The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 05, 1900, Image 3

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i or to hel Pp
‘and who will
b to the grim
ver without
ving of the won-
{ value of Foley's
and Tar for all |
"W Wenger
came over t rom Al
How many times did yoo get fool
!ishly fooled Sonday?
prices to cash buyers all
month at the Cash Grocery
ali obs Nhs
KE Wires Greeex, Editor,
Bpring and sgromer suitings In all
| the latest styles at Dinsmore Bros.
» 1.40 |
8 | Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thurs.
: adverusing rates rade Known GpO6 AP | i day and Satorday at the Cash Grocery. |
rem disecntinned until all arrears Call and leave an order at Dinamore
x ¥ af the
are Juda, unless al Wee Option f Broa." tailor shop for that new pring
tered at the Portoffios at Pation ss seond: | | suit you need.
nea tua Mtr Jos. HH. Hobbard and W. P, Jackson,
fos ih 1
= of Patton, were in town Monday.
| Oarrollitown News.
| Por the finest. line of millinery in
Cambria osunty, go to Evans Sisters,
Ee the road from City Hestaaraot.
Saturday night the post affioe wa
I moved from the Mellon giroperly -
the the Uhaa. Pation giroperty on the south
side of Magee avenue
3 copy, ong your, tn ad vano,
The beaatiral snow.
Bee Gablw's pew ad this week,
| Joe cream at the City Restaurant.
| Will Patton have a circos this sam- |
The best tes for the money at
~ Cash Grovery.
CW. W. Stati made a business trip’ Lawt year the American people ate
| 2,000,000 tans of sugar. Of this the
: to Cresson ‘Monday. gas
: American Bugar Refining COMPANY,
; px gb, of lortto, wis in otherwise known hy the Lous, made
L ursday. 1,386,000 tons.
J ET. Storm and wife, of Altoona, | Daniel B. Mitohell, an employe of a
spent Sanday in this place. {aw mill st Dunlc, met a horrible death
James Sheehan, of Flastings, called one day ast week. He was caught in
: on Patton friends last week. a large belt and literally torn to photes
For a fine live of long dresses, skirts "fle is survived by » wife and mine
BL and coats go the Evans Sisters. | children.
You _ve money by buying your The Bate Normal school at Indiana,
groceries at the Cash Grocery. Pas, will open for the spring term of
! fourteen weeks on Tuesday, April3,
For your stampod linens and em. | | 1900. Stadents are admitted at any
beoidery slik, go to Eyans Sisters time. Bpediaity: Drill in stnall classes
Mw, Anna Dartt has new ad on the | by capable tearhor 17-4 :
2 rt page of the Courier this week. | th ol
SH Yahner, of Hastings, was |
; calling of friends n this pisce Friday. |
_Jooh Cordell and wife, of Patton, | [¥]
were in Creason on Batanday.— Record. |
i For apples, ‘amions, erage usnnen|
: andy and nuts go to the Cash Grocery. |
a Harvey Lingle is 2 Patton visitor in |
i town conic ‘week — Philipsburg Ledger.
Vincent Reig. of Oarrollitown, had |
busines iv Patton one day Inst week.
Ww. w. Lucas, who is employed near
Loretto. spent Sunday with his family
on Mellon sire
AJ, JO. Parker,
business visitur to Patton the latter
fest of
en, Boye
We are prepared with
| good things in Apparel for
of Johnstown, was a crown te sole.
This year we have gathered to
| gether here in our store the largest and
| best stock of goods’ ever sbown by te.
A Hastings. Opera House to-night, of oO that means in the town,
; Uncle Tom Co., on Men’ % Suits, Good All-woal ones,
road. Don't fail to see it 88.45, Ina 48, 5.9% 9.45, $9.98, and so
$0 15. (8
Abe Byers, of Gazzam, was in Patton | on up os
_ ohe day last week, and while here dis | Bays’ Suita, $3.95, 4.48, 1.98 up ©
posed of his property on Palmer ave
‘We notice hy the Clinton Democrat |
that 300 rafts will go down the Susque- |
hanna river this spring. The rafls are
most all contracted for.
Dinshore Bros., the tailors, are mak. | 17.3% ne higher; w¥oep Stetsons.
2 Children’s Fancy abuml-
ing up some fine spring and SAMIOr Lo. and sotpe od ahen 250
suits. It will pay yen to call and €X- and 48e : : a
amine their line of goods. v4 SHOES. All the best sivies
a Men's, Women's, Misus’
John MeMalon, the contractor, Who = si gives wilfths and prices.
. hau been working at Windber the past Our sale on Ladi
four months, was looking after bast: | continpes and wel ave pl
ness in, Patton the past wouk. siges to fit you from 2; to &
Miss Marie Pickering, of Philadel: Sine. Met's
_ phia, the experienced miiliner engaged
by Mm Dartt for the spring season, |
arrived in Patton Saturday evening.
Children’s Visteon Suits $145 1.88,
eR ges. G98 248 and so ont upto
IN MEN'S HATS. All the ores
tions of the fashieners in Men's head
| gear are found hers. 98¢ buys a goad |
| one and we have them all the way to
aps in
ard Dove.
go by FEEL Ni MS i 8%
te nty vag
§abenl sty how $50
© Some nobhy boys’ shirts for Hittle
| fellows, sizes 12 to 14. 2 oviiars | pair
cuffs and all for 8c
Oariboca of Meas
CC. Bdmiston, who ix employed a8 yi. gloves, ie welry
~ fireman on te N.Y. 0 RR at Vilas, eto, is alu:
Pa, spent Friday in Patton visiting his You always get what you
5 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bam’ Edmiston. strictly to data
Selling Agents for the celebrated
Spring has made way for winter- at! (Sweet, Orr & Uo Pauntaloons, (verads
2 Toast by the sight the ground presented | ‘and Jackets, | Every pair wirranted
Wednesday morning # person would | not to rip and wear well
"almost be convinced that snch wis the If you are pot a patron of ours i
. ae will pay you to become attached to
| this house when you want goods the
Lhest that money will buy.
No dickering of prices. We sell
} | nlike to all amd thats the oaly way
You are invited to call,
fxinge, ootinrs,
aid Ha
ci Ie reqiires no experience to dye with
Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Simply boil:
ing your goods in the dye is all that’s
_ Decoseary. Bold by C. H, Perry, Chest,
~ Springs, Pa.
John Dans, who has been employed |
by his brother, Jacob Duaus, of this
place, left Hessen, Germany, March to, f
and arrived in New York April Ist.
Mr. Daun has been visiting relatives in
: Gerinahy for about two months. :
Directly opposite the Bank
ll SHE m:
Children, and can fit them from
dresscn and] Unie Tore wt Hasingt tonight
baby caps, ete, ‘qo to Evans | (Thursday |. 3
3 3 ;
Shore, ealled on old Patton Trienge laut weak.
Tharsday. %
Samuel Swab and Robert Nicholson, |
Miss Kate Kiema, of Johnstown, AEE yooh of Cresson, wpent Sanday with
8 yesrs, Wak saphy sisted in that eity “friendn’ | i
last Wednesday night. She did not np
anderstand the nse of gas and left it
tarned on,
tion & few weeks ago, departed for
(oid medals to Harper whisky at
Ruby yesterday morning, where
New i] A outite Fair Ubloago. he delegates will go into convent]
Try it, you will endorse the Judge's i ay.
dict. Sold by W. L Daggest and
Ww A Mellon, Patton, Pa. 1 would like to annoonos to the town |
fusie Wents, the accom tehved and vicinity that we have secured the
| Mim Pi mervices of Mins Alice Ashoroft for the
| COURIER # (ree otitive that at present season and she will be glad to have
she bas pid in of #4 puplie, and that customers who bought from, her while
in business nee her here. Evans Sisters
ail are making rapid Progress.
Jost received & full Tine of Pairbank's Hernmisn Hosenfend, a Biairaville conl |
miner, has become rich in the last few
dist globe valves, wives | ap to 1 inch.
Try a Fairbank’s disc valve for steam days bncanse of & new patent beer keg
or water and you :
| Por sale by J. C. Gould, the plumber. 4 [Share e 2 em syndicate for $35,
and recoives five conte ro on
Mrs Mary Flick has bronght a suit every keg. He will mave to or
for $10,000 damages against the baroagh 4 1ouke Kis home thers,
of DuBois for injuries sustained in a
fall on an icy sidewalk. Mrs Pick It wonid be a good idea for the bor!
postained a broken hip and
Jan Gillieow, who was elected adele;
gate to the Democratic state conven: |
be a cripple the remainder of ber life. pelling prisoners, who are given the
The Manilla snd Philippine Island | Pr eR" of “laying out’ their fines in
the Jouk-ap, to werk on the streets of
Exposition was at Patton station Mon-
the town aotil the fine is paid. Thin
‘day and Toesday. Many articles of
would no doubt beip them along in
interest to the American peopls were the fA imposed for drunk
on exhibition and the car certainly de- paying fig p fow ’ id ply
| worves the name it has, “The Rolling | hy poo h
Palace oy wrest work 10 PAY sue costa.
Why not try it?
A. P, Fry, the hustling inmberman
of Westover, banked 3.000000 fest of
loge and five rafts of square timber
Midi the week of cold weather, viz:
from March Ist to 8th, something that
beats the record In that part of Clear
field county.
The Soulh Fork Record is trying 0
awake the boroogh councfl of thal
place to the fact that it ja about time
fur the citizens to enjoy a few new
sidewalks South Fork is certainly the
tated sidewalks sver sen in a town of
Every soldier who has resched the ir, vize. PaMon citizens complain fre
age of B2 years is entitied to the mini- | noently, hat they shonid pay the above
mam pension of #8, whether bee in clin place a visit and pio doubt they will then
abled or pot, and every soldier who bag jee our borough fat mers credit for
reached the age af 72 is entitied 10 be keeping the walke®in this place ina:
Cmaximum pension ander the law which air condition.
is $12 a month,
ix brothers named Westley 60, ont Sunday sarprised his andience
euily & Fnenied fhestivey " Te by reading the following announce
adi in a Mie men! from the pulpit: “The reguoiar
Yeomanry, now in South Afrion. session of the Derkey ob wifi bu Bek
Fach of them. is wel odie sled maid all as winai afler the service Members
{ wood positions In sommerdia will line op just ontaide the church
ne k k : al door, make remarks and stare at the
lation who pass, as is their custom.
The Ladies’ Ald Society of the M. Any member known Lo escort a lady to |
BE. ehurch will hold a cake sale on Sat- chureb Hke a men ant sit with ber like
peday afternoon, Apri 14, and will '» gentleman will be promptly expelled
hive oF) Male, | demirable delloacks of from membership” The effect Was
the season. Place will be announced marvelous — Ex.
next week. This will be a fine oppor-
| tunity of providing extras’ far your |
Easter dinner. :
| Intense heat has visited the Soathers
hemisphere. Ryecentls the thermome-
ter reginterd 1 degrees Pakrenbelt in |
the shade pearly ali day at Buenos
‘Ayres There were 12 canes of wan.
stroke, of which 93 were fatal, and the
snext day there were 219 canes, of which
134 were fatal
Monday morming the thoasand and
one dogs of Patton made things quite
warm for a cow back of the Good
buliding, Some cisim the dogw made
an attack on this particular cow be
cause she annoys their night's rest by
jingling & bell, of which she is the
prood possessor.
John Thomas, Nick Aosteed Ubax
‘Walters, Martin Thomas, Genrge
Boyer, T. N. Nagle, Anslem Weak-
jad. Geo. Laagbein, Abe Hutehison,
Atbert Thomas, all of Pattongiand
| Howard Thoms, of Thomas Mills, at-
tended the sale of horses condadted by
Won, Momser al Westover -
should be
made and All
the tailon
We Are possessed of we
used in selecting these suits.
We hold our
es, "
fod thick
Nest reet
A vein of fire clay thirteen
huss Dew discovered st Berlin
sonnty, aud it may be deveing sock ins Lhe
near foture. It Is entirely fron from
grit aod other foreign sobstanes It
was while drilling a well that the fire
clay deposit wus found and it may
prove the huss of an
dustry for Berlin
Time was when & husiness
t trade whether he advertised or nol
¥ but that day bas gone by. The poblic
been educated to pnderstand thal
he firemost perchants advertise their
wares ard that those who do wot adver.
fmppenrtant ine
wg ay
ba LH
oor hic
SNiviEsl ie
far Tuhinag the tines bhad 1s Nor
: nnfinist ae
bay ng *
wid ver think of
bri Maen tis date
% $40)
giv ia
4 3 : 4 eit Pi i ay *
Bars 6 7 23% Paha: CHAE LN ANS % Si1iil i
The semmisay of (ux
sounty List we Bowes ih
sopra Ci) PER wiped 4 ;
gil aif gler oonrt was valied 10
arder all juss were discharged. Bal
ane bill af imlictpent Pahl before
tha and while ih)
agp Sa
fry, wer
wd they were fomediately dischargs if
Court pally adjourned Tuesday. Came
hriz county shoold contract with the
eoitrts of Fulton to handle a few of its
ors at a
FATIOR § was compromised
"gs : 11
Eyive tis 4a Call
Bears the
Signature of
G. Linn, of Uarlisle, Pa, was!
Trainmanter Wm. Cramer, of Jersey among the many visitors to Patton Tat |
will nee no other, he invented. He wold two-thirds of his
will likely ough council to pass an ordinane: com. |
possessor Hf soma of the most delaph
A ininister in 8 neighboring town on
eare and attention to which they are
tier styies nobody shows a line at lower
Need not be high-priced,
Donated for Church Suppers.
‘Dold’s smok ced. Aneats are sure to bring you back for more.
and domestic Holland Herring, Russian Sar
I kinds ¢ CRAIC «} Ash.
‘dines, Mackeral. Bloaters, Codfish and a
Fresh country eggs and butter from Bradford county a
specialty : $
Try otir Teas—33c to 60c per Ib, and Roasted Coffee
12¢, 15¢, and 20c per Ib
Notice our Floor Mattings, Shoes, Rubbers, Dry
Goods, Ete
Very truly,
- new—S8pring Mer-
the word 13 gen-
Values which
Chiefly about the new ~the ver
Not one story of “reduction ya
erally nnderstond--follows. The Superior’
are herewith recorded are not the result of price cutting.
They came about it a fair, ligitimate manner. By them yon
are enabl led to test our method and our co ommand of the
markets. Every offering 1s 1 interests ng not only becanse of
its heauty, its newness and originality, but hecanse of the
extreme 1 agonableness of the pric oh
‘Something Entirely New.
The Sensati ori Belt and Stoek Collar to match.
eatest hits of the season Every woman wants them. A
in of belt and collar 1s as effective as a change of cos
tume. Look for the name Sensation. Everything else is an
imitation. Call and see them, they are heauties and the very
latest Belts a Cellars on the market.
New Laces and Embroidery are Here.
A stick worthy of thizs: store. A
novelties in weave and d de
lover of hne [aces and
Dame Fashion has again
ind we have given them the
enti ithed. Do vou ape
preciate the largest st rock to se ect from? [f you sex them
you will say we have the nicest line in town. You know the
price is the lowest
A great gathering.
stock which embraces Faniber] less
signs. A stock from which the
Embroudery may be satished.
smiled with favor upon them,
American Made Wash Goods.
Nobody shows a bigger assortme nt: nobody shows pret.
waists, chil
variety of new colorings. |
Ginghamse—The Kk
kind that you will want for shirt
dren's wear, ete. ry:
Fast Sirs Came in a large
a range of prices that are al-
} WAYS Yypiiar
tpe syle knowledge and all} ~ pop
ng knowledge w hich
designs and col
French Gingt ram—1 a variety ot
ors. that you will like and at popular pr
Foulardine—A wash fabric that at a giance yoi would
ik bev gre fast eolors; © In an elegant as
Foe eR EY er if
Ro 5 wi
checks and 8
Colors suits
ev will wash
Wa. Indy 3 ¥ n=
P K's. Barred
tripe =.
pa Ea SLA on 5 Hh
opt WARES, € Vs | afl fhe
m La
i 5 1 i% % i 3 3547
o Cloth NErook Plain
Nl TE wi
br hE EE
bonght dy
» > » ¢ ¢ “ 3 .
A wonaniu Seniesa ar ere 10F any ihn Degt Ha,
see them
3 , & ii i a Eg & 2 po Roe
rect 1 the manutacture. t will pay yop 1o
t ar t G ia
hefore vou buy that new dress
& gop
Shirt Waists.
The calebentod Fodeisl pane
i gre an stylish as any You
Tg 2 inspection.
Mew Liens.
' New Dress Linings.
¢ popular shades We pan please von on Faney ives Linings OF
i waa!
io ali th
aT EY Rind x
BEE MmAraia 1%
> w
pativros iu show you in the latest shusdos,
We have prefty
fowed wheld and wear weil A pew Hoe in all of the
WE Tries.
Hoslery that boa i weil
bgtent abiadion ab Lhe Very awe
Groods, avd ged our prices, you
wish pame rt foam,
ter TY 14s 8
8 Lmemp ay
Ho PRR Ein wl