| Bigelows. Frank lives between ti { on the recollections and anticipation of these visits to Phiilipsbéirg, and has a "mort of lingering bope that the lime | will come when he will be able to stay permanently. Philipsburg ledger. The Lilly Signal says that while dig- | ging a grave for an nid male that had died for Leahey, & Co, Raymond Allen and John Leahey, two Lilly boys, on- i : 5 2 mo" 3 : Desdn Recorded wt Ebensharg sp 0 Friday. April 30, : © Edward Parstangh et ux to Emeral : Kerk, Gallitzin Borough; consideration, $500. Receiver of Pennsylvania Building & Loan Amsocistion to Edwin Reade, §700. ton 40 Pete J Little, Cambria County, $15. 5 Excelsior Building & Loan Associa HIGH GRADE MEDIUM PRICE—25¢, LB. ‘Donated for Church Suppers. a ® ‘dines. Mackeral, Bloate Dold’s smoked meats are sure to bring you back for more. Imported and domestic Holland Herring, Russian Sar- s. Codfish and all kinds cann ed fish, earthed twenty old onecent’ copper | pieces, some of them bearing the date ¥ M. D. Kittell ot nx to Joseph Ben. gele, Gallitzin, borough, $600. Fresh country eggs and butter from Bradford county a Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING €0.. Proprietors. Wi Gers Faditor. : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy, one year, in advice, FAA vertising rates sei obey CE TE GAOT RY iiention, itl wil nrren So papers disoantinued u we sition of the ages are paid, unless el 1a ¢ Entered ai the Patios at Pation as § class vist mati, : : Joe cream at the City Restanrant L C. Sickler came down from Cros- son Friday. The best tea for the money at the 0. A. Clark came up from Johnstown one day last weak. candy snd nots go to (a : K | Bpecial prices to cash buyers all month at the (Cash Grocery. HD Hetrick, of Vintondale, tran- witeted business in Patton Friday, Mrs T N daughter | vistted relatives at Hastiogs Tovaday Nagle and Por apples, pion, prendre HRIEADSA, the Cush Giroery Charles Lehman and Barney {anniile stein drove to Hastings Sanday eve ning. Jos. Lehman of Patton, was in town | Sunday, the gnost of his best girl. Car Lrolitown News {Henry Beemer, of Baiefonte, Waa in | Patton Saturday, the guest o { hin bro- | ther, Christ Beeger, the liveryman. Homer Leary spent a week's vacation | seth his parents at Chest Bprings. He returned to Patton Monday morning. Harper Whiskey so, | hottled poetry, ripe mellow, refreshing und delicious. Sold by W. L Disgpett, iw liquid rid - Cecil Wilson came over from Ashville Paton, Pa one day last week. ; The ‘Deacon’ at Viremen's Hall next Saturday evening was Frank E. Taylor, of Philipsburg, a Patton visitor Saturday. Mra. Joseph Taylor and son visited friends in Alcona Tuesday. © W. H. Troxell of Glasglow, was call- ing on Patton friends Monday. _ groceries at the Cash Cirocery. Harry Crain, of Philipsburg, is visit- ing relatives in Patton this week. JM Westover, of Westover Pa. was a visitor to Patton Tuesday, and while here made the UOURIER offioe a pleasant call Jerse Jodon, of Patton, a veteran of the Civil War, visited this week at the home of his son, Frank Jodon, of North | Barnesboro Sentinel. McCulley and Milles by Misses | Messrs. J. L Westover, accompanied . Yousave money by buying YOUr ,..n44 and Byrdie Jackson, ail of | Westover, were visitors to Patton Bun- | day. It requires no experience to dye with contain 14.000,000, feet of lumber. ‘of 1807. They were discovered near the location of Porter's old sawmill {long years ago gone to decay. All ex- cept three were old copper pennies, of dates eariier than 18924, Hiwty Tithgent Fam ties The following is taken from Toes day's Johnstown Democrat; Director James Moore of the Cambria county “Poor and House of Employment” gave a Democrat reporter some inter. ‘esting information. Mr Moore said that in 1595, when the depression suc coding the panic of 1800 was being most weverly felt, 150 families in Johns. and immediate neighborhood were of the list of ocotdonr poor. Monthly payments to the nnfortunates, then amounted to $5900 on the average At present Mr. Moore said, there are FAINT only 60 families on the Bist, a dec reane of 90, and the expense Lo the couly adout $220 monthly, The number of peopie at present io the poorhooss is 168, principally aged and infirm men and women. with a sprinkling of hare i lowes janitics and imbecilen Tira ber Hart to Cross the Deans Lumbermen in this vicinity will be interested in the following: A ral io vominin 14,000, piles in DOW being con structed at Beattie, Wash, by =» Ban Francisco firm, to be towed 10 Japan. When completed the raft will be £35 foot long, 53 fest in diameter and will Ad though rafis of this kind are frequently towed from the Puger Scand to San Francisco, it ia feared in marine circies that sthe task of towing such A Craft acrois the Pacific is somewhat risky. Natio! Notice ia hereby given to parents and others that hereafter there shall be no loafing or loargiog in and aboul the. halin of the Good Building Either children or adults found loitering or loafing in and about the same will be treated as trespassers, takes in costody by the police and otherwise dealt with an the law directa Arrangements Robert James st ux to Webster Grif Ath. Cambria, $212 John B. Denny et Ahlen. Cambria $1,000. Samuel Vaughn, by Cambria, county 10 Cambria, $ anes Executor of Thomas Griffith Antite BE Lyte, Cambria, $2,400. ax the Treasure of ta Annie BE Lyto et al to Webster Grif fith, Blacklick, §1 425 I. & Siagle to John Evans et al, Cambria $50. to George Robert James, _speciaity Try our Teas—15¢ 12¢, 150 and 20¢ per i Notice our Floor Goods, Ete WARDS BREAD. Very Philip J. Gallihan ot ux to Mathew ; P FPredarick, Ciallitzin borough, $1,300 Jobin Davis et ux to Jeremiah MeGin- nos, Blacklick, #40. Amanda J. Driskel to J Cresson, §2 406. MM. Noel, Mattings, ¢ 4 14. and Roasted Coffee + Shoes, Rubbers, Dry = BAY STATE FLOUR. truly. g NSU RPASNED. Ea James Murray to Mary Murry, Cres som $1 Agreniinral Promperily. Farming pays These days, Don't matter what You got Planted on y'r land, V' understand, Fr how You plow, Whether you do it by steam, ‘Ra mew team, 'R you rotate Wie crops Tr nen thin yer phosphite, R whad ail; Large or small Farming pays. You may rise (rata TH shoals, Pormatioss 'r summer sqaash, B gosh "R partickier Cain, But sam’ rein, Wet'r dry days, Farming pave You bet An' yes There ain't no harm In statin’ that it does pay the man what rims the farm. -Bx. “No family tan afford to be without patronage in Below Central Rotel. When you want a close shave or fArstelass bar cul visit my shop. Everythi aE #4 +4 EE AAR clean and up-to-date, ry > £ pow EER Te HW oh + $0 ne po Ti £3 A clean enstomer. Laundry Work. I have secured the agency ® We make a study of Men We fit individ Clatd and give Lars t appearance. En Eo & © {nr garments are noted for character and quality, and are poplar hecanse we make ‘em right {Jur correct ‘please you. $18.00 ATE ; iAE SUITS will for the Clearfield Steam Laur dry and solicit : = 4 Ne lis j ny 3 work guaranteed P 3 .t ; ii lease give me a cal. share of your, we Ad The Merchant Tatlors, have been made to effectoally oarry out this regulation and costs to parents may be saved by keeping ehiidpen from Jobn of Ashvills, was 8 Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Simply boil- toPatton Priday. {ing your goody in the dye is all that's ~ business visitor PATTON. PA. : . | necessary. Sid by C. H. Perry, Chest One Minate ;oogh cure. It will stop a cough and core a old quicker than Garfield Wilkins. _ Oivil Eagloeer 2 oR wy George W. Ball of Morrisdale Mines, Pu, was a visitor to Patton Monday. day and Satarday at the Cush Grocery. Geo. H. Ayer, of had business in Patton “AR, Weber and wife of Vintondale | were visiting friends in Patton Friday Messrs. George Langbein and M. M. Nolan, of Patton were in Cresson last A.J. Musser of Peale, was among in the place the If you are hungry drop in to the City Restaurant wheré you can get everything you wish in the eatible line. Charles Holes, who is employed by a ‘spent Sunday with bis parents in this place. Jamon Stratton, of the Asheroft cols ery, was called to Philipsbarg Tae day on account of the serious illness of his mother. Frank Pennington, formely of thiy place, but who now resides at Windber, stopped in Patton Monday night, while en routato Punxsutawney. Mrs. A. W. Kane, of Windber, was visiting her mother, Mrs. John Karl: i heim, who resides a short distance mouth of Patton, several days last week. Jos. Hubbard and his crew of men are pushing the work on the City Rese (ur addition. The building wil soon be ready for the brick layers and # Several young peopie from Patton eo onth Pork, and Mrs Caroline Seb. * Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thurs prings, Fa. Engineers say 2 1i0-foot- wide canal, | snd Grand Forks, North Dakotas, is an | engineering possibility. The scheme is | a grand one atid the agricultural North | west wants it carried through. | Hummel, {he man who murdered | his wife and four children in Lycoming ponoty last fall, will go to the gallows ‘on June Sth, The murderer expected | executive clenency to the extent of a commutation of his sentence to life ime | prisonment. | Dp. B. Snyder and wife, of Mt. Union, | Pa., are visiting with their son, SK. Snyder, of this place, this week. Mr. Land Mrs. Suyder had been visiting friends and relatives at Pittsburg, Al toons and Huptingdon previous 1o poming to Patton. § ¥ tailoring company at Glen Campbell, | tailoring § at Glen Campbell, Blairsville borough owns ils walter “works. The incomes to the Lairotigh from water penta last year was $9,525.27, and had no expense for sarvice. Indiana be Liye ($1,725 four water for fire BTN. water for fire rough oes Bol wn water storks (here, and pad oil The Apache Indians at Fort SLi Okla. have recently closed a foar-days’ dance, given voder a special IXpeTIG- tion from Goranime, inorder to ward {off a threatened epidemic of srl 1 pox, dancing having Berclolinre Deel strictly prohibited by the aged chief | Sheriff George M. Wertz and Deputy Sheriff Eimer E Thireday ‘took to the Dixmont Insane Agylom three anfortunates who had been con- mited to that institution by Judge Bar ker, during the past week. They were Lee Daughtery, of Gallitsing d Pravie iast vo Lew, xg #3084 # attended the church festival and dance 45s of Johnstown at Chest Springs Saturday last and re. May 12th. por a pleasant time. Next will be held % ‘Miss Tressie Witherow, who has been Hi took a clerks of the office of Internal Hevenie Cotlector BF Parletr, of Baltimore, five hours steady work, to ent and sort amd affix foree of twenty staying with ber brother and family in > ; ying x the stamps to the consolidated mort dist globe val acoept » Monday. Alex Monteith, one of the Cambria county - delegates to the Republican Hate convention, left Patton Tuesday ‘morning for Harrisburg. The conven. tion went in session yesterday. Junt received au full line of Fuirbank’s ves, sizes | up to kinch. Try a Fairbank’s disc valve for steam or water and you will use no other. For gale by J, C. Gould, the plumber. 4t The Barnesboro Sentinel says that Wm. Leadbetter, assistant mine fore. “man at Empire mine, has resigned to position as mine foreman with the CG. B. 0. Uo, at their new mine in Spangler. patton for the past three months, nb = PAR : tared to hor py at Ansonville, Pui gage of the reorganised Seaboard Air fine. The total amount of the mort gage ia $75,000,000, and the internal revenue stamps upon the document amount to about $31,000. What might have froven RVOrY Bers fous secident happened near Noo 22 ' Sunday afternoon, Some Hungarians who had not recovered from their | Easter drunk procured nn eaply beer keg and filled it with powder and then to antisfy their hellish Heed a mateh to it. Just ad the (ime 01th explosion i Mr Price his wile and babe, were passing in a buggy, when horse took fright and opset the vehicle, throwing them all ont and injuring the {babe quite seriously. Houtsdale | Citizen. denires Lot {he 149 to 15 feet deup between Lake Superior I violating the same, Gro 8. (ooh. April 2, 1900.10 For Sao, A lot fronting on Magee avenow, 50 feed by 140 feel, knOWD a8 lot No. 13. A good location for a store. Will be sold on most reasonable terms. Ad. dress, James (i. Egan, Blossburg, Tioga Co., Pa 18010 About the Spring Suit We are prepared with a feast of good things in Apparel for Men, Boys and Children, and ean fit them trom crown to sole. This vear we have gxthered to gether here in otir ore the largest anh west stock of goods ever shown by us Of course that means in the Lown, Men's Suits, Good Albwodd ones, AAR, TN, 24s AB 4%, 38 9m and so of ap to gloan Boye’ Baits, $3.88 4.45, 4.8% up to 85 G5. Childress Vestee Nuits $1.95 19, 3.48, and go On 8p Lo is 1 5 RY SRE Pe IN MEN'S HATS. All the crea « of the fashiouers in Men's head guar are found bere. Bx btiys 8 good ane and we have them ali the way to $2 98, no higher: exeepl Stelsons, " Ohiid } axed and 45 SHOES, All the Waoren's, Misses All sizes, widths and prices. Car sale on Ladiew® Fine Shoes stil 3 « and we have plenty vel All siges to Bt yon from 24 oF =HIRTS ap 10 $1.48 Que fiohbiy fullows, sins 19 Tar 14 Hs and all for 4x. " Mena fixings pr abnds ri : fo ra ik ancy Lage rel Fes IR BILE, BITTE fivie rg Peat sivies in RE ens doe 8 mid ei Men's and Boys Men's intewd bey wow fewniry, eto, i says complete von always get what vou want strictly 1a late Qalling Agents for the eelebrated Wweet, Orr & Un Pantaloons, Overalls and Jackets. Every pair warranied at to rip and wear rel If you are not a patron of ours pay you 143 arta hwnd this house when You want nest that money will buy. No dickering of prices. We alike to all and thats the only way CASH AND ONE PRICE Yau are invited to call anid 11s it is witl bBecuane by grwwds the srt] Directly opposite the Hank KEYSTONE CLOTHING ND SHOE C0. placed on her fi goods abe avowed her dpterenin any olber paedicine,’ writes W. Williams, Sterling Rap, Pa It cures croup, bronchitis and all throat and long troubles and prevenia consume tion. Pleasant and harmiess e wo * Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Agents on salary of $15.00 per week and exponen; the greatest agent miler ever prodocxd; every stock and gonitry 4 raimer buys it on sight stamp, American Mfg Haute Tod Lo, Hustlers Address with Terre (leanse the liver, purify the bloed, : invigorate tse body by using DeWitt's liste early risers. These pills always aot promptlf’ OW. Hodgkins, Patton Fhanmacy. Brearhod. Promise Sail The Johnstown Tribune says that in Blair county court Thursday a suit for bea of terest by George A. Bender, of Callin gn, against Mis Mary FP. Noffsker. Tie complaint alleges that he and the defendant Yecame engsged to be married on Janorary Bth asd He er a wedsling ring and pave ber numerous presenta On March 24th they went before Alderman Dobivoe, of Altoona, and secarsd a F488 % vy ied i et TE RE Go a After he er 3 4 parchase Boomer old TAY most smug er BAIL to He lays his goes at $040, and claims thal he i tale SE GER SAL i LAYS Ww ity Bestacrant if Wantal ask wanted al Lome Write op stl Ores at, Lait to lady gf Cpe. ab gnaw on Brows. hpsa connts ¥ ington, Pa, says, U1 have foagnd Kool Gysfwpsia cure pxveliont remeiin | A » y comes oF mig Pueyirydadee sd Bove de. C¥ x phe st and expat 3 £ “ik ation Lipests w hal you WwW i Las Pharmacy. cre Hodgkins, ; haan cre (ndigesiion Rane ane gives rolisl pans Tatoos cure 2i2RI0OWN fipans Tabules cure fatulance nord Tabuleg uk CASTORI For Iufants and Children. site cue Begilacive The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Kignatare of ‘made promise of marriage was en. we arg posa Need not be shold be TE ad wii but and ipe the taronng cea Yas Tins i 8 yi AUG ILE 2 % Klow eqgx nsed In Dicey. * ah % Sirens Bo lie By, EH BN store, I) int “4 our Spring Hats WOLF & THOMPSON. Clothiers, PATTON, PA. and all kinds of ‘Anything made to order out of Tin, Copper or Iron, : % Thed.C. Harper Co. x RE Ro a 8 By FEE YY f $5 ss, ¥ bd andl XC % Post Pation, Pa : . MII LCS F Tee . 3 he & i 5 x; x 1143 NDeCacies as T pAuses Can LHI Aran teed #4 3 3 § ed % : xiaciesh refunded. | The Patton Jeweler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers