The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 05, 1900, Image 2

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    CA SR
Several of Putian s Good (zens Ave on the
The jurors wens drawn af Ebensharg
for the June term of Cinlinig oonnty
Leourt. Jt will be noticed thal in wii
| tion to the grand jurors thoy sompriss
panelfof traverse Jarome for the week
beginning on the first, th dvd and fourth
Mondays of the month.
Meparture from the [aroun gastom,
hy which the eivil vobrt futlowesd die
LE g i
For our “ad” In cectiy on the esis of Criminai court.
h space next wee k
held on the first week. In soch cases
w “wiminal vont was axtended fos
TS os : week it sonfistaat with
the civil ut.
© The following are the ones drawn
from North Oambria:
Geran Juris,
Dishart, William, farmer, White
Bdelblute. Richard, merchant, Codi
: Zin.
| Hunter, Jobin, mine foreman, Patton.
Krine George W., dr, farmer, White.
i Bonisby, George, iaborer, Carroll
Goods, Clothing,
ents Furnish-
ings, Shoes, Etc.
to Bank, Patton, Pa.
Trout, RM, farmer, Adams.
| Zarb, John, farmer, Clsarficid
% Triverse Jovars, First Week.
: Abbott, A. Gi, miner, Patton.
| essnn, James, carpenter, Lily.
| Prancis, Thomas BE, farmer, U wmbria,
(firay, Sambel, taberar, Barpesboro.
Cts, Charles, Tarmer, & Yoarfieni
| Gray, John, clerk, Spangier,
Giaten, Peter, {armer, While,
: Koontz, Joseph, farmer, Ciallitein Wwn-
Libby, A. D., farmer, B
Lange er. AH . farses, Hiscgs
Francie JOG Yoivd Welk
Anna, « harlow, farmor, Eider.
| Alberter, Joseph, miner, Uay proton,
: Bowman, 8. MM. farewr, Reade,
Clark, A.B, fiveryman, Hastings
* Hughes, Lemael, tarmer, Guiobria,
Jones, Witlard, eleri, BE wirplilr gL
Jona, BI, farmer, Danita
| Tones Arthoy, buichar, 58
Kuhn, Jacket, butcher, Reade.
Kise, Cieorgn, butcher, Lest,
favell 40 Ho, bataber, Bes de
| Mitchell, Fred, miner, Fattan, #
Melton, T. P., laborer, Patton
MeBreen, Ro LL, grocer, Ebeneburg
You know where
| Weston, James, clerk, Galitan.
Truvnrai Shes, Fir Wark.
Blair, J. 13, hrakeman, Patton.
Bovlew, William, tahorer reson lawn
| Pumm, Jokn W..
Famiston, Bnmuel, jandior, Pasion:
dmnilier, Carroll
pu can buy the finest Gin, Jeery, farmer. Chept.
for the least
s, mattings,
1 rs al cloth,
1 Roleun, window
stoves, Ideal
Cross, Capello,
Dockesh Ranges.
ve us a call and see
for yourself.
Very Respectfully,
&Fur't Co.,
| C.C. GRENINGER, Mgr. |
(Good. Samad, farmer, Barr,
Jeniine, (harivs, winery, Bewmie
Lovell A.C farmer, Bi
Roratangh, lsrast, iv
Mb wr Liner
W Gad! tsncd, Charis, fumes,
| Weber, "Jom ph, farmer, (rm i.
Mew Unanlerfelt Bilis,
. Native be being sent cil from
ingrom of two new Sou lerieit
[first is a $5 miiver eairti
| serie Gf 18MM, check folie : Chae
thirty, Brice register, Bobwris loose
‘urer. The bill ix a deceptive cue,
printed from photo stohed
two pieces of paper, and peed and
ilk threads are distribdie
! then. The work 18 blarred and 1
.menall seal bs darker tian the penning
The back of the pote Pa Bin Garies
The other bill is a $1 sliver cortificats
| of thw series of 15889, check letter, “U7
Lyons register, Boberts treasurer,
Lie printed bo rough photo etobed paper,
the seal and the numbers are lighter,
and the lathe work und portraits ard
'biwrred. The buck of thie pol
dirty gree and the lathe work is
i tong.
{nates on
Plasked Sovial wed Pade
Ties metabers of Marcellus Count
{ No. #48, Y. 3 1, have abo
, Arrangeninta to give a bashed socal
land dance in the
Tuesday evening, April 17th. fisod
' music will be furnished and 5 |
time ix assnred all who attend, Th
ML L of Patton will try and make this
social and dance far surpass tie oe
given by them about a year ago.
4 cv pivbend
Flow Rae.
b Alot fronting on Magee avenue, /d
| feet by 140 feet, known as jot No. 13,
A food bestia for a stare. Will be
{aol on most reasonable terms. Ad
! | dress, Jamé® G. Egan, Blossburg, Tioga
| Con, Pa.- 1805.
fim jw noel
Cridntetn he Rie On
A Stavishaman N fina Sie Corts Hold ot
A Siavishman by the name of Mike
Conrad calind a0 the grodery wt ores of
Adolzen & FPorsburg, across Loe one $i.
inst Wednesday evening and purchased
4 bill of goods amounting to £16 15,
which he asid be wonid pay for the
coming pay day. He mast have for
gotten about the debt as the next
nrorising Mike and his fsther it on the
Penusyivania train for New York
whi they intended taking a steamer
for EEair native home
Asiolizen & Forsburg were geil y
informed by other [apegiiers ia Patlon
whee anes toe 8 PHUHEER rani nod
rears. thst Conrad bad jetty and they
Swaine oil a warrant for his arresil
The warrant was Paced in
Jackwon's bands and he called Lt el of
Police Readenborg, of Altos, up by
‘phone and gave a aescriplhion of Whe
£ Sistema Faigs
men wanted and Kindly seked him to
apprehend them i | powaibie, which be
Constable Jackson deported for Al
aona in the alterncon and when he
got there Mike wak anxions and will
ing to settle, which be did, upd he wae
aided procecihed OB Bis Way, the
whole bill incloding Adaline & Fork
burg's account, costs and 8 fow other
cxmall bills wihieh be forgot WW pay,
amonnted to about $35.00.
Constable Jackson speaks in the
highest terme of the treatoent ba per
| cmived at the bands of Chief of Police
Readenbirg and bis associates while in
| Altoona snd no doubt if It in posibin
4 petarn the favors lw will do &
F donbile fold. :
Ran S040 SIRINE.
The Sewelion sud Wark Podie Men of CK
©. Pwsien Bal
On Monday morning the section eo.
pivves of te LL 8 Le division of Lhe
Pennsylvania ralirohd game oGt
“arise tor ap advanee Ih wages of
sents per hour. The meh an the wars
jr, which lugs al Patton abe abe out
oy. Ral adbeanos,
Ph mei seer aonflide nt of suriag
an advance in a few dsys; hal ha
LOU RIE bits Det fornwed tint Satper.
liar Urn ®rd poo ived a active to fi
the places with pew then, which is go
ng yr & Dard matter, as Wis men
Bare u War
oe Article ab present
The track and work Tran laborers
have besa receiving 17 cenla an hour,
and now they want 18 wala an hour.
Py EO ah ass eas 2 ¥
amine aie a soso rabies thal Wages
| Bd Nar the Piya Weatas bBave Tear
Gee anisd 1t is ae more hike right tad
she demand made by Ue men ang
& i vivimon shinid be favor
desi, Up to the pressil
A msatiers sland Lhe sae as fae
fipst day Lhey struei.
main Honiley Watliag,
Harvey B Stair, of Harpesboro, and
Miss Carrie B Huoster, of Philips
baer, Pa, wore apited im ouarriag
Lie Baits Lik
Bay MO
: Maro ih 31.
SREB a as i
hae BE Dalla
Brlibe ms ad ads HE
3 ph of % NL i
aad Tear ihaay
Gen pet
Ee Bisa x i sf il ste %
faa Tear he Honda YOR We
§ BE hp aE i wi pg 5 x g
Lai Waa given gE Her Daren R
Will Palas thw RSW.
The members of the B washer (nane
and Bn tah Eyatuctive sugar iaiion are on
"ng a practiov in former years wt
ipg the members of the Has
hefien the mason spans. The Ebens.
bury association fs & flew oud, SUL i
com poned of that caliber of
i Foon sig i §
deciare that any
thie Law ww til To ren He.
{peat Mut maa
Haris Weak add, af Ebensburg,
31 Blades atau
shes gramps) will De send
sek wanted al Lom
¢ Worike or endl
Lee on sohil Brow Uressan, ann
prig poanty. Va 1853
As mv time is aljgut | to SXpieY as tax
eoiloe bor, { hereby boli all whe have
not yet paid their aol or borough
tax to do so before the 15th of April,
1900, Jams MELLON,
18-2 Collector.
VERDC sawp RB FOR $1000
Mrs, Dirddicy Seenies That sam for the ih uth
af Her Hinbaind,
The verdict wi
Penpkyivamas milrosd company
wherein the plantilf sought damngea :
secures on the railroad st Lilly io BILLS ORDERE ED PAID.
The came Was con:
cluond Wednesday eves and the
jury wentonl, arnving at a decison
ia abort Lime, DE pot until court had |
fir the death of har hosbaad, which
3 Jocstnler, (RUS
witionrped; benowils ¥ erdiict was sealed.
The jury finds for the plaintiff in the
spay of Bi AKL
A very strong effort was male by the
attorneys fuk the defendent Lo have the
oasn Laken from the ary and deeded
hy the courd GB pinta af law, bat
Judge Barker wold not take that
cones, contemiing that the sede Wis
ons for a jury Lo determine.
Another case of exaetiy similar char
acter will now be tried, the plaintiff
bekrr Mrs Babine, whose nsband was
Lhe sam Lite We Bradiey.
This anit, howiver, will go over antil
dex teras, as the facts are exactly’ the
with mated it is desired that a new jury
Bia pave pe Len,
iy pate Prophesy Fu iiiied.
A pecutine siory has just come Wy
where the partied in Lwo trippin
formeriy resided,
won and Miss Efffe Copley were cousing
anil resided on farms bear each other,
they were fast friends, a and when twelve
yin of age They hati i ZY pay oainp
when the queen told their foriales
She told them they wuld cach mest 3
tragic death. The iris grow to
womanhoott, and Mis Copley married
Waiter I, Goodwin. In 1887 Goodwin
mired ret, Bite wife andl was banged al
Wellsboro in Jne, [REE Miss Riche
arisen married a msn by the pans of
Che, mind ihey moved to Tacoma,
Wash, Frank Sprague, of Cross Forks,
Citggon county, was ano a dover of
Miss Richardson, Recently be made
LEB rip aries Lhe soptinent and mur
dirnd Mex Gade, at she game time kill
Idi niaeedf, thas fuifiling the Yorophecy |
af thw QU psy ude
Wert Bigs Bleed
A new buj has bean sighted by Lr.
sivbamopy 8 Waning toe. which
praia LH Pi Lh hone Rinsing
Hil a8 & News muikker.
Anadtiig ie way dorks from Mexioo and
ix known as the eargorhbinis saoguie
ressinines @&
Bumble Iw io sue. He in bright and
mgns andl sone Wi hd
speckied with a myriad losns, and he
Hin a three otnted Deak whch resis in
gh groove betwen Lik fore og
‘4. ase. This bag differs from Ihe
Kissing hog in that it bites the arms
send of Lhe Lips
wen Bot
feakiboetn Thane baghdod
he work on the sle@inie lighting of
$i anna Tas le fa ¥
Tawa hundred ineandesoenl ails
saber side of the Lane
Have Boga
Viviane siliroad cL pauy A
% $F ¥ 5 a
yimd Axeiiig
Ges with dlectre Bghts, This
Tait ¢ enuipmat.
En dedi Walkie
SRA Gel, te pugiist of lalian-
Apokis, sand Log {hemocrnd pepariey cig
Huy inst tieeR thal Bir a sai
meet any price Bghter io
Lytetniry all on DUUiK Ho is willing
$43 {oil aay matinee BORE inf
money if terms oan be ag reed o de!
with sore donk past fles in Ruy ions
have'n mateh arranged and jeniden
aafing or lousging in and about the
walls of the Good Building Kither
fren or adnits found mtenog or
anol aboud he same will hw
re atest Ha trespusse rs, faken in custody
by the police and claerwise dealt with
as the law directs. Arrangements
have been made to effectually carry
out this regulation and costa io parenia
may be saved by keeping children trom
" J : recovering from the effects of a BE VEre
violating the satoe. Gao, R. Glooh,
April 2, 1900, 1940
Foeus tor Haiehiog
jangshans, black MinOrces, white mi-
norcas, sud silver laced wyandoties at
.§1 per 13 H. T. Puress,
ME 3m Patton, Pa.
opened in court at |
Phensborg (awd Thursday moraing in
the case of Mrs. Mary Bradley va the
fight at Cedar Ron, Lycoming conpty,
51 ius Grace Richard. |
1, Howard, chief of (he divison of
The new bug is
Members Were Presunt
But Two.
PA Msn and #4 Bay are siruck by Pounnsyl
vupis Engines.
Two vitime nf t 8 a was Cambria
pounty's mun! uuday and Monday.
The frst of thes two accidents Sappened
(at Lally Sui day night, James M. Par
Cewdl, of Altoons, being run dow 1 hy an
difeoit ¥,
Borongh Tressutorts Bond ta be in Eat ramen
i 83.000,
Lar session Monday evening with the
thilowing members presant: Presiisnt |
Campbell, Anderson, Winslow, Hurts
worn, and Cordell
meeting held Monday evening, March
19th, were read and approved,
foro. Treastrer Wm, H. Sandford
was present and informed Council that
according to the general law it wis bt,
Lextra engines Purcell, whose identity
| wae sitabiinhed only alter conmdarsble
hal attended sows in BL
John's charch 1m Altoona, and = saps
| pond 10 have sone to Cresson abot
Patton borough connell mel in Pega.
moon, fram thers starting lo wiik ta
Lilly, where be intended 16 Boar the
to the deseretion of that body to levy
the amount of bond to be given by
a grievance to Council about the ives
ments laid against him for the Pulmer
AVENUE Sewer. It smerne, aocordiig to
Mp ¢
privide sewer from his residense to
eonnect with the one on Beech avenoe,
which was granted; he paying « fee of
Phils express for his home I
Lin bellevid that he stepped oat of the
The minutes of
road of 3 tpeight train only to git in
{ front of id empty en wine that rau him
(down. Pury
i's nother ma remmicient
of Altoons, ¥ which city the “remains
were taken Monday,
Thar silent victim of the rail was
Stephen Civil, the 13 vear-old son of
. John Griel, of Adams towaship, who
him. Waite he had the Boor he ated
met 3s death on the Dunio braneh of
‘the Pentsylvania ratiroad Monday
afternoon. He had been seat to Danio
Lon an errand and wax on his way ime
$10.00 for conpection on said Rewch |
Avenue sewer, and that it was an im.
possibility for him to use the Palmer
avenoe sewer to drain the cellar of his
property if be wished to, a it wis not
deep enough. He kindy mrked panel]
“to consider if it was just for him lo pay
for a sewer which he could nevir use.
On motion of Corneling, seconded by
Winslow, it sea carried that Fi (rough
Preasiirer fie a bond in the som of
®1 ond in
(G. 8 Fala of Clearfield, asking for an
itomined stiement of cost of Mupew
amid Fifth avenue pavings, and of
articion appeptedt and ndected, wie.
Cin motion of Winsiow, seciided hy
Corpetlas, it was carciedt that tlie Bor:
sugh Solicitor be nstrocted to dodast
the amount charged Borough for the
paving of part of approach to Nagie's
Hyery stable, from the 5 ber amit tekd
fram cost of paving Magee avitine, is
which be bud paid in part,
The president reappointed Go 4
Curfman a member of the Board of
Hea th Tor a term of ve yison said
term to date fram July 10th 1588. Un
motion of Cornelios seconded Hy Ac
rao, iowa onrsied thal
firm seid appointment,
{omunedl con
The Auditors statement of receipts
and expesditures of Patton Hire Ca
No. 1, was read to Uoanal
fia motion of Camwdius seciinded by
Winslow, 1 was varced tha Pamer
avenne sewer Question He Haid over
Wri next meeting night.
Tha fodlowing bails wer roid
sonnet and so gholion ol WN aslow,
seoordid by Aadersan, i Ras carro
shat same be seoepbed aan olen
§ for anne Cees 0 Life Bisons
i Pastion Walter
i Cline, wires WOr¥, #4
Publishing compagy, FRA
Color, $B Wood tii pela
onthe salary ait boarding
Patton Fire enh Fuat,
srmennt of Foreign Tesar
ib) Boneh reas:
Breer for the list LO g Fans
A cnmmanieabion wis fe digtend
Chief af Polios GUE asking clones tor
Si AU Deis ify malay y at il fier mroiiths
seb an mation af Ww iow, er sipaded
oy Chrneling owas carried hist same
be held over auid sext meshing § might
Cha asa Loan A ution red
floes Creek Loans Anaad
A desimion In the squid Bl af the
Beech Creel patiromd company ¥& the
Pirtsbarg, Johnstown, Bisnsturg &
Eastern railroad company amd the AL
ronnie & Boeoh Uresk tram hewn
stant ab Hoitidavaburg by Juaye fave
fe annanly phe Luss of thee Altoona &
Togs Creek radiead to Lae Hefendants
saul directs Lnein 40 sa serie and de
Hever up Wo the said Aloo & Beech
Creek raiiroad oumpany ad ibs proper
ties and frapehises within Dventy days
fran the date of the dene By this
virtuale & Narthe
ern in tired, formerly the Wopsonon-
Aitoona, t
ack railroad, reverts Wo ite original
Is Timpyaving.
Otte Anna, of Carroll township,
acendont which happend to fam
several days ago. While he was bed.
ding his calile one of the animals
From pure bred white bralimas biack
dford’s statement, that & few
| years agoibe asked permission ran a
whet straek by a shifting engiue, the
wheels of which then passed over His
face. Coroner Miler was sar pinio tend
to Ininlo by the relatives of the md
and ap ingoost will probably be beid.
iv Anniver Part neraldp.
The fete of Gould & Beezer, plu
bers aid steam Oilers is DO MOTS.
Recuntly they dissolved partnership,
Mr. Gould purchasing Mr. Beeast’ 8
interes, The latter geolitman has
_erabarkes) in the livery business in the
atidile fopmeriy scoupled by Phaiso's
livery, just acrom the crave. Hespent
seven! favs lo Ventre county lesb
maath purchasing bores, of which he
secret Tee head of 4s fine animals as
A eonmmanioation was swsivind from
‘My. Naghe hud enterad into a vonlraclg
with Me Fala fur said work,
Misaday morning afler a ong inoss of
wae pdr bropght to Patten. Sir
Beoawr ales purchased pow Doggie, &
Hew BEY atid aol, and dil pew hare
amin, Fie extends a cordial mvitalon
fir all to sali and see hole
Zipnner Lasiness Mr Gonid Haw received
& Lire sock of all kinds of steam and
hop wabsy fittings sud is ready ab ail
tins to subicit bids for work.
Erieat wt Peis
§ twee vearold son of Mr and Ms
Amey Merting, of Reilly's Mives, died
Funeral services wore
Bold Tiassalny aflernoon, alter ahiieh
the mm ains werwaaid (0 rest in © Onsiily
Nothin, Patios
patton, Pa, March 31, 190
Tha music terms 1 Pellon ¢
April 2 1900, will be of ten) weeks vac
gro lessons a week, Tuition, $8.06,
: Sogn WeENTL
Grand Easter
W ei slay
th eing andre | sseeivioen of &
pyopic thie than oF Ma supng he melt
Hons 0 4 Balen @
cleatdt 1 ha wt a0 1s priate fie: of
Millinery | havo ever
Caifons and faney pols apd straws
of sive Asay plan. fubbons, Laberis
Wilke Muooseiine (uo all the AoW ph
shades AH Ue new auirirned dl
Lat dead be blnted ng hath Pha,
qived New ¥ ork and with tis a loaned
wh bam Biel ® positing far the pad
x welts oti up hate Tor the foe
pitidl trade in the forper ily
tise 1 have more thao Milhoery
Eadde vba
LADIES Tatton Madde Rails 1 have
wl nore already this sprog than td
nf 1598 Have some Dew ale
consi in every day. For style and
At thay are hapa
SLE Waist Patterns Wit think ve
have a very nice assortment; no two
pat, Talon alike
{A DIES Shirt Walsts are very jireily
thie rear and ae bave them, eepediniy
itr the winte ods,
WE have some new snd very ancy
nnderskivis for Ladies, which they tee]
HL Th Tied t3 gy Laniiula
(ORSETS. Onr assortment is
now complete in variety, slyhs aad
polite, as wad] ag he Full Tine af sige
Ki GLOVES have had a teal
pan on one that w fail How od,
all the new spring shades at Ge no pair
All the other Dew Tadetia and “Sik
{iioves and Mitts.
HORIERY is complete for spang sud
summer for both Jaddies and «hlidmen
PULLEY BELTS are the sew bells
Well we have them in ail styles that are
[gat also all the materials for home
making and getting them ap.
[1 all the departments we are HOw
anmbplete Every person is cordially me
yitixd to come in and Wok at our spring
wloek whether vou bay or nob
kicked the fork which he was handling Hat don't forget the time, April 10th,
and drove one of the pROngs weverai
inches into his feet. Blond poisoning
resulted apd for a long Hme it was
; , fagred he would lose his leg.
11th aod 12th at
rs. Anna Dartt's.
in the™
CAR oa en a