The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 15, 1900, Image 1

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$1.00 PER YEAR.
‘We can
save you 50
per cent.
Ig oves.
so a full line of
. high
w back sinks.
ocr sextibia
the Courier” Reporter.
ac one a Sf the Most Dieasterous in thy
Imtory of ihe Road,
The most disastrous freight wreck
that has oocared on the Beech Creek
raiirosd ‘was encountered on Tharsday |
| morning of last week belween 8 and 7
{o'clock at Gorton Height, two miles
| east of Peale.
| The immediate result of the hsad-end
| collision, which it was, was the death
{of Fireman MoeAlvenen sod Erigineers
| 0. C. Bennett and Martin McFarland,
| and the serious, but not fatal, injury of
{T. E Creigton, a brakeman. Bennett
{and McAlveneu were married and re-
sided at Jersey Shore. McFarland’s
parents live in Tyrone. He was un
married. These men were among the
. best and most trusty of the company.
The story, as heard from apparently
reliable satirces, begins with instruct.
jooked by somebody.
of train No. 1, westboutid, consisted of
& string of 45 empty cars, and was due,
and had orders to that offect, to pass
No. 2. eastbound, runpiog in two
sections, at Gillintown. Engineer Ben-
sett waited until frst section had
| passed and then polled out on to the
main track and met the id section with
both trains running at freight limit.
The eastbound section consisted of
forty-five loaded coal cam, and the
| meeting of the ponderous freight
occuring on a shortourve, and |
| before the mist of night bad yet been
| entirely dinpelled by the coming day,
was terrific. The engineers and fire
‘men had no opporturity to call for
brakes inn time to get any use from
them, and the engines ind cars moved
on and piled ap and Spread aronnd in |
| &n indescribable mau.
| Traffic, with the track torn up and |
: blocked with soch an immense mass of
| wreckage to be moved, was of course
| out of the question for a day at leant,
{and all passenger business was trans
5 Ie. ona phenomenal scape, when
| the crash occarred, was made by En
| gineer McFarland’s fireman, who
jumped, but turned up with but
slight injury.
The first report of the wreck re
ceived in Patton Thorsday morning.
~ ; cant & deep gloom over the many N. Y.
C. employes in this place, as those
wreck were well
and favorably known, and had many
| friends and acquaintances here.
! Married - PHU.
{ford Davia, a fireman on the P. RR.
with at Derry, Pa, and
Miss Amelia Hoover, danghter of Mr.
| and Mrs. John Hoover, of near Patton, |
were quietly married st Pittsburg, the
ceremony being performed by the min-
ister of the First Lotheran church of
that city. The marrige was quite a
er's family, as she had informed ber
| sister in Hastings, with whom she was
living, that she intended coming to
Patton for a visit. Mr. Davis is well
and favorably known at this piace,
{ having been employed by the Patton
Supply company for several years
Mrs. Davis is also well-known here,
| being a sister of Miss Myrtie Hoover, |
{wish them a pleasant voyage through
Hife. The COURIER representative did
| pot learn where they would make their |
| futore home, but no doubt at Derry,
Pa. the terminal of the division op
| which the groom is enaployed.
Fifi Anveal Mecting.
| Wm H. Sandford, cashier of the
First National Bank of Patton and also
La member of the Patton schoo! board,
who was chosen as a Selegate to the
: Fifth Annual Meeting of the Penosyl
(yania State Assn. of School IHpectors
‘departed for Harrisburg Toesday
| where the sessions were beld yesterday
{and to-day in the Hall of House Rep
| resentatives. Mr Sannford was choson
; at the meeting of the County Directors’
meeting during Institute week at Eb
ensburg. In making the choite the
{oounty association used good jade
iment in selecting him, as be bw well
versed in public school affaies.
An Tota Deal
A sine-manths-id son af Mr. and
Mrs, Patrick McCarty, of Fast Magee
| Avenue, Giend Sunday evening, after an
illness of but a few days Faneral:
services were held Toesday afternoon,
interment being made in the Usssidy
| cemetery east of Patton,
Cisaned Here and There by
“Las been busily engaged with a crew of
men in tearing down the COmpPAny’s
mill, which is located about two miles
jons which no doubt were over
The first section
surprise to the members of Mise Hoov-
“of Vodonel
| Wanter A& Pacghwen are Shipping iH fe
Rrookyill, Jefferson Connty
For the past week Frank Baughman,
of the firm of Honter & Baughman,
east of Patton, and hasling it to the
| siding at the “Y" preparatory to ship.
ping the same to Brookyilie, Jefferson
county Pa
Hanter & Banghman have bought
100 acres of land located a short dis
tance from the latter place, which is
heavily timbered with pine, hemiock
and bordwood, and for which they
paid $29,050. The firm will begin saw
ing the timber as soon 3s the mill can
be rebuilt on the new tract,
Mr. Baughman hax a jarge circle of
friends in Patton,
timber land in this immediate vicinity,
bit they could not make a purchase
stitable. hence the move ta another
Jocation. The new possession will be
much better for Hunter & Baughman,
as both members of the firm live at or
near Brookville. May they have much
success is the wish of the COURIER
Jets Tnstitals,
The teachers ol
and adjoining districts, will bold an
institate at the Plke school, near Cres
son, Saturday, February 3, commend.
ing at 130 p. m. The fillowing
program han besn prepared: School
t, paper, Prof. E. J. Duffey;
Busywork, CW. Lilly; The teacher's
‘own hour, James G. Lynch; Should
‘corporal punishment be abolishe, 4.
H. Lynch; Are cabinet curiosities found
helpful in the school-room, W. A Lit
tle: Decorations of the asthool-room, W.
Little; Patrons duty to the school, John
gleve, Dr. J. A. Lyneh; Spelling match
poachers will be expected to take part
in the discussions. The program will
bring their song books. All friends of
adpeation are cordially invited to at-
Appointed Agents.
At the last meeting of the Cambria
County Mutua! Firelnsiarance company
of P.of H.,it was decided to divide
the county into four sections, and ap
point one agent for each district to re
new old and write pew insuraboe
policies. Heretofore cach grange had
an agent, which failed to give salinfac-
that seganization. The CoUmiER rep-
pesentative waa informed thid two of
On Taesday, February 6, 1900, Tel
the districts had received the appoint.
ments of an agent, John Somerville, of
Paul Yahner, of Elder township, the
Mote: Barnesd,
The town of Hastings had a serioas
conflagration Thursday morning of last
week in which far buildings were de-
stroyed, entailing a loss of some $5,000
It is supposed the flames were of incen-
‘diary origin. They started at an early
tonr in Michael Naghe's botel, which
wan destroyed. Thee they spread fo
another house owned by him, and later | od.
to two bouses owned by Marcelios for labor they perfor
Weakland, all of whivh were burned. §2 20
As near as can be sscertained anis- "7
The many friends of the happy couple *Orance of between §3.000 and $4.00
was carried on the destroyed property
and furnishings.
Priced of Ment Discane
Mr. Robert Burpoon, s highly
spected Indy of White township,
Thorwiay night af her home
Beaver Dims, after an ul
weeks of heart discs
aged $2 yours, sud leaves Lo mourn ber
Bi Bintan a and seven children
3 gh ie LA
{cena Was
wre 4 ted in ths
peopning, after wi
mid $0 rest in the ohurad
The Baugh itor’ Reunion
At the meeting of the execulive
committer of the Bough Ridery' Re
‘anion Association held at Guthrie, ©
IT. one day last week it was deo ided to
change the eof the antua ™ 3
at Oklahoma UU8Yy
Jaiy I in
win wre §
he could not attend on June SL
date previously annoanoed
Hi asevall, c
os the Pabily,
Having secured the agency or th
Grand Usion Tea company, 1 will call
an the residents of Patton each month,
Save me an order. © U Haxsos,
5 ba
who entertaind
hopes that the firm could secure some
taking the district east and ,, niered. Rev. John Radoliffe will
preach in the evening.
March 4 1998,
vas of several
Mother Elisabeth Stesnge, Oldest Sister of
Morey i Awmerien
Mother Elizabeth Strange, the oldest
Sister of Mercy in America, having
beet born the same year as Queen
Victoria, died last Wednesday morning |
in Bt. Xavier's convent, pear Latrobe, |
of infirmaties incident to old age; she
being in her eighty first year. The
Aucvnsad was finely edocated in Ireland
anid was a nieces of Cardinal Wiseman,
Sle came 43 America over 80 years
ag and founded the order of the Sis
ters of Mercy, ander the direction of
gone to Ireland for young priests and
missionaries for Western Pennsylvania
of the orgaoimtion there. Rix other
sisbers were brought with Sister Elisa-
bets Strange, bot all of them died be
fore 188K.
Made Reerating Oeer.
Lieut RB
Philadelphia hospital
Liemt. Kephart when in Cobs and the
with Gen. Lawton at the time of his
Phot in a Stree! Oar
A Hilngarian lofat aged 3 days died |
im & street car somewherw between district have refused to come out so
Walnut asd Brosd streets, Johnstown,
Thursday siorning while its father,
godmother ind a friend were taking it
to 8. Jomeph’s Catholic church to be
MeCann; How to teach reading in the baptised. The little one was a son of
fifth grade, Hogh Slater; Rural and Michael! snd Mary Kponwan and it had
town schools compared, ET. Parish;
The gathering of and correcting of
written work, Lem Lyneh; Behoot hy
"interred in Lower Yoder cemutery.
by teachers. The Simchirs whose
been sick since Birth. The hody was
taken to Undertaker McGahan's, where
torions jars when they begin to tsik
strike and wage raw, and reductions
among the miners of this jocality.”
it was prepared for burial, later being
Late Seturday night the jury in the you raise will be about 1 (
came of Harry W. Harris on trial con .
for wife murder in the Baltimore, gp.
Md, courts, brought in a verdict ee he m—— an intended
morder in the second degree THe raise of wages for ita miners, has not
ent. Sentence was suspended. The [°° Jot tags the ts
mardersd woman was weil known in
Ebensburg and Johnstown, baving
relatives living in both places. The
parents of the deceased woman Are... ame rate that the Berwind White
- poopie do.
penalty is from 5 to 18 years imprison-
residents of Renova, Pa,
At Baptist Charen.
The following services will be con.
ducted in the First Baptist church of
patton hy the pastor, Rev. M. C. Alex.
next Sunday: Preaching at
10-30% and 730 %
tion to the large nomber of members of i Pom
In the mors.
of the day An invitation is extended
to the (i. A. B post and all orders and
Ee “est $3,290.
i different prisoners from the cotoly
“| sonfined in the institution during the
year. They served an aggregate of 8, 160
days, which, al the rate of 34: cents a
days, amonoted to BRITS i
this, however, was & credit of BRL 47
leaving a
ihe pounty te pay of
balance fr
Taklug the Censns.
The work of taking the Dext census
will sommence June
sion bs fnsd by section 17 of the Act of
each living inhabitant,
fifteen cents
two onnts for
wo cents for cach death,
of Pr sinetivi imdastry
an pot lee oes
ropes than sx
’ % 4 rad a
SRE of metas Belg worz
Faspareew aie Lasky,
ARE bette
tine ceirt of
the Adie
oF than
¢ 1 seaamogpead
Slovan veri) sa Of
J 1. 1. Besser, pasion « of fhe Fipst
Brethren chapch, of Jobos
while catehing drittwond Thurs
dav evening is toe stonvoreelk River a
short distanse below his home, Tell to
the water and was drowned before help
Leoni! be summoned
| At Barneshborn Will Rave no Effect Upon
| evening states that, while the decion |
Ristiop Michael (’Conpor, who had of the meeting of miners at that place
Batarday cannot be looked apon se
carrying much weight, owiog to the
and wus much impressed with the work
colleries was incomplete, thers home
pot seem to be the slightest Shanes © of
any strike among the miners of
bria county for the present.
heen appainied to the head of the
Philadelphia recruting office by the war trike for a raise at this time. Mind
He ix at present in 8
and hae Deen
there since bis retorn from the Philip
Ad soon ss he ix able he will ae
: isurne the doties of his new offiee
Cresson township
main idle for a week.
“wotld lose more than we wonid gue if
Philippities was nn Gen. Lawton’s army | we were to get the promised raise at
corps. The battery to which he be-
§ 3 :
aviged was tbe only one which started ploy: + antil April 1.
possibly gain more by & raise for five
| weeks than we wonid lose by the idle-
the end of a week's lime io continue
through the remaining five weeks of |
{ tended advance will be, although it is
expected that it will bu in proportion
to the fgures mentioned, and that
| excitement Wednesday nigot over an
About T o'vlock in the evening some
bag ihe pastor will preach a National one cut a hole in the ioe near the mouth
sermon touching on the leading topics of Lick Ron and commence | fishing
with a dig net. The fishermen had the
best of luck, and at the frst hanl
societies of Patton. Special mosic will brought up a net fall of Gernian darp.
|The fishing was continued antl mid.
night, and the luck continued good.
At midnight over 50 caap weighing
A statement of Cambria county's sc TO three to five pounds aplece Wery
count with the Western Penitentiary
for the venr 1909 showy that there were | received a supply of the fish.
hands Saturday schmitted to a triple
and half of
; His Tg! foot will
The compenst-
at a minkraym rate of
ing well since De submitted to the
4 Chpvode araputaion,
for cach farm and Dwenly omnis for each ’ P
dotisrs per day
soever as she has left
CE for Edin mand Be
aE REsTING westovER y ETHER.
1 Sommiiond ay # Wide Awake Correspontent
from the ClearBeld County Town.
i A revival meating being held in the
Miners Will Continue Work- United Evangelical charch is having
ing until April y. | great snones under the management of
EE Rev. A. F. Berivey.
2h ~ | M RB Cowher of Patton, snd John
THEIR MEETING HELD K. Garman, of lrvona, both insurance
agents, were ses on onr streets the
ot frst of the week.
HE. On Monday of this week a part of
the leech house roof fell in causing a
sonsiderable amount of damage to that
part of ihe twanery building. For
tanntely thers sean no one hort
DW. Pryw Bitle child died Monday
morning after + short illness of Yrain
| trouble.
James Addietsan left for Glen Campe
bell Monday evening.
To say the lesst the smiles on Court
A. Currys face are very broad, caused
: iby the arrival «f an unusually fine boy.
Col. W. 8. Thomas was with os this
week Jooking ufter his coal interests
It is sure bosinows as the contract for
sidings will be let this week.
Anstin Curry, of Wankesha, paid
our towel a visit this week.
Mra 15r Hurd of LaJoss, spent a
diy this week with her nephew, Wayde
iM, Carry.
Snnatelle Jackson fell from a chair
Toesday breaking a smail booe in her
right ann.
Billie McKee bas sold a number of
town lots soc will wil more at any
Postiiaster Jackson has received a
far. fine canine of type
“All thems threatened strikes, espoci.
aily those talked of after the operitors
decided to grant the miners the raise
demanded, have been comosived in the
minds of site newspaper men, Whose
location | have not named. and who al- |
ready enjoy the reputation of beiag no.
Mountain Distrie.
A special from Barnesboro Monday
fact that the representation of certain
“We are santent (o wait anti the
coal miner, “We y womld be foclisb to
you we have been promised ao alvanocs |
on April 1. six weeks from to-day.
Suppose we were to strike now and re
in that week we
We cannot
ness of a week or two in forcing the
strike. This je why the miners of this
Walter EL. Mais Retires, res.
Walter I. Mains circus, one of the
largest and best on the road, was sold
penentiy at is winter quarters near
Geneva, (1. and the stock of animals
and all equipments were disposed of
to varios shiw proprietors through
out the country. Mr Main's health
prevenis him from continuing longer
in the business, and he refused to trast
it to otider hands He i» said to have
heen Bors in this State and started out
15 years ago with eight horses and a
rend-lop tent. Last summer bis cir
cum wa considered third in size in the
counter, and ite owner retires with im-
menses wealth.
Reduenl Bates oo he New York Costral
The Sew York Central has reduced
ite rates to holders of mileage books
traveling bet ween certain competitive
| points in the Beech Creek district, by
instructing sonductorns to detach con-
pons oyvering the short line distance
only. This makes a rate of less than
wo cents per mile between Willinme-
port or Lock Haven and Patton The
Pittsburg & astern RR. is now oper
ated mt a brunch of the Pennsylvania
division, snd New York Central thous.
and nile books will be scoepled be-
tween Mahaffey and Glen Campbell
and all poirts on that branch.
Phitomaphy from Por Hizoan.
The man who stops advertising =
fargotten sbiut assoon as the man who
stops living, and the rapidity with
which the forgetting business gels in
ite work after we are out of sight and
the insurance collected i» what makes
pome of us want to live x thousand
years Life however, is something we
sapoct contol, that is so far as keeping
it going i voncerned Bat tho power
in in our hands to np sur sdvertsing
going, and just in proportion as we
keep it going it will Eowp us going. —~
Thee uhermen's Review
It is generally believed that the sver-
throughout the entire district. Even
Berwind-White compsny, which
other smaller firma will follow at about
mig Mani of Carp.
The Lock Haven Express jays that
Farrandsville was in a great stife of
apexpected big cateh of German carp.
canght, and every family in the place
Subaxits to Triple Aunpainaion.
Howard Spangler, the Barnesboro
man who was recently admitted to the
Memorial hospital at Johnstown Bo
undergo treatment for fromen feet and
amputation. His right arm was cab off
above the wrist, two fagers aad pant
of the third removed {rom his left hand
his eft foot cut away.
§ pronatey be taken
t this has heen de
layed on aeoNt of the great shock to
the injured man. Dr Haona performed
the speration. Spangler has been rest.
wd Ff Sunalipes.
Cran death has occurred from smallpox
at Larimer, Westmoreland county,
whens farty persons Wers reported to
have heen onder goarantine without
Land for several days. Wilhelmine
Roheetti, a seven vearold [talian girl,
deni Thursday sight. There is a great
deal sf wrcitement among the resilents
Peter Basin of Larimer, and it i» the intedtion to
Bell's maintain a strict GEREAAL cet
the spread of Lhe diseas
Atenas 15 A. Booasd KG EB.
ie LE pres
hall Semday at 3
purpose of tisading in
{lek Fait hress Masgoorade Beob
Fak 5 2
Patton Fire company No. 1 will eid
tired Annual Masgoerade Ball in
evening, Pebroary
of music has been wee
Admission $1
he chard 38
3 attend
Aime tha Fuses
Crobden Dagies are ote wg Monday
AL Lie owpine Lane andl 4 Tent
Mey Saved ie Money Eaonid,
And that's what you can do by bay.
sins Giroesry Tie Yo
Ti Bapr
¢ play .t
give a supper
s connection with the
a fair lusting Two
he ew cream and
soneern, |
v all persons not To rast ny wile,
Mrs Euiward Leish, for anything what
Board this the 131d as Pobruary,
a, and 1 will not be mesponsible for
say debis contracted by ber
Hn En.
som iE moAy hereby woper
oak ia alin
3 are drop in Ww the
City Besbpurant oun can get
everything you wish in the ealibie ine.