The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 08, 1900, Image 3
Bi A Pa Sa Be AAA Ie THE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 8, 1900. atton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING UO, Proprietors. fOWLL GIRERENE, Fito TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Ome copy. nd Year, in advanee, «LOD AA veriving rates mds KROWD Spon Rp prionticn, rN pepe dseimitinoed anil! il arrear mitt paid, nies st the Option of the Bator a the Pustoffier gt Patton sy weond- Chen rove tl toatter, (Go to City Restanrant if you are hangry. Alom Leonard, of Ansonville, was in town Saturday. E R Jackman came down from Carrolitown Friday. A W. and F. J. Lieb, of Nicktown, spent Sunday in town, VV. Stolr and wife, of Carrolitown, drove to Patton Sunday. Special prices to cash buyers all month at the Cash Grocery. “MM. B. Cowher made & business trip to Martinsburg, Pa, Monday. You save money by baying your groceries at the Cash Cirocery. Bam Small, of Patton, was in town Wednesday. - Carrolitown News. Scalp Level, this county, has just organized an Odd Fellow's lodge. © Presh oysters every Tnosday, Thurs day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery. Chas. Thompson, of Gen Richey, Pa, was in Patton Thursday of last week. The spring and summer suitings are now in at Dinsmore Bros, the tailors Rev. Father McKenna, of Chest Springs, bad business in Patton Mon. day The music prior to the lecture will be furnished by Mismn Prindibie and Flick. "EC. Brown wm a Pattonite who . visited Ebensburg the first of the FP. G. Betta, one of Clearfield’s prom- " inent lawyers, liad business in Patton Friday. Dinsmore Bros. stock of spring and Lo summer saitings are now in. Call and wo Miss Jennie Bock, of Bradley, spent Sanday in town, the guest of her brother, H. 8. Buck. Prof. (i, E. Hipps und wife and C. A. Sharbaugh and wile, of Carrolitown, were Bunday visitors to Patton. Don't fail to hear the debate, “War va. Arbitration” in the Methodist Episcopal church March 23, 1800. Adam Lints snd Miss Tillie Luger- land, of Patton, were granted a mar riage license at Ebensbury last week. Misews Carrie Maloy, Flora Kaylor, John Little and Joweph Maloy, of Lo- refto, were visitors to Patton Sanday. James Mulligan, of Patton, visited his brother, Patrick of this pisce, the Iatter part bf last week Cresson Record, If you are in need of a spring or “summer suit it will pay you to call at Dinsmore Bros, the tailors. and see the new stock. Miss Minnie M. Holter, who is stop- | ping in Philipsburg, departed for that place Saturday aller a week's visit with ber parents on Palmer avenoe The Haldwin Lotomoiive Works, of Philadelphia, has received an order ot from the Paris and Orleans raliway, of France, for 30 10-wheel passenger loco motives. Gold medals to Harper whisky at New Orleans & World's Fair Chicago. Try it, yon will endorse the Judge's verdict. Sold by W. L. Daggett and W. A. Mellon, Patton, Pa. Friday evening, March 9th, admis- sion 25ets. Hon. Henry Houck has the peculiar ability to express great 3 thoughts in the simplest language. Everybody can unijerstand him Last week James Curran died at the Almshonse aged over 55 years. He was one of the oldest inmates of the stitagion, and wes a civil war vete- ran. Joterment was made in the idiery’ Plot in Lioyd cemetery. ¥ is a Healing Wonder. i Jobn Boyee had business at Ebens- burg Monday. Mr. and Mrs J. Edwin Parnell spent Randay at Glen Hope, Pa. WP Smith, of Clearfield, was in our town one day last week. Reuben Venetia, of Westover, was a | visitor to our town Satorday, | Peter Campbell, of Oarrolitown, was | a visitor to Patton yesterday, {Lon Cohen, of Johnstown, was look ing ufter trade in Patton Monday, (i, W. Priendel, of Greensburg, Pa. | was 8 visitor to onr town Monday. You can buy & pair of Old Honesty mining shoes at Rhody's for $1.25. 141 B.C. Podrman, of Tyrone, Fa, was in Patton Monday transacting business, Hames Gill snd Miss Anna Lyle, of Conlport, were visitors to Patton San day. Constable W. FP. Jackson went to Ebersburg Monday to attend to official Pv rem, Giilen Rehorf of Nigktown, wan among the many visitors to Patton an Saturday. Miss Lalo Allon, of BL Lawrenos, was a guest among friend's in Patton nat week. Don’t fail to attend the lecture that will be delivered by Hon, Henry Hoock Murch oth, LO William Oswald, of Altoona, was in Patton Taesday sind Wadpesday trans. acting business, (30 and bear the recitations by the members of the Junior League Friday evening, March 3 Fditor Kaylor, of the Cambria Tribune, was Ishi op last week with a severe attack of grip. Congressmen and Senators have 15,- 000,000 packages of seeds to distribute among their rors constituents Potnam Fadelias Dyes are fast 10 sunlight, washing and rubbing. Sold by C. H. Perry, Uhest Springs, Pa. Don't fall to attend the Epworth League entertainment in the M. E ahoreh on Friday evening, March 23. The Carrolitown News has been changed from & seven-column foar- page to & six-colamn eight-page paper. Dv. and Mrs. Rice, of Hastings, have purchased tickets for the lecture to be given Friday evening in the school building. HG. Dill the efficient clerk in the Patton Coal cotnpany’s office at this place, spent Sunday among friends at Williamsport. : landlord Wai. A. Mellon, of the Patton hotel, has hard the office of that popular hosteiry repapered. It now presenta a neat Appearance. Some of Carolitown’s citizens are agitating the uestion of sewerage. Thix ia an improvement which bo town, however so small, should be Jacking The last entertainment of the year under the direction of W. W, Stratiff and cornmitter for the Epworth League will be given on Friday evening, March 53 Cleveland, O experienced ote of te towel destructive sleet storms last week ever known in the city. Telephone and electric light companies Were Lhe heaviest sufferers, Word was nioeived tn Patton Tues day that Zella, the youngest daoghter of Mr. and Mm WW. Kessler, of Ebenshurg, had entirely recovered from the attack of scarlet fever Beojamine Beaver and family, of Barnosbore, were in Patton Saturday an roate to lrvons, Pa, where they dxpect to make their fulore bome Mr. Beaver amd family were al one time restdents of this place The large opening in Driskol Hollows for the purpose of drainiog Steriiog No. 8 mine was completed last week It was found to be very suwecessful If had been under construction eighteen months and its total ool was over $10 000 Joseph Glasser, son of John Glasser, of Carrolitown, died at the home of his parents on Wednesday of last week, aged about 20 years. His death was ‘due to the excessive use of cigareties, “and he had been dangerously ill for about eight weeks, Mr and Mra. W. C. Lingle, accom panied by their children, Misses Bowie | and Virginia and Harve, departed for Bellefonte, Pa. Monday morning where they will attend the celebration of the fifteenth aniversary of the mar riage of Mr. Lingie's sister. Supt. of Schools, T. I. Gibson, his written that he expects to attend the lecture on Friday evening of this week, Do yon not infer that it will be good and worth your while to attend. It is a public lecture and 25 centa will ad. mit yon. Procecds for the piano fund Tarleton Danbar, of Westover, made friends in Patton a short visit Mopday. Many of his old acquaintances were much surprised to see him, thinking he had been dead for a number of years He ix in bis 88th year, and is as young in Action #x many men at the age of 45 and 50. To move an immense buildiog cons taining the executive offices of the United States Government in Cleve land, O., and weighing over 80,000,000 pounds, without so much as cracking the plaster, is the gigantic task which confronts the Cleveland Government authorities The Reading railway on last Wednes day awarded a contract to the Pressed Reeel Car company for #0 additional box cars of 80,000 pounds capacity, The cars will have steel anderfranes and trocks and will be similar to the 500 ordered from the same company some time ago. A rear end collision occored on the Resch Creek railroad a short distance above Manson sfation Saturday, in which four ears and a caboose were deratied. The accident was the yesmiit train 25 All traffic was stopped for several hours, cansing the passenger trains to arrive at thelr destination inte. The crews escaped injury Jersey Shore Herald The town of Bolivar, which has been made xoch a bustling and ap-todate borough by the Reese Hammond Fire Brick Company, breaks the record for populating the earth. Within a recent period there have been three pair of twins snd one set of triplets born aa foilown: Wife of Bert Francis, boy and girl: wife of John Coulter boy and girl; wife of W. J Shafter two girls; wife of F. J MeolCay, two boys and a girl Uireensburg Press INTERESTING WESTOVER LETTER Compiled by a Wie A wale: Cowreapiandent from (he ClearBeid Count Town, James Chappman loaded on cars some of the fnest pine lumber this week that was ever shipped from this seation of the coanty. Joseph HR. MeKee has for sometime been unabis to atiend to business from & general breaking down in beaith, Mes John Shepherd at this writing i very ill. Her friends have hopes of her recovery. W. F. Shoff his located af this place and is ready to sell furnitore and per form that very unpleasant doty of burying the dead Miles Westover returned Satarday alter a week of sojourning with friends in Altoona. Dan Lallement has given ap going Wo Barnesboro and opened up x mest market in the Roland building. Senw- ble man. A. P. Fry, our bustling lomberman, took advantage of the few days snow ty banking almost 3.000 000 feet of logs and five rafts of square timber flew A. F. Berky has been on the sick list for a few dave Roy Conrath has returned to town and will resame his duties al the tan nery. ¥ WF Mosser is the possessor of pair of fine Boston terrier poppies valoed at $5 eho, It is very bard to stand wily by and see our dearones suffer while awaiting the arrival of a doctor. An Albany X dairyman called at a drug Bere for 4 shiwetar LG onthe ginid seer his phald, thelt vary sion Wilde Ores Nog Snding the dootor in, be lel) word for his to come ab ones on Rix retarn He alse boaght a bottle of Uhaniber. { latins cough remedy, which he bevpes] we winnihd ive some relief atid The doctor shoald arrive. In a few hours be ree tarot, ERY EL the des tor Dew ned come, as bis child was gues belter The druggist, Me. (Lo Bohidz, says Lhe family bas singe meommenidsd Cham beriain’s cough reinedy Lo their neagh Bors and friends anil be has a constant demand for 8 fran tha vif tha { For sale Oy maoy. CW. Hoslghins * To secur he CELE EEG witods faze salve, ask for DeWitt's witels hase salve, well Kpowh 8a ceria cilre Tor pile and skin diseases Beware of worthless counterfeits They are dangeroas. ( W. Hodgkins, Patton Signature of $45.31. M0 and the expenditures $7, REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION Primaries Will he Mel! on Sstnrdsy, Mureh i 13, 1900, The Republican voters of Cambria county are requested to meet at their astial polling places on Saturday, Murch 17. 1900, between the hoors of 4 and 7p. ni. in boroughs and in Johns | > town city and from 3 to 7 pm in townships, for the purpose of electing | delegates to the county convention to be held in Ebensburg Monday, March jath, at 1 o'clock pom. to nominate a county ticket and declare the choios of the county for Congress and State Sen. ate and to select delegates to the State and National conventions, and wansact such other business as may properly cow before the convention. Attention is enlled to the Republican county roles, especiall Rale 1, which provides that "Members of the county committee shall be selected at the reg: alar primary election and in same man- ner us delegates to the convention are elected: also Hole 7, which refers to eligible candidates, requiring that ite provisions be complied with twenty days before the time fixed for holding the primary section. Accordingly, Ratoaday, Fehroary 24th, will be the inst day for announcements Cagis B. COVER, Chairman Connty Committee. A Costly Fee Last Thursday morning Carwens ville was visited with what might have heen A serions conflagration, The Acndemy of Music was the boilding in the forts of the volunteer fire depart. ment it was confined to this ane build ing. The total loss, including tenants who had offices located there, age of train 1 colliding With the rear end of Kates something over $11.00(, fully rovered with insuranoe. Sarplan was WI R92,000 The monthly comparative statement sf the receipts and expenditares of the United States shows that the total re celpts for the month of Fobroary were TAR 472, leaving a surplos for the month of §7.R9L798 During the last eight months the total receips have exceeded | the expenditures by $37,763,000, A Rare Opportunity [will expose of my jewelry and bi cycle repairing business at a bargain, an I wish to embark in the electrical business. For particniars call on or addres, C8 Buren, tf Paton, Pa M. R Smith Butternut, Mich, says “DeWitt’s little early rises are the very best pill I ever nsed for costive- fess, Jiver and bowel troables UO Ww. Hodgkion, Patton Pharmacy Special Overcoat and Underwear The season of the year 1s here when we must dispose ot aur Overcoat and Underwear Qeack. and in order to make room for our spring goods, we wii oifer to g people some great values 1! these Ys #5 HENS. $ x Wercoats tad cw and FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING. JEWS. We have on hand a full line of Fam- 8 ® itore in all in ite branches, carpets, nou window shades and mattings We have ail the 1 a latest goods in the Millinery Line at ody store in the Solomon Yori inn EY, | ak ouiaing, Fifth ANE une, and extend a special invitation to all the ladies of Pat: ton and vicinity to call and examine same. Hats mmmpied in all the latest styles, Satfistaction guar anteed. Fils SUIT FOR GIS. 8 PIECES, Oak extension tables § feet jong, $4.25; iron beds, $4 and up; kitchen chairs. 50¢ each and all other furniture i in proportion. Evans Sisters, Undertaking and embaim- Patton. Pa. ing, White or Black hearse. H. S. BUCK. The New Store. which the fire did its work, but through | HIGH GRADE, MEDIUM PRICE 28g. LB. Donated for Church Suppers. Dold’s smoked meats are sure 16 bring you back for more. Imported and domestic Holland Herring, Russian Nar- dines. Mackeral, Boaters, Codfish and all kinds canned fish, epos and butter irom Bradford county a Aw Ne spectaity gn Pn ¥ q ry our Peni I oasted 15¢, and 200 Notice our Floor Ings Shoes. Rubbers, Dry Goods, Ete : Zhai RAY STATE § BREAD. BENE yes } An Importan} Step To everyone the buymg sf Shoes 18 an ymportant step. The economical buyer espec- ially wants something that does not cost too much, will wear and be comfortable. If vou buy Shoes here you will not be compelled to spend mote than you ought in order to obtain the Shoe vou ought to wear. We can show vou [ adies’ Shoes that for little money meet all the requisities of rood taste. an * " % > . yr he our new Spring Styies {or descrip 5. pn is x a and before Laster we * y lish Shoes un Patton. hest ot toot. £ har ues : 3 1) 4 ¥ e $4 4 4 hy 1% Fon RIE BAM T Lik Shoes von re] ESN beyornpar the EAnd Noa By RA