Lo rier. PATTON PUBLINIING CO, Proprietors. SORELY BERR, Eine TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Onis copy, ome your, in advance, © - « 8 wo ! Si Advertising ratas wade ROWER GpOn Ap pen tic. ine pid} publishers Entered 21 the Poatoffos at Patton 88 weotd. : elon nell mintine, re dHscontiomed anti) all srrvar anless Kt the opting of the w. ¥, Stover came up from Clete Friduy. M. CU. Musser, of Tyrone, wis | in our town Monday. Go to the Bazaar for your valentines. Come or fancy. a RY, Smith, of Westover, was seen San in Patton Monday. Frank Hurd, of LaJose, was & Pat tn visitor Monday. Special prises to cash bayerss all month st the Cash Grocery. Don’t fail to attend the supper in the "Baptist church Febraary 324. You save money by buying your groceries at the Cash Grovery. J. leard Elder came down from : Ebensburg the first of the week. John J. Kinney, of Gallitain, was in ‘Patton the latter part of last week. © For apples, onions, oranges, bananas, | eandy and nuts go to the Cash Grocery. | J. A. Warner, of Windber, Pa, was seen on our sareets the latter part of | Inat wok, Miss Lillian Corry, of Westover, was in Patton Saturday, Burd Hurd. The Patton Fire company will have. a A nico line of costumes to hire for the bail, Walter Mallon left Patton Friday of Inst week for a week's visit among : friends in Pittaburg. Go to City Restaurant if vou are hungry. How many valentines did you re veive yesterday ? The Lenton season of 1800 will com- mence Pebraary 25th, Fresh oysters every Tnesday, Thors- day and Saturday at the Cash Grocery, 0. CC. Hanson has sectired the agency in Patton and vicinity for the Grand Union Ten company. Wm. McGuire, principal of the Sum. _merhill public schools, was visiting friends in Patton Saturday. . Ths Wolfe building at Altoona, | which was badly damaged by fire one day lst week, it is to be rebuilt at : Cones, Wm. Little, principal of the public inchools at Chest Springs, spent Bun- ‘day with his brothers und sister in this plnce. your friends. When you treat a friend An whiskey, give him the best. Harper Whiskey is the beverage for your friends and for you, Seid by W. : Daggett and W. A. Mellon, Patton, Pa Postmaster Fes. Liovd is having a merry time answering inquires regard. ing the letter addressed to" Miss Jones” that was held in his (ffios and adver tised in this paper [ast week. Al the { last census there were T0 Miss Jones's in this vicinity, and noarly all of them ‘have been fo the offite to mee about that letter, with the resuil that the | postmaster and his ssalatant are on the Lyerge of insanity from the worry aboot it Mountaineer- Herald. the guest of Miss : Lester Wagner and John M. Peath, : v Washington, Pa, were visitors place Sustizdny Patton iting his puirents, 0. 8. Randburg, of Hoatedale, pa, of our celebrated “Kan't Rip” ¥ 8 visiting friends and relatives in poisoning case of New York City, was found puilty of murder lu the first Goo. A. MeClain, of Ridgway, ‘and Thos B. McClain, of Histings, among the Sunday visitors 10 Patton. J. Hervey Gwin, of Altoona, was in ABN tH Pye, ‘Molineux, the principal in the great Pronsers. s Pa, Another large assortment ‘boy's knee pants, sizes 4 to Juices right too, at 48¢ and 72 Also received a Noung Men's 1768 23 to 12 waist, long and short | legs. hne of Patton Monday on business. While here he made the Cotmipr office a oo Miss ‘Rachel J. Anderson, who ia teaching school at Belsona, this county, pet Suuday with ber paresis on ; Februiry 23d the Young ladies, Society of the Baptist church of Patton li bold a festival and supper in the \ veyenr-oid boy fell out wa saved by his falling on a man n silk hat. Patton Borough Council did oot Monday evening for wait of a quorum. Next regular meeting Mom- A evening, February 19th. and Mrs. A. BE. Patton spent Tuesilay bight in Patton, the former on business, the latter to visit her 1 le Review. Each package of Potnam Fudeless wlors more goods than any other Sold | | tolors them better too. by C. H. Perry, Chest Sprangs, Pa. The murriige batis of Miss ¢ church at that place last Sunday for | second tme. Agents on salary of $15.00 per week | nses; the greatest agent seller | ever produced: every stock and poultry buys it on sight. Hn Reference, Address with | American Mig. Co, Terre of a story window in Paris, wid his Ada f and Bennett Satton, of St jiface, were published in the Catho. | Our Women's Sh ‘1% still on, & great many pairs, plenty yet. np-to- date Ind wear aon leave them with 2 Sale and we are selling hut have MS VOTV ong. now a regular $1 85% Show 1 © 2 ix a 28 2 88 2 at $i Ix »E fow single at $2 a 1 50 : 5 18 Npecial prices on a 8 00 Bhoes 3 56 3 0G a 50 pairs. anh we $i +4 Es A Flyer in Men's Shirts In our East window 50¢. $1.00, Swe and The Inside we have some of those A and T8¢ ones at Former Prices Were 25. . COME HERE—SAVE MONEY. " STONE OL Be good to youreelr and good to LL. Black Clay These prices for t ; Co oyenrs Mrs Jackson and Satardny at the Cash Grocery. | Record. | Emanuel Louder, of Monntaindale, this county, have been granted pen. sions, the former $10 and the latter $12 | a month. | Jesse Wood, formerly of Patton, but who is now a stodent in the telegraph office at Westover, Pa. spent Bunday at the home of BE. W, Cowher, of Pal mer avenue . Windber is to bave 5 new and com- - meddios opera house. Manager OC. A, Holes wiil commence its erection soon Land it will be located somewhere on {ieabam avenue Journal Mrs J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton, Pa, writes, “1 think DeWitt's witch | bagel salve the grandest salve made.’ It cures plies and heals everything. i All frandulent imitations are worthiess, . W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. i An alectris svete haulage was es ‘tablished Monday at : mines of Sonth Fork. is expected to contribute toward an increase of the output of the mines Great opportanity offered to good, reliable men. and expense for man with rig to intro. dace our Ponitry Mixture and Insect | Destraver in the country. Send stamp, American Mfg Co, Terre Haute, lod | the conntey, Be carefnl after this how yon pack your trunks. The Central Passenger Asm bation decicled to bar franks welirhing over 150 potinds, In tend of charging e100 an heretofore, Boas the baggage will have to Ro § AR SX ITE or Tredphi. “1 had dyspepsia for years. No med. joing was so effective as Kodol dyspep sia cnr It gave hnmediste relief Two botties produced marvelous re Vwrites [0H Warren, Albany It diets what yon eat and can. WW. Hadgkine, Pat Canta : Wik not fall to enre (ton Pharmiwy, 8: In addition to having Ella Ewing, the largest woman in the world, Mis sonri, has the smallest married oonple in the world. Thew are Mr. and Mrs Willie Ray, of Dunkiin coanty, winter. They are each three feet tall, and weigh ordinarily about 38 pounds Mrs, io J. Nagle, two daughters and son, of Hastings, ame visiting at the ‘home of T N Nagle Mrs Nagle and children were in the fire which de. stroyed the hotel at Histings last week and lost all their wearing apparal, ox ! fore the conflagration. The birth rate in the United States is {gradually decreasing, this diminotion being doe to both the white and back Underwear Official figares show that ineresse for oar tofal population was 30.08 per cent. from 1570 to 1880, 4 por owt. from 1880 ar thie de cade will only show ap increase of 15.34 pacen. For the last 100 years thix dect mal joe is meonrded #8 having gone on fo 1800 willie it Is believed th wer fenil. Three children of Joseph Tema, A miner, were drowned in Sandy creek, pear Soow Shoe, Sanday, dren who were aged from § to 9 years, eft their home at soon Sanday, and when & Sthont were not missed antl sight ‘search was at once made, bat w wore | Monday. Brothers were drowned while irving Ls save her, erboea. resid Westmoreland the connlry fast Mra Milica Jacksn, ing up Big Puoxely, comuty, wid kpown to Cover se the cesified woman, Thareday, aged aboull 100 died the (irdensbarg Argus. For twents fogs beens ‘Hid During this time she hail passed into an osafied state, Wis HUA was an interesting stodgy fd her home Was Lhe of namerons medical pilgrimages from physicians whe went {o study ber cape For six dass previous to ber death she tow x morsel of faxed peed bar ferembie sper. and hie to bed a jount Her con ehikans for the § Ggolaors & Henk wos anata fo wR and death rel lags. How 86 Toned Cheaply, New York lentes mite age Fiye oe htidred tyiiee be eis, 2 in Now Yu rk Bak £3 fet qn the New ¥ | ti ver BR anid hrandhes, chester & Pitsburg Ky, & Reading Hy X aired pwirt Sip SX Uebmited, axe on all trains, a th Hay Ys wiles ork 4 iteal aed Ho 62, Ba off HD Lim whore I: Hie mile Ea fee considerable osm than tay cents por pay be obtained bediwesst certain Consgit eke spans Toe par. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You ha Always Baugh! “A. {'. Fisher, of Patton, was in Cres. | 1 son Saturday evening on his way home from Ashville, where he visited his oo ous Uses a Compoudd That Makes Mix brother-in-law, John Cawley. Cresson | Samael Tanghan, of Hastings, and | "his hens being so prolific, eras all in a certain compoond be was psing, that kept his hens in good con. | dition and Tarnished them with the proper stimulus to egg prodoction. | American Pooltry Mixtare is the name af it. and i» made by the American Every laying the Stineman The new system "expense of the company. for a sample package and if it dosen't do the work you get your money back. Suiary of 814 per weit sh van Manufacturing Co, ieves the pain, Pharmacy, U who | have jst returned home 16 spend the “Pigart and also BE. PeReamer, form. iirly in the meat business in Patton, are sow left in my bande for sethiement here when we The chil h si - : Cnr Overcoat inti] the creek was dragged The supposition is that the fitsle girl fell into the: water and ber The price @ should be is low at 2. 98 $3.50. BE HVE for 18 years: Fresh Fish every Thursday, Friday | i IT WAS IN HIS POULTRY YARD. Hens Lay Double the Usual Number Sum. Sorcess. People in the neighborhood of C res. ton, lowa, are amazed at the number of eggs that this man drives to market | with. When asked what the canse of Mfg. Co, Terre Haote, Ind tenn in the poultry business is inter. suted in the health of his hens and their capacity, profit the ponitry business. There ja abso | fotely no donb as to what it wil do, and you are invited to try it at the Rend $1.00 he stated it : In the eggs liv his This mixtore is guaranted to increase the prodoction of eg 100 per cent. or money refunded. It pnore than three times as moch as the anme amount of any other compound. : It is concentrated in form and the re. gait of years of practical experience in with do FURNITURE & ['NDERTAKING. ley IS, We hive on hand a fall line of Furn- ’ WV SA iture ia all in ite branehes, carpets, : . ; | window shadim and mattings. We have all the latest goods In fhe Milli ney Liste at on store in the Solomon : butlding, Fifth ave nue, and extend a special invitation (0 al] the ladies of Pat ton and vicinity to call and exam sane, Hats trimmed 1 the latest styies, Satisfaction anteed, ¥ 1 AEE COTHIR SUT FOR $18.8 PIECES. Oak extensdon tables, § feet long, $425 iron beds, $4 and op; kitchen ehatrs, 50c each and all other farnitore in progjortion, aking and embalm- White Black hearse. wt} All guar Evans Sisters, Pa. x od hi Pinder £y & Lm or Patton, The New Store. H. his is fair and je made 10 indice prac. | — tical poalteymen to give it a trial swlentific peparation. The maruftorers gnarkites gvery package or refand purchase money, If wonr deaggist don't sell American Ponitry Mixture, he's behind the age. ip that ease order direct from Ameri Torre Haote, fred. #1 think | would go crazy with pain were it pot for Chamberlain's hima, writes Mr WH : Horminio, Pa. “7 have been afflicted with phenmaticm for several yours aud have tried remedies without number, jsut pain baim i the best medicine | Ove application re For sale by W. Hodgkins Kotiew, De Reamer & Me: lave got bod od” The secounts of All theme todebted are hereby notifled to endl and adjust mane 11-3 BE DeReaswen Special ‘cept those they Bad worn the day be. Overcoat and ys aa TF al 1 he season of the rs mins Qisnase of I'nderweinr ; order to make C * *& and we % poe on Fes 5 3 DIOR, Bp 4134s x goals, & pia 3 Lily eC A - +3 Far hak # al i PER Be pt 24 I LOual rest: : ra we Wik Bone t: io Tm pial. wach i 4 * etore Dt os CR EE PEALE RO NE iH) NOT FORGET * A Ps 5 AIIWT RK Farnis Er se ie ha EY Cxive 11S 3 oad ‘i also a sure preventive of snch dik @8 cases 4s the terrible cholera and roup whieh create such havoc ip ali parts of It acts directly on the oraw and gizsard and is a thoroughly Smoked Meats Patton VEAT 1S (Successors to Miners Store Co. PATYO N, PA. ALL LOW : Groceries, PRICES of our Boots, EA 1. 137. a Eh ; ¥ 4 We handle ae: aman: 4 “Paid Ate evely it stock is complete~-and pri Packing Company's paund to be first-class. low as the and gnar Onir dried quality res Lo ith ‘ & i Yn 5 % Saohic ting * Wii Vou patronage, BAY STATE { FLOUR. UNBURPASREL WARD'S BREAD. # Ys % Very traly, Business! ness has been Bust hn rusnin Yt F holidays we have been unable to write much But we “f} wibie b 1 3 ¥ Cains fey Iu i S36; In our Bus y Store the I ry nano Vv £ ill 1§ | Ly