Lo si Hk J gro PER YEAR. Worth. * We have selected with le greatest care, to secure for ott the most pleasing designs Men's, Boy's, Children’s wearing apparel. An excel n t assortment for your in- S ARTISTIC CLOTAING. You should see the hand- some line of Suits we are fering at , 10, 12, 15, $18. OUTH’S SUITS, We have the choicest as- + sortment in Patton. Onr suits at. 8, 10,12 $15 are very stylish, | ILDREN'S NOBBY SUITS, : In the mannish styles, 2, 3p 2:50, 4, 85. UR HATS. We carry the best styles from You should wes the at $1.25, 95, $3.00. hoes and Dry Goods > “r You know where jou can buy the finest s for the least Carpets, mattings, ugs, oil cloth, leum, window ades, curtain es, and | From this point the tracks will be laid 0 the largest ine of hard- ware and stoves, helf hardware, ints, oils, glass, Olliver plows, ete. The leading stoves, Ideal Red Cross, Capello, ~ Dockesh Ranges. Give us a call and sce for yourself. Very Respectfully, A ANN u Get Your LOST BY ONE VOTE Refised a Nat nm U.S mensls, ; Washington, Apt 24. Hon Mat thew 5. Quay to-day was refused a seat in the United States senate on the appointment of the governor of Peon: ‘ aylvania by a vote to, to 32 Theday was devoted entirely to debate upon | the question, many of the greatest lnw- | yers and orators in the body delivering About Com. Speeches. As today’s session wore on wad the hour for the final vote ap- The COURIER representative had oo prosthed the galleries filled up until casion to visit the Patton Clay Manu. ; Te we Srna with I des fa stat ngo nme . or et: while other miititudes were Bnabie io one Er PAny's plant Monday #3 gain admission. On the four of the which presents itself to the eyes of & Renate every megiber of the body now : visitor. The large three-story brick ad- in the city and scores of members of dition is completed, with the exception the House of Representatives wore of the floor in the first story, the third prosany ilawhis Bet of the Veer jd pu #8 of the sscoud sfory being now and N#ys as voted on the resciation: Pa new kilns are slinost completed | Yo0% HED. Barker Carter, Chand: ; and the foundation for the third Ope is or, Clark, Wyoming, ¢ ullon, Daniel, : | ander | avons of construction! Tent ravi, Delo, Foraker, ¥ yee, {ren | As soon as the new kine are completed Bansbeoneh dupes, ol _ da Je ¥ : mas, Molaairin, Mosen,. Oran Nei fork wij te Sard - So ary son, Penrose, Parking, Piatt, of New 2eo foot long. bullt of brick. This: J Ork: Scath Sewell, Sapp, * Booher IO a Ee hme wooden Siowast, Sullivan, Taleres, Waren. | stroctare which had to be removed in » . Ere, W alent. Total 33 order to make way for the large addi: Nays. Allen, Bacon, Bard, Hate, Bar. | thon to the mill proper. ry, Burrows, But ler, Clay, Cockrell, | The many new imfirovements wil Caiherson, Hai, Harris, Heitfield, Haw make the Patton clay plsnt rank among wid Jones, of Area Sgt! hissinay. Xe the lnrgest of the country and will far. BIS McCumber, MaEnery, MeMitian, nish employment to many more wen. Martain, Money, Plat, uf ¢ anaecticat; | The mew houses the chmpany is erect. : Proctor, Quarles, Fo, A mon, 1 eller, ing for the employes of the works are Titman. Tarley, Turner, Vest, Walling | progressing rapidly in eopstroction, | three of same being now ander rood, ‘and one of which ia about ready for | oocnpaney. When a person jookd al the Tare | plant it makes him think that the Pat | ton Board of Trade had done wonderfal | work in securing an establishment gf MEng we such magnitode, but the th | quickly flashes in one’s mind, “if Board of Trade dong good work al ‘that time, why nol try to get together { and land another industry in the most {substantial town in North ceounty 7° ; Won. MN tray LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS leaned Here and There by | the “Courier” Reporter. isting se Ssh NEW IMPROVEMENTS. [The Three-story Addition an pleted ~ Three New Kilns Total ZL The vote wan then ken on thas ress faring Quay not entitied The roll cail was the sare as Bef PARITY Were announoest, the firs! toy, inion dav went oh the previous cal the viting sare in pach imstanee being fa vovalie ta Mr Ea id RR £ RW Vine ma nn Gps i % a py hd the CESSLS ENUNMERATOAN PAY £5 Thin Toms fiw mie Rewlers Fu saveing Tre sopipe sation sin enmeratoes i feed # of the act March Jed, 199, apd a ming mun: rate of two penis lor each LEBER inhabitant, two cents fur Many men startin on sn advertinng fifteen cents for cach farm and wer campaign as though bey did not ex pents for each sstabimbment of Grodan pect iL to pay. The general who starts jve industry Is provided for aii subd inte a battle expecting to be whipped visions where such allowance shall bw is pretty sure not to be disappointed. descmed sufficient. In other sab divi The merchant who renta a store, hays stops where higher per capita rates aro ‘a stock of merchandive and opens for ta be paid, seceding to phe difficnity . business doubting of suoosss is reason of enGmeration, the minima rele ably certain to fail, The soubg man wil not excend three cents for each { who goes on the road with the feeling living inhabitant three cents or each that be will never make a salesman death, twenty seats for each farm, asd | scarcely ever does. ‘Ihe boy who in a thirty cents for euch establishment of i fight, has one foot turned backwar' productive industey, while a sab-di- | and one eye open for achanch to run Is vision Where por disre rales Bre oa whipped at the beginning. So with ad- tablishesi, baviag reference to the | vertising. Expect to win, determine to nature of the region to be cava ans win. Make it “Pike's Peak or buat.’ the denser Or sparse of sotiloment, Husband your strength to be sure. Do or other considerations pertinent there: i not exhanst your evary resource on the to, the compensation alowed Lo end. first blow, Make sure that you Wavel erators will not be less than three, nor int » rate of speed that you can mali more than six dollags per day of ten | tain to the end, and it will be “Pikes hours actoal feld work each. Except | Peak." —~Ex. in extreme cases, 00 claim for mileage Will Bafid Branch: Ratlroad. or traveling expenses will be allowed a iE , to any enumerator, and then only A contract arded , Ne York € Sentral Raliroad a ay fr When authority has been previously | the construction ofa branch road. The granted by the Director of the Census } aoe road will start Ire rE tiihvrs | Any enumerator who without jastitl ew ond 2 will tars Som 100 Piha able cane, neglecta or refuses to per lat MoGee's Mills Chart 2d Go ty and form the duties of his position, after | will turn to a point near New Creek, Cambria By m ¥ ; ; § apes Vo Won pact 4 -mecepting an appointment and qualify- | Jefferson county, a ‘distance of 11 mils. ing for the work, of who communicates to any person not authorized to receive | through woodland three miles to he the same, any information gained by iB omington coal mines oper ted by | 0 in the performance of his duties, i the Bloomington (loal company, | of : will be subject to a Ane of five hundred | which Hon. James Kerr is senior mein: foliar. ber. The contract was awarded to { James P. Ake, of Burnside and Jobn The Cambria County Agricultural SC. McAteer, of Clearfield. Work of gesociation beld their regular meeting ithe road will begin at ounce sod be Wednesday afternoon at Carrolitows pushed rapidly and moch business of importages {ate Makes Wisuld Not Wark transacted. The dates for the next Last Thursday afternoon as Engineer fal eps net fur Bepheiibe 1 % 8 and lemon was drawing the loaded osal It wan decided to offer a reward of curs from Flannagan Run No 8 and $50 for the arrest and cof Fiction of any: Magee & Lingle's pew mines near gy | POE tame hi the lite a the Boniface the air brakes refused 10 wirk fair grounds, and smalie® rewarus or | und the train pot a start and eottld not ‘he brought under control watill it poached the main track near the derot There was nu ds lon Carroliiown Fair Dates. IrempBansing, lo Pompsy Sirders Now Losouniivis An order has bet recvived 6b the Al Towa Dsl Dew hat damage done, it ‘pansed several of the crew from the runaway train. The engineer wtuek to his post mad gave the ruBanway alarm. It was fortunate thal no Aras or engines were standing on the at the station, ns i would Base caused a terrible wreck, Siirosil ahiops ab Blov en For pes es i Sam Vola ren ol Supe BE ini o& JHB pase e A I LRU Lak SUB aal rand Patton Hors Take Warning Another boy was wrested yesterday for jumping freight cars. This mikes sale; & | four arrests that have been made situated on J cently in this city, The raile wd (om | pany has determined to break up the Cast sol same 30 it san | pratioe of illegal car piding by Lock any lovation within tive days. Haven boys sud will arrest all Joux Ono offenders. Express. Patton, Pa prelg A Price WIRE Lewy LEBEL 0 be removed to 4 i at should te locked up SUN'S TOTAL ECLIPSE. The Spectachs of 1 Lifetime May be Kees | the $8LA of Next Manth j eas Johnsthen Tabane, : In one respect the sun's total eclipse of May 25th next will be without pro- cedent. Ita path, instead of extending gver the sparselysettind regions that (htervene butweon lows and the West- | arn cout, 44 in 18Y8, or stretehing over the watery expanses of the Pacific. an in 158%, when the United States had to send an expadition to the Caroling [sinnds, 4,000 miles west of South Amerios, of Jef the eclipse go unob. served, will eross the six states of Loo- isiana. Mississippi, Alubama, Ciel South Caroline and North Carolina, touch Virginia, and traverse very | fairly settled portion of the Republic which is covered with a perfect net work of rail. gin on the Pacifie Oenan, just west of Mexican, &t sunrise, trends dos ennt ward sever Mexico, enters the United States very pear New Orleans, 14, and ex. tends northward over Mobile and Montgomery, Ais, passes close to Ate Lanta, Gi, and Columbia, 8. C, over N, C., spd leaves lis country in the region of Norfolk, Va, Bewides the cities named, it incindes thirty other lowns that are large snotgh to find place on Lhe amar aps, : After weaving the United States the path of the eclipse Crosson the Alantic Cievan and roucher Barope at Cotmbra, Fortagai, fakes ii Agers and North Afpicn, termigating hear the norlaern ctu of the Kad Bes at sunsel Toe eciipee will inst about one minute and Lavi ve sor otids fear Now Organs and wipate and furty seconds GeRr Nurfain. The teak of totality be Haicigh andi Lape beury, ee Phtheris ouiy She favored few who sowid affaed 1 spend days and perhaps ReeRe 10 raved Give ooh abies fH View acie: tis the a milion CATE thi great sped wiles Ww ; OWH steps. Liber muaons dwell within an susy days joarnoy of the path of Tatad- ity, and Lar shore Wan hall Wi poptin on of the country will be able witomms 8 portion of Wwe show home, for a partial eClipee will be visible in every state east of Nature has arranged BO supe desplay with such Consider ation for the mosses within a gesera- tion. Tital eclijmes were visible in the United States in 1878, 1579 and 1858, but their paths did not traverse closely settled pegions of people at baat phetictue non rates thier $6 tive Missisippd. Coadiod Namiew Jusors Drawn. There was soother drawing of United States jurors in Pitlsbarg Thursday, this time: for the Circuit Court to be held in that city, beginning on the 17th month, The filowing were among the hundrad names or so that came out of the wheei: J. Harper Hafler, Bedford, Jacob Hoover, Mann's choles, Bedford county; Albert Kinter, Georgeville, In diana county; GF. Gebhart, Lavans- ville. Somerset county; John Matt, Everett, Bedford coonty; 8. L. Buck, New Enterprise, Bebford county: Joel | Fink. Livermors, Westmorland county 4 James M. Wallace, Greeasburg, Joseph : W. Clements, lodiana; W. J. Hopple, | Ebenasburg; W. | Stineman, South : Fork. ; whanid be Severely Dealt With. Thers resides in one of the houses in: the vicinity of Htinemun mines Na La man who sboald hide his face from ail good people hereabouts. We ander- stand that one night recently he loaded ap with “fire water’ and during the evenini administered to his poor old | mother an awl beating. This fiend He has no night to liberty. It is also said that be fan | been guiity of another offense, that if the lw bad its coarse, be would be boarding at Riverside penitentiary, We withhold names for the present, hoping that he will Lry and behave himsedl in Fork Record. the future, South & Flaw Cash Begins £34 CW, Hodgkins, of the Patlon © oan. poy reesived | tin atest maiel cash regiatr last week. 1 weighs 10 poamds and is much more convient or Gee taan which by the the old ane. The Cheexs, ap given hy Mr $n resilient, 1 Ww armen oR a kp dan Wg Mile npeparesd by | Ams aw : Thee Wakiaver Udnmdy company will five act ire pvsent ihe Sheaeom,’ io Pa, Babiniay evening, April company prisetted the same pisy al Westover, aad ail who attended speaks in the highest terms of the manper in pomedy-drama, | = Hail, Pat ' which the different characters were acted. Do not fait to attend. April 23: | Railroad company that any jpipoposition | ‘had been made by the Pennsylvania Railroad company to purihiase the stock or 8 controlling interest therein, met to-day and as a result of thelr de. | 10 dissover the body. liberation terest in the rafiroad. trafic wxchange with the Pennsylvania Cwvatem, [the Pennsylvania ratirond organised the Penosyivania & Buffalo connecting | gress for the Pennsylvania railroad to amen dite ¥ An Agel Resident of Dale Borongh Found { Pend in the Wobds — | The dead body of Vincent Mushest, Pennsy May Secure the W. of Deh borough, was found Sunday NV &PL | morving about 10 v'olock in the woods IN. OX . Ldn. "in Stonyoreek township; just over the Saris | boundry of Daisytown lownship, says StF kt r* | the Johnstown Demoerat. MOVEMENT ON FOOT. prom ail appearance she remains es had lain there since last Monday or fy View is to Get Tule Rufio Tuesday. They were somewhat decom Over Its Own Tracks, | posed. The body lay on ite back, with The following is the contents of a the feet partly under a large. log. At dispatch ~ from Philadelphia, dated | he Hid8 of the nose, just beside the left { aye there was a bullet hole sud in the "Despite the denials on the part of dead man's right bend thers was & I BOY NETHER 0 The Ohjoet | ofcials and others connected with the | Cheap 34 eaiibro revoiver. His right | Western New York & Pennsyivaoia hand lay across his breast. The left Bianed was down si the man's side, just at the pocket. From the position in which he was found, death was an- i John Atkins,of Dale, was the fires one : He was coming recommended the stock- through the woods with his two little hoidere and income Bondholders to daughlers and his dog. The dog was accept the offer of the Penusylvania runalag abead and Mr. Atkins potiosd railroad to purchase a controlling in. | Pa! had found something. fle catied The offer of the © the animal, but the dog would pot ' Bheania railroad In 18 por of leave the spot where it steed. Mr. At Pennsfivania railroad is 18 par cent or LL forward and discovered the directors of the former company 88 per share, and 30 per cert. or £300 2 pe the body. He at ounce went fo the wer income bond, if accepted by a ma- : : I . P y house of Henry Hipp, who lives in jority of the share or bondholders on : : Daisy town not far from the spot where ar before May 28, 1900, ; dv ly i Go tei “The object of the Pennsylvania Sue 1 y ny and told bim of hia Sued railrond in trying to secure (his prop- . I Aue oie .rty is to get into Buffalo aver ite own place and after look : : ee ? guid alo aver ite o badly recognised it as that of Musheat. tracks. The Pennsyiwnoia milroad b ; . | ke & Pennsyivhinia milroad has A brother of Musheat, John Musheat always had in view the importance of ho fives in Daisytown 8 i Raffalo as one of ile terminal pointe who lives'in Jsylows RING; WAS Du fled of the discovery and went at ouce Aowt of ita business to Bullial) bas heen 5 > : ts ans the remains. He foond that the carried over the Western New York bade wan that of bis brother. © & Pennsylvania line and a large pro. y ALof his broths. Laronat Miller was sent for as soon as the portion of the earnings of the IMMer (op of the dead man was de company hive been derived from the Ge termind. Coronor EL. Miller walk delayed : So and did sot arrive upon the sens un- “The proposition is the second thal ai : prey tii penrty 3 o'clock. Heat ouce viewed han been made by the Penney ivanis : : ; > oe ’ the remiine. He fonnd thar Musheat satirond for the control of the property | SE ee : of the Western New York & ii had wot himnl} shrough she roof af vagin Some months ago the Fenneyl- la _Baouth, 3 ne guts wan Ball of chia ralirond made s prope ition iook- clotted blo. Seeing that welt-destrao. ing to the amalgamation of the West | Hon was so evident, Coronor « Miller ern Now York " & Pennsylvania with aid ant think it necessary to impane a the Alleghany Valley railvond, but the gery; bat orderd that fhe body he proposition wis got entertalied. Toen : : Fhaiing on Aoolher's Land It is opportune to remind fishermen railroad to and from Wilcox, Pa., on the that they ire Lrespilsaers if they fish on Philadelphia and Erie raiiroad, which anybody's land or in any stream that is controlled by the Pennsylvania rail ig private property of any corporation road, to the Now York and Pennayi | nha grauted the privilege of doing Cen stale lige and from there to Baf ; w biyfthe oWpen Judge Albright, of ' falo under & proper charter, thus be Lehigh county, has recently ruled rast coming a competitor of tis Western 4 fuherman is guilty of trespass who New York & Peunylvania Hoe Itin antery a stream and shes without the understood the surveying of the prov consent of the lsndownemn, aithough be posed new line, which has heen in pro: | wajes the stream and does not touch some weeks, developed ob: dry land; and the fixt that the state stacios that made the builifing of the has stocked the creek does not make it new road almost impracticuble, and led 4 public one. Cisml Shaft Near Ehensharg. ad ile Ii is reported that M. Charles A. Patton Uafactunats Again Haghes, of Altoona, who spent some During the beavy storm Monday time in Ebensburg recently, will sink » morning lightning struck the station shaft for coal on the old Hughes home- at Bradley Junction snd totally des stead, just north of that tows, in Cam- troyed it, as the beavy Hash ignited hria township, and that be has bought the combustable material used in the other adjoining lands. If this is correct erection of the stations along this and workable coal is found » colliery of branch. Nothing was saved from the oasiderable size will probably he burned building. Many Putton citizens astiablinhed. express much symyathy for the resi. dents of Bradley in their lows, thinking that if it had been the depot at this place a new and larger ooo might bave : . been erected. As it is, however, they pew awning plaved in front of their claim Patton is a very unfortunai Place of business Tuesday. The awning place ? : wis furnished by 3. L Collins, awning i : and tent manufacturer of Johnstown Wil Not be Abandoned, amd put in place by that gentelman. In Philadelphia Thursday President There are several improvements on the Cassatt, of the Pennosylvania Railrosdd new awning, which makes it the finest Company, denied the statement that in the tows. the Company had planned to abandon | the Horseshoes Curve and build a straight lines between Gallitzin, the top of the mountain, and Altooua thee bua, Instead of abandoning the Horseshoe raid Mr, Cassatt, “we are jay fest offer A Flan Awising. The firm of Wolf & Thompson, cloth. jes and R. 8 Toger jeweler, had a Public sae! Thers will be offered at public sale at at the residence of A. A. Luther, de. Dans, White town sip, on Saturday, April 25, 1900, at i otelock po me, the following property. Two Na. 1 heavy drafl hows, 3 Jemey full blooded. 3 head young cab ie, 2 hogs, 5 South Down sheep full ootedd 1 1 Tall blooded yearling Jersey hob sleds, 1 twi-borse vase! plow, 1 sprigg tooth { buggy, set single harvess, 2 hacoess, 1 farm bell, 1 feed Capello range, 1 heating stove, 2 cupboards, 1 epneh, 1 BinR, claims, B 3 bexdn, a samaed, in Beaver Carve,” ing down four new tracks on it.” The report owed is origin, he said, to the opening of the Old Portage Tunnel Birwa # A Clase Call th THRE Sl aad 4 aftoruosn & algnt DLE Rae. © wil, i WHR, Sunday pair wenvered In the Yahnur property on i she corner of Magee and Filth aveaves ww owned DA of Carroll wo roduaiein Days hele 3 harrow, Jabs Fa Brgy iaither, FHA TIAN Y PRE, i sip chemi B i extinguisher : i : ; : e335) anid anubdoed the fre helore 30 canhd oe fiw seaiired I setenmon tables, 3 wis £ % 5 % 4 3 ig % Ting Fig sacking ehnirs, 8 fray, 7 headway or cats pigch disnge It was & building is a large on and would Bo doubt nmde iF guile warm auiidings adjouning. : by ibe phiveis, et, wt of dishes, 1 Dey pa, parpels, Tags 8 chickens, amd cote, wheat, rye aml buckwheat or doa elise vail, as Low ‘ir lot of potihtoes, lat of far tha SUFD, bushel: chains, mies, rks, The above property san Tgas toe Hatebhiog goud as new, Having Girly been fn use From pure bred white heah nus, black Terms will be made Known fangshans, black mibnorons, white muse on day of when & resscoable porcas, and silver laced wyandotios at, credit will be given. § Mas. JOHANNA Lines. | §1 per 13. H. T. Perens | M22-3m Patton, P's. White Twp., April 16, 1900. i Lie VRS, wide
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers