in oon fis Patton Con rier. PATTON PUBLISHING €O.. Proprietors, FOWL Gnenxe, Editor 1508, | ® i ¥ § i i i i § i jis cf i WW C Eh x Tg ' ea as be kept in for, 1 he fol- T.. Because, the family has a hard coid, ill cure it. .. Because, if the chil Cars delicate and sickly, it.wil e them strong and well : Redurenve Amperpan ind bays Aaled Pi Mfg Co. Beardalay, Bu ¥ guys be suffered 0 WwW. MH uprder oath, pe pia for twenty five $e a.» Rhian, FI ¥ ETAL AX he wi EP He Siscrrerer of Swany Ron at i Laboratory. spare I digests wh Hi werk 18, Par tam Pharmacy. # Bhegmotisn Ww Wire nel an Bomar able (onl Renna, Jackson Un Abont throes vears ago ny Alla Wer fo ber Hed for aver renderod her anstde ti aut aesmianoe, swolien to aotibie Mr 2 Mad Chamberlain's pain ain a fifty cont bettie and wed ing tho directing te X morning she ‘walked to breakfast with. | ant sesistance in any manner, aod she as not had a similar attack sinoe. A, B Parsons Por siie by Patton Pharm. £ WwW, Hodgkine. “No family te NT ard 1 ts be withont | | One Minute cough enre, Jt will stop a eoagh and cure a onld quicker than any other medicine? writes © Ww Williams, Sterling Ron, Pa. It corm croup, bronchitis and all throat and Inng troobiss and prevents consump. tion. Pleasant and barmiess © W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy i Ry x of rheumatism weak 8 Brevibee wer fx with Her bedrig Lhasy ROERITE] MER i 5 ake Idoux sistas SRI pay rink ae] my He, 3 g Ney ¢ RK oman Swamp Root he th cig drat bor kek in { i has 2 Lo Jean canes er ai Ar druggists in fifty-cent A grrr bagttle umm from in telling abst Swan Root and ia vandertul Addrexs De. Kilmer & Cos. Dinghanuto mantis thE paper. 1 ' : vee in the ty FE moony 1a # and the A Ad’ ¥, thew, the sixteenth chapter apd eighth worse. Ta waste” © The goad woman collapaed a Ler what purposes is VARESE pew and never rained her head duriog their partoers. 0, Lord, have mercy we remaining portion of 1 Hevelaod Plein Dealer he service PICS RUSBUR a 30 014 Dances in ole Times. In Edward Seats "Dancing in Ager” are the dances dean Ab details alsut aur forefathers opr ro havpa ily WEA x hind tr Mr Secrts da@nition fo Reise andl each WTEC Hy : freee] fore It was ended each wily had hat Bluast “Rot Flhsaleth ple danced fon Danes” ban edjunlly Aa tery Hapeaedly King haarie’ time “Flaotre eum “All 1g» hp af Peasy Batt “flave are At dances quite wo oried Relected Greatness, When as 3 boy Pike Cotmirg amd tet Barbados 3 Bing by Spaith, Reo wae wn sufied a1 ¥ Lona? a de ARE Key ARR YC Je Om of feTERNT ry Ea | after ia ¥ ory TAN alsa as ithe the thot sora oe w menr hoagie 10 Vs. which ord office. Everybexly theta few moi The geoeral was talking with prietor about crips aud other and appeared piterly wneateson the fact that the cathe dents wax due selele to his | fpiddenly he realized that was watching him and toutly “But | dee 1 um ley ae you trom 5 Pardon me! amd 2 Home J} bei WE oa his RéTY tH awh Sis thi Hiaiivre a 1 Tan WR Sg press every bails Tn wiE Loma this presses running day and nig aid A Gorgeously Bound Wark of art has jost been bmsued in ‘New York at an ontlay of over $10.0008 : for which the publishers desire 3 Man. lager in this County, also a good So GROCERIES, Micitor; good pay to right pasty. # 9 | Nearly 100 full-page engravings, sampt- ~ nous paper, illuminated covers Ca nned b ond Re, Ete. bindings; over 200 golden lew in the maroern bindings nearies 100 roses the cloth bindings Sells at Bt wn great ja the sale. Christian men and won making fortones faking orders Rapid eamtann {ine hrs AWA nade clear $500 in funr weeke orders among her chaired Write tn [tonay lead 03a TaRing ag SRI TILaTees ail friends, Peer IIa NS evry Paul ess aad pnrraspondence, which to right at your home. Address Knowles, 12 Fast Fileenih twesn Broadway and Fi York Mio Street, be JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor. Ave Neon arly LY | fiver, pu bebe, irate the bady hy asing Ded j These 3 oH La War i g F = i DR FSS WwW. Huderios, Patio "| % Seana the VI fifties early risers al pr Phar Tray, gig y Pea Piva town. Hadings > Nickiown, 3t. Borithes, wf oldber fatter vHOBETERRTIONS Ae © pRILE x gd others ATT members + the opinion that the title to the old einreh property thie the is not vested in farrolitown gregation, and that the cond ahioaid fat weld without the consent of all tho wh thie Jowop Wer afc memimra ol jo 3 i 3 § Boe say a et 3 i $s ak 4 a etree § E15 Howe ET Cty Bea mitake. and the coal will § £5 wily be soil BERETS Bow WOrR win % about twenty acres, and if the com has (Bot boen polibed, ax wos that on the | property adjoining. it is very valuable, Of coarse that under the church and | bemetery will be reserved. on the propurty, LRT aod hy. a s grocery L * Great opportaniey offered to good] | ir Salary of $15 per week Chamberiain’s pair. Cpediable men. ant expenses for man with #ig to inteo- dues our Poaltry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, Ind American Mig Co, Terre Hants, CONFECT PATENT Hog 2% oa al I E RY. Al {EI Te INES, Dima. Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, PA sen pot ded. Pom i 43 £34 ER 3 fat uid and B Bladder Specialist. Digests what you eat. Sd: digns in er tal perianentiy cure Fadia get bony, mp, ROY Nie mach, « Headache, { ut by . Yall Paper. Wall Paper. pepplete stock Northern Uambria fhe jndst of Wall Paper in a hamired ponsisiing © Pari Fadl At the lowest possible prio Picture Department. of We bagve pEITOTIA f Kiteihan % Liye Lo poy How, cD ; xr as Ve have a fail line incl SAY ih » fram rary cent on he Patton Art and Wall Paper Store. Aves. A. C. FISHER, Pr #1 Foe hod ant side Iz Poe aden] pic w madd §, mnea- watches, Laser troabled with vhanmatiom, ave balm a trial. I ‘will not cost you a cent if it Goss BO good. Ope application will relieve the pain. It wiso cores sorains snd bruises in osethind the time required by say other treatment. Cots borns frost bites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, gixndular and other swellings are quickly cored by applying it Every bottle warranted. Price, 35 and 3 cents Patton Pharmacy. C. W. Hodgkins _ CARPETS! [ have just received my mew Car samples for the summer trade, and will be found patterns pet cat CALL 31 them 1% 15 An 4d examine he fis wp gisew here. S. Bu RE s hE A Fes are LAE FN ia Ais i 5 : FURNITI & ww Heariiairn, Nauwen, ‘ramipR and tl reel TE. “RT AKING. Ex SOME OF OUR WASH GOODS. 1 2 Fk + ANY gx IRR ERR Thning pil (flew papers, Cilmgh ame were never ee . prot than in oonr present stock, and how pretty and oniversally necoming they wry Wa have 0 different sivies of an sutra value gingham that is miley Hwely at He a Cire Bund Mam at 8 and 106 per ¥ yard. 1 bewildering lot of selections and 2 fo se Sner can be fond Parcales. Always favorites and never prettier than now. Blue. red. black and fancy 34 Bddy- stone percales DOW Se per § yard. Rewt grade full yard wide percales, in a most exeguisite assortment of styles Slo per ¥a Rest English percales in more than 2% patterns, everyone desirable snd all popu colors shown, 13ke per yard CC heviots 100 per ¥& Madras 12kc per ward Spermuskers Tie per yard. Farey Poulards Sic per yard, Samples are Cheerfully sent, I. W. COOK. , Altoona, Penna. THE FAMOLS FOR WOMEN. sof pad ied 4F vim, ® x apr rghmihe en pesky mm cof TE REN AEE, rw Obie ee As ey de actared By The 2 rock bland Shee Co | and sndd cechusivialy RB Perr 35 "ey $AE Ef £5 Lew loewl Graceful, Fasy and Long Wearing. Olga Nethersole 230 Shoe Adary and Aummbilive tr thas Hoes of (he find, Chee 0 oak 4 hat ix mit aso» Fore, FER Hau of EAA Ba Evie fir ABBY § Baud engi. wait why att geet pation. and oral Rock island, HL. JE by Chest Sprin gs REDUCECED PRICES Aire Harness OF GEO. Kile een Von Sala LANGBEIN, Patton, Pa. We are Ne in. newest he 1 how they er