§ E i tiring everything you wish in the eatible line. The CoURIER learns by an exchange hat Mrs. Fanny, wife of Hon. Jake Traby, formely a resident of Clearfield coanty, died at ber home in Findlay, 3, recently. IB Cromer moved his family to! olives Inst week and took charge of ihe Hotel Moles, W. P. Mahaffey re Jahn ie a popular hotel man » § and will take good care of the reputa tion of the house --Mabufly Gazelle, { wonld like to announee to the town and vieinity that we have secured the gerviess of Miss Alice Asheroft for the season and she will be glad to bave 'S BANN R SALVE is a Healing Wonder. 2. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. FOWL GuEENe Editor ERNE OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ode pip, Oph Fear, ih wl vanes Fe Adsering Fates asin Ruan anon pliation. A Xo agen Abani vs Aor Paley, eine ad Bis ers Eatered PN Foot oy 13 " Shia tread nme Y a1 ERG Ean a wewhOTILE foe cream at the City Bestanrant Prof. B. I Myers spent Batarday Altoona. Dr. HH. Somerville sams Maen roan Chest Springs Monday. Albert 166), of Portage, wis in Fal ton on business Monday. * # Yon save money by buying your - groceries at the Cush Grocery. Geo. Blair. of Crosson, was a visitor to this place one diy last week Riggs Kitchen and John Pennington aame op from Westover Moniay. For your stamped linens and om broidery sitk, go to Evans Sisters. Spring and summer stiitings in all the latest styles st Dinsmore rom, Louis P. Miller, of Corning, N. visited friends in Patton Saturday. Wm. Little, a blacksmith of Loretto, was in Patton on business Saturday W. J. Little, of Loretto, visited with his brothers in thin place over Sunday. Presh oysters every Toesday, Thurs day and Satardsy at the Oash Grocery. 8. McCollough and son John, of Westover, were Patton visitors Satur- day. Rose Randall, of Gallitein, visited her sister, Mrs. Ed. A. Mellon, over _ Call and leave an order at Dinsmore ol Bros." tailor shop for that new spring Me WW Worrell, of Clearfield, ~ visited her won, 8. W. Worrell and X. John Yingling, of Altoona, wpent _ Sunday in Patton, the guest of his brother, F. 8. Yingling. Lather Pattersin, who ia interested in the Lock Haven sewer pipe works, | spent Sunday in Patton. | | Mrs 8.0. Daggett and children are visiting relatives at Crooked Creek, Tioga county, Fi, thin week. Mrs. Benjamin Beaver, of Irvona, stopped in Patton for a few hours Mon. day while en rote to her home, Bd. Kuankle returned Patton Thorsday evening after spending a week 18 Altoona visiting friends. ‘Newell I. Witherow, of New Mill. ‘port, Pa. is the goest of bis brother, H. A. Witherow, of Patton, this week. Harper Whiskey is liquid music, bottled poetry, ripe mellow, refroshing and delicions. Bold by W. . Daguett, Patton, Pa 0 Miss Adalene Bstrictier, of Now Washington, speot Faster Sunday with heer sister, Mrs. J. CC. Harper, of West Magee avenue. W. T Peters and wife dro Grampian, Clearficld county 33 vi v. Pa. visit with Mr, Peters’ mot her and brother. They returned home Mon- day. Wm. Meehar was called to Bakers _ Mines one day last week to atten d the funeral of a relative. The COURIER representative could not learn full par- ticulars. Geo. Edmiston, who is a member of ‘the Marine Corps stationed at League sland Navy Yard, is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ram’! Edmiston, "of this piace. South Fork is talking about street paving. It costs a pice sum at first but then take into consideration the m- proved appearance it ghves & town, and you think the cost Bot so uch. Just received a full line of Fairbank's : dist globe valves, sizes | up tol inch. Try a Fairbank’s disc valve for steam : or water and you will use no other. For sale by J. O. Gould, the plumber. 41 ‘ Patton Pharmacy. Courier. pe eft Monday for the Somerset county Wm. H Sutton cage up from Clear field Friday. The Best tea for the mohey a the (nah Grocery (ino. Langbein visited friends in Flastings Sunday. pwn xd all myantly at the t 5F taaaly Lepoind Far a fae line of long dresses, akirts and caate go the Byibn Dusters jek at Patrick Ls inarh, Woke 10 Paton Pin Rao, agent For apples, otaons, Cra EE, In candy and nhs oto ine Lassi aboeriey. Yo Vianna pedalivion aa Lhiy pana Pei Hle B refs Gl sy, af nnd 4 bo EFMELEY BY. For your childrens short dresses and saris: baby caps, Be ga 0 Foeans misters Bo Adams aml wid of Asad Ww Wire o this place the test of fii yvimilirs { WOK Harry Ciréen, a rosrehant (yen Campheil, wis 8 visitor to this plan Monday Mrs Anna CUrovie, of Philipsburg, spent; Easter with bor sunt, Mrs HM, Kinresda, of Fuh avenue For the finest ne of malinery in Pov ans Shela, Bestanradil Camoria county, gu to avons the road fron Gaby The marriage bans of William Wilt and Miss Foss Onto, wers published for the first time Sunday in St. Mary's Catholic church, Mie Eline Myers. of Kerr avenue, Altoona, where she will spend several weeks visiting ber brother, Robert Hiie. 7. Earl Tower and Milton Kantz, of Vintondale, were guests of the for. mere brother, R 8. Torr, of this place, the Srst of the week. Dinsmore Broa, (be tailors, are mak. ing np some fine spring and summer : suits. It will pay you to call and Bx- amine their line of goods It requires no experience to dye with Putnam Fadeless Dyes Simply boil ing your goods in tbe dye is all that's neceseary. Sold by ©. H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa : Milton Sheets, who Was confined In jail nnder sen tence of death for the murder of Aug: aston Glessner, escaped lest Thursday { evening, taking with him a cattle thief naned Walker. The Grampinn, Clearfield County, Brick works employes got & rise in wages this week. Men earning §i50 per day were rammed 10 $165 and those earning Jess than $1.50 & rame af 1d pends 8 GRY. x, Fuk Mon % Trinsl aes 4 Hae rad aed in ann Of coarse if L ned measd to bande them as trith Whe will submit the first? SIREN % i 0 oy is 3 Th 3 be ¥ i Gy $00 Waka Ha GioitiEs BOW k, Ri i bear {roan afer Laos “hg” Fug 9 fil Fo ok Day w soften alteided the ball given In Larroblown Monday night: Harry Melon, Waller Lite, Frank Little, Jus. Fanning, Edward Hunter. Tom Mitchell, Henry Hoover. {sais Doll, Gen. | Langbein, { harles © Lehman and Misses Eva Crane, Anna Evans, Rose Langhein and Bertha Yeckiey. © Ann {hos Anna, sob Mr apd Mrs FE, SEER fo a *¥ + EF Fd tT i rated Toes Phiiaddad ¥ pha Where Ju foie petbvaie § Tidy hospital af Dip 1, P, merittmatter, 1 fap a ¥ | i hoped B has been in i baaith the past two 5 white in atitgtion, - Pu The Cresson Record says that 85 Thomas, of Paton, is stopping wilh (resson friends while on his way bome fromm Baltimore, where be was in attendanea at a medical college the PAKL YER. This Mr. Thomas’ secomi year in oullege, bav. ing passed very creditable examina conipletes vons at the close of the tern Robert Monteith and wife were salted ta Windber Tuesday of last week on seeount of the death of Mrs Mon- teith’s little sister, Viola Forsythe, who died of pneumonia. Robert retorned home Friday ind Mrs Monteith re- turned Satorday. The latter was ac companied by her sister, Miss Anna Fory in this piace. Lehitdyen, of the, who will spend several weeks enstomers who booght from hor while in business soe her here, Evans Sisters. It is rumored-in Washington that the ‘Navy Department has purchased the subs marine torpedo boat Holland tor g160, 000, and will try to get Ones to make appropristions to purchases pight or ten additional boats of the same Vp Wee Howard J Lambert ard two Williamsport, wwre seri | for 4 few honre Sunday, from the effects of posioning caused by eating cannml tomate UHBlo0 Temoairal, Mea Lambert iva sister of Mm BB Connev, Mrs J. M. Spicher, Mrs. W. © Prabert, all of Patton, Stewart J MeClellan, a brakeman on ical freight ronning between Lone mangh and Plitsbuarg, will recive tha $25 reward offered for the recovery of body of M apedeon Ressler, of Johnstows, who was drowned abopt age He the railroad ley who dissaverd the body font: the a month is *L3i 5 ing in the stream. ta foi imprison tramps whi visit that town, for five days, and ax a pastime yeas 1 Ais fare work with a sledge and tong Patten shoukl pass a law of the The town has many bad streets that might possibly be put in phe aime Rind shape by geting a little work ont of the namerods “hoboes'' that infest thin Phas, {hae Rhody's mother, Me Mary Rhody, of St. Augustine, gud too wise toms, Mra J. 1. Kirk, of Altoona, and Mise Rose Rhody, of Pittsburg, are guests at his home on Fifth avenue this week Mr. Rhody's mother, who is years of Bge, is quite spry for a lady of her age, and many woold pot think that she had withstood four score Yea of time, About the We are prepared with a feast of good things in Apparel for Men, Boys Pape nod osc slaw ? and Children, and can fit them from grown to sole, This year we have gathered to gether here in oor store the targest and newt stick of goods ever shown by os OW ponerse Bhat means in the own, Men's Hulls, Atewond aes, BL 4, TAN, RAR AOR BAN, BH ON wind aor Of Bh ta £iH09 Boys! Baits, 84 45 % {iavond $208 1.48, 49% al to Children’s Vistee Snitz 5148, 1.08 24% 28%, 208, dN and so on ap B40 {N MEN'S HATS os of the faahioners in Men's head gear are funnd here, cone and we have them all the way to $2 9% no higher; except Stetaons. : Children’s abund- und ones She ana As, 3518 Faney Caps som real 6 AL, £ slivien in 3 Gr pene F Hays, EN. All the best ants Women's Leeson L wipes, widths and pri {rar mde on Ladies’ F sontinnes and we have plenty vel size to fit you from 3% to T SHIRTS Yes $1.45 Rome nob : 5 4 or Sve Shows will Al Men's latest styles ane ¥3Y vA LE glock off Men's fixings cothaps, always complete and id here voll aleavs gel what yon want and its strictly to date Seiling Agents for the celebrated Sweet, Orr & Un. Pantaloons, tiveralls and Jackets. Every pair warranted pot to rip and wear well if vou are Dot a patron of cris 1% will pay you te become sttached to thix house When you want goods the that moos will bay. No dickering of prices. We alike to all and thats the poly way. CASH AND ONE PRICE. You are invited to call. al sedi Dibectly opposite the Bank. (EYSTONE CLOTHING 1 you are hungry drop in to the City Restaurant where you can get | ‘Monday evening. Haven proposes 10 hereafter stleman of the rond will be privitiged | Cin the right place. a spo] of six miles an hour eX pan All the vrea dhe buys & good CE Joseph Marks and family from Brod place last week. WH. 1fWws and Joseph Risher in | dnlged in a little sport of horse racing an Vine street of Johnstown Sunday 3 they score before Mayor Woodrifl on char Faeh paid a fine afternoon. Monday morning gon of fast driving. of £10 and costs Anna S Mangus, a Hooth Fork young indy aged 22 years, committed suicide ut that plese Saturday night by patting “gtyvehnine in Port wine and drinking iL he also tried to murder het lover, jeander Reynolds, by offering him a portionof the poisoned beverage. Murvin Lewis retorned to Johnstown jast Saturday morning after spending 4 week visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. Mart Lewis, of Fifth aveBoe Wiurein Had his wrist severely sprained while boging in the gymnasiom in Johnstown about thes weeks ago, bat when he returned to that city the ine jury had eo far improved to permit him to return to Work. Mra Minnie Parkhurst, of Higgin- son. Ark | bas lately made a journey {4 Rochester, Minn, and, according to varinns sreslers reporis whole fanily of seven pRIsSGHs OF ODE tieket And this was done withouot securing any upecial Hwvors from ay sgynts, or anything of shat kind: the puzzle is explained hy thie fact that all of the children were ander ald twins a year old, asother pair 2 years Paka RY 5 vesirs There was one pair of ald. a boy Bond a girl 4 af Alii Mui a firs Yoarek, wa bith starting she was badly Witham Clinton connty, Mrs ayer a ettie in which SPE mc ¥ i tiv hall soap ong dirs, barnes one day jes wk bsp plothea taking fra hy taken a of the hotise whe had 1a af paper soraps out ard thrown then ander the Ketlie, over which she afterwards leaned while stirring with a stick the ingredients for making the soap. While in this lean ing position’ the bosom af her dross canight fire and was soon all ablase Rha ran too neighbor's house, where the Rania Ware extinguished, but sot he fre she isd been badly burned about the breast, seek and fuce, INVERESTING WESTOVER LETTER Compiled by & Wide Awake Correspeient Fronims ew Cinsrfiadd Conny Town WwW. F. Mosser, at his ow expense, has placed a fine sre light at the north end of Main street. Hy aitoml demonstration sur horgoss has shown himself’ to be the right man sitigen in bis move for reforne returned] vills, Jefferson county Pa. Joseph completed the eontract of reboilding the jarge willl of Hunter & Banghman near that HIGH GRADE. MEDIUM PRICE—25g, LB. ‘Donated for Church Suppers. 1 Dold's smoked meats are sure th bring you back for more. de . i. Bi wrestic Holland Herring, Russian Sar Imported a: 1 © bod ana NE] IYL rE PE gow aera) fri} ators. Codfish and all kinds « auned fish, dines. Mackera Fresh count and butter from Bradford county a specia ily > Try yoo, and 200 #¥% 8 } i 3 our leas Lh BOE pet 20, and Roasted Coffee . as 20. I5¢ $n Notice Floor hoes, Goods, Etc Ee WARD'S BREAD. onr Mattings Rubbers, Dry fF % Very ray, wa, whe took her & * our trimmer, Miss A Asheroft, in the y 1 : Lalindry s eastern cities the past W ork two weeks making Paster . EMI sure hases. Next week we Wii on all'abant millinery dis It will pay you to h and wait. xa ¥oour yE 01 0% TE Seen Ud our great } I ha Bh 71 & for the dry and solicit a share of patronage in this ime. work gnaranteet ® ; ies as rd oN ss ai earned enn ay. wate - Evans Sisters, Please give ie a CRs Garfield Wilkins. Patton, Pa. The New Store. #1» should have the earnest support of avery law abiding Reveral bailding lots changed hands at this place last week. Far the safety of small children Frains should not be allowed to oxcoed in passing and all kinds of through the borough Umits Counneil would place their copstitoents ander overiasting obligations by passing an ardinancs to that effect. Rome of the LaJose people sald the Philippine curio car would never stop af that slow old Westover town when it was passing their place. Well they paid thelr carfire up fo oor slow old raw [ose thal wife Car. famber is being shipped to this place | for the erection of tipples and other Gai £4 Pusiiait pp connected with our Dew cond wiper ipa To be the swner of the finest degnight pe dn Clearfield county it oomt feroy 8rTA TRS ds SHANE Be Revers) gentlemen from A nrwens y and Mahaflby are looking up the fire clay. Should it prove what thoy 4h £30 to Cite Restaurant if you are Bnngry sine lakes to Cipeinnali «thie beneilt of those wishing ba a 5 bi fy pr the session of i mel? tinkeds tron sf : 4 § i 3 ak Heng Tava Porn The oils EES Thiliets ates Hosta wii] GHEY, EE Th fd Wonsstael. esoalt Ga Rotel ab Obese, ys Juha Brown, FHL good wanted at Com: Write ar cal rosa. Calne $e vhs a) J 1 Wand: ington, Pa, Carson, Protbonotaldy, says, “1 have found Kodol an excellent remedy in of stomach trouble, and have de I digesta what you ent and capnot fail it W. Haagkaus, Patton Ay pain on piviad posal bene from its se” £Rre Phurmaey. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the p | Signature of Cluess we 1 Repairi Anything made to order out ps wee Need not be hig of Tin, Copper or Iron. should be stylish, a . de and well fitting. All Plumbing a wnowledge and all! Specialty. h-priced, - 5 lish, well 1 e tailoring knowledge which we lave + i fire brisk plant will be erected ¥ it 5 Rp Ako & Homesp wey wh CHIC, le od “A SHE. D - We test vour eves Free anil Spectacles as low as 31. Lenses can yey sve ¥ ENCHANT rine any i WOLF & THOMPSON, Clothiers, PATTON, PA. * reine 3 The Patton Jeweler.