PATTON FODLISHING C0, Proprietors, | BE WriLg (GREENE. Editor ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. {me copy, one your, in ad vanes, - - 4 1 : “BR por sate by J. C. Gould, the plumber. 4% sar Advertising mete made Xoown Dpon ap plication. sr No papers diswobtinumd ARR AY ot wns ar the option of publishers, Entered al the Poslcifiod at Fallon as seo | Alaves anit maiter, front all arrenr the | there, ‘Ex-Governor Dansel H Hastingh, of Bellefonte, stopped in Patton a few | hotirs jast Thursday while en route to HBarnesboro and Spangler, where be ia interested in coal operations. Just recelved a fall line of Fairbank's dist globe valves, sizes | up tol finch. | | Try a Fairbank’s disc valve for steam or water and you will use no other, A handsome pronnnmesntl ix 10 be Lerected in St. Bridgel's cemetery at ity in memory of Rev. Father Brown, the first priest permanently stationed It will be unveiled on Memorial | Day. Ross Curry came up from Westover Monday. Do not forget the fitreary entertain. ment and box social May 11 J J. Hauk came down from Carroll- town one day lant week. : Miners’ checks, lamps, oil cans, ete, at J. CO. Harper Co's 31 A. J Hopfer, of Spangler, was a Patton visitor Sdtorday. D. J. Kline, of Fauwnge, Pa, business in Patton Monday. John T. Prond, of Glen Richey, was alvisitor 10 Patton Monday. James Stafford, of Morrisdale, was here on business Monday. Frank P. Ardary, of Carwensville, ealled on Patton friends Friday. A. J. Gutwald and Alex. Lees, of Gallitzin, spent Banday in Patton. Rev. Father Edwin had business in Osrrolitown Trureday of last week. OC. M. Schaffer and Edgar O'Hagan, of Frugality, were in Patton Sunday James Metiahre, a hotel Jandlord at Sen Campbell, spent Snnday in Pat- 8 J. Bawyer, of Glen Campbell, was a visitor to Patton Thureday of last week. Mrs. Joseph Farabaogh, of near Car Fond Pa. “wehool, dia, rolitown, was visiting friends in Patton Saturday. H. BE. Neff and lady, of Westover, Master Russell Barton will sing one of his sweet songs in Good's ball Fri- day evening. J. C. Harper Co. oan make you sny- thing tg order out of tin, copper or sheet iron. -1t Forest fires were making it quite warm Suesday in the vicinity of Thotoas' Milla. F. (0. Kirkland, clerk at the Pai ter house, visited friends in Elmira, N. Y. vee Sunday. Tenants in the Good building en- joyed some fine music Wednesday. Ask them shout it. Peter Cairns, of Elmora, and Frank ehiin, of Carrolitown, were visit 8 wet friends in Patton Sunday, It has been arranged that the hospital ship Maine shail mtarn to Routh Africa. Khe will carry DO WOmMen nurses Lis time, the work being done by men tained in the American ambhbos WW Kessler, wife and daonghter, of Ebensburg, visited amioug Patton friends Saturday. Mr. Kesder is now empioyved at South Fork and as woot as he can gut a house Be Will me move his family from Ebensburg tht piace. A valuable cow belunging to Howard Woomer was Killvd Satarday by Delong struck with a Penpsyivenia coal rain at the Magee avenue crossing. [It wis a little jess than a miracle tbat the tral did not jump the track, as the pow wis dragged about 306 feel A ralirosd man says tbat there is no American a5 heavy rads fimiit to the size Of the {00 motive, and bong can be secared, just so jong will engines grow. Some of these days we will be using 200 pound rails and locomotives twies the size of those now in nee.’ Some son] developtonts are being made at Ashville, and it i expocted that before two months sont from Lies nines will be on the omaRIng fried hewiy wpegyed market. A Piusbarg firm the developmen! fan Beadler is the minager if good coal 'ix found, which ne doabt will be, Asli ville, ton, will enjoy & boom swivel p There Kus conve Lo our office a com bination match box and striker mand priand ei “from the office of E Visited in this place one day ' of the leading patent lawers in Wash. ington, Db. CL were tanterized by a phywician. Wednesday of last woek fire de | stroye to tha amount of ; $15,000 at Weatport, Clinton county. A census of the Kiondike district gives a total population of $306, of whom 3 8,599 Are citizens of the United | u Prof. Coffee, accompaniad by Misses Young and Stampf, all of Westover, were calling on Patton friends Sat he HAvebrick works at Lioydsville are doing a Scurishing badness. Num. erous additions to the plant are to be built soon. DD. Van Hooyoo and ex County Treas arer EF. Spencer, of ¥ountaindaie, Pa., wore visitors to Patton the first of the week. All goods are alike to Putman Fade Jems Dyes, an they color ail fibers ut ope boiling. Sold by CH. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa. The fight over the location of Al toona’s new public building has been settled. Work will soon be commenced on the foundation. Mra. Reoben McPherson, of Patton, spent last Thursday at the home of ber sister, Ms. Jdith Allport, in town. Philipsburg Ledger. Patties, picinics, and the retail teada furnished cream at wholesale prices at City Restaurant, Cream rari teen to give satisfaction, A charter was granted at Harrisbuory recently to the Winder Waler and Power company, of Windber, with » a capital of $100,000. The Houtadale Citizen started on its second year with the issue of May 3rd. It Is 8 newsy paper, and the COURIER wishes it many years of prosperity, The very finest. The ne plas ultra The creme de la creme. That's Harper Whiskey in three languages. Sold by W. L. Daggett, and W. Patton, Pa. Frank Crock. of Cresson, a fireman fi Bhrgers. Cine It is an bounsebold and and office necessity, dnd we are in- formed that inveniors oan procure samples of the sume by wriling Bim at Hin ad appears in Thin paper. At Jersey Shore Thursday, Chas, the two-year old son of Lo A. Stonebraker, followed his mother to the rear of the jot, where mrviral hogs were kept. : The child reached in through the sinte to pat the pigs. One vicions hog grab bead the child's hand between ils jaws and began chewing it. The bay's | | meressas horried the mother to the pen. Rhee was compelled to beat the bog | before it would release the child's hand. | The little fellow's hand and wrist were frightfolly lecersted. The Ee, wthcs More Pensions iiraaied. i Congressman Thropp had the following pension cases granted within ‘the past few days: John Mounts Ty- rone, increase dating back to May, 1596. Mra Catharine Stackey, Raine burg, Bedford county, widow's and mocrued pension; Abram Cartright, | Riddiesburg, Bedford county, increase; Wm 8 Rhannon, Johnstown, Increase; Henry CC. Penrod, Tatesville, Bedford gpanty, increas; David Fry, Bakers. ville, Somerset county, original pen- sion with pay lack to February, 1881 S500 Rowand. flonceRs. : Five Hundred Dallas To Wao rt May net The ait harried the eu. sincerely heving been by the ratiromds oommp Esl tral Passenger dain turn portions of tholoets whieh will be sid ab pedduewdd trades Lor Kperst to validate for passags EOIN Humerus po 1 4 pierre Lis be beld in Chieage, Oinclunoty, and other cities at neva Tro tat to Septembuir 30th, 18K, very. Moa ¥ insu ng the nse of adtograph stamps, ticket A. Mellon, + on the Cambria & Clearfield division, | who was badly injured by being thrown from his engine some time ago, has been visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Crook, of Cambria township. He is steadily improving and will soon be entirely well. - Cambria Freeman, dating diem, etei, will pay a reward of Five Hundeed Dollars $00.08 Ly formation resulting in the conviction of any fravdulently using waeh sl or imitations there! Tey PA JOTRGE OF [seTHEIGR dia a ¥ ans, Nodes ¥ Makors Np ia! ¥a ETA R {eds Bave heen oligos for all ru wladhips aed diva recived by the vin or hia BEDIGY on Hur the par. Thereiome, PAY PeoRive nar. dersigy ¥ BORNE any urders which you Xx above geferred to from the ander. meiintives fhe stamps or dies bearing the paow the Central Passenger Association, or F C. Donald, will manifestly be given for the purpose of perpetrating & fraud on the ratlway compan es. : FO hr, 106, porting ta oi signed or Bis rape wid Tix ATs Chicago, April 35 Ripans Tabu es for soli Blamed. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Hears the Signature of saomation to acl as a res mt. Liou Crosby. Mie. AkDS the following | ! statement: ‘1 oun certify that one minute cough core will do all that is ‘claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it re- lieved her. It has also benefited my whole family.” [It acts immediately and cures coughs, colds croups, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung trofibies. . W. Hodgkins, Pat- ton Pharmacy. For Hale Have five good heavy teams for sale which are 8 and 7 2.800 to 3,000 pounds, all well broken and ready to go to work now. 8-3 Wm. F. Mossen Westover, Pa § consider it not only a pleasure bat a duty I owe to my neighbors fo tel about the wonderful cure effoted in my cane by the timely nse of Chamberlain's solic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. | was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy A few domes of it effected a permanent CUre. ing it to others Ww. Va. Pharmacy This remedy is sold by Patton AW, Hodgkin, few oreim al the City wholesale and retail Restaurant I stopped at the Keystone and saw one. chest, glendolar and other swellings their suits for £7.48 and must say the qual- ity of cloth and wark- nanship 1s as hne as in any $10 Suit here- tofore offered in Pat- ton. LEY INSTATE, ae BilA Ave PET Tate, ¥ x apron and | take f ce HH He opened a hirst-class formerly occupied by will os od to wal furnish to them (irocery Business. \\ atch tl next week. }! oy tisement years old weighing Wiltium J. Dufton, Susquehanna, $400. | take plessnce in reccommend. suffering from that dreadfal disease. -W_ J. Lyneh, Darr, Hodgkine | sia over twelve years and sing many | remedies without permanent good 1 finally wok Kodol dyspepsia cure. ty crthing I Spal fe Deas Favre st Rbwnebury up In Date Friday, May §. Administrator of Sarah McDermitt to Alexis Will, Clearfield, $1,200. : George Ahles to Nicola Brothers com. : oon i Donated for Church Su ppers. Albert M. Buck et 1 ux et al to Demet. | rins Buck, Carroll, $1,400. Hannah BE Reers at vir to James O'Shedl, Reade, $985 Blacklick Land & Improvement com. pany to Warren Delano, Jr, Vinton. dale, $300. : Executors of Aaron W HIGH GRADE, MEDIUM PRICE—25¢, LB. Dold's smoked meats are sure to bring you back for more. Imported and domestic Holland Herring, Russian Sar- dines. Mackeral, Bloaters. Codfish and all kinds canned fish, 5b set s and | Fresh coms specialty y ogg Sutter from Bradford county a Patehin to William J. Dafton ot ax to Mary E. Reifsnyder, Susquehanna, 57. : John W. Dumm to Anthony Far haugh, Carrolitown, $500 Annis EB. Lyte to Webster Griffith, Notice (Cambria, $1.20. wo pm John in ot ux to Mrs Sosan Goods, Etc ‘ Const, (learfieid, $150 James Tiernan to Mountain City Lamber sompany et al, Clearfield, : £3,850. II B Spangler ét 0x to George Sem. melsberger, Jr, Hastings, $100. : Rotert Ferguson st ax to Thomas AM. Given, Blacklick, 88. James EB. Rowland et ox to Benjamin | F. Mahan, Blacklick, $1,700, : Joseph Stecos, by the Treasurer, to Commissioners of Cambria county, 4 Susquehanna, $25. Joseph Stenns, by Commissioners, to and Roasted Coffee Le HOC Try our Teas-~35 i ib 12¢, 15¢, and 20¢ per per ih . our Floor Mattings, Shoes. Rubbers, Dry ST A yk BAY TE Fi rs = Iv WARD'S BREAD Very truly, J. W. Leach, Rasquehavna, $1. Joseph Stews, by the Treasurer, to Commissioners of Cambria county, Below (entral Hotel. Susquehanna, $32 Joseph Steena, by Commissioners, to : Tals 4 2 che + & J W._ leech Rasquehanna, §i want a ciose ‘shave or frstarlass hate cus my shop. Everythi When yon . : We make a study of Men gi And Styles. We ft individ» with ml give “A Mer ffering from piles for fifteen yoars | wis otis Oy gselng two boxes of DeWitds witeh hassl salve” writes ciean J and Hp-toea late. W. M. Baxter. North Brook, N. B A clean towel It heals avervthing. Beware of cognt- cuatomer. srfeite ©. WW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy EVER visi EARS {} bio eo 3 at iies % 3 lo A * 2 nen tie west i : ap a rance, 4 * & for enc Our garments are noted ar charact er itty and % * -ATe PH bu ail hinaru em night a r ry : {har correct ‘nlease von, % = I have secured the agency | ¢ for the ( Clearfield Steam [ann- dry and solicit a share of your | patror sage im this line. nl 1 * iat work guaranteed. Ple Garfield Wilkins. L If troubled with rheomatism, give : Chainberiain’'s pain.-balm a trial. Ib will not cost you a cent if it does oo good. One application will reiieve the pai, It ales cures sprains and briises | its one third the time required by any | other trentment. Cute, burns frost bites, quinsey, pains in the witle and SUITS will are quickly cured by Feery bottle warmnted, 50 cents Patton Pharmmey, applying iL Price, 25 and WwW, vA fer suffering from severs dyspep- The Merchant Tailors PATTON. PA. ase IVE me ac ~all. It Aid me 8 much good I recommend it to everyone’ Writes J, E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. C. W. Hodg kins, Palton Pharmacy. Neties! Notice is hershy given to parents and others that hereafter thera shail be no loafing or loanging in and about the | hails of the Good Building. Either children or adults found loitering or loafing to and about the same will be treuted iia Trenpassers, taken in custody | bry thn polios and otherwise dealt with as the law directa Arrangements have been made to effectually carry out this reguilation and coats to parents may be saved by keeping children from violating the same. Gro. 8 Good, : Ht stv iy April 3, 1000. 19tf ‘made and well ntting All WN M anes, Millbeim Pie, saved toe { yle ter epwe | ledge and a1! the life of his little girl by giving her 4, on lomng know! w hich onet minute cough cure when she was = a sm i erg dying from croup. 16 is the only harm. We are pos ise sped ka have lem resaedy that gives immediate re selecting these Sirs sults. It quickly cures coughs, colds, heonchitie, grippe, asthma, and all throat and long trouble. CW. Hodg- L Patton Pharmacy Anything rade to order out : of Tin, Copper or Iron. Ay Need not be mgh-prices should be gh. well Plumbing a ed w i we Thed.C.Harper(o. \ vent filerary Fatertaiwinent The social and literary 1. of the Epworth Longa will olowse their vear's work with a literary enter tainment in the Good Hall May 1L The entertainment will be sonelisded by Adl are cordially ns departments al PS ab lw i Prasrottice, Palton, Pa. b 5 & oe mow EE 3 atlennl 1 Yeu onli “H. MesSpUs have In the Foran) e pub Lie (rogers the Post Wiliere { and upon ti certain ing to Se Chag es as * can ry FCN 0S sxehanged any time WOLF & THOMPSON. re TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. losr £101 ceil oh : es retniiea. Clothiers, PATTON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers