IGA ND GEER with 1 | impossible to venture fromm the hots. Patton Pharmacy. Opposite School Building iting stoves. lso a full linc Chamber suits, side boards, couches, & rockers, mirrors, - : cupbords, high .. and low back sinks, 7 and a full line of iron beds a to suit purchaser. Very Respectfully, & Fur't Co., ©. C. GRENINGER, Mgr. eatied Here and There by the ‘Courier’ Reporter, A CALL TO MINERS. i» - Dh Regabsr Convention af Pesetrict Nal Wil be Held Maveh 35. The following is of interest to the members of Patton and adjoining bool districts: “Riossburg, Fa. Fell 20, 1000 “T'o the Local Unions of District No. United Mine Workers of America: “irpeting:— You sre hereby mverti Red that the regular annus convention of District No. 2 United Mine Workers of America, will be held in Altoona, Pa, Tuesday, March 13, 1900, at 10 oi etork a mm. The basis of representation will be one vote for 50 members or less, snd one additional vote for each additional {80 members or majority fraction thereof, no delegate to have more than fve votes It is important that every Local Union in the District should be fully represonted, as we will meet in joint convention with District No. 18, i Maryland miners; ob Wednesday, March 14th, and in joint convention with the operators of Maryland and Central Pennsylvania on Thursday, March 15th, for the purpose of posind- ering and BEreeing Dpon Wages and other conditions to goverti these flelds for the ensuing scale year. Fraternally yours, CWILLIAM B, WiiaoN, President. GRrepakn GrinesT, Sec 4 wey A Beh Harvesic The plambers of FPalton reaped A rich harvest Sunday, Monday and Taesday by repairing frozen walter pipes. On Runday the amt seveve storm of the winter took place. There | was not so much snow, Bat joste aongh he heavy winds to make it adniont Monday night was the soldest of thy winter, thermometer registered from tf 14 degrees below zero in different Jhris of the Lown, Ansley Weoakladh, who resides in Eider town ship, a abort distance from Patton, stated that about § ofolock in the even ing a lady and gentleman from Hast. ings, who were driving, stopped at his place in Order to save themael ves from freezing to death. He stated that they were in & werioos condition when they arrived there. With the exception of the above the COURIER representative ‘did not learn of any serious damage Leaneed by the cold wave. thie 0 Pred al Lorethn Michail Steven, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Cambria county, died at his home in loretto Monday morning, aged 64 years He is sar wived by hia wife, one son and fonr {ginters. The deceassd was 3 con: sistent member of the Homan Catholic church and baptized by Father Ciallit- rn. James Stevens, who was killed at | Kittanning Polot on Matarday, was a nephew, The funeral will take place Thursday morning dence. Interment at Loretto Bosch Creek Late Ihe Booch Creek passenger train, wk ia doe in Patton at 135 pm, id not arrive until after 5 a clock. The trouble was caused by weveral cod | trains on route to Patton standing on | account of the many water plugs along the fine freezing up and no water to supply the engines. In several inatan. eww the fire had to be drawn fromm the ocomptives Gone to Phiteisiphla, Miss Sara, daughter of Mr. and Mm ¢. OC. Holter, of Palmer avepud, do parted) for Philadelphia | afternoon, where Medien bospital to take fur becoming a trained Holter has a large circle of | Patton who wish her mach cher 0 pdertaking. aut Thursday water 4 abe will frst pctions Marriot at Si Fanifoew, Bennet Sutton and Miss Adaline Yeager were married at the St Boni | fase Catholic church one © ‘by Rev. Pather Alto. They were at ‘ tended by Lawrence Sutton and Mis | Edith Sutton, brother and cousin of the groom, Mr. and Mrs Button on Friday * took up honsekeeping in Hastings. White Tawrahip OfMeers. The following officers were elocted in White township, Tuesday, February LM: ‘Win. Flemming and John F Glass, ‘ gupervisors; Jos. Each, collector; Fred | Foster and L. O. Gates, school direct lors; J. 8. McKee, auditor. George Gates, township clerk. 3 from hie late resi. & J. Luther, justioe of the peace; pEOINANTE HO 54 i Et Mate for Payesizt OF Luisi Aw Eh Mm ET, ; An ordinance assessing a sewage tax on the properly owners aiincen the sewer on Palmer avenas in the Borough of Patton Be 4 enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Cisancil of the Bor enacted | f ihe £23 LH Longh of Patton, and it iu beaehy and ordained by authority Lge © That, whereas, ar tiaal ponstricting the sewer on almer ave. ane, beginning al fF, W. Cowher and extending in an east erty iii AEN Jost pwned by Alsxander M sntieth, is ascertained 10 be THUS, long which there ary wets even fifty foot lots, making of hte # $F § Fra somst of the pisjdende o on bo an saat of the iosatad ¥ i wit Jot so md iseont, ar Tata post 97 78 for each fifty It is therefore enacted and ordained that a sewage nX bo and apon the followin a ssn i Famen agg 2 7 adjacent to sail nt powl SATIS ti the follawing amount same i should the same Dn sixty days from this Ga Rediedtor is directed Huns against the amount wl that We he saliected aovorking faw, at he paid within the Borough to fle municipal ihe » URE lig gh BY . (ATL IT boredyy greed an Filigaisnd Mis Hye fannpaay iL piarge wf wont ‘fh neler 8 fis Sa Ww Ah and ordained this the day of February, 1900 WO Honsarh, President of Connell. Allest James Gnniror, Clark Approved bn ¢ ages day of Pebr Bo tly nary, eH {ifn PRINDIBLE, Burgess this (he 3 ¥ % . RE by ¥ Burgess of Pation Boroug Taper Writers arming Down The sporifons MARIN 0d prs tk in fy parwrilers Fax been wile sdmn by a r Heretofore every offisial of the govern: rent has been allowed to bikve any kind of These were porchused at reduced rates which averaged $72 for a $100 mac Wine, surely a considerable reduction, Hai recently the Navy Departowent calied for hide for 250 machines, with the idea that atill jower rates could be wecnred by a aniform type in the depart ment. The result of the bide wax somewhat starting. The Reminglons offered machines from $8 © £101,235, dependent on syle and number ordered; the Franklin offered their machines ss low as ¥30.50, Manhattan, Model A, $8.75, Densmbre, $40.34; Pittehurg Visible, $5; the Brooks $45, the Columbia Barlook offered to furnish the 20 machines required for $14,245, an average puice of about $57. Peopie who in the past have paid $100 for any of these would do well © 3 study the above figures. soent government tpupeaction in then, a taschine he preferred, asing Fre ines 2 Marre 3 tr the Centra fate] to thaw oul i fui FH that Bosteliry Yaew pe. Ch Bandas 1 Harper was vailed des n walled anid gore frozen ¥ dw vo Bs 4 o F008 aihy. Lhe feirtier Bt : tree Bath gF 13 wire Working gasoline furan, cvavalie sige instantly ignited. © {athy of his hands badly barned, and part of his Mr Harper bi ove brows and are: blew au + AS had one anatac ie taken cdf while ge 20 Shh IEE TI ER Loy $8 a pod ark on y BLE WY Tih LasEn 4 i. sawing at tne rie ef abound an Holy kml ty Aaaind he the go marie EY Thropp, asking ha assistance 5 Ed A RRR TEV Ser of that place, a worthy veteras of i gnabiy ing n special pepsin for John A Jones ae Civil War, who bs paralyzed gon ty help bamisell in ang manper. Mr dunes is said entitled to a liberal boanty fo be both deserving and A Bare Crpporinniiy jewelry and bi 8 bargin, eclocirioal | { will expose of my eyole repairing busdncss al gs 1 wish 10 embark in bh For particulars aid on oF {. B BMITH, Patton, Pa. tha wu Baines, address, Lied LOR nied iner ments along 1 Corals, whe Took part ak council MEETING Pract ne ttee Bad SEs uinm am rapa eel Rei foaght tg be Mn sagt rr Patt anlar session Monday y Borough Council met iy reg evening with the President AE following members present Huh and Campbell, seg i Bth, were read and approved, Ordinance 8 otion of Me- it sor wan pest, and on mw soennded by Bair, pion isa y of pred. Tle bill fo prs hienit tad = * paviog of Fifth avenue, Borough Engineer showing the total cost pa GEE fk te, Bs ey fh AAR Ayres Wik 1 Af pigs to be BE joss pes cal whinh 8 to Par ha Ld by Conall, and £1. 000 which bad Been previously paid, uf $788 48 due the paving company. The bill of W, FP. Jack for serving Dols Ssrty OWE, re waving a Dalpnos sin for $11.00 8 E03 snd. was ais oon i Pos, nf 2a Graber was carried that WEEE pL 4 Bae Si Yok and ciara She oh : 3 stro Yul Tih ORY HA of armek, seconded an ar Medion street, at of by} 4 spawn coarviedd that 1, fight tw place 8 on senr the residenes of James Metlan, or at any suitable point aiong maid atroet an Lhe Stet Commilise may direct rr vis pest 81 adion peivect next mguiar mesting, Monday, March 5. 1e Lan Pater Jf The § Of BIER 5 Rev Father Kittell for a Hiv, and * HERSER Paik Thue Fatitar § hu vrs bier % bs ahdigations bewnk whieh he values very hig wikich wilt be of gireal at of Patton and sgrvumding Hl tenary La ther wirht of Hav Father Ferdinand Kitteil, and has nat been pantienl arent Lo thaby resides pe vers BAS ed Laorellio 5% ¥ 3% Sonniry, roastor af the Lorie The fhe addresses of 1 Horan edvarck, Basi contains | the pnvelling of the at Laretlo ET [hemtetrivs Agus: prince, by £0 AM. dodvaeat, and interesting bi i sion ament epeedied ta of Fatiwy tine Cnilitain, priest and PREY jutory of the town, The addresses of Giovernor Wi Land are @muven | and Archbishop lee The ook he procured from Father K aE im A Blane 1 fil Palios fikiog £ boas Last week the COURIER published Lhe annual statement of the Parton Builds ing & Loan aamscciation, which shows that inpstitation to be in ® Aoiirmhing The hooks are BOW open af abares in the seventh pondilios for ihe Ra series. 16 would be well for those whi Have small investments to males to Lake up several shares of the SeoCialon W il Sandford, the secretary, will be pleased to give all the information neo: essary toward enfightment ni the sub. Jeet, Candidate Bw Axnernbiy Thom of wis it Pudton the frst of the week. Afr Davis is a candidate for the nomi sation of Assemblyman on the Repub Hean tokst, He wound make a gust representative for Cambria county at Harddabarg and it will be wall for the many Republicans in this vicinity Ww carelul study before casting a Cap Pravin, Fhensburg, make a ballot at the primanes. part of the COURIER ysl Pravin’ anna Urgticen an Rloetoe Af option, been aeoyred Flecirip 3 « padding $00,000, which inpiudes s dwelling Forse and 2 wl pear Lhe planl. whic Mr. Livyd @ bat they perp WEY if it 18 sikh k reprEs waiter, Kheasburg sad floward Spangler, uae yan who wis actaitted wo the Megoriad ay Johnstown SY ATR ¥ hospital Bg 3g p trenton ford vais and PLT Wr pil triple anvpntatinn, i thal inatiiniian, rie al Bao gamete strike ai the Delaney mine of i, at and Coke company al * The the Altoona Kittanning point satisfiiction of all parties Manday : idle resumed work to-day. THE STEN 1 Andirson, Mel armiek, Blair The minutes of meet weld Monday svening, February i G8 relating to Xess. a6 of Palmer avenus Was Iv married that dame De ae In another will fad Mr four miles ind caf lan CHIE was settled to the concerned and the 400 miners who were Y ‘\What They Have Done the County ¥ CHEST CREEK COURSE. Piobako Bugler to Crdide ba the Bargest This $rasn The fallowing appeared in the Johns. town Tribune recently, aud & need by ihe COURIER with ote slight change, regarding the headwaters of Littie {host creek: “The Tribune has heretofore jab liwhed much of interest concerning the : rivers of Cambria county. particularly the two that unite at Johnstown, and which have helped to give an mideded importance to this place since the early days when it wis an Indian rendeitvous It now proposes, in & series of severai Cabinet sketobon, of which this is the inst, to tell something more of the Various waterways that have their origin on this mountain and have been more or factor in the development of pur section of The strenme of the north of the connty will be wpoken af fret wv At Patton, Little (Chest crpek, the headwaters of which are found on the farm of Peter Campbell, af {larroil- town, composed of two lrrge Pring sin a somewhat sinots cours & Hine drawn through which would be abwont pant portheast. “Af Patton Chest creek bogins 2 series Of cnrves, the first of which wm a ms & the Biate eft one, shout a mile in length, Te ceiving Flannagan ran, te direction of the chord of which is nearly Os arth ennt. and near ita end a run af some acte Rows in from the south, snllowed by a shorter one, the direction of which is north, ints Chest township, then a yo avide in lengthy sppcesded by a straight coarse about J porthwest by south, shart enrve from the middie of which to Patton a less than a mite the curve being about three-fourths of 3 mile across, and the direction wir h west, Another short stretoh of The steam about a mile in jength here puns ina Sips tion north of west, whens ik nen fo north by west for about a mile and a half, receiving near Loe start & ran fron Fhe westward, whenoe, fie a short distance the direction of the sire = north by east “Near this point Go the welt ard bes ging the onteropping of ped shale that anderlies the lower oon meas ares of the Westover and Johnstown Rasing, here seperated by the Hil antilinal psonene of the siream Approaches worth northwest for about two ities and a half, followed by a tam Wa sarth-by- ast course, a mile it lengtiy, to which scenads a bend to the nortivinest abont a mite and a hall; thenon north by east 3 mile, where it 8 joined by a run flowing down rom the southeast, where it bends ones more Wi the nari west erard for thren-fourths of a mile 10 the jnncion of Blubaker areal, ‘Thin largest tributary of porths westerly for a couple of riles, then swerving to north by vast, receiving apother run from the aon theast, theongh Hastings in a guntie curve ra the confluence This creek Susquehanna owl Rows north noribeast for about § heanehes roan SRLS 3 Et te wake} te Blnhaker cree 44 Res Axis piles, only IDR PP git shweat. and bewding to the sant the larger Binbaker thus nor ward, 1paihes witd cppiekc, which bere hestda to the north on directly of a mile, where £8 sant and a little farther north for a quarts? whieh a short farthmr Gown enters Hearfeld goites with Chest reed, atanie CREA x rid va ener o Janta abot ditleetin ty. Ww hpnioe The cotree ste northerly divert t % * a » Con Bn wh ITE REA AE FEL, SRR, pias fot lowest wired, ahant thn i pres the Wont rtheyr Gown Heanoh oy 4 have Mahafles mites MB Spaqiennnng a aft iETanye £4 ta Es Take Wal pis {> A wR YR 3 on and Coins The Mabaley fant of Guy Conrathes” lad on a PEAT on af Lait week parroswiy escaped the Hak af an eve or It fell wa chit stood erect ihe soisucirs one day thal when shears wht Low Lhe eve stood ap huari- Blas mipliber then. i SETIOUS prem keels Ww | epwuit, hut accidents Hiboe 1 a parsuts fined a the ® wis have tendency to make | Httle panicky Winey wage in Masny Fos omeky And that's what you tan do by buy ing sverything you wan! in the groeery line at the Cash tirocery. faurel oFeoni this part of the creek Ue {hest creek rises in the southwestern part of Elder township, flest ranuing wip and wiv | Bosak force hail enterad abot ones, : permed — INTEHESTING WESTOVER LETTER Compiled By 5 White A wali Correspondent i From tie ee fetd totaly Town, (san Dimbar, of Chest township, © spent Suminy in town with friends. Mim Maude Smith, of Lamartine, Clarion connty, will spend a few weeks with ber sister, Mm B CO. Smith, of (harray. : Col Thomas rent to Harrisbang to attend this wedding of his daughter and canpiot get back till next week then the tall of prosperity will start lo rodl in Sirsiest, 18 drift opening will begin at anes. Tannery men idle for a fow Baym bresking in of part of the leech hotse Dpaod is the canse We are on the move aud Westover will be ne of the most prosperous towns in the cquntey by ihe lime sb- other verir rolls aroand. {ssinh Neff. of Wankesha, was in town Manday on business Paul White, an old and respected citigsn, siso a veteran of the late un- pleasant pe, as Lhe sentimentalist woold way, dieci at ihe home of his danghter, Mra Belle Dielil, on Wednesday, Feb ragry 21, afer an illness covering a period of several months Decenned ape is affiotion with a Christian forts itnde kaown only to those that are fully pripared to meet their Redeemer in the great beyond. Funeral services were held in the Baptist choreh with Revs. Berkey, Shelly and Sigmund of- felating. Mr. White was aged 74 years, 1 month and 13 days, and in sar vived By bis wife, Margaret, the married daughters, Mrs. Hexinh Miller, of Cosiport; M. >. Thompeon, of Youngtown, 0; and Mos Redle Dehli, of Wantover, Misses Maggie, M yrile and Idi also Harry, the only son, all at home. The pall hearers were R. A Venetis, Jai Woods, John Swope, Thos Wilson, Geo, Carson and DA wieCardell, 3d old veterans and com- raclos (of the decedsed, helonging to G. A. R Post No 598 of this place. Lock Haves sewer ips Works 1. NU Patterson, of the firm of 1. ML Patterson & Company, who has asd the Lack Haven clay works for a per sod of sight yar returned last night {promi A business trip Wo Philadelphia and Patton. Mr. Patterson states that he expects Within a week to begin mak. ing repairs ut the clay works pretimis ary lo beginning the manufacture of sewer pipe. Mr. Patterson when he preseted his communication to council lant stock slated that be expected to have the works in operation within thirty) days — Expos, Feb 20. Palssned by Wient Nieaw, A peculiar form of poisoning hae brokim out among the users of wheat |atraw in the vicinity of New Castle, Del. Farnt hands who carried the straw from the mow to the stable racks, have hewn poisotied about the face and hands. Even the lores and cows have had ened posers and nostrils poisatied by leoming in contact with the straw. | Parpers who have had 40 veary o3- C perbinee Ke utterly ab a lose 10 aogount for ie poisonous matter on the wheat straw Somerset Standard. : Cannot he Found, he War Department is soking for Tilden Hughes, late private Company (3, Hixth United States Cavalry, whose addoms was Portsmouth, Seiode county, (1 He has heen awarded a cnrtifivate of merit for gailantry a Sup tiago, but cannot be found. $ baad Taste Novi ive who took a ladies Smith's jewelry ie al ed 5% a notoricus ged if returned. The gantieman sityter waleh from U. stope will do well fG return ones anil sve being pablieh thief Nu guestions as Far Rent se Bye roctned house, plastered ana o% 11 baiahings, dollars paperad, good oellar auld o Renta for eight 3 ; x gin office wil water faguire nlf ol Take Nader Cad ho. 7H {Bee of the Ursseon & t amariieda & Cirke CoO. 14 Philadeiphia, Pa ta meeting of the Directors of his Sort Broa company held this day the ollowing ¥ “ mousy adopted of the GnyYYne mslthan was UnikB I wd, That sek halders op onto tae general office 91st day of April tp take action on we A meting i at 5.3 of the company, on ff the ndehitod ness provi or dimsipproval © pee : joel inerease of the of {said company from F300, 000 to HB, 0 seit thist the Secretary be anid is hereby tar potice thered! as Mo BVH AGAN, Rec relary. b. irectad quired by law, 43 Feb. BY 4 gE fa $4} 4, jt If you ame hangry drop a eo pe City Restaurant where you oan get ‘everylhing you wish in the eatibie line.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers