ton Conrier. PA rox. PUBLISBING CO. Proprietors. BE wi bdo Fairer, 1893. |W. W. Mayhew, a consider One 'Minote congh care most wonderful medicine, quick and snfe.” It isthe only harmless remedy that gives immediate resuits It cores 2 _oonghs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping congh, preamonin, and all throat and long diseases. Its early ose prevents consunsption. (‘hiidren fike it and mothers endorse it. ©. W. Hodg- kine. Patton Pharmacy. The Bost fn the Waoarld. : We believe that Chamberigin’s congh remedy is the bist in the world. A few weeks ago we isnffered with a severe cold and a trooblesome oough, and having read their advertisements in ony own And other papers we purchased & bottle to eee if it wonld effect na It Roe us befor the bottle was more than half osed It is the best medi tain amount of flesh is y for health: if you have it you can get it by XN wil find ust aseful in summer as are Ehiiving upon 2 wiitcand youre Seg ape soe. wed $5 an sl] Sroggien, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York Tre Hon. *Coin® Harvey made to suddeniy resize that be is pot adapted io the work of writ sion for & prosperots people. AR exob ange {Aten Democrat to kave kis eve on thy pom. ination for Sheriff at the coming con vention at Ehensburg in said to ie ex. Prothonotary James Co Darby, of Johnstown. Mr, Darby has vot ye! made any apnounor men. anp— Sk rh Bp ri gays that ine Wenerar DAVIS, Assistant Secre tary of tive Tutedior has resigned fis jeomt and will lectare in behalf of the Hoes Mr. Davie has just pednrnedd Drom a long trip te South Africa, in tne Course of which he visited the Boer ropublios and satisfied himself that thier csase waa just and that they had been shame. folly miwrapresented by the British. He any’ that be wis besseched by 2,000 Be en to isy the truth in re before the United States | promised to do so. There : i foi tore of less friction between | Mr, Davis and Secretary Hitchoook for some time, and it. is posible this fact has | sumething to do with his willingness to resign bis office. BrrwmN the wenid- be wits and the politicians in Congress Admiral Dew. e's well. started - maybe wife started would be more correct - Presidential boom in in great danger of being turned _ into a universal lsaghing-stock. Ab-. _ solntely nobody, except the Admiral ~ and his wife, in Washington appear to take the matter seriously, although personal respect for the Admiral and admiration for his naval career and achievements keeps many from joining § game of fon at his can- didacy for the Presideney without the ‘aid of the usual machinery, which is controlled by the respective friends of President McKinley sod Mr. Bryan He is jokingly referred to as “the pink tea canidate,”’ ‘the petticoat candi date.” “the ambitions wife's canidate,’’ ect, and one has only to say Dewey anywhere, 1 seo smiles on the face of ‘every bearer. ed that the Admiral should occupy the unenviable position into which he has been Jed. He says he expected abuse when be announced his candidacy. He jun’ getting abuse from anybody, but he is getting what is touch worse to 8 Jomsiniee man pitied and laaghed at ih Tae SPEECH of Congressman John J. Lentz of Obici against the loud postal bill was one of the features of the pres nt; session of Congress. It is generally regarded as ane of the most masterly arraying of facts and figures and most forcible presentations that have ever been made in the Hoowse, It is concedxi | that Mr. Lents's speech struck the death blow to the Loud bill in the form in : ‘which it was then before the Houve. The Post Office: Committee afterwards i mide a favorable report on the new bill proposed by Mr. Loud, for the reform of wond-class mail matter, after the defeat of his first bill, The new meas ure presents hut one issue and is much more satisfactory than the former. It merely bars from the mails specifically all “publications purporting to be is med y and to subscribers, but which are merely books or reprints : of books, whether they be ‘issaed complete or in parts, r they be ‘pound or unbound, W ' they be “sold by subscription or otherwise, or Whether they purport to be premicme, regular Bs heen Mosh regret is express ; : sample bottle sent free by mail, siso a book form the bill does not antag- | is be-| When writing mention rsaging this genes : Herald, Andersonville, Ind For sale hy OC. W, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. W. H. Shipioan, Beardwiey, Minn, under oath, says be suffered from dys pepsia for twenty-five years Thowtors and dieting gaye him but little relief Finally be nsed Kodol dyspepsia cure und pow sate what he liks snd a moch ax he wants, and be forls like a new man. It digests what yon eat. CW, | Hedging, Patton Pharmacy. Tho Listy Wine Pook The March rtisber issued on the 150h, revised and enlarged. Every business “or traveling mun should have iL Send ope dollar for one year, or leit tents for single copy. Revised and imryen] once a month. Address Little Blige Book, Milan, Pa Rovsnriable are of Kbhearmatiom. Kenna, Jackson Co, WW, Va About three vears ago my wife had an attack of rheamatism which confined her to her bed for over & month and rendered her anable to walk a step without asuistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal see Mr. 8 Maddox insisted on my osing Chamberlain's pain balm. 1 porchased & Afty.cont bottie and amed it accor. ing to the directions aud the next morning she walked to breakfast with- | ot assistance 6 any manper, and she Bas pot bad a similar atiack sites. A "3 Parsons. For sale by Pation Pharm wey, ©. W. Hodgkins “No family can afford to be without Ome Minute cough cure. Jt will stop a poagh and cae & enid quicker than any other mudicine,” write Ww, | Wikliams, Sterling Run, Pa CITE eronp, bronchitis and all throat and i lung troubles and prevents oimsump- tion. Pleasant and harmiess CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Great opportunity offered to good, reliable men. Salary of $15 per week And expenses for man with rig to intro- ‘dooe our Poultry Mixture and Insect Destroyer in the country, Send stamp, American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind If troubled with rheumatism, Rive. Ohamberiain’s painbaim a trial It will not cost you a cent If it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and broises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Outs, burns frost- bites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandaiar and other sweilings are quickly tured by sppiying , it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 50 cents. Patton Pharmacy, CW, Hodgkins. S100 Reward S10 The renders of (hin paper will te plows] Bo peers thal there bn at est oa dred Yok « that setesce bas been ate 1 slagpes, weed thal be Cater are Is thee only Jesifive ours meutionl fraternity. {atarrrh fetng Butiomal Aleem REL Aw A syenissent. Hails alarrh ternially, sorting diseetly npen DOGS wErTeak BE The wy whem steoying he paindalvg Cain 1 SENT IIR EL LWork i bor § Be us ant ¥ red Thonn i 45 gl Gor Temi F Eason hey 3 Phails Paani DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? i Gai A i, Kidney Trouble Rakes You Miscrabic, Almost eve stybody whe papers is sure to know of the wonderful bs cures made by Dn = Ki krver 3 Swamp-Root, the grea! kidney, — biaddar remedy, t 14 the preat medic | calirs grnah of the nine. BP ppanth cemturs Fare & reads the news nN ah Our amt pleased. We are trade continuously. The two hn est ywtion 1s to Our ¢ salesmen (1) nduct rot dot ng business £3r woods customers with candid courtesy ist them every “urchaser shall be r for next; want vour thought in mind. They serve our the “TI. we perfec thy Drotect your interests. vy ly patie nity + white Ph Imported Holland Herring, Damentie Holland Herring Partiand Bound Herrio Pickled Red Salmon [G0 Fancy Siiver Back Macher Kepperd Herring Unpned Ralmon, 10, 12, 16 standard Marvizod Corn ci, Now York Fancy Maine Reandard 3.007 % % Tome Yael a 3 & 4 3 2 Toaatons Fancy Jersey 3 Arr can Fa Lik vi] + iaihon can ADpien Bk The BEST TEAS { evian, ng sad Gunpowder in Cambria county. Breakfast, Ook vw. Pela rare 1H per ih ge Shy keg ibis Fogimh Wa ales Save the rhedper grades 1,000 pounds more of that Tripple biend ooflee te 120 per i Fitts blend coffee, Free in elites spiem Beat 1) i Java 3x ¥ Fo R 3 ihe per i Other kinds, 14 18 and 200 per ih 10 don brome, regular 3he., at Me. SHOES. (_hildren s. We hate We sell them the proper styles at the right price. } mining shovels The, % Rs appl nein Eo gel wie Er roe Be Gabor craters lhe git Le 2 We cee The, % Rania ans snd (hid Diss are AER. a8, xi ied SL alae idives for everio de our Tw hottie Fiore matting 19 oo he in and rag carpet. sv LOW in price Pramod Dyes Parra; if Sopsniehy 4 lone. Fresh stock Besunas and Oranges All kinds evaporsted Pruite prices rygat Thome large sour pokies, 3 dor 35c {ur =u mmel piay od ; ress Goods person. Very Truly, and co Call Early Silk Waist Patterns. wo Plaan Tafferta, Fancy Checks, Sir pp an LXE ens and per ecru th, { | ¥ Counterpanes, extra large size, 75¢ to 82.30 each. Fang & Dress Ginghams. Muslin, unbleached, 6 to 10¢. Iac., ‘bleached, 7 to M en s. Wo | Otten. lors In and When in need of PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES. BY Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, Prescriptions properly com ponnded hk ges what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Katore in strengthenior and reco ntrueting th he exhausted dipmative of %, Iti be Lhe latest ny ered di Peat Pra der or E tac Dd iW 3 de IU RITR Ko hirediiog | Nel very Hoagie 3 Woars Like SENS Possess the sent of perfast stile sein Biel atameR Sikes ¢ nr 80 sloe lg wenn anid comin Qraceful, Fasy and Loag Wearing. THE FOS Olga Nethersole $2.50 Shoe FOR WOMEN. He comfort and dorability. wy he thes of the foot, Boel Ex OR ove 7et soe To ods SAREE seeding weight win Bow baer, and pod] pattern gaged bn BBG shia ah Ars pe sel 9 Fhe and ove aL awutactared By Tim Rick isdand Sheer Rock biand, 101, and wold visilasvely bY (. B. Perry, Chest Springs Pa. Fit 8 Com ey £3.54 Falkon Pharma CORRECT DRESS afimr years of yRasRIR ty | 1 tha Ss blade wonderfully pa canst din pro lame back, kifney. bladder cid bies and Bright's Disease, which ia 1 form of kidney! trouble, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is oc rec- ommended {or everything but if vou have ki ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be foun just the remedy you need. [ihas on in so many ways in hospital work, in private | practios, among the heipless 120 poor 19 par chase relief and has proved so successic. in a a special arrangement hes been mads by which all readers of this pager | who have not airaady tried it, may have a g more about Swamp-Roo! and how 12 ; find out if you have kidney or bladder trois. | W eigh { u K de GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Etc. % ak AL [aomest Flour and Feed ! A SPECIALTY. foi Look orend Also best grad e of Lime. me Corrects Iv on street scales, located | directly in front of store JOHN GANTZ, ~ Proprietor. REDUC ECED PRICES Ane Harness Shop® OF GEO. LANGBEIN. The Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA. - store nll of. new goods who calls at always something new, where we gre goods, but we un- s them IY pe EEA : gn ew spow 18s aja ; summer gir the hpest Sty le S. and newest shape yor wonder how they
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers