TAR ~ 1 Sys re {As PATTON. CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1 (leaned the “Conrier’’ Reporter, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS : Rinel Somervitte Biaciad Boragh Seticitor ; 3 for the Faxing Your. i Patton Boroagh Council met in regan: e lar session Monday evens with the ™ ® following members present: McCor mick, Anderson, Winslow, Cordell, Campbell, Hartshorn snd Cornelis. The minntes of last regular meeting wh = ‘held, March 5, were read and approved. € can satisfy VOUr, The following commitioes were ap Hr “0 pointed by the president: Street Com. i C with pipes of all mittee H. 0. Winslow, EF. MeCor s and shapes. Bg mick and Frank Anderson. Finance Committee BE. 0. Hurtshorn, J RK Cordell and Bam Cornslias. Fire and | Polion Committee J. R. Cordell, F. Anderson and E. O. Hartshorn. W. H Sandford was unanimously elected borough treasurer for the en. suing year. . On motion of Winslow, seconded by | McCormick, it was unanimously cars| ; _ipied toat the slection of borough 7 ini kha k _engiveer an’ solicitor be laid ou the | € carry the larg- table until next meeting night. hus} men On motion of Hartshorn, seconded nc of AGATS, Winslow, it was unaninsously car: pied that the communication of EC , Brown relative to the agriement be- 11] tween the Chest Creek louod & Im | provament company and the borough ‘on Fifth avenue sewer, be laid over 0 ; ontil next meeting night. ” LC Om motion of Anderson, seconded A £ lance at our | by Hartshorn, it was nnanimonusty car ndow will ried that the following bills be soe TR goptnd: WH. Sandfird, $20, Patton prove i vot cheap Pipes, good Pipes i moker's Artcles tton. Water Co, $40; C. A. Repsher, $4.25; CH. 8. Lingle, $4; Prank McClure, $4. On motion of Winslow, seconded by Corelins, it was anapimousty carried | that the borough cierk and street com: | missioner get an inventory of the tools the borough owns and report next meeting night. “On motion of MeCormiok, seeonded | yy Hartaliorn, it was onanimously cas ried shat the wages of the streat com. ‘missioner and laborers remain the same us heretofore. : On motion of McCormick, seconded ‘by Anderson, it was carried by a vote : {of six to one, Winslow voting in the | negative, that the salary of policeman remain the same at $40.00. On motion of Met lormick, seconded by Cornelius, it was usanimooaly car. : ried that the borough clerks salary be {the same as List year, $5 & month. i On motion of Cornelios, seconded by McCormick, it was carried that the | motion be recinded ntlative to the bor ough soticiter. : On motion of Cornelius, seconded by McCormick, it was unanimously car | pleat that Renel Bomarvilie be elected | borough solicitor for the ensuing year. The borough solititor's salary was fixed at $60, same as last year, ona | motion of Winslow, seconded by Me- : Carmick. | The Aoditors’ statement was submit. ‘ted and on motion of Winslow, secob- i ded by Anderson, it was unanimously carried the same he accepted sa read and published in the PATTON COURIER. Om motion of Winslow, seconded by Hartshorn, it was gasnioyousiy carried that the meeting nights be the first and third Monday in each month at & p.m. APRS ges, and ting stoves. so a full hine of sharp. Council then adjourned, Attend Pa 1 fo fees or Hev, £ H. Witman departed Mon. day evening for Hamlton where the = Centeal Peansvivanis Conference meets this year. The second year of bis pas- torate has been even more succession | than the first, the church having en joyed a wonderful degree of growth in Cmembership and development and wie Comes in every department of work. The contributions for missions «% aod other benovelenoes | exisns of any previous year in tory, and will compare very favorshiy with ouder ahd | more bani charges. This splendid record jogieal result of the fathial we Cent labors of the pastor grid hos greats endeared him not only Wo hs owp | ehiigreh bat to the entire compaunity, { and is the sarnest tiope and expectation Cof ail that be be returned & | year. He is one of the most gnaswar ing yet untiring and earnest workers Very Respectfully, in the Master's viveyard, ores oo awn . sympathize with ap Delp the Baird ened ; | and sorrowing, to Pheer ADG foun : dusspond ent aud heavy i greatest conoern to basip andl the ‘lewt of earth the way ie etornal, Not a litte of the vious spiritual life of the Buren wm owing to Chi estimable wile and family whe ab ‘jahor so zealously and epoperaic so {grriestly with him in bis work. let *y us hope that the next year may be E. Kirk Hdw. ~~ &Fur'tCo oo ok | even more fruitful of good works and ging of very many to Wareh Bib, 1900 . Bwope, the Crosson Record man, was Statement of the financial condition (a town an last Friday on his nual of Patton Borough for the year ending | sneaking atid despicable mission solie- March 5th. 1900, "iting printing at blsckieg prices He Repripts {meandered over Windber and Scalp Bzeatest Hotn On Troms | Level hambly bowing before the bos . een fe oc | nedw men ke a cringing mendicant pian big i Chi | imploring them to give him some job Fa. Losmtienc. work. This man Swope has a very Pax Cnt. Jas, Meilon tearful way about him which he brings ik into play when soliciting work and so | works apoti the feeliogs of his victims | that they invariably give him a little |job work to keep him from crying. | We have sten several jobe of printing done by the outfit thin blackieg repre. sents and in pearly every instance we have discovered mistakis, which would ‘pot have been the case had ib been printed at the home offices. When it becomes necessary for & man ? to com from Cresson away up to | Windber to seek a little job wark at cut Fate prices it is quite evident that the | business wen in his own fleld do sob ‘rogard hira very highly. Then it is very apparent at his prices he employs chexp labor, cheap paper, and cheap fuk to make even a small profit, and “anoh 8 combination cannot pat out good worl. There are some peoples, we know, who give him their work a8 soon as bi names the price and yef profess to be good citizens. But in this they are mistaken, beciose no good sitimen wil send his printing out of terwn If hat can get the ssme done in a satisfactory manner and at a reason- ably price at home. A newspaper is an indispeisibie adjunct to a Hive town, and without job work it can sesresly oe poik exist. Therefore, to do your duty as a sed] Pam x good citipen all such miserable tres. axons or SR are passers should be emphatically turned down & 5 du pleats | AE Pewee 3 P. ¥. wis Brew brew {Loti J 7 ial medi denies. WE meas ries te wef Moaele ang REEEN 5% frnsuranee bi ofion. J 3 CPi ital Vay rgens, foes wd ih RN ; Pisbarse ments Had due Tron, af asd gudit 3 Adnrt, paid fi shiwet wi 4 0 an arate TUL Pigbiting i eri BEY wad postage jeaiel far olbew BY fem : : Ea a Ce want ay ial Ber Horough oie fa weer LH ; fr Aer OR aa LEE Gee bed Hypo thona peek Bor printiug and pel Fin rg dt Bf Fheminis Hamed of Sa magee Br cory pee rae] Law FER Faw : a paid fur Intdvest on fomters aro Rewads, eR preaw aiul Ta sew an hasrnds yaesed far maivang Favs, Bex 506 cond fe vl Bw Taz 1 HAE ie aul sips :irdtnre : vivre BOE Ebon, 3 wet ln a Heady the Frat of May. Abont the lat of May postoffices will be supplind with small books of 2-cent damp, inter leaved with paraffined paper to prevent adhesion. This new | andl compendable featare of the post ‘ office department bas been previonsly poferred to in newspapers. The pages Care of six stamps each, making a book of conveliient sise to oarry in pocket. book. Books of three quantities will ~ be suppled-—one of tweive stamps, on of twenty-four stampa and one of {forty-eight stamps. Each bouk will be ‘sold at an advance of 1 cent on the stamp valoe, W cover cost of hinding. Broek Miners sn a Strike. The ersployes of the Brock mines went out on strike Tuesday for an ad- vance in wages and they refuse to “petarn fo work until their demands are satisfactorily granted. The men claim they are entitled to the same rate of { mivance as that recently given the em- 'ployes of the Northwestern Mining & | Bychange Co. As we go to press noth Ying can be learsed with regard to a settlement, but the probabilities are that the matter will be agreeably ‘adjusted between the company and sraploves before many days Brock- wayville Record. Chins i Maret Glee Reganrees, Fata ped i sands of Treas, Morr on eR The fev Uo, Pres, 35 cemmet Toews 19085 £7 ARE Te RE KA {MT igs je free Tris £0 Pabeely Ramil 0 GR a Bonde iH 18 LAE plingte, DM Avenne wry ox Seo Fih Ave sewer wo ERliaer APNE wey from ewrd waike Magee A ven wiv Lay : dom Finn PRYING... nae frean Fines Gnistaiul Sag an fadlows {um Speiited Ian RY Uiaartell Mavety Jester Werts ides Parck- PE A Fane atan Dre V A Myreny Sandy: A nteiny bots (ELF Mod SGrptioR Rarely, Theo, Bovis iF § Mi Corinto k sete Wal fyiin. dasiuigad La 10%) flabdiition (1 #XCene ad How i wT Tee Limbitliiiewn, Eo I {5 ts xb diag is A bagless Hod trptsdaanliag 8 ars yk BS es 0 one ert Tw RAE Wrateroent Tax Cailestar. To Putas Hires. Tron H. T. Peters, of the City Restaurant, Reba je 1 has let the contract for the erection of ETL ITAL oe an addition to bis property. on Fifth ; avenue, to Jos Hubbard It will be Fixah feet, two stories, besides a large and spacious basement. The wave of prosperity and increasing trade come pein Mit have room, When he new part is completed be will take the partition out between the restaurant amd dining roan aud parlor, fapibd mn Addition. Liiprorm Medion, 3 Haines 48 WS A dl a the undersigned Auditors of Patton Borough, «da certity that we have examined the foregoing scecunts of receipts, expenditures, #lo, of Patton Borough, for the year end Sth, 194%, } i prae and corres We, i Fynr ¥ rely Petar to more fhe 18 a ing Marah ad oom annie WG best of our know edge LA. Ripsuun, H. 8 LINGLE Fruasy MoULURE, Amdo thay making smople room or thie store snd prslaurant he tthe Cone fn New Yorl State “her? Lord, who his been the ef sent milter at J. B. Wilbur's Patton Feed as | Buckwheat Mill for the past your, departed for Watkin's Glen, X. Y.. Monday morning, where lie aXpects of the Jaotige tg Vr Lord Patton Wil. who = vacancy ti Wow Hie ams ¥ iy 3h . Svs £0 rg oo was fom Baha) make his future home made many abo wish him mach saves, a sumber of Jolie: bur has engaged EW. Cowher, while in %i AEE friends ¥ 2 5a town police department Friday thal a spasm p bad Ingenionsiy worked a Soent Gb sual x ys Es YHA Sie bovine ig Fred i en : weophie Maturilay, ard had escaped qegoiiend miller, to fil the a oostld get their bands on hig sear many before the are GON | paued By “Chet's’” depart Ho t Hos fivand Jury Repeat. fhe grand jary of the Mareh PRT WL a3 sehvoe was to chil 8 earth house on hi ar rorm of 123 atasup En a. court st Ebensburg made its sie tg wena ) Nip : AT = ; } the esart Frodav, in when il a gary [OW Chases ib 3: ik ai § In very fu mendid that repairs be made snough money to buy Peo the Les Guest Was redpad, aml 3X insite Court House in order to avert Rirther hefipt the real a xe 3 ate office District Attorney, The aims. onnty fail were reported + vk Yosmse EH oseys 3 4.3 58 Eugeny : he : . nok lows TOR UG paces tos wad that a number wis of shirt of TyisRiny Wie appRrERi. ! : . shied of Dis mission Wa ipa furnitare be piaced in the priv Yh #8 Ba 5 of wet 113 Big DRrDORIAr : 3 pel 1 DE PRAT A 1A Proiee and the « ATT. te i excellent comdition. follow i per apehied Liv Im tive An bape nse Cas Tain Searfieid Raftiman’s Journ gud Fer Known te Niles to Patrons, Notice is hereby given Io The says the largest ran all my patrons having watches for repair ot my stiop, to call and get same al once or thy will be disposed of aconrding to law. us | am changing business. CU. 8. SMITH. ik It was made ®t {Creek road on Monday