The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 12, 1900, Image 1
i | DEATHS OF A WEEK. | Everyone should lo oh and immaculate in their as the Easter lhlles , ., iy ich are blooming around 1 La ch We have a handsome : and lish stock of clothing in all. latest style: Cheviots, Worsteds, and Bine es, and Fine Trousers in newest fabrics for men, we have a fine stock of Low RIED, Hines of but & Pie siuter was taken #0 a weed before, aml Tony,’ slwayn called, started fur proeure a Sortor. He haul been on his fathers’ ndil pr this place, and 4 Bink ® enough to wear an yereost Th was quite slormy Bn i hind cane here and relprped | was taker with a severe obi terminated in a severe grip; pausing bis dealin aged 29 years and months SEH Was marti Bafins Sheehan, who survives, as ches bus parents two brothers Apa two The faneral services wires bud Cath Friday mo Was nude Mr Luther was a fe and vad had the 8 ¥ k Sie 5 00, Fey 900, 1000 12 oy 1 3 30, fig Cr : : Boles. ® Fig bo pharoh SETHE i the souny EER, fdre Nel & Nx 1 2 4,0, #5 ad Gre Al bawrgt : Hed ut We te Oo piace Frida ‘3 Cl i yr x days wi bh atterdod # be returned sor ained RBA Waive oO ; i went to kee how he wie and for pnconsciotus. A Socios Was ok wigs do fiir for Bim Fan jer were beid in the Catbolie choroh, # by Ler svat Was fuga Lehmieh compiery Fatu weil en i i 13 gi of bevitip 4 Joht he blag. cols #0 & F Cand Hrs rs 4 Mines pred of prev Wore coh acted whith the remains of 1 1 Lo peat in Lhe Usminey son Mek tae lant Bade Reversal Gays ago ® BOrIOLK 15 burning was sustained by Donde pon of doh Hegus, this connly. hil was riding wit wett inti Pa You know where buy the finest we {, or th e l aE She BY a beh le { Head anid werd whnon $00 Carpets, mattings, rugs, oil cloth, linoleum, window hades, curtain poles, and full | line of largest Als so the line of hard- OX pp thie country. nig number in breaks a record « ware and Stoves, shelf hardwar paints, als, gl 155, Oth wer plows, te. The leading stoves. 1d Set 1 4 et nikon © Cross, Capello, de. Bare - Dockesh Ranges. ATR Eee 3 i eluidren anti] th fii ini rh we us a call and see for you rself. A pied horse al CF : ” animal kicked through ‘and young Humphries broken in th of the buggy be day 0 pearly an hour. Al fas © pesting easy Very Respectfully, rk Hdw. patton, Pa, March 51, 1504 P 't(o.. CC The music terins in Patton from *1 April 2, 1900, wili be of ten weeks uch, | two lessons a week. Tuition, $3.00. Sune WENTR me pla HN Mathes, Fats CRE EOEBE RY TAUGHT FRAY Nanos €asid Med Aa prabbeira ol rs "AH RRS jehtad t Hastings Tiss Foeagiiels 8 Tone f enone. TE Last Thursday night » & 2 23 § catase of 35 BLE Woaoiesks % » # aad RUN yaiiraendl. 9 ih ie Be ; extended ern tina & fhpims gi siirie. nubabre las ying cards wet and doe sped 1 Sid Ys ¥ wd oe from et 3 awirres ETN aes The adiana {inmate Re PR FRET Ho enginesrs, under Brett met 8 Black. A Ad survey spans ak I ARES JER lots tite $d af 1h and he stu! A owedroh WEA I { tow ni ors here 1 Hack. Ben 4 Easy As yaa hey ” wERSNY seipie arect Pre ne fas ped the following of the Baffulo, Ro whirg railroad, toe repiary thal negolial mrs foot the merging of that b the New York Central sys Mr Yates dented, however, thal arrangements for the transfer had bien completed,” Mags svi ay aw Piva Waniod 1 will receive bids § Eggs for Hatching of and planting trees the Fo From pure bred white brahmas, black langshags, biack minorcas, white mi noreas, and silver laced wyandottes at $1 per 13 H. T. PETERS, | M33-3m Patton, Pa. kk ot later than Sat. April 18th Full par En A. MELLON, Chairman Com to School grounds. Bids nips! be poveivesd tioulaors can be obtained by applying : Rangers, teacher of Mathematics, Sars Blastorr Sunde HE. Grate. Namds ur emptied, Pal jews (eag Rboda Riedy, 5 arr, ? owing » Tew rn ais of Tew Dee Tans Be Rich. Morgan, Thos McTigan, Wrasy HC 5 fare %3 REE attend Gs Jnirie Flows, M Faron nial Peters B. i Foo dn een a gt off sited #1 te ndaioe; Visarian, one attendance, #2 . : dance: Marts Fai lewis Mable smberiand Joo. Sundted. Msgge ¥. Ho miesal, Leo MeTigas dns suum Lauer, Sphere Gra Livge Nabe renralied, ry, {y enki Ae Jue Nowe. : ke Shay. Janus W ni Wa i Raph Winslow, kW Veuthus, agen Zorske, Gay | Agen Harp : Fa . Mary anid na Willehs Seo goed Jor ATE SiH S fii DIRE KART. ey HE RI3eniiA Hose TE gir Yeckiey, | © ot; also all the 5a ; ELE amd petting © Bruneaa, to ull 1B = i . ? 4 - £3 TE i Thamistons Holter, Lawy IB we i, Serre Willimons ? complete Every person i» vordially & fa it § Co ited to come i and KOK at our spring i Sporsa kr, Teachor. yeock whether you bay or bok Assemtiy Rom in, ‘But don’t farget | the time, Jeane ALL, Apri Latin, Rhetoric, Physics; Maade H Myers, teacher of Literatum, ith and 136 ws Wa A ig of Geography,