1 i i 1 Mm W. C Lingle, of Patton, who | accompanied her danghter Mrs. Harry {Todd home to Fhilipsburg after a | visit of several weeks at Patton, was sammoned home yesterday by the ill. ness of her son, Harvey, who bas had | | the grip, and who is not recovering an | kis friends wonld like bim to. — Philips ‘burg Ledger. Lou " or. seentn Patton Monday. ie PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. POWs GREXXE, Editor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Ome copy, ona year, in advance ¥ | Primaries Will be Bert oe Amtnrdny, Murch 17, 1900, The Republican voters of Cambria | county are requested to mest at their usual polling places on Saturday, March 17, 1900, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. in borooghs(and in Johns in townships, for the purpose of electing towneity and from 3 to 7 pm delegates [0 the county convention to be held in Ebensborg Monday, March Geo. E Parker, of Philipsburg, was You can bay a pair of Old Honesty mining shoes at Rhody's for $1.25 140 Fresh oysters evory Toesday, Thurs , day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery. & 33 Adverming rates rane KADWD pon ap- | il .r —te papers Aiwsoniingod well Alt arrear sunlight, washing and rubbing. Sold : | Min are Jed, ania at the option of the Entered al the PostoMice af Pation as soeond- | clase rast] mutter, —— IW here Rupx the New York Central Where thee 1nild Moba wk meander, Where the iakos and pleasant streams, A srorng the vides snd mou ntados Lie stil] ins ail ver dremme; Where Live toneh of Natare's kindness Comes down apon Phe surth, Tor parnit the smiting Iaadsenipe In scenes of radiant mire ¥ nating brooks, and meadows W here da inion comme bal wets The sunshine and the shadow, That glorify the green; Where the vonntalss ir the Aistanne Bleep stbent ail the day, In parple rides of morning, Tn teeiiiphs pds of Rea: Where Hated, town arid Pity Theive me the grovn bas (rs Heuenth the fom’ ning Mire of Theonly N.Y. Ou There every men is hago. There aiid wortran, BEAK. They simply press the Patton, The soply Lows The Fast, Wirtiaw J. Lamprox, (Go to City Restaurant if you Aunstin MoCulley Westover Friday. # | weak, . | over Banday v 8 J. Luther, of White township, . 1.0 made the Courter office a pleasant call Monduy. Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fast to by OH. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa Mrs. O. A. Repsher, accompanied by her two children, Warner and Leah are {yisiting relatives in Carrolitown this Bost. Burkey, who has been em- | ployed at Gallitzin for the past month, has again taken ip his resideece in this place. H. 8 Cooney, formerly of Patton but ‘now located at Glen Campbell, spent the first of the week with his mother in this place. "Wm. Mellon, Bd Hunter, Walter Little and Charles Holos attended the Heptasoph's ball at Carsolitown Mon- day evening. Dar Rice, the veteran clown known all over the Upited States, died at long Branch, N. J, last Thursday ‘night, aged 77 years G. H. Curfman was at Martinsbarg siting his wife and son, ‘who are stopping with Mrs. Carfman’s came up from! mother for a few weeks. Messrs. Charles Anna and Thomas Jos. M. Hubber came down from Ou two of Eider township's best citi- Carrolitown Monday. Deputy Sheriff E. E. Davis bad busi- ' morning. --Cambrix Tribune. news in Patton Toesday'. ‘Mrs. A. H. Burkey visited relatives at Gallitzin over Sundsy. Dr. J. B. Noonan made a professional | oall to Hastings Taesdity. ‘but who is now conducting a botcher ‘zene, were in town on Wednenday Don't fail to lok up the new ad of Dinsmore Bros, Heystone Clothing & Bhoe company, Patton Pharmacy, I. -W. Cook and Paticm Bapply company. Victor Gill, formerly of St. Lawrence A lot of ladies’ felt line shoes at cOSt shop at Latrobe spent Sunday with his at Rhody’s shoe store. 14tf prices to omh buyers all policeman. month at the Cash Grocery. Dan’'l Campbell, of Belasona, was visitor to our town Saturday. brother, Wm. Gill, Patton's populas J. M. Notley has bought the Central a hotel property at Barnesboro, and will take charge of same some time daring this month. Mr. Notley contemplates Jos. H. Weakiand, of Ebensburg, p.ying many needed improvements roade Patton a visit Saturday. You save money by buying your groceries at the Cuah Grocery. on the balding. Zelia, the younjrest danghter of Mr and Mr WW. W. Kessler, of Ebens. Wm. Thompson went to Curwens. burg, is seriously ill with scarlet fever. ville Monday to visit relatives, You can save money by buying your shoes at Rhody 's shoe store. 14tf The spring and summer suiting are now in at Dinsmore Hiroe, the tailors. summer saitings are now in. see them, R. 8. Tozer, the Patton jeweler, spent Sunday with his mother at La pes Don't fail to attend the lectire that will be delivered by Hon. Henry Houck March 9th, The pension of RW, $14 to £17 a month. P. P. Young, of Putton, was a busi. ness caller in town ou Wikdnesday, Conlport Standard. They were former residents of Patton, and have many friends here who hope failare, Dinsmore Broa stock of spring and married to her third Call and and No. 2 being deat, Fetal for Zella’s speedy recovery. Mrs Amelia Davis Tilly, of Pitteton Pa., does not believe mantiage On last Wednesday be a she Wis hastan i Ne 1 Nhe | Pi Years old nod the groowi, Danie J. Beas, i= 32 yiares of age. Rumor hath in gong that T. Jeff Bloc, and some of bis neighboring farmers in that end of Pike, bas sold or iased bin coal ands to Dhnsmore Bros, who it ws sabd will operate mines in that neighborbood st an early date. Dunlap, of Andrew Floyd has also disposed of bis Garralitown, has been increased from | woul land to the same partion His adjoins that of Bliom's dar. wensvilie Hoview, The fipest honey in this gathered from hives where white of SOUnLYY Ya Yer Miss Josephine Mahaffey, of Mahal and basswood are scoemsible. In quan. fey, Cowher over Bunday. ‘Earl Torer, of Vintondale, made his Pa, was the guest of Miss Mae HbY, however, 11 (alls behind that pasde from the golden rod and buckwheat hicwsorm. From New York, Pennsyl- vania and Vermont comes the most of brother Ralph, of this piace, a pleasant the comb honey, und from Arasons and visit one day last week. California the largest amount of ex- Hon. Henry Houck will lecture in tracted or liquid honey. the assembly room of the schol build. ing on Friday evening, March th, Amabry, a coal town on the Irvona : branch of the C & © division, 8 re LL Baird, of Osceola, representing ported as going to enjoy a “boom” the Miller & Mooney, of Philadelphia, was coming sommer. a business visitor to Patton Monday. : Btev Anderson and Eliza Bradford, both of Patton, were granted a legal permit at Ebensburg last week to wed, | The Webster Coal company recently secured control of the mines at that place and # Ix ex petted that there will be great activity in the coal business there. Tis reported ‘that 50 new hooses will be built as soon HM you are in need of a spring or other permits. summer sait it will pay you to call at’ Dinsmore Bros, the tailors. and see the new ‘stock. A R. DeFluent, editor of the Jour ‘nal, Doylestown, Obl, snffered for a | number of years from rheumatism in ih Dinsmore, ob the ew of hin right shoulder and side. He sayw msmore Bros, merchant lors, | “My right arm at times was entirely made a bunsiness trip to Gallitzin and | aseliss. Cresson Monday. Miss Byrde Hurd, who conducts a lief almost immediately. dress-making establishment in Patton, balm has been a constant companion of “departed for her home at LaJose last mine ever since and it balm and was surprised to receive re- The pain Saturday to spend a month visiting | For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CU. W. ; Herts and relatives, | Hodgkins. will equal 20 (is given withoot solicitation. the arrival of a doctor, dairyoean oalled at a drug should arrive 1 tried Chamberlain's pain never faile.” * 10th, at 1 o'clock p.m. to nominate a sounty ticket and declare the cholon of the county for Congress and State Sen. ‘ate and to select delegates to Lhe State "and National conventions, and transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. Attention is called to the Republican county rules, especiall Rule 1, which provides that “Members of the county committee shall be selected at the reg. alar primary election and in same man- BEY as delegates to the convention are elected’ alno Ray T which refers to provisions be apieT with twenty days before the tigne fixed for holding the primary election. Accordingly, Satuaday, Febrosry 24th, will be the inst day for announcements. CHAE B. Coven, Chairman County Committe {icv News Fr Miners As we go to press this morning we learn that the employes of the North western Mining & Exchange company atBrock way ville, Crenshaw and Dagns Mines are to be given an advance that er cent, on next Thirs. day, March Ist. This is the second ad- vance made {his company 10 ils men bere inside of eight months and it Thin i= good pews to not only the miners buat the people in general, and the employes will certainly appreciate this act on the part of the company. notice by Superintendent Joseph Bai ley will be posted at the different mines to-morrow, Brockwayville Record, Febroary 23. It is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear ones suffer while awaiting An Albany iN. Y.i store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with croap. Not finding the doctor in, be left word for him to come at once on his return, lain's cough remedy, which be hoped would give some relief antil the dotor In a few hours he re. The following oickERs w Deny. : ee aon seminie Priduy, Febrowry 23. Cresson, $1,205 Rioe ot al, Carroll, $1,150, Leib, Kosquehanna, $200. Jaced C. Conner st ux to Emma Not- ley, Burnesboro, §5.450. Christina Langbein el burg Building & Loan association, Carroll, $1. Johys J. Weakiand to Sara F. Weak land, Carroll, $8. Yahner, Chest $559. Bender, Barneshoro, $53. John D. Martin etal to BE E son, Barr, $1. Joseph: M. Boland ot ux et al to Will jam D. Boland. Gallitzin township, $1. Paul Duokel #t 0x to Philip Bender, Barnesbora, $600. John A. Mcofigime et ux to WM De. ianey, Gallitgin township, $100 John A. McGuire et ux to Maury G. Delaney, Galiitein township, $50. Executor of John Holta, by the Sher. iff of Cambria county, to Ebensburg Building & Loan association, Hastings, $175 Snyder Chan ilier, by the Sheriff of Cambria county, to Ebensbury Build. ing & Loan association, anna. $25. Dravid: GM Rose ot ux by the Sheriff of Cambria county, to Ebensbarg Build ing & Loan association, Patton, $35 Willimes Hart, by the Sheriff of Cam. brig county, to Ebensboarg Boilding & Loan association, Hastings, $55, Wiiliam Hart, by the Sheriff of Cam. bria noanty, to Ebensburg Building & Loan association, (hest Springs, $135 Abert Brothers, by the Treasurer of Cambria sounty, to the Commissioners of Cumbria county, Hastings, $13. Albert Brothers, by the Commission. pra of Cambria county, to Hastings Building & loan association, Fast Harvey Roland st Bailding & losn ssscciation, ings, $50. Robert 8. Yinger et ux ¢t al to Hast ings Bolling & Loan sociation, Hast ingw, $1 i Ripans Tabules cure dizziness, Hipans Tabuies, Ripans Tabules plessant laxative Ripsns Tabules for sour stomach Ripans Tabules one gives reliel ipaas Tabules cure Indigestion Ripans Tabules cure headache Ripans Tabuies cure fatulence Hast He also bought a bottle of Chamber. Overcoat and tarned. saying the doctor need not rome, as hie child was moch better The droggist, Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family has since recommended Cham- beriain's cough remedy to their neigh. hors and friends anti] be bas a constant demand for it from that part of the For sale by Patton Phar oountry, macy, © W. Hodgkin “1 had bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave me perms. till I began to lake Dine I know it sabe, It quickly ARLBINA, RYiphe, froubless J ent Te ef Minute & Farah sigh cure the edicine Pa era SNE rite WwW songh wayN J v 4 ; Kounty, Carry, af s2y ii ghia, colds val mised The Pay Sa ye FRY Petey Hodekins Pharmacy Po vonrsell amd be 1 frends When vo Kix wl yt noireal 4 give Bam the best, the Harper } HS fof whiskey, Whiskey frien Pragemett heverage ur Yon Ssied A Mellon, F de and 1 $15.00 greatest Agents on saliry of th gn proeioest; bs and expenses: agent er #rery stock and pout Huatl Aires exer Tae Y & 3% on wanted wr het Befernnoe, NM fg £ in . stamp, Ameriian Terre blante, fond y Rasve Mil wits baesd he HIATT wits Ta equaled for pil and skin divenses, It is the original witch hued salve Beware of all counterfeis, © W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Woanrniag To whom it may concern. | hereby potify all persons od to trust my wile, Mew Edward Leish, for anything what soever as she has jeflt my board this the 12th day of February, 1906, and I sail not be resposwible for any debts contracted by her, 3 En. bel and Lxass You cannot do better than to cadl © {ionid & Beemer for Arsteclass plumbing, ete. Estimates freely given. #81 Underwear The season here when we our ( Ee Ares at wk sO hetore, k 3 Teil rderwen: FORGET I) NOT 5 py da Ee ¥o * x Sry we that £¥1% 5 by Shoes and up todd: ito x pa Ry wag 11! Ed Ko EAs | Deeds Recorded ut Ebeusbarg op bo Date . FP. Moyer, by the clerk of the Orphans’ (Court, to Jane E. Moyer, Andrew Eekenrode et ux to Nettie : Thomas J. Byrne et ux to Casper et vir to Ebens. Joseph A. Warner ot ux to Martin John W, Kephart Master, to Polly ax 10 Hastings We have all the latest goods in the Millinery Line at our store in the Solomon butlding, Fifth ave nue, and extend a special invitation to all the ladies of Pat ton and vicinity to call and examine same, Hats the Satisfaction anteed. trimmed or latest styles. guar. ¥1 Au Evans Sisters, Patton. Pa. The New Store. UN DERTAKING. We have on hand a full line of Pars PHIK SUIT POR SIS. 8 PIECES, CL Omk extension lables, 8 feet long, 4425; iron beds, $4 and ap; kitchen ehaire, 500 each and all other fornitare in proportion Undertaking and embalm-— ing. White or Black hearse HIGH GRADE. MEDIUM PRICE- 25g, LB. Donated for Church Suppers. Dold’s smoked meats ¥ i ® imported and 4 Mackeral, BI iRiers. L oh 3 diagean a Lx Aids Canna an i ah pds CAs TY CRES * aur Tea fom 3 3 and 20¢ per 1b Notice Floor {ox wis, Fic HiT Very Ir owns vidi pom ¥d i Yu A gal A i IDik Li xed cakes FINE domestic H sllan 3 are sure to bring voli | hack for more. él Herring, Russian Sar task and all kinds canned sh, : : a ap Watter from Bradiond ¢ounly a th, and Roasted Coffee eT Shoes. Rubbers, Dry pV yt | BAY STATE § FLOUR. FONRE RP Aen Ld i A truly, Rome £9 5 io d sadue best bakers, nat meal crackers, » other deletions cakes . # by gs iT sw on Er RNA A Pa Kers at the ow Eh 3 ETHER ii PIES Vip tae hest groceries 't bay vour Yery know we always have vill be here m plenty can be had Honr that 3 3 TROGIR low Cheap.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers