The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 08, 1900, Image 1

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    RT ————y
H1L—NO. 15.
$:.00 PER YEAR.
Ve carry the largest
sortment of
See then cook stoves,
Fur't Co.,
ER, Mgr
Ebensburgy, West Ward.
Gleaned Here and There
the “Conrier’’ Reporter.
The “Courier” Publishes Those from North
Lambria Connie.
A little surprise was created at Eb.
ensburg Monday morning by the filing
of the loense decisions by Judge
Rarker. it having been the custom for
the past two years not to hand down
the list for some little time later than
this—last year on the 17th of the
One notiesable fact about the list
filed Monday is that not a single appli-
cation for a new house in the whale
county is granted.
‘the refosals number more than they
have since 1398. The applications num-
bered 229 this vear, of which 187 were
granted, BW refused, and 3 held over
for futore action. A comparison may
be made of these figures with those
wines and incinding 1080
eR fe
Apphed Fo J
Ashville James Hania, retail
D. (3 Myers, Ashville house, retail
Charles H. MeCoy, Fountain hots,
retail :
13. J. Bonigher, retail
Thomas Brown, City Hall, retail.
Milton Hallman, Hotel Ritter, resi
dence, Sosquehannp township; re
John Hindle, Barnestioro inn, retail’
8. B. King, Commerial hotel, retail.
‘Barr Township. -H. A. Lather, St
Nicholas, retail.
Sarrolitown. - John fHasser, Star
hotel, retail
Julians Roger, American hotel, retail
Vincent Reig and John WW. Dumm,
M. CO. Behroth, 8t Lawrence hotel
retail :
V. J. Stolz, Central hotel, retail
Henry Swope, residence (Chest town:
ship; brewery.
‘Carroll Township Pat Harrigan, Fair
View hotel retail
Chest Springs. Kamnanl Kelly, Porto
Rico hotel, retail
Chest Township H.B. Allison, Rhody
hotel, St. Lawrence, retail
(learfield Township. George Harber,
Arlington hotel, retail 2
Kimon P. Nagle, St. Augustine hotel,
‘resson Township Matthew Adels
burg, Summit, retail,
John Brown, Commercial hotel, re.
Thomas FF. Cgilan, bottler,
KJ. McNally, Cresson Brewery,
WJ. Smith, Janction house, retail
Conrad Wenderoth, Anderson house,
| Ebensburz,SEast Ward. -M. J. Stolz,
Mouitain house, retail
A. E. Bender,
Hotel Bender, retail.
Thomas V. Hott, Blair boose, resi
wha Altoona; retail
.M. Kimball, Central hotel, retail,
y RK. Shook, Metropolitan hotel,
Elder Township, J. W. Anna,
Boniface, retail
F. X. Out, Union hotel, rwiail
Gallitzin ~~ Boroagh.' John
Wholesale bouwe, wholesale,
F. N. Bark. National hotel, retall
Deemer & Uo, wholesale,
F. E Dignan, West End botel, retad
BC Edelblute, whiviesale.
Michael Fitzharric, Gallitein boleh
Frank P. Gillen, retail
A.J Gatwald retail
Joseph B. Gutwald, wholesaie
Thomas W. Hapgun, Maveville be
Arnold Lente, Portage hotel,
Fler Nelson, retail
A. Padola, wholesale
Henry Bevmaore, Boy more
Gallitzin Township. Joseph eben:
laub, Elstie, retail :
Thomas Moore, Delaney bone, reall.
| Hastings, E 1. Beckwith Hastings
hotel, retail.
P. M Kinny, Susquehanna hotel,
Anton Riein, Crrove: hotel, retail
Robert Fo Natiey, wholesale,
“John A Parks, Parks hotel, retail
H. Prutzman, Lafayette hotel re
. tail
Frank Warga, American hotel, retail.
John Westover, retail
' Patton. S. 0. Daggett, Palmer house,
A. R. Fryekiand, retail.
Another is that
William A. Melos, Patton hotel, ro
W. I. Nicholson, Commercial hotel,
William Yeckiey, Central hotel rv
Portage Boroogh. Jacob Biekieman,
A. Broening, Fxohange hotel, re
Mot inllan Short, Died botel. retain
Adam Smith, retail
Reade Township AO Brown, Arling-
ton hotel, retail :
W, A. Chaplin, Alpine hotel, retail
Ktephen A Cooper, fLapere hotel,
Valentine I. Monalun, Blandbuarg,
John A. Noel, Liovdville, retail
Jonaph Wilt, Blandburg, retail
Spangler Richard Bowen, retail
Joseph A. Gray, The Brandon, retail
1. N. Rodkey, Central hotel, retail.
M OC Westover, wholesale
John J Westover, Rullivan boted,
Susquehanna Township Frank Baker,
Travelers’ house, retail
Hw based,
Gialittzin GW. RhifMer, St. Charles
hotel, retail
Lewis Spiegelbaiter, rotail
Crallitein Township - John Hysong,
Baker's Mines, retuil
toons, wholesale
A. Laugbein and Albert Thomas,
Edward (ils, retail
Edwanl A. Mellon, wholesaie.
Busquehaona Township FJ Byrne,
Byrnesviiie, retail
Henry Sanson, Byrneavilie, retail
Heid Over.
Hastings. <M. H. Nagle, Nagle hotel,
First Trip to Patten,
day for his first visit to our progressive
town. Mr Bailey made the ('OURIER
office a pleasant call while hore and the
representative of this paper approached
him on the sublect of the Improve.
ments to be made on the Cambria steel
plant, and he anid that it was an as
sured thing and that when completed
wonid add a Inrge nomber to the Flood
City's population. He also commented
on the citified appesrance of Patton
The only fait to be found with Mr,
‘Bailey's visit was that he had consider.
able business to look after and only
bad a few minutes to stop in the Cov.
RiER office. Call again Bro. Balley
New Com Uwmapeiy.
The Coaldale Coal company is the
name of a corporation that has grow
number of mines at that place. Friday
the company shipped ita first coal over
the branch road, the prodoet being
designated for seaboard shipping
points, where 75 per cent. of Cambria
comnty coal goes. [tis announced
that four or Sve shafts will be operated
by the new company at Loydeil as
soon ax prssible, and that the mines
will have a capacity of several handeed
tana daily in the near future
Might Have Bein Sebi
Misses Bose Langhbein and Mary
Thomas, of Carrolitown, drove to Fat:
tan op Saturday for a sleigh ride
They went out Beech avente and
turned all right, bat coming oul to
Fifth avenue the sleigh struck the carb
ing, casing i Wo ran mgmanst the
horse, which took fright asd man oft
The frst few jumps of the animal
broke the shafts from (he sleigh, leay
ing it stand near the Cily restaurant
The horse was torned in2e Weakianit's
Hvery stable without
pat aRrit
Patian's ¢ ;
¥ Rg J PR
sans Beh
The monthly statement of th
del suo Thursday of
shows that at lbs close ¥
Feb. 28, 1900, the debt, bess cash i
treasury, agiounta to one 000,
decrease sinew Feb 1 of 88. 700.168
This decrease is largely soconnted for
by the increase in the amount of cash
‘on hand
Lorelto Wi Have Dae of the Filaest Fadi |
fen in Unsihisin Cointy,
. Charles M. Schwab, the Cambria
county boy whi i very mach in the
pabiic eye inst pow on scoonnt of the
contention between HC. Frick and the
Carnegie Steel company, of which he
sign for the new chirch he will bold
for St. Michael's congregation at Lo
. retta,. It is the donor's
fworge Yockley, Portage house, re
iw the prasident. bax arvepted the de-
intention to
have all the msterinl ased in the od
facw taken from the vicinity of Lorello
ar made thers Thome living in the
neighborhood will be given the prefer
ance in the employment. and John :
Sctiwab. the doors father, will Lave
charge of the work, in cotnpection ath
the architect. The building will cost
$60. 000, and the remins of Prioce
Galtirzin will be taken frooy the base of
the monument wlhiere they BOR repose
and be pointers under the alter of
the pew church.
The chorsh, which will he Bnisbed
this summers 1 in what the armbitent
calle “roanid arched Gothic style.” and
will be 90 By 173 fet in sien, connected
by a eolotiade with the pastoral resi
Cderee. The chaseh will be badlt in the
shape af a Latin ores, in the centre of
which will stand a mxssive lower,
Yhrough which will be the main en
The aaditoriam will have a
seating capacity of one thoosand, with
vanited ceilings and groined arches.
Patton Fliok & Nagle, residence Al
The asoditoriom will be furtished
with three altars, a magnificent high
strocture in the contee and smaller ones
on either wide
A spacious vaait for
Princes Gadlizin's remains will be
ander Lhe minin sitar. These sacristion
will be Atted up to the side of the san.
ctuary. Above the main enirance will
[be an organ oft and gallery that will
be capable of seating two hundred
people in addition to the choir. The
organ will be ane of the finest ever in.
[stalled in Central Pepnsyivsom In
oonneclion with the main suditoriom
Homer Bailey, editor of the Johns
‘town Democrat, was in Patton Satar-
there will be a chapel for winter sery-
joes that will be capaldse of seating 0
worshipers. This will probably be ased
daring the winter months. when few
people visit the beautiful little moun.
tain town, bat the larger room will be
necessary during the hot summer
monthe, when hundreds seek moun.
tain recreation al Loretto
In the Basement, beneath ithe main
auditorinm, provisions will be made
for a Samiay school that will seal 300
pupils. The church will be heated
with steam. and will be ane of the
most modern, archilectorslly, ever
Aawwrbons Har Aseceintion Making Me
rusageipsota ter Celabrs tng.
& subonmmittes of the American
Bar sssociation called on President
into bosinesa at lLoydell, on the South :
Fork branch of the Pennsylvania, and
doring the last few wenks has opened a
MeKinley last Thursday and informed
him of the celebration which has been
arranged in honor of the centennial of
the instaliarion of Joho Marshal: us
chile! justices of the supreme court of
the United States. The president ex
pressed great interest in the proposed
centennial sxereawen, and accepted an
invitation to be present.
Al ita Last anual swelling Lhe Amer
jean Bar association appointed a coen-
mittee of one from each stale fo
arrange fur stich a celebration Feb 4
1931, 16 years from the date of he
inelai ln thoe
The oelebration will comprise a pubs
he meeting in Washdogion, D.C next
Feb, 4 80 which approjriale exertows
will be bld hilowed by a banguet at
night. Sumuitapesusly with the cele
hration here, the bar association of
every stale aml territory, as well as
the law soboals and ealiogs, will onle.
berate the day in proper manner
A subcommitiee will tre lo arrange
for 8 cebebration by the publi schools
be Hn piry
Feady Nat Fained Yel
Possteor the Tlovaagand sen
asi Mes Jd 34 Huwslor, £98
ve Ew
Tem iaey ered
¥ iia Private 2 in
Lies Umaly Yu Fey
after the eodl seatbe cases the
the praEnoten i Prose to pay the bal:
save. The plant will employ not loss
than 78 Saisda, with 4 monthly pay
roll of from $3,600 to $4,000
one of WW,
Burgess Monteith Takes Oath
of Office.
Hold Over ant Next Meeting O00 Cripel)
Pays Bilis
Patton Boroagh Connell nat in rego
nr sasion Monday evening with the
Hubbard, Blair, Anderson, Mid armick,
Winsiow, Campbell and Cordell. Tie
minates of meeting held Monday even.
ing, Febroary #8 wera
. H. Sandford, treasurer, mmbmitted
. Sh for the year, and on motion
of Campbell, seconded by forded],
read] and ap
wan ocxrriesd that same be pofervesd to
Auditing committies
Tax Colisetor Mellon sohmmities] a
Hat for exoperstions of taxes fo thes
amount of $857.70 for 18999, and 79
for 888. On motion of Cordell,
seconded by Campbell, it wis carried
that said exoneration be granted,
The llowing bills were mad. W,
J. Gill, $40 fir polios services for one
month: FX. Lehman, $1.80 for street
work: W. H. Sandford. $1.71 for ex-
pressage on bonds: W. H Randford,
$6 20 for amount pald WW. T. Robinsn
on contract aceonnt; Gear XR Gaowald
Eievtrie Light company, $71.15; James
Gillin, £5.18 for clerkship and post
age: Mrs. James Barnwell, 81 for clean.
ing eoanwil room: J. C. Harper Co, $1
Blair, it wos carried that bHilis be ae.
sped] and paid, with the sapeption of
H Sandford for 828
amoant paid W. T. Robinson.
Fd. A. Mellon was present and
stated that he did not see how the bills
for street paving coud be entersad on
the docket at Kbensburg aginst prop
erties adjacent to Magee avenoe befure
the owners were ever sen) a bill of,
saree. On motion of Blair, ssconded |
by MeCormick, it was carried 1hat
property owners be exoneraled of pay.
ing for cost of entering judgment, in-
ferent and satisfietion of same lo the
property owners on Magee avenus,
providing they pay the face of hill for
paving within two weeks from date of
March 5 19006
(Hd council then adjourned sine die
New Coane,
The first to be dove was installing |
Burgess Elect Monteith to office. Ex.
‘Burgess Prindible admin interecd she
oath of offios.
Councilmen Sam’l Cornelius and EF.
3. Hartshorn were then sworn into
offi in doe forms to fill vacancies
canwed by terms of Habbard snd Blair
On motion of Campbell, sroonded by
Cordell, it was carried that H. UO
Winslow act as temporary chairman.
The following applications were read
for the offi of clerk of Coupeil. Unn
from ©. A itepsher, Frank MoUlups
apd James Gillleoe, tm motion of
Cornelios, seconded by MelUormick, it
was carried that council go nla exedu-
tive mesmo.
Fight unsuccessful ballots were taken
for the slection of clerk. Cio the ninth
James Gilileon reveiyed four and Frank
MeChare three voles, Gillies therefore
being elected for (be ensuing year.
The pext in order was bo eleel a
president of council. HH. (L Winslow
wis pominated by Corded and Camp
bed! was nominated by Hagtshors, and
an Badlott Campliedl was erected by a
vides of Toar = Iwas,
WJ Gil amd Howard W soe r wen
amy sessed blot Git] was elected iy 4
the offfie uf pote al
vote of fonr Wo fare
filtowing applications wars Nigh
= the sffoe osnpininsl ania!
Viki and ¥,
Lebmai, 1. Whikins, # WiKins there,
fore being the sacossstal capdidate.
£3y olden of Winado
orcieadl. 1 was carried AE 8 sabes of Biv
a Horoagh
bi eT mpl
Eo one THED the plain
Treasurer be nnd oy
tog naught,
Om mation stloarped
Cartan y Pays fa Nd¥ini
ation. Pa, Mapph Des
Ea Nmeo-You
diy wlverbeement
Pent in G1 RINR. ¢ Bum hewn the
Hiemn of renting my topes alll rendy.
Filease send my Bil and 1 will resi
Thanking som - the same, 1 am,
Yones traiy,
JX Bupwus.
A Ga of Indies’ felt line shoes at cost
at Rhody’s shoe store. 141
Notice of Appeals.
Thit Coomissioners of Cambria
eounly will pe at their offied in the
| Court; hous st Ebensbarg, Pa, on the
following days, for the purpoe of
hearing appeals from persons assessed
with Real Estate soqnired by them, or
whens changes in valuations have been
ade on aessant of improvements,
se, wince ast Triennial Assessment.
Nimo from persons aesesssed with Mort.
gage, Judgments, «lo, for State pur-
poses, and also for the purpose of
making corrections on the Military
| Rolla fur 1900
fillowing members present. President
Mionauy, SMareh, Seth.
For the Townships of Carroll, Chest,
Cleaa field, Dean, Eider, Reade, Sosque-
Channg and White, and the Boroughs of
Ashyille, Barnesboro, Carrolltown,
Chew. Springs. Hastings, Patten and
FToewdny., Marvel 23th.
For the Townships of Allegheny,
Barr Blacklick, Cambria, Cresson,
fallin, Munster and Washington,
and tie Boroughs of Ebensburg, Gallit-
zn, Lilly, Loretto, and Tunnelibill
Waodnesiay, Maren $m
For the Townships of Adams, Conse
maigth, Lower Yoder, Richland, Stony
creed and Upper Yoder, and the Hore
vughs of Daisyviown,
Consmangli, Ferndale, Frankiin, Rox-
bury, Sealy Level and Westmont,
Thiwrsday. Mareh Mb.
Fur the City of Johusiown {wenty-
oe Sra
Hebday, Mark 3046.
For the Townships of Croyle, East
Tayler, Jackson, Portage, Summerhill
Fi and West Taylor, and the Boroughs of
for repairing stove in lotkup On
motion of Anderson, secunded hy
Portige, Rosedale, Soath Fork, Sum
merdiill andl Wilmore
BEX. Joses
Annan HosreTLER,
T. M Raritan,
Atlas County Commissioners
JOR OU Gare, Clerk
Commissioners Office, Ebensburg, Fa,
Fab. 27. 1906, 15-43
A Wenk of Pawling seal Prayer
For the test time in the history of the
Methodist Episcopal church, a call has
been issued by the Board of Bishops
for & week of Fasting and prayer
fron Marah 25 to April I. Methodists
throughout the workd mee asked to as
Lwemliie in thelr booses of worship one
a day for prayer and supplication, and
ahs to make special prayers in their
es, particulariy to the end “that in
oo lime off our thank offering we may
bring to His altar at least 2,000,000 pen-
itent; seekers who shall find peace and
security in His charch.” © During the
lant vear the membership of the church
declined almost 22.000 and the Bishops
belive it by the proper thing for those
ha desire to see a better state of af
fairy nex? year to get on their knees.
To Make Birsele Sidepathe
The qumtion of bicycle sidepathes
will be well stirred up the coming ses
son. The sidepath commissioners ap-
pointed for this county are the Messrs.
George Wild, of Johnsiowa, Fletcher
C. George, of Lilly and H. H. Myers,
of libenstorg. The League of Ameri.
san Whesjmen is backing the sidepath
proposition and in a sumber of counties
pata were constructed last year, while
many are proposed for the coming sea-
wits, The matter is at present in the
hands of Will E. Johnson, of Johns
tows, 4 well knows LL. A.W. man, and
he in worling guietdy in the hope of
sewing palbs built in this county during
Lae 3 ming SEINE.
Engiwer Rujured
Last week one dav while a freight
engine wu charge of Esgineer Benjamin
Hinkead wax making a rma over the
susequeliapna brapch, uear Spangler, #
endoniteisd a broken ruil, which threw
the nwsapotive over the radroad ome
hatiknent about wen fet below. Ene
gineer Kinkend suffered painful injan
tiv aw bank, whitch are nit exbected (©
po ET SOUS A wrwhing Tew
aweesded in bringing the engine hack
hho track after 19 bones hard $Ora
Hopsitposs Change
chy Monday rng the Hem asme
af Cordis & Young, conducting a
mdal market in ra was changed.
Jolin BB Corded] selling bis interest
{300 Yeager Mr. tordell does nol
hrs whist business ie will embark in
vol, but lis many friends hope he will
still remain iz Patton,
Ar One MLE. Chareds,
in Frulay evening, March 23, al the
Belarc Bor the benefit of the
Epworth League will Board the de
hate. “War va Arbitration. Feuel
Somerville for war, and Prof. B 1}
Mites fr arbitration,
Soar Navan is Mousey Based
Amid that's what youcan ‘do Dy buy-
img ever uhiog you want in the grocery
Hoe ai 2 Ue Cash Grocery.