The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 19, 1900, Image 2
P Al TL 1G, 1900, ¢r.00 PER YEAR. Sra ure Toy Get Yor Lo i GEN Money's Worth. ——All Sorts of — We have selected with greatest care, to secure for you he most pleasing designs the Gleaned Here and There by Re porter the “Courter” HE FORGED A CHECK. Young Man of Patton, win Frombde Faward Dery He Fedwiird Derr, a young man who has heen a resident of Patton about eight months has got into serious trouble Hao bad worked at different jobs in the town, and the first of lest week he was hired an a porter by William Ye kiey, proprietor of the Centrsi hotel, TI S K bo A YTHEEE CHILOTENR DEAD. apy Making » While This Yininity Thee Lotion 1 tha one year-old Hanghter of Mertin, died at {rey of | hey parents aour Hetiiy'a Mines Satarday. The little one sof fered but four days with preamonia, Funeral services were held Sunday afternoot. interment being made Casslicly comalory. fant sn of Witherow, afgeq Tes caret reinia aller a “nd Nake aftar Anna, My oeud Mes Jos fur vi Me and Mrs kL months, 0 Psd an Thumsiay nigh tried pu PARTE urd iy fan A oY i {Barina Lather, of Baavey Monday oy Tomi, chewed slit Fires of ARE ta iy i Awl Sicnday Night. ONE OF THE VICTIM'S Floren i None Mastiogs Three BEalinos od Charged 5 al the {imme Dr Hawes, of Windber, telephon 1 Johnstown, mrning, to the potioe & &loloek Monday thors on the lookout Prades, his desoription being given best possibile, when (n a drunken bra ter be st Barwiod White sjope No. 31 Randay me aboat 1 notifying for an the stab wonnds found npon the victims | Were inflicted by stilettos. Following "this finding of the jury, photographs of the three men were obtained and | ul ecord for Other measures ak once taken to effect | their capture if possible. Frank Napoleon, according 0 en the evidence obtainable. is the par moar of Mrs Steax, whose genercosly bestowed affections furnished the rat {ive for the crime. The other men are: eompatriots and fellow workmels of | Napoleon. This atest aon of Corviea, | SOTHO peaple of Windber now think, | will shortly he captured at a point east of Altoona. To this end w anings will be sent to the police officials of places ed «1 Napoleon and his pmocistes in their | flight Whils the fame of the lone Iadian The Many Valaable Papors are following psembers present: Campbell, Anderson, Cordell, Winslow, eorsidered likely to be sought out by | Co BORD. COUNCIL MEET Rece: vied Two Petitions—For Light and Sidewalk Lt. TO PURCHASE A SAFE. a Ceremt ranger fu Case of Fice. Patton Borongh ( ‘ouncil met in regu. lar session Monday svening with the President roediny and Hartshorn, The mine utes of mesting held Monday eveniog, | April 2nd, were read and approved San Men's, Boy's, Children's wearing * apparel. An excel lent assortment for your 1n- lon. On motion of Corneling, seconded by & 5 aged ploe oeghi bad kidd three men, fatally wonnded another and osed a GR vie tims up so badly that st best the doctom thonght he had a bare chanoe for lite. After much pffort Dr. Hawe's office was obtained over the telephone by pity, and from an rt fn the office i was earned positively that the fight ooeurred in a notogiotin speakeasy maintained by some foreigners near slope 31. AL jast twa of th os of the infuriated TUB midnight Sunday watil Toesday avenoe paving, and that same would italisns were Englishoien and the afternoon being a nwasure of Bis be taken up at argument court on Fri others it was stated, were of foreign vitadizy. day of thin week at Ebensburg. PROTA On motion of Andersen, seconded by wtation and had a telescope express d roncrd ls weil established in Patton, HAL soe an : Winslow, 4 Wks unanimously carried to Bellefonte and a sate bad checked to Teri mil praise cannot’ be extended de # op! five pen wins | ey te hee An that the chief of police's salary be welds Cresson, Derr being seen in the fatter og, conan oe for the BUGLE IN Bek Tm eo songs vanced vita sum of $10 per Mouikt, the place by Mr. Yeckley's son, win «hich. : : laser Sunday ak of § shop fired by Martin MeKet suid ad eanes to date from April ist retarning home from Gallitain, be 600 0 vais ries EC Tusadsy : arti . - 28 1900, : : knowing that the young m $2.00. of i ay. hs 8 I ara i Ordinance No. 57, relating to the ae- wanted in Patton the uf . tion tot v-— > ish Han Jn ™ 4 enplines of the grades of thee varions , charge 3 pe tows ataion from the #ifects of drink. atreats nnd all ey of Putian harongh, Mr. Hodgkins took : hie Monday Bight ue eqmpitiod b H, Ayers, civil First National Bank of Fito Baal some trouble with peveral rans enmipeer, was ti sonnel. Ou payable, Monday morning eM he: atl, = dolinsiaws, motion of Winslow, soonded by Coes accepted on deposit, But short are Seney » hey she hE Sore met, dell, it wis carried by a (the cashier Was glancing le Guan, hs bad born pratapted Andere not pe We carry the bewt styles from Cvarions checks reowdved Lhe bY ar Foungey tives, Wis MW aecapted us real. best makers. You ie Hous mes Abe 8 nd adhd The Barough if reangror lity at $1.25, £2, £0 : } fraud of JB. 006, having Gea o ind Jaren Kerry as eral In sone manper daring his reigo ak pretimonia wine ol Jed ‘porter wt that Bostelry, he got 4 bodd of months Sete WE Soe Mr. Yeckley's blank check book, and, ducted moriang, | after it is thought, detached three blanks 9 Lioh interment was made in ibe Cath- from tha book. On Satarday he re 06h gemetery at SL Aagustine, + signed his position, and in Lhe evening called at the Patton Pharmacy, asking LC W. Hodgkine to cash a check for ‘$10.85, to which he had forged the name of Wm. Yeckley. Mr. Hodgkins, ipot ever giving a thouglt that ibe + check was a forgery, willingly vastied it for yoneg Derr. Monday morning the youthful forger went to the Pennsylvania raijroad suffered as a result of Tuesday's de Hartehors it wie carried that Palmer velopments, the total result of three geenne sever qoestion be held over stilettos flashing in the air was alded gntil next Monday evening, when a to in the death at 1 o'clock thd after. speed iting 8 10 be calied, %0 a8 to noon of Thomas Kipling. Kipling, give thow who are raising objections whe was about 2 years of age, and Cagaivet sald sewer assessment a Shane was from Philipsburg, had been stabbed 1 fig said objections. in the Bladder. The woond was by the R domarvilie, borough solicitor, was doctors pronounced fatal from the present snd stated that objretions had beginning, the young man’s Hving heen filed ib the courts against Magee Faneras od Sw sipeachny A fore] aE eae a an potion ef Laaal Thee buaket sooial sand ball given by Marcellas Council, No. ad, ¥. M, the Cowisteln hall Toewday evening was a grand stocess anially and miso into carideration the inclemency of the weather Mait- lauel’s orchestra farnisdud ei and it is not pecessary Lo tOMmEBRE ON thin part of the sfalr, as Mr Maitlaad’s hg shoald see th hand- some line of Suits we are offering at Aanncisiiy, takmy | We have the choicest as MURDER AT JOMNSTOWS ~ sortment in Patton. Our suits at 8, 10, 12, $15 are 8 very stylish, siglo handed should Willis Bannon Was Shot Dewy by Shariin v. MeKeronie, in a Droaken Fil 20 i Williams Bannon is dosed, EhE Toe AN RS Ed 3 io HR EYYLIGnYE Was vr eid wan Rigs for Many who J rab Uva cies Fanti oned rah ad TE Puen corsa : safanbhed all hat hm Bighest terms ; : gonad we Es : : Figo Ld % FOL 3 PROG i fae SE Ea Pr a i a5 reed mace iL the wt 13 5 iE of i523 rdlaanes be fairy any taut Lhe wide PE a RAR him wirk 2. that or geet sitdedl a» {aod ang an AG bony He pA 10 v Vila sasplcions Sore Ree MoKengie went dows the deel wie the gentineness of 1% ke bee: werd pevndver. On Bis retain ap : My. Vike) wy arid 1 wus 5 ily et 1 bic rasilisn ant Bley work se, emia rh i ing, following the Fogtiroigl stent ghia ; the truth Hashed apo » Cuba shim hil ak 4 . si rrai sanse of bud whiskey Those ii the is : reidized Telegraph and uphane aver a Banday. that Be Baad been drinking. When fe wire seal to Pisin g taxigibie Errata arrived at the places where Beinvon mena, py way of deseription of the was standing, be pulled the gun, which toma ig ap suit Peal was thie fact of his weaning & hp Baud retiree to is pocket, and puthing bas been je carnal as to Drerr shi Bab With oh Treas The fired. Branson was shot through the whereabouts. It will be a Bard misagrenvam of the description inate ta iin and dest wis Jnstaniateoln for hin to ped very faraway, as noth tue Se at whic B thee tragedy occured, Me Kenge wan so0 ander Ar romt. Hin ing willie left anaone t ; © Gproar crmited at Windber WSs VARY drink when lodged in the hind the bars. P amd Ber seennuianoes easily snd polices station, and ail EFarte DAO ; a ad Him have hewn fate fos par ean? Yr a not known that the young fre had any personal trouble previoosly. A coroner's jury Toesday night beid Mok sn rexponsible for the o ripe, is wor CR ERS GEIB TT, Hee Bond tuo Harts. tind be wd ben ofl Cordeld Bor, Uh Was ted A seeniy banal bry vitinedm pein oY West Molntyre avenue, praying for » sidewsik from North Fifth avenues interaent with Molotyre avinue, bame wid mfirred to steed committee. Anpthor petition was received praying for an ari Heht (in the neighborhood of Nath Foorth svenue. Hamme vas 19 ferred to Sre and polices paamimiiies James Mellon presented a BHI of high Sas £0 was returned to the B hin Antiors fail- «ii for at amount, Ree ie Meg SE Sata Pu a bisah DRY Pair Taba EIA Hate vical 4 Fried that id in & Kusner, for Fyrom gi funtravien we eonneil vianity of an Sib Wik pry $a die i Lhe write i Yoder ¥ Spse i# Rios: peur ol i a shor Eee, af thee Pmaseiey ORAS TL OF DARE OF, Ada af he Tiel eed i fae Fie wha £3. Ire w citi. - Yoram What may have proven lobes oas fire was narrowly averted | hardware store of John 5 Wetesil, In this place, on Tuesday, A fire Wa kindled in the stove in Lhe spd I ROON AN immerse Rou snake Caras notsoed coming froin £oRITH On examiostion i owas Found croud wine fire. By > ou know where n bu Vv th ¢ fi n ¢ st L the fans Wire £x0 : Bot the discovery Leen pace ®hen 15] was thew Ws Bo doubt but what store wonld Eave broyed dn there Was oo stg thet However, an 0 Was, Be was EUght. Might Have Hes Sa anar Begs Gh id Aveta The dead aire Jobing Halverson, a Nvede Po Mot By Arerichn, Bouse ix esr Hust ings, Lambria fie Hedrveraoe of Fhwpinlin yr ta A Bary Mursing Phy gr to give lum © A 2 plelock thin morning the ciimend¥ na which dad been of Paton were awakened by (he alarm Shange 4 to an in two different firs, and in a very short ! many £2 oH fe beak. On motion in the direction of the aided by Winslow, # it was al the hiuse of antepted and west Moge ave: 5 fief alae fs vs AR » Ti far axe FF is citing dik 4 Sle wie Badd evi a gol Englial, Were 200 Ertan 277 Baek. #1 ih — ix ga Ba, ik SIE Lao Fay sae fied 8) | confngralivan Won. Lagx La ihat hill hp TAERS Rh A HEIL rial. degen Thr Sn arder Satie, Nomuervitie on aed oconpiest by | res. » Thesis anal En apd anion, sscanded by saeriead that olerk De {ies Aa fom, wuiter, be Are sir anal Joes s five arigiugtied Wi aie Huraiv in ihe garrett of Lhe fen discovered by W. bowen BOSSY Baiomy otou: and Wha who fries i. 5 : ands kuuwn LR hei CR We asked for Rife i Ge wi wieled aft Ei PT a Eres Frlnrrraitiiwd Wg a SR oda 3 Ear Tarw i Sor Bona, Carpet , mattings, is rugs, oil cloth, linoleum, window shades, curtain poles, and a full line of furniture. Also the largest line of hard- warc an d stoves helf hardware, paints, oils, glass, Olhv er plaw S, 5 ete. The leading prosay wt ie aac Ink wok pop re emis sud the othe two stoves, Ideal Red mesa for co cou ia, The first was t Yard long an Cross, Capello, and Puke ~ Dock kesh Ranges. : while hore, and P alton’ dale’s Rit The Coils a. varies of ive us a call and sce for yourself. from the rails the Au ancended i" et A BREET YRNAR: The eslilor can erie an wal of Litre 4 of the busitens lerusls wien ibe Godnanns ary the / Temas, cdotrinas of buying fos wt i tad vpver, efond making to i MOY, % é eBante Ah temiian $e! : : to eh bo fein Mr wv By staternent that sane other man Deides PAIR pRITRE, Hy yi gf aid SEE ter tiley hod daeling BAW ae tig Lhe ViME Lhe if Lhe i s Ire ud ane ike! will he i quite Ses 3 gE i nea GF the The : 1.304, 8 iarpest sad SAI DEEN Ponnsy bvania rails £1 ng Final $5 waa got gavertaug of LE wit in Wri REL Pes WE HL th EE No editor ARYA Be Gof of anlg unless 1 they are wleresis home Grade sy Shivers mus of the ix pressiog to tn | men patron aR every addy | tht comes along, shed the viene Lie Loe Rapper rove re Forums of three if ever, {nn the advertidiy the loci] bewspaper & Eh bat Pers SBIR " ELLER XANES omar 4 3 4 is HR ke pA % i Hs 5 $a Laseday evening, Apri TL ee Bnd wip thee ihm Tegripe a wend het bat wl areas aid hel ik popaniie $e bh ber reve « : t Lie Ey Sl ae Myr it : » gE by Io ri By 0 Snake SERRE we Te LE! - tie Wiis # py La ; aidey a8 She maa ie vilrpl Low emia ay SE OR Ws TYEE We Penasyl Wha Umi fien Tivket TA SHEE PIER Ene 1 yoimed fay 15 Rae BREA. . {aR KEG : shipping 4 oak Sai manages Femi : . ; i genid sly wing armed w sig Lodger savw. We timed t is 3 sehsstom aid detinbed Or “ Li mie Mr James Pope, who Bad charge of the : = ink John W aiton ATONE The daa Ge rnians fn g r Aig Farnaips ; § Peon, a Albers Patton Ulay Manuf cai : ai Wile HieV Ing isis i up fa BRO anil (offen § Bones un fe x apelin past 3 y < shrigins Hari Ia Now a MEger 3 Tas 4k in Besson. Pik Fer anat haw rencinting Were tow nals Phires Thaibaes Guoity 5 % ARLE 3d ed oovki mines : } the one dav lass threw ir ml Wir other ahiort i from var wel and Wiki: Was earaest 4 his lebor among Our Grange has saflerdd a joss which fesl bul cannot eXpress therefore Dip iL “ Resalyved, That we extend ta the fianfly of uur deceased brother and fiend onr deep sympatity in this their dit silor a mi vend sireunlers wh Wilh BERT WW By Lae IR Sa POW, pRPEIIe. Ww Bo wi od any fares i Sasha, ford verdict the Bu pa the the shia Lites shee ay Lat ie, Bf fost Wl mines EWOREY ORG G6 that HHL ¥ and bes family muck > ground for : new home Piaeg vd Ayipaaadsis tis : ; : : fine We nist Land Wyss whi pil Then inte a Hoek of tae farm of County Come r Bobiamin Junes, in Cambrix Igat week, =mad in a short pave of the defenses oroat- ren pieces. About thin time Mr. Poitiesd the ak all Thm: Bonbas | sheep si imei aey Clowns, weap of the crime and dniniahos seine. Bie 0a evs Biv tis, The ilowing officers are « i is the Patton Fire Co. No. 1 Relivl Assos Sessh hs EnisieiptRne 30 of pe ciation for the ensuing term i id | smaatied John Scheid. ba cleared away. The coroners verdict extends the senvetsry, ©. H. ko rrel es i Lay inn our records Very Respectfully, Ident, : Kin koa; treasurer, | trustees F. Frank Anderson, H. Kinkdad, Thos. Bogan, two years; Frank Ander HR Leon, three yoars. Bo . B Eggs for Haldhing From pure bred white brahmas black {angshans, black minorvas, white mi | noreas, and silver laced wysndottes ab HT PETERS Patton, Pa | man Fritnees Yes rLe “ arking Dar suid Ngo The sewer pipe works of Le M. Pat torson & Company have been running dntil 10 o'clock and some nights until 12 o'dloek. i orders. The works are run day and night in order to keep up with the ihns, and the belief is expressed hat & what hivody glory of the lone Tealian who has so thr figured in ail the | accounts of the quintuple killing tor the coroper’s jury, three ous [talian are guilty of the % Kain cording aid net grime In Antopio Medine and Ancrea Trunzo, The victams of the killing are adjudged to have come to their deaths at the hunds of these three tal. Sadik, Ac- | the persons of Frank Napol- | Jores happened 1 to discover Hie situs ‘yon, and grabbing a shot itt to the Held and ope dogs, killing one af § Srem--a black and tan hound instantiy. For ie, A lot fronting on Mages avenue, 3, fet by 140 feet, Ruown as lol, No. 13 rood jocation for a store * Will be op most ressopable terms. Ad- James G. Egan, Blossburg, Pa. 18116. ol in he went fire on the Tioga snd Hoar and that a page be set Apart as & memorial to our de parted brother. ; Rescived, That we drape our charter for a period of 30 days and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the be resaved family, aiso that a copy be sent to at laast two county papers for pub. tHemtion, Jossrst A. GAUNTNER, Wu. DisgaRT, F. W. Buooox,