The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 08, 1900, Image 2
atton PATTON PUBLISHING (CO, Proprietors. BE Wires Gegeng, Editor mp | 3 3 ] } 3 cine made’ lung diseases. ; 5 Courier. me from the start. Sie SS A 4 writes, “1 had dyspepsia over twenty Rev. WE Sitzer, W. Caton, N.Y, | | ahows at Rhody’s shoe stare, § § ears, and tried doctors and medicines yp withent benefit. use Kodal Dyspepsin cure and it helped It digests what you eat CW. Hodge Kins, Patton Pharmacy. Wher: Lafayette iv Hood “We visited the Convent du Sacre Coeur, in the Roe de Picus where Laf Paris to the Journal. ‘Here birds of passage, like Lonrselves, seldom come. At the end of 8 pose-grown garden is a little come. tery where bearers of some of the old- | put names in Prange le buried. Now only dercendants of those who died om the guillotine are eligible to a grave there, and in one earner, in the shadow of the great wall, are the graves of Lafayette and his wife. Beyond the first cemetery is a second where the bodies of thirteen handred aristocratic ' victims of the Revolation were baried sayw, We Minute Wm Orr, Newark, 0, never feel safe withoot cough cure in the Rouse. It saved my littie boy's life when he had pnes “monia. We think it in the best medi It ctires coughs and all Pleasant to take, harm- One lows and gives immediate resulta | W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. i : Tuncalamity men wid the I- woldyon. son are considerably disappointed at the record in Coba during the past your, under Americar administration. The island has to her credit for the year 1999 a surplus of $2,980,000 Pye official announcement that the British losses in South Africa in the y mouths since the war began have smounted to 11,000 men shows how absord were the complaints and attacks upon the administration with reference to the Joss of life In our recent war. The spectacle of men seeking to em- barrass those who have the administra- ton of thelr government in a time of onal war and thos national peril, the purpose of making political I out of such unjust charges,ought capita to render their expressions an dadvice of little consequence ip the future. NOEK = Mx. Honteniant Raphael, who fell at | Spionkop, wis the int Hebrew officer | in the British army to fall during the present war, The Second Battalion of the British Lancashire Fusiliers has sustained the heaviest loss in South Afriea--380 men out of 1,000. A Kaffir captured by the Boers while taking » quill dispatch from Mafeking to Karman was searched from head to foot and then to'd to go. The wily native this escaped, with the dispatch safely concealed up his nose, and reached bis destination without further mishap. The Datel are a thrifty people. Many of their leaders are niillionaires. Pres. jdent Kruger's wealth is estimated at $25,000,000. Consequently, in the market of Eurupe the word of the Afr jean Boer bis as good as his bond. Any thing that he bays he can pay for and pay for in mopey Boer burghers are’ teaching Europe some new lessons of warfare, as our Sorefathers did in their struggle for in: dependence a century and a quarter ago. Rifle clubs are reported to be forming all over France to train the ‘male population after the Boer model, and leading generals in the Russian ‘army are urging the importanse of ‘developing a system of mountain in- Agents on salary of $15.00 por week immediate relief, ; have saved many doctor bills ‘sinoe we began using Chamberlain's | cough remedy. all the time and whenever any of my family or myself begin to cateh cold wo begin to ase the congh remedy, and as ‘8 result we never have to send away for un doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's cough remedy pever fails to cure It is certainly s medivin of great merit and worth. - DD. R. Mearkle, General Merchant and Parmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa For sale by Patton Pharmacy, © WW. Hodgkins. “1 peed Kodol dyspepsia core in my family with wonderful rescita. Tt gives in pleasant to take the dyspeptic’'s friend,” says BE. Hartgerink, Overisie, Mich. Digests what yoo eat. Cannot fail to cure you OC W. Hodgkins, ‘Patton Pharmacy. Caged tos truly A Panxsutawney clergyman has re quested the Indien of the congregation to remove their hats during the serv. joes. This would be a good thing ae it is often that was worn in the congregation. Announcements. FOR CONGRESS. | hereby announce myself as a candidate for a represent at ve in the Congress of the United Rtates for the Twentieth District of Petinsyivania, subject to the rules and osages of the bepapiien: rey ALVIN EVANS Ebensbarg, Pa, Feb 18, 1900 POR STATE SENATOR 1 hereby an- nounce myself ss a candidate for the nomination for Btate Senator for the Thirty fifth District, composed of Hialr and Cambria counties, and Pledge myself Us abide by the wishes of the majority of the Hepublican voters. South Fork, Feb. 10, 1800 JACOB C. STINEMAN. FOR SHERIFFY-1 hereby myself ax a candidate nomination for for the oct to the rules of the party. TM. RICHARDS FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce myeeil as a candidate for the nomi. nition for Sheriff at the coming He- publican Convention, subject to the rules of the party, EE DAVIS Ebensburg, Pa, Jan 11, 1900, FOR ASSEMBLY I hereby an tiounes myself 8 a candidate for the nomination for Assembiy, subject to the rules of the Repablican party of Cambria county 8. D. PATTERSON. Barr Township, Jan. 3 10 FOR ASSEMBLY hereby announces carinii date for nomination Assembly ut the coming Republican convent Hon, stibject to the niles of the party JOS. 0 THOMAS himself A Four FOR ASSEMBLY 1 hereby ANBOUNCy myself as a candidate for the non nation for Assembly, subject to the roles of the Republican party of Cambria county F. ~ HI BK Gallitzin, Pa FOR ASSEMBLY MAN | here ¥ ponnee myself 8 candidate for As sembiv at the next nly Teoh convention subject to the rides of Uw Rufubil an party of Cambria county, and if elected pledpe myself to vote and work for the best interests of the wople, and nol be governed by the interest of any factions THOS. DAMN Mh, "wg Ei Ebensburg, Pa, ec and expenses; the greatest agent seller ever produced; every stock and poultry raiser buys it on sight wanted. Reference. stamp, American Mfg Haate, lod, Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 11, writes, “IT never fuil to relieve my _ shildren from croup at once by using One Minute cough cure, | would not feel safe without it.” Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. (1 W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Ca, Terre Hnstlers Address with / Barre 1 vores Eaten by 18 edit ey than al otley Aisensis pal aad nti the Taal ar Visas Was Ripe Incr lde For 8 era LAY spoon ed Hoa been issase ws Beoat reread bon, Sed by genstandly fa eure with esl trealanesat, Psasony thciad i enrrihile. | Sebeoe bas pros en entarrh to consiitutions! diss vonstiiationa! treats : po fe ta rest by Foi Hh Te dhe omndy eelist iin pan rlot. IU ie taken iternaily 10 drops tan teaspoonful, 1 a ts dioewtiv on the blood and noi Bi fai wk of Tae synian This offer one hand ped dollaes for any case i fatls to care, Bed jor chroakars and testa fads, Adilress, KF. Jl CBEXEY ag hy Draguists, Th Tits Faoanily Mike are the best, fosdn lives, & yay 1 was persuaded to candy and nots goto the 1 believe it to bea panacea for all forms of indigestion.” We keep a hottle open Pod noticed that when a woman er | ’ : * Ah rd : comes home from church sbe has gen. 2% 0 this paper and ernlly forgotten the text but aan give a complete description of every hat RONDO KE Sheriff at the coming Republican Convention, sah The undersigned) Foes (1 It im pleasant ia the only harmiess retoedy ‘ ayette is buried,” writes SRAith" from duces Murch Ladies’ Home telling mors about Diewamp Boot and THE PATTON You can save money hy buving your Fad For apples, onions, orsnges, Dilnanss, { gab Grocery. Milesburg, enre for thoroint in Zominer man, Pa. says, “As a speedy Corgis, colds, crop One Minute congh core is unequalied. TAKE Mex Cals and sore i heartily recommend it to mothers.’ it . pro Cres gripe and It wil pre. Hodgkins, for chairs: 10 tht immediate resgils it bronchitis, pheantotns, throat and lang diseases, vent consti plion, £ Patton Pharmacy. Ww. Wall Street Forecast Presents the latest financial news, A NEWSPAPER FOR SPROULA Special Magazine Chart Figures TORR ITIL STRATED CHARTS AND CHART ARTICLES financial formation thay any Wail Rend for Pres STREET FORE New York, = $1 a year Contains mare general ie ri her wt yowrt sanpie VAST, & py publication copy. WALL 28 Broadway, She threes months DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Troudic Makes You Miscrabdle. Almost everybody who rands he news papers is sure to know of the wonderfyl cures made by Hiner zs Swamp H thm [reat ¥ Shey, and t badder rerrimdy cal tr 1emnth ; Li coverad alter years of © geimntifie Fagmgech bay ney. hi tadder bins and Br “igh t's Lineage, wii form ot kidney troubie Cir. Kilmer Swamp-Root Dr or everything b bat ify fey, liver or bladder trols fst the racnedy you tend fn so many ways in hos mite! ow { practice, among the hel teste ga 1 Loe phat chige relief and kas proved so suconsfy in fal IRD. FAG BATE RG to pur (every tase (hat A special Wrrad RgmaR) has bean mude by which al Teaders C of rg ples who have net already tried ©. may have sample bottle sent free by mall also x bock Now 13 find out if you have kidney or bisdder trond When writing mention road Jus gusieous send your address 5 4 Dr Ki mer& Co. Binge harrion, MY. The ar fifry cent and dociar sizes are sid by ail gs COURIER, MARCH 8. 1900. (ORRECT DRESS FOR We make a study and Styles. We ft nals with Clothes them the best appearance. Our garments are noted for charaéter and quality, and are popular because we make 4 & Til of Men individ- right ZH SUITS will Our corre ease you. rs The Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA Cheap John GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Ete. r= $11 Lowest Prices Flour and Feed A SPECIALTY. A jan fend Lf ¥ % WV eth ny done Correct- : ie! te et located directly in front of store JOHN GANTZ, Proprietor air SCRIES, OF GEO. LANGBEIN. harness from $10 £ Single 220 and up; Collars from at cost All work gnarantee REPAIR WORK ~Repatr promptly done. Give me a tn: Sd 34 Deubje dri ng [30 ai. GEORGE LANGBEIN, Patton, Pa. BPs 5 Beans RA mber Ihe Oud proce 2% us '% - | # ¥ g nA ott them wan ald yo igs ting a pair at those | THE KEYSTONE CLOTHING & SHOE. (OMPRNY, Directly Opposite the Bank. and give patronage work guar Altoona, Penna. a | YW hen in need of Below Central Rotel When you want a close shave or frstclass hair cat visit- my shops Fverything clean and np-to-date, A clean towel customer, cach for Laundry Work. [ have secured the agency PURE DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, Call at Se r—— ‘Huber’s Drug Store, PATTON, PA. Prescriptions properly compounded. for the Clearfield Steam Laun- dry and solicit a share of your in All antec it tre Moin crue Wea oll Please give me a call. Garfield Wilkins. Having opened a Plumbing, Tinniug and : Hardware # be LER Establishment & RStorerioni Avenue, med © 4% : Lo. Seis na door National Bank, tie ocen irk Hdw i a we af pre. OW re oa he 311 ¢ g int anne ible as yE Fp IT %L0 fr - Ww rl -1 any | Hie in town or Nature in stren og and recone strict) ng the hos, ik ee or gana. [tis the latest discovered diguste ant and tonic. No other ajproach it in efficiency. i in tant f reiieves aml permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburs, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, N : Bick Headache Gast rigs Cramp. snd » all other resulta of imperfect Prepcired by £C Dewitr aco. Aigiation. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. 01) A {a Fee frst | Your patronige is and we promise to give perfect sal TL every detail Thed.C. Harper Co. Patton, Pa. niact TATNERS Ho" oh HE I Ane We test vour eves Spectacies as [.enses ca within 3 vear. Satisfact 00 ¢ 3 ret sded The Patton Jeweler. L. W. Cook. IT IS EN- TIRELY vias t TiN 3 that makes triehiog periit sar hu It Buery« ¥ Easily ii 3 RET : and in ss fives ave a A ew MEPYE Aso Bi ves may we fo oh RR tigre lines of i By gw bog Wii Dt & Tc lasp shades of rod, i i per pair clasp Mochas in browns amd blacks #1 $1.25 per pair Folasp Magmioni, the choloest the prarket, nn begutafal browns recls, greens, grey and black, al $1.50 per paar. WSL AE we brie EEE Bx ® and in gras Yi puedo aaa xvid black Rmnnt Brees, glove § oy in GG. O00 Brady, Prop'r, in Patton. Pharmacy. ‘Wall Paper. Wall Paper. We have the most complete stock of Will Paper in Northern Cambria Over a handred patterns to select from, Room, Parlor, Hall and Office papers, al the lowest possible prices. Picture Department. full line of pic= frames, madal- glasses, minea- watches, We have a nnd pa IRIE tr : je CIO KS, tr fewer ¥ ¥ ow call and save from every ” Give i fo 3 LIANE, g 33 an ya Sup -N LL Ei. a Ak & The Patton Art and Wall Paper Store. Mages FIS Aves, Prop. Good Offerings. Totlat soap 3 wrapped cakes for Ciood lanadery soap 14 Pieten for Liartn clocks at . - “9 Large S-day clock for : $1 56 pov Ports To tlose at ~ ped pair iH LaErin wy 273 Fes AU owionst Blangels, Lasdiom’ dress shoes =u a ine es and ap. se drawers Childanen’ Monts anders ig rains for Boys’ Coats and teramitewnre a Call and LLearm Our Prices. THE BAZAAR, Patton, Pa consisting of Kitchen, Dining £._ ° oo. i y am Sept: ¥ 3B -~ w Br - & a” »