‘ON COURIER, MARCH 2. 1900. WANTED plumbing trade. Inquire of J. © ‘ Gould, the plumber, Patton, Pa 18 tf (Cambria County Pomona Grange No. 51 P. of H. will hold its next quarterly 930 o'clock a m, ing at Monday, April 2 Baturday evening from New York and Philadelphia whew she was making the Sisters. Thos Wilt will conduct a publio sale at his farm in Clearfield township Tharsday, April 12th. Stock, farming implements, corn, ete, will be sold to the highest bidder. Just received a fll Hoa of Fairbank's dist globe valves, sizes ap ta 1 inch Try a Fairbanks dise vaive or water and yon will ase no other, Gould, the plumber at ng Wonder. for steam N. GG. Neff came over from Hastings Forsule by J © ky, J The teat tea for the money Proprietors. {ash Grocery A OO Thompson, of Bellefonte, was in Patton Monday The State Normal school at Indiana, Fa, will open for the of fourteen weeks on Toesday, April 8, ja Stadents are admitted at Lime by capable teachers 1744 To } ‘ 5 # at Lhe spring term PATTON PUBLISHING CO TOWERS GREEN Pr ¢ sy ny ¥ F. Wat Guns. plite Rpecialty: Drill in small classes <3 - % ¥ Sameryiie atlonaea A rt arney at Ebensburg vestirday wt A jot of at Rhody’ shoe store TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION lessen the wear on brooms and an improved three aeolian, esi into Ome copy, one yay, in ad ance, oe sWeninnyg : iy Ad Frets piismtion Sr No papers discontinued anti ail arrean BEER Be fait, Lies BT thet PPTEGe of Aha publishers, Eritored at the PosiofMen Chane peat] mater, handle im divided the contre section being a flat spring plate st in the same plane with the broom bead, which relieves part of the strain on the bristies fill ities abi weg pf vr rates paede Res pas age ladies’ Miss Maode Gini, of Hauntings, spent Saturday in town visiting friends. at Pattie as asennad. Fresh oysters every Tuesday, Thurs A. day and Satarday at the Cash Grocary, Patrick McCloskey, of Westover, "Pransacied business in Patton day. IHF Gresnawait man, of Altoona, ton Monday. Baried, in the Philipebarg cemetery, Thursday, Murch arrival of kfternoon train from Tyrone, Joseph, infant of James and Nancy 7 Ashoroft Nicholson, of Gallitzin. After a short Hines, an unexpected death of a hearty chibi, buried at the éxant monthe Nery by fa wre Philipsburg Ledger. be ia oy 130 Hurrah For Thropp! By RX Beges Simbnngh. AR piticians wit he tow Thee serpin cows govt oa Bb ivig ny Yo wont net then § pool Thing vio, So bet ux all Harrah fer Thropp. Matar Aree a Laviin Melvar. : 7 Ae af 0G vieitora tor Val / . Hey FJ How A pasty we sll wre proad fo mest, Whee Peemert with Just aod Teath dath beat Who si vie Tries The Fai Lo liv, Rueh jx the fare of JF. Thrope, of (lenrfield, and Chin. Were Fuels Peart Davie, ton Alexander, of Madera, of MB. Cowher over Sunday. af Flmars, Thue Andeow [ova Wak in Patton Wednendny yeh of £m rhe wy Fhe rig Ait Entrasted with the ontes of om, this month he Had misfartisne He stress bls path of Fie with Mowers, Net wishing in his work to stop, Wath send Blo tae X Barents for Thoopp. riba wie fant tn bu ya deer and ARIE ry His haves tps b the doctor make the injury, Ha Robert, ss er ad Fade lian KP Pratnam sunlight, washing and rabldng by (. H. Perry, Chust Springs, Pa i ew Sed nee Tis men Hw be wis shy wr hake, an Sx amas iy And make or Unb reg wid grow The Npatiish Hag wan pusde Io drop By fen of honor, seh as Throop, WAR APO DR aN] If vom are hungry drop in to the y ®e) 3 x of Barnesboro, City Restaurant where you oan get everything you wish in the satible line wen, He represents oe frag and troy wamitiom at Irvonn Ak Well ma vooTta pan viii di We do nid wish Bis work 10 stop Wath sored Biss book Harrah for Thrapp : ¥ place tao day wil go to tha If vou are in anmmer suit | Dinsmore Bros : new took 8 | Reynodde, those wet Sindy int ! it - . %5 Er ey wor id vt go abewd 8M Wilkkon, of TmiBols, was cating And try a» greater rs $0 drop : , % y y Re : i ming Inpossitie’ Masta for Trones- on friends in Patton Toesday andl was looking after busiriess interests 3 this place. “Comrade” did not forget the We ntl will say dobus MOH dep, Cori Hee and svade Hs i ’ Intend of hit FI voto for Thropp. - ; OTE offtee and made ns a pleasant ‘vit. Hurrah for Theopgl Thires ehovrs for Thiap And Aad Rey folds they will drop : pr sire dr oi for Throop. A v 73 SE Chiewvilie, Pa, Marely », bi March Wi nds ralliown Monday. May Bring R. 8 Tozer visited friends 7? at La. id Jowe over Sunday: Easter Flowers. Walter CC. Davia, of Mahaffey, was a Patton visitor Saturday. Special prices to cash buyers all month at the Cash Grocery, I. M. Hoover, of Windber, was in our town one ay Jast week. You save money by buying your groceries at the Cash Grovery. J. E. Hadding, of Morrisdale, Pa, was in Patton one day last week. You can buy a pair of Old Honesty We are prepared with a feast of . mining shoes at Rhody's for $1.25. MU oof things in Apparel for Men, Boys E. B. Flick, of Newport, was seen on and Children, and can fit them from | our streets the latter part of last week. CTOWR to sole. : Thi rg a have thered to The spring and summer suiting are EE th reo ? ; ether here in our store the largest and now in at Dinsmore Brom, the tailors R Ee ! best stock of goods ever show by oa Wm. J Bennett is confined io his Of course that means in the town, home with a severe attack of tonsilitia Me's Mite, Ciao AH wend aries 8 $4 4%, T45 N48 SUN 948 UUs and xo ® 4 Hon. James Korr, of Clearfield, was up to $15.00, ing He in Patton Monday looked after business Boys’ Saits. $1.95, 4.45 498 i interests : s shpine $6.95. $5 i Dinsmore Brom. stock of spring and Children's Vestee Saits $145 198 summer suitings are now in. Call and 238 288, 288, 3.45, on wee them +38. . Dr. Rice, wife und daughter, Hastings, were visitors to our town last week. seed of a apring or os : Hees a 3} BAH Joseph Wheatly, aged 85 years and eal at piiciheth Ann Davie ape 87, both of Disentar township, Clsartield Bly, presented themselves before Register Jimesan on Friday and secured a mar- Thelr right to do wd wan not gquestianed as they both seemed to be of the proper age. Both had been married before, and were loft widow and widower in the year 1883, will pay you to the tailors and A rpothre artagoniatie geal Whee a Ierstwra tic ite ast by pent, Ard pow ind ond Penis’ Av ls gg tn order 10 retiee Thropp. want Lhe on riage ene TH Tlewtiom thre be bom ht ale And ait hat ore mas toe cunt aust, If trotihiead with rheamatism, ive Chamberlain's pain-baim a irial will not cost you a cent If it does no Ome application will relieve the It also cari Sprains wid bruises | round Prof Wentz came down from Car. fron an, Barna, frost. and other treatment. Cala, bites, quinssy, pains in chest, glandaluar and other awolings are sguickly cared by applying it Every bottle warranted. Price, 26 and cents. Patton Pharmacy, © W Hedghkine the aide i KHaitrassl Yernaenlary At a railroad wreck official investiga tion recently, sccording to an ex- change, the Drakimey’’ on the carpet recited bis version of the story wine: “The ‘von.’ was thpping the Lis sie in the doghonse, the hind ‘shack’ wus freezing a hot hab pear the hind equ allow pot’ was crackiog dinmonds in the tank: ‘Fagle Eye’ was down greasing the pig and 1 was bend. ing the alle, when they hit na. Under t lengthy crosgexamination this wis translated to mean that the conductor was examining the orders in tre qup The rear brakeman was jonrnal. The fireman was hraak The engineer the head a switeh Railroad Tele rapier rim gonling Od, Was oiling the and brakeman was wing whet the cobibson tock place and Rid i P L143 wypspathy Which Costs 4 man named Walker, abo has een years a resident of Point Lookout, while bringing a load of woelte gre, the roads. a fain havin eg, suffering Thinking to relieve the ani Killed #1 and took 1 home Some days afterwards he was aoa hearing ars Monday igh £ tha IN MEN'S HATS. All the erea of tions of the Sauber in Me's Bead gear are found here Se bavs 8 Lone and we have them ail the "EEO no higher: extent Stets Geo. B. Anderson, of Latrobe, was Children’s Fapoy Caps in fying in this place ov business the latler part Ae id some read fe broken an ; - of last week. : 0 othe 2 greatly SHOES. Al bent styles in 0 4 YN. Woodard anid (©. A. lewis, of Mea's, Women's Mis wes’ and Bove, Jock Haven, were among the many All sizes, widths and prices visitors to Patton last week. One sale on Ladies’ Fi ie Som il stintes and we have plenty vor, All La Miss Virginia Lingle, of Patton, is sips fo fit your froom 20 to af the hearing being visiting her sister, Mrs. H W. Todd, SHIRTS. Men's latest styles #% gion oh Mr Walker will © in town. — Philipsburg Ledger. up to $1.48 to port at its next Noine tio ils y Twn Va hi% radirins Miss Mande Frick, CO. D. P. & T. follows, sizew 1210 14 ig redress operator at Mahafley, spent Sunday cuffs and all for sc with the operators al this place. Our stock of Men's ix 3 Flos glove oH ju WETS A small child of Mr. and Mrs. O8 ote fs always complete Winslow had its shoulder hone broken yoo ‘always Kot what you by talling off a chair the first of the strictly to date. : : 3 week Belling Agents for the celebraded My pipht arm al Ce Seeet. Orr & Ue Pantaloons, tives I The big Pennsylvania railroad tunnel and Jackets. Every pair warraited near Sproce Creek was completed last not to rip and wear well fis - : igs ¥ Tharsday night, when the last brick, & H you are not a patro : it rl oe i nickel- plated one, was laid in place at will pay you to become attached 11:90 place y Tmo I this house when you want goonds the best that money will buy Henry Arble. father of Fred Arble, No dickering of prices. We of Coal township, suffered a iroke alike to all and thats the only way of paralysis on Sunday and is in a very . SASHA DRE P Rick. serious condition. He is 88 years old. You are invited to cail ~Carrolltown News, Gold medals to Harper whisky at New Orleans & World's Fair Chicago. Try it, you will endorse the Judge's verdict. Sold by W. IL. Daggett and _W. A. Mellon, Patton, Pa. for some [rans 8! way ho foal is LO LOW wine iva Wil Ww Hy oo abun. and seemungh Lr rentent before Judge Afict Was give 1 aborts the curoome Tur Was thing the fase hope of Pram vie . : a tern in shirte for tittle EG THE bec Bran 3 mabiars I oper Philipsburg B Bevo, ps, Collars, wie its Barbe and iia Henk #h z ir 8 hegmalism in EW “3h ard =O WRI VERS hoaider He save Limon was enlirmy Chamberiygn’ and was sorprised to tbe Held rosie s Tha sas been a constant companion of eyer since and Paton Pharnuey, Ly (PEs iment Tatil pan Tay Ean Pain’ Ww fine never Por sale Hodgkins bay werd l y _ Directly opposite the Bank. STONE CLOTHING SHOE | For Thats and Children. The Ring You Have Always Bought Boy about 18 years old, must be bright and good size, to learn meeting in Cresson Crange Hall, open. Miss Alice A. Asheroft returned home Easter millinery purchases for Evans Any in ote third the time required by any DICKERS IN DIRY. Preds Rocrnded ul Fhensharg op to Friday, March 313. Chest Creek land & Improvement company fo Mm Emma Kirk, Patton, $150 Chest Crook Land & Improvement pompany to Mm Emma Kirk, Patton, 35 B. I. Pitta to Jennie M. Notley, Sus. quebinnna, $8 083%, Henry Potter to Fdward Johnson, Ciallitein township, $100 Francis Bronenn et nx to Margaret Hoover, Elder, $80. Francis Huber ot ux wo P. B. Cos grove et al, Eider and Susquebanna, $200. : Cyras Oldroyd ot ux to 6 Patton, F150. Charles Nattle et ax to William E Probert, Patton, $00, William E Probert to Minnie FF. Pro bert, Patton, $l Edward M. Beale to Joseph Re li Gallitzin borough, $50, Annie T. Dempsey, by the Sheriff of Cambiria county, to M.D Kittell, Gal: litzin borough, $540. Kpengler Improvement company to Tros the Methodist Episeapal church, Spangler, $1. Equitable Boilding & Loan associa. tion ta Fmma 1. Derricott, Carroll town, $400. Isaac Davis Cambria, $400 Harry BE. Frederick otf Maras, Cambria, $350 Frank N. Donahue ot ax to Conrad Reig, Carrolltown, $575. Cheat Creek Land & Improvement pompRny James Willlamsone Pat- ron $715 Thiet 0. Brady, vow of to Harry R Frederick, nx to AE tes reek land & Improvement compaby ta Lunes Willianwon, Pat- Lots, BRA Hetiey Swope ot ax to Amanda Fara- Carri, $353, The Little Phage Heer The Murch nomber bmaeed on the 15th, revised and enlarged. Every bosinews sling man should have it. Send IMME year, or ten cents Revised and sod Address Little Bine Pager tel iny for DE LEY eon ti oo. Milton, Pau arses ded for single RR Noties 0 Patrons. Novice is hershy given to patrons having watehes for repair at my sling, to vail and get same Gl once ar they will be disposed of acrording to an am changing business, 1] BMmrra, all my aw. Agents on salary of $15.00 per week and expenses: the greatest agent seller ever produced; avery stock and poultry raiser buys it on sight Hunters wanted, Reference. Address with stand, American Mig Terre Hante, Tod fo, Need 1 ” shold be and well 1a Lyin ted Yr wi ig Ne Ealorng priced, st tplish, weil tting. re 1 not He higl h atle ge whicl have SITS. k Now led are possessed o yg) 5 Net 1 We 1 yi Sri askAely 3 Ext ur tas La ITH mis in, up as Many are Homespuns Mi xtures-——the lead: i Ak SCAROI and Clothiers, PATTON, PA. Pare HIGH GRADE, MEDIUM PRICE—25¢, LB. Donated for Church Suppers. Dold's smoked meats are sure to bring you hack for more, Ioiposted » and domestic Holland dines. Mickeral, Bloaters, Codfish and all kinds canned fish, Fresh country eggs and butter from Bradford county a a hy ra speciaity Try our Teas —33¢ to per 1h, and Roasted Coffee 5c, and 200 per 1b Notice Fler Shoes, Rubbers, Dry . Ete our Mattings, { + ¥ Wl BAY STATE FILLOUR, PRR HARRELL WARD'S Nem Very truly, BREAD. new—Spring Mer- the word 15 gen- erior Values which result of price cutting. anuer. By them yon command of the not only because of but because of the Chiefly about the chandise Not one story of ng erally understonud 4 : are Forenith recor rded are not. They came abont in a are enabled to test our markets. Every offering its heanty, its newness ard extreme efron —- 4% : Sup fair, intimate m met head and One Z is interesting originality, ' Ihe LY i ak a reasonablidness of ! pr FOE, Something Entirely New. The Sensation Belt and Stock Collar to match. The 21 thaeseason. Every ‘woman wants them. A change of belt and collar 15 ag effective as a change of cos tume. Look for the name Sensation. Evervthing eise is an imitation. Call and see them, they are beanties and the very Belts and Collars on the market. greates! hits of ¥ aitest New Laces and Embroidery are Here. A great gathering A stock worthy of this store. A stock which embraces numberless novelties in weave and de- A stock from which of fine Laces and f may be satished Fashion has again smiled with favor upon them, have given them the and attention to which they are entitled De vou ape eciate the largest stock to select from? If yoin see them von will say we have the nicest line in town. You know the is the lo TY Dame Xe SIENS, Lae . exh Fin Fah is 3 of y % and CATT } % nrice west - » American Made Wash Goods. 11 shes « she Ws prices : Nit wd yy ssobody shows a bigger assortment; pret- ¥ shows ou line at lower will want for shirt came in a large rices that are al Dress Ginghams—The kind that vou 2. 3.1 ‘a 3 Cog dN RY 8 o¥ Wass, Caldarell : ¥oouio Qf new Caunniligs, ¥ Fh 3 a 1G Wear, © a range : * Ways popniar i Ia variety Hew desigis and col nd at popuiar prices glance vou wold 411 ele gant a A a oe In ial 1s. India Lin: Harred 2 Hig ht d1- them Sig Shirt Waists. r he 4 tebrs slaat Cad Lares an styilsh a8 any you rrp angie at pixies fir Sou Inspection. Mgngs ETITTL New Dress Linings. We oan pha vag oon BF Dire Linings or FIERY EW SLRS We higve fey ALOW Fart in Thee fad aches APTN LADIES LGENTLEMEN'S FINE HOSIERY tiomiory taal foul shashin zt Lhe vary viel weir well A new ine Yay eexpmnine in emda and pet our prices, yon itis time Lhal if vou will take the iH be Tally saneined hese ane fag pid nol asker OT TO-- Not How Cheap, Bat How (Good, Herring, Russian Sars &