PATTON, c AMBRI AX CO, PA. THURSDAY, FEBRUAR Sr a Soni $1.00 ) PER VEAR. x | THIS Watch for our amber Suits, boards, couc ches, | frame dwelling house. Ab wait of the AD NA no Gleaned Here « and There by the “Courier” Reporter. pti ol THE SHERIFF'S SALES. sion, Proporta That Wil go Under the Hummer in Mareh, | Sheriff Wertz advertises the follow (ing sales to aocur at the court house in Ebensburg Monday, March 5 : All the right, title and interest of Bridget Hoghes and John Hughes of, {in and to a lot of ground in Tunnpelhiil borough. At suit of Citizens B. & Lo association of Altoona. | All the right, title and interest of M._ C. Weakiand in a Jot of ground in Barnesboro, having thereon erected a hotel building. At soit of D. A i Luther, Jr. © Al the right, title and interst of | Michael LI. Murphy in three lots of | ground Cambria township. At suit of : William FP. Murphy. |All the right, title mod interest of | William Killinger and Margarot Kiliin- ger, his wife, in two lots of ground in { Tunnelhill borough with buildings thereon. At suit of Chas. Quinn. All the right, title and interest of i Joweph H. Sides in two pleoen of land lin Jackson township. Atsuit of Johns town, B. & LL. association. | All the right, title and interest of P. | | P. George in a piece of jand in Wash- | ington township, and a jot in Gallitsin | borongli. At suit of People's B & L. | association of Altoona. All the right, title and interest of Jos- i ¢ph Faverio in a lot in Baroesboro bor ough, having thereon erected a large | tram store building. At suit of 8. L. | All the right, title and interest of D. | F. Smith in three pleces of land in Sus | guebanna township. At suit of the {county of Cambria i All she right title and interest of John ‘ Giwin in a piece of land in Reade tows. | : (ship. At suit of the Ebensburg B & | L. association, 3 All the right, title und interest of | | Harlot 8. Cornelins and 8. M. Cornelius (in two Jota in Patton, having thereon a | Ebensburg B. & L. sssodiation. All the right, title und interest of William 1. Smay, in a piece of land in| | Portage township. Atsuit of the Eb | ensburg B.&L association. N More Rasimnd Taik. A report has been sfloat in Ebens- i 3 LENS | We promised the readers of this | five longer. HOid Landmarios' : Liwbed Civil Government & SHORT | HISTORY (The Hewson Why the Poaple at Wo Wish to Five Linager paper a little history as 10 Ww hers we ive, how we live and why we want lo. To first give you an idea of where we live it is nedesaary to state | that ote town is sitaated on the banks of Chest Creek, Mahaffey, Clearfield county, Pa Our popoiation ie six handred, and a mops elvil, industrious, honorable and | well-todn wet of people cannot he found | in toe United States Now ax to how we live, to expiring irge fannery that gives saployment to phasit one bundred and twenty-five men and it is said to be the finust equipped, cleanest ‘and best managed of any tannery in the state. Win. F. Mosse, owner and | that is cusy We have a bs twelve miles sooth of # dress on that adcasion enpemonies will be he manager, has never allowed bimsel! to! he controlled by any trast or combina. tion, ranning it entirely to suit bis own | ideas. The employes are paid in cash | at the end of sach week, and seddon, if ever, is there to bo found as much ‘affection and sociability between the employer and employed as that exist | ing between Mr Moser and his om ploy es. We have endeavored hers and how we live to tell you w CPusssdent, to live longer, not becatise wa are Bot Ht to die, but with all our prosperity we are still going to have more. The! ‘onal is being opened op and will ome ‘ploy six to seven bundred men with | good prospects for the erection, in the spring, of & large plant to manufnotore | fire Brick. Thea wonder at us wantiog ‘to live longer. Wha ever heard of any- Lone willing to die when the boom ison? PUBLIC school PARAGRAPHS. he Mon. Henry Heonek Wil Lette Marel: nh. Our peoal good attendance is consid. | ad affected by the tacamels. Director W, H. Sandford visited the schools recently, Ho attended the State Directors’ aeociation as Harvie burg last week and was appointed a member of the Executive Commities | We are very glad to announce thet iN : Hon. Heory Houck, Department State Superintendent of Pablic Instruction, has consented to leotare for us on the Levening of March 9th. His subject - ~in that of bis most | popular jecture. We are sorry that oar assembly hall has not the capacity | {to seat every person in the town, for {we fee! that every pupll and patron Cwhonld hear Bim oe soLoiens TESTI y atiry or What the Yolerans of (Gir County Think | angrossinen Thropp's Ability gud Paith (ulnens. “Headquarters Lieot. 8. C. Potts Port, No 82, Department of Penosylva- | nin. “Ataons. Pa, Jan. 27. 1900 “Hon. Joseph BE. Thropp, Washington, : LARGE 1 take pleasure ju on behalf of the Memorial Day Committee and invita 82 and | on the 30th quietly and an extraordinary large vote | the connty fiir Congress and State Sen- hCG My Dean Sino ‘extending to you, tion to be with os, Posts No No #88 of the Gi. A. R., REPUBLICAN county CONVENTION. Cae i CP maries WH be Held om Saturdsy, March Has 15 of a Majority over W J. Donnelly. VOTE POLLED. EO Hartshors, for Conseil Largest Msjortly. The election in Patton passed oft Mas the | 17, 1900. The Repaliican voters of Cambria . coanty are Mguested to meet at their _usoal pollinip places on Ratardsy, | March 17, 1800, between the hours of 4 {mod 7 p. ou. ih boroughs and in Johns. town city and from 3 to T p m in | townships, for the purpose of electing | delegates to the county convention to (be held in Ebensbarg Monday, March Tih, at 1 o'dock p. DL tO nominate & | oounty’ ticks! and declare the cholos of day of May next, and daliver the ad- | waa polled for a spring election. The | {ate anid to select delegates to the State The Memorial majorities were small and as the count | and Nitional conventions, and transact held in the Altoona | progressed there was much interest | pach other hHusiness as may properly Opera House on te evening of that manifested in who would be the win- | some liefore the convention. day, commencing ut 8 o'clock, ners The following is the result and Attention is called to the Republican SR indy advise me of your sevepts the suocesaful candidates names are sonnty rales, sapeciall Rule 1, whieh Lanee al your earliest convenience, “Very respectfully yours, Signed j THEODORE BURCHPIELD, Chairman Committe,’ Col Theodore Burchfield, Abtoong, Pa views presient Capt, HA. Miller, Hollidaysba Pa; 3 treasurer, Joseph F. Stouffer, Ali toonn, Pik; cor. secretary, pd Waolesdagrln, Altoona, Pa record. ing secretary, J. LL. Machin, Al toonn, Pa. i . Headquarters War Veterans’ Associa NOW we want tion of Altosna and Blair County. Altoona, Pa, Feb, 5, 1800. Hon. Jomeph KE Thropp, Washington, , Do My Dean S$ix-At a regular meeting of the War Veterans’ Association of | Altoona and Bisir County, beld on the Bed tet, at thelr Headquarters, in Al toons, Pa, the following preamble and | solutions were unanimously adopted: “Whereas it las been customary in Call political parties in making nomina. | tions for Reprmentatives io Uohgress 13 give the seoond lerm nominations to Bepresentatives who have served thelr | : sonstitnen: 3 honorable, and “Whereas, There is ab the present’ Hime & canvass being muude Lo select a (eandidate fo represent the 20th Con- | gresdonal District of this State in the House of Representatives at Washing ton, and from our knowledge of the interest the Hon. Joseph BE. Thropp, present Representative in Congress, ham taken in advancing the cause of the veteran soldier and the prompt ses ‘he has shows ab all times in reply ng Boon the Janior class will have flo. Daily work jn Mental Arithmetic will be substi. | burg since Satarday to the effect thal & (yeed. The Sophomores are having y | contract hos beefs let for the straight : | ening and rebuilding of the Peonsyl- iron beds su f pureh haser. r't Co., vania railroad from Kaylor to Ebeos- | borg, which is one of the improvements | ‘necessary should the Pennsylvania Lpompany decide to establish a short line from Uresson to Vintondale, then | {down the Blacklick Valley to Blairs (ville and to Pittsburg via the Went {Penn division from Blaireville. A {eretinous resident of Ebensbary stated Monday that Captain Thomas | Davis, one of the Republican candi ‘ dates for the Legislature, would be the ‘only person who might be able to give ‘any reliable information on the subject, bus when questioned he stated that he | was ander obligations not to give out a : , word of news touching ou the matter (at the present time. Captain Davis | ‘and other Ebensbury people own ex. | tensive col and timber interests in the | territory through which the proposed road will pass. Surveyors on the route ‘of the proposed extension of the | branch line down the Blacklick Valley ! to Blairsville continue at work steadily ‘in spite of a severe spowstorm that | had been sweeping over the valley dur. ing the latter part of last week. Thumb fujored. Last Thursday while Harry Bracd was attending to bis duties ranning a machine in No. 8 colliery of the Patton Coal company be had the misfortune to have the fleshy part of the thamb of “the right band badly lacerated by hav. ing it caught in the gearing. While [the injury is quite painful, if is Bol { serious enough fo cuuse amputation, bat will compel him to remain idle for several days. Mr. Brand went to | Johnstown Tuesday to visit relatives ‘dating his forced vacation. Married i New York. I. Wartell, who formerly conducted a jewelry store in Patton, was married ‘at the Harlem Lyceum, New York | City, Sunday, February 18, to Miss | Fannie Glucksman, of that city. The COURIER was informed that Mr. War. tell is conducting a large jewelry store in New York. He has a host of se quaintances in Patton who wish Mr. and Mrs. Wartell a Pleassni journey through life. : ¥ 3 & ¥ LK rR their final review in Physiology. Latin. ‘ar Physical Geography will probably | be taken up. We are glad that so many of our patrons are in attendance on our po ciety occasions. One of our visitors waa heard to say: “1 have net spent mare pleasant hour for a year.’ Ouy primary department ia very | interesting but few of our patrons ‘know it. May I net ask you to visit your children in school ? Parents, if you love your © hildren wee that they are not irregular in ate tendance at school. B I Myers, Principal Miia! Comply With wy Faw, Judge Bittinger, of York, rendered a decision recently that will be of consid. to inquiries made of him by any af ir gnmrades, therefore be it “Rewolvnd, By the membership of the War Veternns' Association of Blair sounty, that. we heartily endome the (wurse of oar representative in Con. press, the Hon, Joseph E. Thropp, and | plisdge him our andivided support for his nomination for a second term, “Hesclved, That we acquaint the | War Veterans of the 20th Congeessional | District of sur action and ask their as. | dstancs in frthering the renomination of the Hon. Joseph E. Thropp. “Resolved, That this preamble and these resolutions be recorded on the | minotes of aur Association, and x copy | | of the sanwu be forwarded to our repre | sentative, the Hon. Joseph E. Thropp, | at Washington, D.C, Very respectfully, (Higned PJ WOLESLAGLE, Corresponding Sespetary.’ Wiha ce” jo New Nias iam Hank. The new Windber National Bank, or ganized by well known peaple of that erable interest to all members of secret societies. Sait was entered against the supreme circle, Brotherhood of the | Union, by George H. Stanton and . pthers on aceoant of noncgmyment of sick benefits. Judge Bittinger holds that before a member can maintain an action at law against a lodge for retusal ‘to pay sick benefits or before the rep pementatives of the level member "ean soe for death benefits, all the pro. yistons of the by-laws must have been complied with relat ne ta an appeal and hearing within ibe Lodge and the Satur bond peder. Purther, within the social hefure a vivll court intervena. 81 i af tha the remedies be exhausted bee paived Tiamsy EX wid 3 £5 fax Winidher FO, Grows. The post office at Windber, the centon of extensive mining operations by the Berwind- White company, bas been placed in the fourth class, the | master in the futare fo be subject to. : Presidental appointpent. ness of the office has been steadily ine with the progress of the present unincorporated metropolis of | Somerset county. Astention’ The young ladies of St Mary's HD subordinate | place, opened: for business on Friday morning in the room in the pew brick building, which will shortly be occupied fy the Windbey promt office. Assoon as the banking room in the sane building iw com pleted the bank will be removed inte it tation arr onmposed of 8 maker, presislent; 4 5 vies president; BL. Blmpapn, cimhiter; and 8 RB. Shamaker, J. 8B. Conning- ham, WA. Christ, Peter Holtman, De. JW. Hawes, Edward J. Berwind and Fooibiate, directors, R. Bien io Death t orgy Biibien, aged JU yoars, Ro ein: glove of the Goenner Brewing company wha burged to death in night. He ws of Jolinstown, a box car Monday stationed in the oar to attend wo char | anal heatiry wed to protect a carload : of beer fron the intense cold. Its wa ppd oharconl fumes and fell over coe of the post: The busi Catholic church will serve ice cream, cake, ham sandwiches, salads, baked beans and coffee in the Goldstein Hall evening subject, atoives. [His hosts was half veremated, aid was discovered about 10.0 clock by some pursoits passing the siding. Shiloh aves a widow and three small elabdran and Witllam Siibice, well-known braw- ers af Tht 3b. Clsnrel Notion Services will be held in the First Baptist church next Sunday as follows: Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 730 p. m. Morning subject, “The Beattitudes,'’ “Dapcing and Card ‘Tuesday evening, February 27th. All | Playing!’ | are cordially invited to be present. ; i A. . ALEXANDER, Pastor. , ment between the two men as to how | ‘they shall fight, the other other be~ | ‘tween the Aghters and the < hab, The sfMoerm of the pew insti | min. : Cunningham, { that he was overcome by the to was a beother of Jiin precesded by a | © star HI RG BER * Alex. Monteith, Republican, 228 W. J. Donnelly, Democrat, 08. COUNCILMEN, “Samuel Corneling R., 223 *1. 0. Hartshorn, R., 224. (Geo. E. Prindible, DD, 192 J. J. Donnelly, D., 198, BOROOL DIRECTORS “Wim H. Sandford, R., 214 Jou, Taylor, R., 138, *W. C. Lingle, D., 223 W. CC. Hubbord, D., 208, TAX COLLICTOR. Gen. Boone, R., 29, *W. J Weakiand, II, 22 AUDITOR. “Frank McClure, R., 213 Geo, M. Kane, D., 207. JUDGE OF BLECTION, Tr Po Jones, RB, 08 #1. BE Radeliffe, 13. 218 INSPECTOR. NL Irvin, BR, 318, Jos, Marks, D., 5, The Masquerade ait, The masquerade ball given by Patton | Fire Company No. 1 Monday night was a grand success, both socially and. financially. About 85 couples wern present and many fine costumes wore to be seen. Refreshments wore served in the hall at 17 o'clock. A lirge num: ber from out of town were present and | speak in the highest terms of the care shown them by the fire laddies, and the efforts put forth to show them a pleas ant time. The young people of Patton | ‘and vicinity will no doubt be much pleased when the time arrives for the fourth annoal masquerade. Date fur Big Fight Fiosd, The date of the fight between James J. Jeffrion and James J. Corbeit his been fixed as May 14. George F. Con. ‘ sidine and William A. Brady, managers. of the men, met Tom O'Rourke, man. | ager of the Seaside Athletic club last Thursday and formally sovepted the offer of the Coney Island club for the club. The Seaside club is to post a $6,000 forfeit and the fighters $2,000 each with AL Smith. Two sets of arti- | elon will be drawn ap, one Wi arrange | i Bir Saws Sule Forests Tracts of land aggreguting 50,000 acres in Clinton county will be pur- chased by the state forestry Hommis sion for reservation porposes. The ands lie along and in close proximity to the west branch of the Susquehanna river from a point eight mies west of Keating to a gton connty. with a fine growth of young timber and ia monsidersd the best yet obtained tor forntey Past vation, la the par one 1,000 acres of wild lands gwned hy the city of Phil iad eiphia. are Sado Hatha i Posey ieanbs. Pennsylvania has the honor of hav. ing more national baoks within ber than other wate. The iw 408, York has 3907 Total in the Dnited Slates, Total mun ber organized, 3,288, of which 1 281 have gone into voluntary gail. borides amber any Naw dat savant. Rebaiot Repor, Report of Mellon township, No. for ending Febrnary 1010. sohasl, Carroll fourth month Namber in ay Aww per cent. of attendance, 8L perfect in attendance: Mamie Shunk. wiler, Etta Marts, Florence Lanoy, Josephine Lanoy, Abbe Landed, Tier rie Lundell, Millie Debiski, Carrie Dwshoskl, Grace Sebolski, Htasia Sebol- ski, Arena Shade, Kafe Sponskey, Lizzie Tetziaw, Hilda Oberg, Mary Oberg, Ross Farabaugh, Bertha Fare baugh, Regeoa Farabaugh, Thomas Bponskey, James MeGuin John Mo | Giuire, Modestus Farabaugh. WiLL J. Raspatl, Teacher. atreita, point 35 miles sastward in The lund is covered Business Pakm todition. S003 ion and 370 haze been declared in. Cpesbintion was | provides thal “Members of the county committee stall be seloctad at the reg. | alar primary election sid in same man | ner as delegates to the convention are elected] alwp Rule 7, which refers to eligible candidates, requiring that ite provisions be complied with twenty | days before (he time fixed for holding | the piimary election. | Satomiay, February 34th, will bethe ast dey for [mnonsoementa. Accordingly, Cuantes B. Coven, Chairman County Commitive. fist of Jurers The following have been drawn from {the ettrme north of the county fo verve at i special term of const to be ‘field ak Ebessburg Monday, March 28, 1900: Peter Campbell, furmer, Carroll own; F. BK Farabaugh, carpenter, Hirrroiil township, labor, weigh:boss, Patton; Rudy Miller, carps Lanter, Carroll township: RA Ryan, Mrmr, Clearfield township; James Bimpeon, laborer, Spangler. 5 Barmeshoro: 1. Johnston, Frank A Minhig Town for Cunioe Townstitp, The Glan Campbell Journal says that ft im stated on good authority that Bigler & Heed, who have bought up the ooal lands on Canoe Creek, Indians sounty, will baild 100 houses in the spring on the Wm. Smith farm, which they recently purchased, on Straight {Branch of (Canoe Creek: A crew of | men 8 now at work under Clark Gas ton, Hf Uanide Ridge, driving a heading, and the contract for building a tipple has Ben lel. utis the Navy. Charles BL. Weakland, an old Ebens- burg boy who spent six vears in the navy, recently completed lis term of | enlisiment snd he expects to spend the remainder of his days on shore. Hels at present visiting his old bome in Ebensburg, In the near future he will go to: Philadelphia, where he expects to engage in the jewelry business with a man named Dennis, ander the firm namin of Divnnis & Weakiand. Aulfeihg From at Old Injory, A. G. Storm, of Fifth avenue, who hak heen narsing quite a sore arm for | woman time, is again able to be an the Some years ago Mr. Storm | had the arm severely injured and about | two weeks ago he accidently bumped | ity which caused a bealing on the elbow : join on At this writing it is muneh ime proved and he expects to be able to resume work in a few dave fi Ftusiness st Carwensville. Harry Wilbur, son of Mr. and Mm J. B. Wilbar, of Beech avenue, has em- barlied in the clothing and gents far. ishing business at Curwensville, Pa. Harry an expericoced man in the above mentioned, having ben associated with his fsther in a store 5% BEbensburg for a number of vears. Hs many Paton friends wish abnradant suceess in his new Money Saved ix Muooey Easeed And that's what vouean do by bay. ing everyibing vou want in the grooery ne at the Cash Groeern, Take Wotler TN Office of the Cresson & OU learfiold Cost Xk Cotte Co... 1H Somth Broad St Philmlelphia, Fa AL a numting of the Directors of this copapany beid this day the following unanimously adopted: of the Flmolved, That a mesting stockholders Be calbul to convene at attendance, Th; avernge attendance, 66, Pupils | the general office of the company, on the 21st day of April te take action on capproval or disapproval of the pro. | poted increase of the indebtedpess of said company from $300,000 to $404, DO smi that the Secretary be and is hereby directed to give notice thereof as re. sired by law. B. (WHauax, 15-48 Secretary. Feb, 14, 1800 If vou are bungry drop in to the Ciny Restaurant where you can get averythiag you wish in the eatibix line,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers