks they ta the Dead Lotter Offices: Karl Ardderson Mies Jenni FP. Ferguson, Mas Mary Hanter, Frank Johnson, Fla Krom, Mies Aloe Jow. Thos Newell Mra wii I send mye, Lob Milan, Lassie Boas oOWrha Gaeexne Postmaster Pompei ti Mowe Arase, ar Washitngton says a pram $e as i will penelrate any armor ssannfetored, slither abroad at b Ab the Indian Head testing gronnda yestorday one of the shells, # ol the Lo = Mav ¥ valent & wiwdl teal Eee fired from a dixdnch naval rifle with smokeless powder, plugged a clean hole thraugh a Harveyisd steel armor four inches thick, Same plater of Rropp armor submitted for test, and genwen rifle would penetrate green being (had While the secret of the shell's manufacture in being jeal ously guarded by the Navy Depart ment, some facts so startling in their importarioe were laid before the Senate that a secrel leghlative session was held one day Inst week at the close of the regular ode. Kuoocked the Prop Out, John Machoke a Sonman miner re- off a rocking chair and ine fased to listen 16 the advise of his fel low- workmen and insisted on beivg al- sonf He wis remonstrated time and again and cautioned of the danger, but he declard to the workmen that he wan in this he sue at Sonman BSatorday afternoon. knocked Friday. froin its position by Machoke Instantly there was a fall of earth and slate saminietely cove ; fearth an: e that eompletely co to which they have been listened dun ered the unfortaniale miner, and when fellow workmen released him by shovel ing away four or five tons of earth, he was dead. Machoke leaves a wife and family in the old country. IU his intention to send then in tor % wore i Fine As Ebonsharg Printer Dest, ward J. Luthar, whose serious Gl ss from typ hod fever was referred i LA A 3 bye Palw as ROG PEs iis Min parent a ant wesk al Loasd Bebaeen the Sarik day even kb for 5 Fryonks Dike ie IRAE set of 3 WM Laeene Lrivend Gra Pea Rlon "rr 3% 3 in diond Hall, Fo building, ing. bin this office or Mable Robinson. The letter is written from Bay- when: To abt muy of thew: jotlers the Appi. Adama BE. Blowment | gEsIEAnOe Hn Lhe other and we cannot strongly the importance of every boy ¥ g 5 + £5 4 1% x shifil 3 X i und girl, and even the older boye sud * liberally aud cherfully on all oces ‘girls, learning the taught in the Sonday school and the “oi OV seactical Jessons drawn from the dis wed to Rnook vom ander the Pr ! lo ek a prop fro ¢ cussion of the various subjects in the Wiis der will pleases pelurn same Wo © Benen; ano an Epworth League Done Much. Good Work. NET GAIN OF $70.37 ment could best be old by the sick and Over Last Year's Report Many Now Mone. fern ars Enrediod On the occasion of the Epworth League Anniversary held in the Metho- dist Episcopal church held nt Patton on Sunday evening, May 13th, the fol- lowing report was submitted by the! retiring president, M. B. Cowher: He opened his remarks by saying that he while thinking over the report, that the work vir week during the year. Provis was forced to the conclusion, of a live Epworth League, and ifs in- fluence for good, cannot be told. It. must be experienced to be appreciated. And, after a brief reference to the nobles work of the organization; ex. | borting nil Christisn people to become member of sane and workers for the | prococded with bis report of each department in consecutive order. | canes, hit Weogmrt ou Spiritus! Waa Revel Somerville, Fit V. P, it affords me very great pleasore io report on the growth and spiritual de : velopment of the Patton vhapter of the Epworth League al the close of the year, ending May 18th, 1. The ab pre- | this, the close of the year, ending May 13th, 1900, and to ontiine in brief the sete of necessary information veritas os from giving a detaiied report, bul geoeraily speaking, the year last posed Fas been ond of strong spl development. has prevailed with most A slipong revival spirit dusing enlire Year, marked developments dur the ing the winter revival period, at which young anid old, embraced the opportunity of seeking the Savior tgs many, while He might be found, knelt at the of the sed thant all hdr sotin Many of have entered (Beir natoes on fount {reves recived the was well with 1 era the pails of oar Leagas, and are showing the world by thelr otlward dves that they bave taken up their respective Crome and ars endeavoring their Master's will A nomber of new By G0 pianos have Dee added to our rolls BY reason of pro motions from the Juniors, These bave | proven themselves gallant soldiers of the Cross, apon whom the older ment hers may ean in later years, The Sunday school amd Epworth League have been triveliag band in hand aod shoulder to shoulder (on thei! war spainst ignorance, wickedness idleness and a bost of other evils thal influence and retard the each) ony bave proven advaniageois to in press heaatitul truths devotional meetings of the Epworth League. During the year 53 devotional meetings, all of which attended, and in which many beautiful thoughts have been uttered and practical lessons taught. has been due to the careful considers. tion given to the subjects for discon sion, as well as the prayerful attention ing tha year The head of this department greatly indebted to the leaders apr pointed for their sarmest and laborious iN efforts in making emih meeting a sue. cess. And too much praie cannot be given to those, who, from ime ta tm, pnder the most trying clronmstanos, have participated in makibg the mest interesting an appreciative Wile wo erase ano indb vel wit Hatisr Selonghag to the maga! fen WH ox ay ings anienoe. vidal panur, oar but Gureslios Hut RITRY Gf Young asd Hen bady, uniog or ther fr Un 0 and ew fie whic wien ad Lie Was re at sana the Sig Puasa 43 4B Winn We ee Big i guid sam 14 EASE itis paved {tho gs HAE my : o4% 1A AAA tis Ship « Ars stig down uid Frastaint a Baw feeling of hepitation we alrrender o respeitive offices, for we Know the 10- oming officers tee and brusd that pal, 8 Pie iy phe hagas of fear, 0 im wWOtH Lox (w itaal Cleves CO jndhe spiritual growth of the young Thuir co-lubors we have had some the eral bas been safely fi Nl aonched, and is officered and manned by # orew who will know po mutiny, | Wa feel, that with the Holy Bible as heir obart, and faith, hope and chag- ity as their compass, they will have a wafe voyage. We wish yon many God ispeads. Morey sud Help Department, Miss Minnie Spottewood, Sec. V. P. The service rendered by this Depart unfortunate. [t does not come out ss lponspicuousiy as other branches of “work, as it is done largely by silent work, but a great blessing it is to the ‘ehuireh. The report ix as as follows: Twelve visite were made to families in interest of Leagne work, Seventy. | flve visits to the sick and flowers sent 15 sirnes. Delioncios have been sent to the sick by members of the League, ander direction of this department, ions were furnished to families in nesd during the months of June, July, De cember and April. Eight dollars snd twenty-five cents were raised by mem bers of this committee to help families in poor circamstances, Clothing was donated at five diffuredt times. The chairman of this department reports haviag attended prayer meeting held by the League every week during the year with five exceptions. FLitermrs Departinent WW. Stratiff. Third V, P. ft affords ox great pleasures Lo report an vse Literary Department of Patton Chaster of the Epworth League at work done during that period. [tis with a just degree of pride we stipvey the many plessant evenings in Hterary and social amusements daring Cor inenmbencs in offen, and, ax we piper before sorrendering our saeved trist to the incoming officers, our heats swell with gratitode fo the many perions who have ausisted us in AK. ing the several enteriainmenis sources of education, feereaticn and amuses ment During the last vear it has been our plessare bo give six entertainments, thie merit of which you are the bast fn them we have sndeavorsd ti bring before the public a variety of tadent such aw could but please the met fastidiods mind, Itt these entertainments we have an. denvorsd to afford amusement asd puereation of a high intellectaal char | meter, and have derived therefrom, in voluntary sontribations, the sabstan- tind showing of nearly $100. We leave Lig the hands the treasurer, after paving all expenses, the magnificent Cai af $75 - At this period we dowire to thank thom who have so ably assisted us in | carrying out tiie programs of the var jones entertainments, as well ax the | gereral public, which has contributed Alain, Roark epnrtanent Mra ©. CO Grenninger, Fourth V. P., Is one particular have | obeerved the work of this department with much appreciation. Strangers, is they come to own, are looked up by members of this commil- tee and invited to church, and it is due to this department largely that we ‘have so many traveliug men and strangers with us from time to time. The hotels of the town are canvassed gyary Sunday morning, and a grand work it is to welcome the strangers Decoration is also the work of this department and I feel warranted in saving that oar church has never be- fore been so beautifull arrayed with flowers and various decorations, as it igs been our privilege to behold on spraral occasions during the vear past. Treasuier, The statement of onr treasurer, Bro. Frank MceClure, shows that we have seal on hand at this date even $75, all Bille spd expenses during the Year sald, Included in this amount ix $4.63, whieh was in the bands of the treass sper ab the time we begs aificers one FREE Ag, All IDCIRase of $5037. The sovaree of this geal profit we credit Li tive Department of Literary work. wiih Was pee sitcossasiully superin. tesded by our third vive president, favs Strait Sai PE RAEN 5 sa Lizsie Brewer fog aur seeretary fniond Ber able ang willing to give any desired informa he meords whieh she hes faim tron kapha sw inost aconrate ard crmtitabls Wa anh andy that woe ave always BAT Lagat Drgauisi: Matha t “iY By iar efi Lary servi fal a he § “oilers $ ; AP AIRE ONE tored Ehisstion was Hpanimols AL ba FRBLIA, 3 3 of her Gathifal and ; HILLY BOCA y a5 a Her Tee For Seis, A dvearold driving mare broke for single or double driving. re anaaable offer refused. 2 ih PP. Yauna, Well Ni