The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 22, 1900, Image 5
Yon Have Always for over 30 years, and has been made sonal Allow stitute Syrups. ‘nofther Opium, Oil, It is alent and Pleasant. Morphine nor other Narcotic Bought, a . has borne the signature of under his per- supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you in this. and Substitutes are but Ex- er the health of It Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Feverishness. Teething ency. and Bowels, giving healthy The Mother's It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Troubles, cures Constipation It assimilates the Food, regulates the and natural sleep. Friend. ™e FAMOUS liga Nethersole $2.50 Shoe FOR WOMEN atie (he wiselt of perfect styln. At, comfort wend Aurabilisy. PE SR orm to 1h nes of the foot. very Berible ; Chrome Kad mock that is Like from. aa, ape Wid whol tip of the fate sire lekdd dodo, ard sold enclanively ( A. Ferny. Chest springs Pa. of Carpeting g for Our opening display uty and variety. Having ¢ the recent great advance in pr ‘0 y SELL AT THE OLD RATES, something you find in any other Altoona If you need one vou to come and look at our stock ce you an estimate and Excel ang T50 show for eauar aed poor, marie, godin weight sols, bow haw and goal pattern aon i evmabATcGnss of STE Rast ome ty The Kock land Shoe Co Zoek Tahar, 109. soll as 8 gove. yei E PUBLI tock TO T ¢ That we are receiving our the : | de. is very large and fine, of unusual secured the most of onr stock: will hie mse. Carpet or for an entire house we in’ and give us a chance re you we will be cer- we assu to please you, not only in goods, but the terms that we uld make for yo. v standard makes in famous lines and show a complete of Wiltons, Velvets, Axministers, , Ingrains, Rag, Hemp, Bod y Brussels, Onl Cloths, and Lancleums. ap "Come in and make your selections and by paying a 1 deposi y to use them. ALTOOX A, Set Lagat Note, tice is hereby given that «i. W. py, trading as the Herman Coal ¥, did, on the Mn day of Pree cember, A.D, 158, by his indenture signed, svalod and delivered grant gain, seli and deliver auto Charles Martin and Thomas C. Whitehead. all nod singular the property sod ba wean A. A. Stevens, Agent, wd y Coal company, thirteen mine , four mules and all the Books | nd fixtures upon the gronod wl Belt and McCartney mines, in or near Dy. art, Cambria county, Penna, together with everything ip the way of mer. merchandise, store fixtures, stoves, | , which is on the property of the id Herman Coal company. A pec aré therefore pos. fled to] rn themselves awn Guo: Barbe, ‘Mendota, Va. “Nothing did me so mueh good as Iyspepsia URLE xX. cure. a fow bottles cured me.” It you oat and always cares, Ww. Hodgkins, Patton Hay A, Ope dose re- | it we will hold them for vou until you are fully Ay PEXX'A. John Dire, Poseyville, Ind, says “i never paid anything as good as One Minute ough cure. We are never withnat it Quickly breaks up coughs and soldi Unres all theoat and long tronbles, 16s mie will ETE sumption. Pleasant io Ww. Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy jirevent take 8 Rebivensd Fates ion the New Yook Canival its rates lo holders of mileage books traveling between certain competitive points fu the Basel Cres 8 imlnet, bry instructing conductors to detach cou. pons covering the short line distanos paly. This makes & rate of less than two cents per mile port or Lock Haven snd Patton. The ‘Pittsburg & Eastern RR is now oper ated as & branch of the Pa | division, and New York Central baous- ‘and mile books will be acc Spted be tween Mabaffey and (Glen Campbell and all points on that branch, 3 For Rent. One five roomed house, plastered and | papered, good cellar and out buildings, well water. Rents for eight dollars. | Inquire at COURIER office. Fifth Pittebarg. CATS gh, The Now York Central bas reduced between Williams: | vanly TEs WY iN EEas i 1 HOLERA DURIN NEF THE PAST YEAR cba faa Germs of This Fatal Distasn sre Lurking _appenred in an incipient state. constantly coughing and trying to expel something which 1 sould not. i became alarmed and after giving the local doctor a trial bought a bottle of eongh remedy and the Everywhere! Thousands of Dollars Smud by Tnis Wossertul (Hs. cowry. Hamdreds of thonsands of doliars | have been lost in the poultry business on acconnt of the devastation among the flocks, caused by cholera, rong, | gape, and other fatal disease, There have been many remedies advancad, | bat none seem to be so suocesfol as the . Ameriean Poultry Mixtore. This will _enre chickens in the last stage of chol- era and roup, and is excellent for gapes. ‘Do your fowls suffer from violent the wings, : stupor or excessive thirst ? These are diarrhoea, dropping of the first symptoms of cholers. Cholera in & germ disease and being infectious spreads rapidly throogh the entire ‘flock. Take time by the forelock; able or antried remedies. Use this mixtore at once and the sanitary meas. ures they recommend in connection. Don’t give the fowls up. Cholera in a terrible disease but this remedy cures it every time, IU is also guaranteed for roup, which can be wold by hoarse breathing, swelled eye, discharge at the nostrils, resembling eatarch. Fifty “@ollars is offered for any case the mix- | tape will not cure. If some of your fowls are diseased it will prevent the : You to our tific preparation, goes more than three times as far as any other remedy; pest from catching it. Try it. It is | cheap, reliable and effective; a scien. does more good than all of them com. of the world. purchase money. If your draggist don’t sell American Poultey Mixtore, he's behind the age. In that case send $1.00 for sample box to American Mfg. Cor, Terre Hante, Ind. wn WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE. : Spoatul Ten-day Evenson vir Pramsyivania Fo momed The Peonsylvania railroad company has arrsoged for two low rate ten- Jay ‘exeursions from Pittsburg and all Washington March 15 and May 10. Round-trip tickets will be sold at rates i gaoted below, good going on special train indieated, or on train No. 4, leav- ing Pittsburg at 8:30 p. m., and carry- ing through sleeping cars to Washing toh. Special train of throngh cam and eoaches will be run on the following schedule: Train leaves Johnstown at 3 17 a m., rate, $735; Cresson, 10:59 a me, $7.35; Altoona, 1140 a wm, $7.38 | Clearfield 931 a m., $7.35; Philigaburg 1012 a m., $7.25; Tyrone, 1340 & ai, ($7.95: arriving at Washington at 7:16 pm Tickets will be good retarning on any : regular train, except the Pennsylvania tmited, untit March 24 and May 18 inclusive, respectively, and to stop off ‘at Baltimore within Hmit mond at rate of $4.00, anid to Old Point Comsfort ail rail at BB.O00; from purses of the Norfolk and Washington steam. ‘boat company excamton Lekels not including meals and staterooms on steamers: to Old Point Comfort or Norfolk, Va, at $3.50, and to Virginia | Washington to Mount via Ehstric rails Beach as $4.50; ‘y Varah and retorn, . 30 cents sid the number of passengers not be prs dent to warrant the running of a special train, the company reserves the right to carry patric pants on regn- | far train, Tiekets on sale in Pitsburg, at Union ticket office, 360 Fifth avenue, aud Union station, and all stations men- tioned above. For full information ap- py to agers or Thomas E Watt, sasnenger Agent Western District, avenne and Smithfield street, CW. Hadgkios guaratitees every bettie of Chamberiain's cough remedy anal will refund the money to any one who in not satisfied aller using (wo “thirds of the contents. This is the bust in the world for la grippe. cranp and whoopiog cough wud be pleasant and sale to take. tendasey of 4 result i prelnionia regnedy Deri It prevents any enikd Wo Great opportunity offered to good, | rulinhie men. Salary of $15 per week and expenses for man with rig to intro Poultry Mixtare and inet Destroyer in the pountey. Bend stamp, American Mie Uo, Terre Haute, fad, 4. RK. Mite £, writes, “1 ilies cay roan Mansion, inl DeWitt's witch hago! salve the fasion salve nude” anit heals everything, fendbationin are Worthless Mos Pa. Ment ft cares plies i framdaten?t CW Rodgiine, Patton Pharmacy Haw ta Travel Cheaply. New York Central mileage Five handed mide bouks, eal New Y al Meade, are sod al §10.00. One thousand natle Bopcks, good an the New York Central and Hutson River BR amd heanchos, Baffalo, Ro chester & Pittsburg Ry, Phiadel hin & Reading Ry., and vertain other linen, 42, og. U nlimited, and valid for pass age on all trains, ine tuling the Empire State Express. By the application of | the short line By Books mile may be obtained between certain | Raintta. “Consult ticket agents for par for to the steamers for Hmwail, don't stop to experiment with anreli- radia, Philippines, Japan and China, ‘See the new “Round the World" folder just issued by the New York Central A copy will be sent free, post. on peenipt of three cents in stamps, by George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, (rand Central Bta- tion, New York. KHL e5ts. EUGENE mileage rule, a rate of considerable less than two cents per Lae Saved by Chamberlain’ : Congh Remedy. During the early part of October | 1808, T contractid a bad cold which sets tied on my lovgs and was neglected An Eines until 1 fearsd that consumption had I was Charnberiain’s penile was immediate improvement, and after | had used three bottles my jungk were resdored to their healthy state. B. 8 Edwards, publisher of The Review, Wyant, [ll For sale by Pat ton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkin The Pacific and Oriental Mall. [eaves Grand Central Station, New York, by the New York Central, every night in the year at 9:15, and the fourth night thereafter this mail is at San Francisco, ready for delivery or trans fines. paid, We invite pined. It is ueed and endorsed by the Birthday Party. most experienced and Jargest breeders of plain and fancy poultry in all parts The maunfacliorers. guarantees every package or refund THURSDAY, MARCH we will celebrate our Sixtenth Anniversary, We are going to hold a Mammoth Party and we want you to be among oar We will reverse the custom usually followed on ocrasions of this character and will make you the recipient of the gifts. WE WiLL PRESENT TO BACH VIRTOR A HARDEOME ROUVENIR COMMEMGRAT- ING THE PUENT ONE WHICH ANY LADY points in Western Perawylvania to WOULD BY PLEASED WITH. BUT RED TEI YET we are golog ta offer you such exceptional values, in Reliable Tramtworthy Dry Goods that you who favor ns with voor presence on this Birthday celebration will for & long tine to coma, remeber MAY WE LOOK POR YOU 7 GABLE & CO, pA F 24 11th Avenuw, ALTOONA, PA FirstNation’ Bank OF PATTON, F a Patton, Cambria Co, Pa Holders of special excursion lckets to Washington can purchase at the wes, W KE ARE ABL E. Pennsylvania raileond tcket offiens in Washington, sxoarsion tickets to Rich CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $50,000 00. Needs off Corpeirsiions, Firms, individu winmnd Hanis poet visdd apen the dud vor adi teens OOBAbam With sae and conservative banking staminshiip elon Tor mule Gor ail the omaling tiem Forsden Pf payable tn the por {as pant witha nf ths Ob Wale AH corres gis ey aI ml car purses pt add per trial wlan boa 1ntervsl hil on Hiroe Jeposiis AE Parras. Wu IL Sanopiun, Preaident. Canliler. Boarding House. 1 =o Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. Opposite Franklin Square. and Clearfield visiting Phila Cambria county people delphia will find this 1g venient and cen ral location. Terms $1.00 per day. MRS. 5. B. KING. Given Free FIELD'S —— Sal wats POEMS. gt A $7.00 BOOK. Pistie valine ay FLOWERS are ; rE Anniseta fms Lia 3 3 Svrvped cremtedd Ne lin ahimd § Briliy § tate Bi ¥i5? il Sony leer Yairi 4 1 iporeore of ie help Cn Eas Aires EUGENE FHILD MONUMENT ROUVENIR FUND, FA Ties WY oi Storms TAY Moros dg Chime. FE ved ame iadh Bo send posdag Tenis THE - KEELEY INSTITUTE, HE PI ve FITTSRURE FA. Ave FIRE, IST, Dr. V. A. Murray, | Evans Building, oto. BOONE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Offloe on corner of Lag and Fifth Avengers. Collections promptiv. ab tended to. Properties Lo weil and pent. H. A. SEITZ, Dentist! Offlos in Young Building, next te £.O Patton. Pa. Offlee Hotirs 8% & mw. to 12m, and i p.m, wip m DR. F. B. EVANS, Dentist, HASTINGH PAL teeth apd piouth mi Beer h C rerk District. {emsdenaml Time Table F Bond Hern She 21, 1s Patton A sete rcwd a = & Yn A TD RR HESBEELEBAVASREERANET CA Re All diseases of the skillfully trvmted, DR.'S. W. Worrell, PITSICIAN ANE KUHGHON, Mirna Winbarne CC Faas iptiiiataows Haw hum Office in Good Bullding, Room No. 3. Har Genery) Sorgiey and the Eve 2 Ssecially i seein wil yee vie pron pt attention om pm hom gl MY Can M AHAFVEY HOUSE Mahaffay, Clearfield Co, Pa, PE anit Wines a1 the ar, Stabling atta, GeEoRor FERGUSON, Prop'r. HO En apo *1usity Warn dave Wop Mm marine AY a me Randaye Hh New Hore J mr Tey traeriing via oi sede lolis du 1008 pon tags fovsriy WW Wilt errport wit phisrsi Ecard Huntingdon = ot entiidh Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. Tonbiss bmve Mibater fr Moller, Then adn fay pd Hiwnverhinmt al Tam 00 Gln Chenphedl gt 5 3 18, ¥ IN peep Mariay § estan] Ha Al WH imrsespert With Phils Heiphia and Remding ralirmd: at Joray Shore : ? the ito Hewk Ryo oat Mid ital gether bent Halisael of Penpayivanis: al : Riteine 8 ¥ with Prunsyivania mifroad and Sitewrvaa & Pisilipal petting maitrond: wt Ling PELE # co Pessiieatar sid Pittpbmrg body . at Mubatte wand Patton stlthe awibotn and Cemrfle A division of The {enner vn sia miirond 92 Mabhafley wilh the Pisses ive pin mad Marth westerns aaliwny 1H Danis WOH. Northrup, ih Fuss, Ax fens Agen Now ¥© ar Wilinmapet, ¥ Parnell & Cowher, ~~ Agents for... LIFE AND | C1 fA GF acermest HIJUITRIN REAL PSEATE AGENTS, Tisrwnd Binsin Ssh, Pw ng Pe Shae Nis § PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Fufles i Arifustiein Bleek pet fo Atif, Patten. a All ppt ewiin reepetited lo prompdiy. Dhvsase Gf Lhe wal, Dose we anil shromt given speetnd wl panic i GEFICE BOURS SF toda moat 12 {ees hap m Petz 1sylvania Railroad. In affect Nov. 18, 1586 Main Line Lanve € Srv sry Faget wre ast Whar Ha preds, wok dase... Bam A Livan Aes ata ete HY, weds dys #08 a 8 Sain Liss Expres 3 58 a om A thinna Sovone ioels OfMice in the Good Building. LP ip bone, dimly th ¥ Ape Auity WH DAVIS, ~ : Login § romney Wat ward Jobiostion nn Aces, week days. Attorney and Counselor af Law, Haase liu, I Parifhe Biigeeoes, dally ad beuadaenl fa Reuel Somerville, Attoy ney “al- Law, EB Py Ea pe i Pa ron. Pa. Axily ne ft J Way Paseiiger. dinily Pitiletaurg Exprous Mall j Famitne, dni fle ol ELH 18 Aden. wow dey Canibria 4 Clearfield Division. srk bown rd. einer BREEZY Pa ROE Tent Saisie sans Basler {on oo | Pe ore. 8 § ani She BO owl at A a min Avy akg eg 531 £6 mf arriving al Cremeon Yi wt BER pom arriving at Cresson Lass + BE ebay North wapd, Temin Wo HEA 2 a wm ardiving at Me nates af thE a Wi atl al tiles ‘smpbell at y JHA wan. Train AHR APA noo arriving at Muhaf- owt EAE pm amd a1 Glas anphedl a8 700 ; 1, Xn AE aR oA Na ER a ae [untingdon & Broad Top Mt. Fine Fn Railroad. In effect Sept, 11, 1898, 2 Reston P {Ex pemern Huntingdon Foi iF Bi or Mt Traibes at al print | ng wk MY DT at ea mm. Pein Wo Lode leaves Huntington every day ove pt ROulav) bar ML Deilasal THO pw, arriving sl ML ab wt N50 p69 Praia (Nix 7 Mundayy onls) lemvew Hantl ly fier JH Svaiian af Sa. mi, wreivicg st ML Hollax REL R ™ re Automobile Co. »orrs imine ke conneciionn wt My La By =H mAh Pa. nd tntestand, Ma Northusad, Prin No Sail Jem ven Mt Huntingsh 3 A kh Hewr at HER ae 180 Cain Neng Fast Line haven Mi Dalias Sw Hutson wi po th arviving al Hunting. dos at BED aw Prats Wes Smadays only: aves Mi Dal fe for Buntinglon xt 08 6 wm, arriviag st a5 4 ws Sued intense and 9 boars slicen tn anything i} Evervans wasiba to eamatiy the Soa to GN AD autamatibe, srervone wants (0 hare ta the enormous profits of the business. By sending & vamp Wo the Stra Yor oan fad out al ston H" They Hlastan, wl! Joi how vit oan share fn the profits. A Hm fred Arson of thele treasury short tn offered for sabe, Those wh wisk bi share in (he grest dividends wipes to te padd shogld wiile at ance | ax the i whew of the work with be advan poed ap fdly vor stockholder will be givens An terms for the purchase ol Bh aula for | rai Dating for Jarriving at Hunting. ; snlie Slows aospeeiiote with PF, Fw thy ssn mid west at Huntingdon TAL M Gane, Gendval Manager Pitts. cymes will leave Pasa Division) g fibres Pun yen Beran Fri ilode wn Bley wh Nest Sonik BRISEWRY fesrticin snd ¥ sian HOPsomrarg of ys ita n ws EAE Not ARS ? sik How at Faients” Cron mvisikes be. No fae 10 pt A IGGER RS, Pai sors Ske) . 6.3 nt Lawyer, 0.¢, " sl, A HO way be ssenred by ald. Address THE PATENT RECORD, aur OF badoon Frown of supe. © How 0 Pp wre west. Prien seins vig! seek P08 ate wt on eRe ner Patents Aken mat thie Bg us feREve spreria wpline, without charge. in Vite PATENT RECORD, sn ilusrsted and widely cucuhaiod jowmsl comsu ited iy Mopufpcturess and Investor send fur smmpie copy FREE, Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. {Patent Attorneys, : WARMINNTON, D.C > Vs