The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 01, 1900, Image 1

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Five hundred
per back Novels
orth and sold every-
ere for 15 and z5c.
A Check
given with each
: their cook stoves,
Aull line of
mber suits,
boards, couches,
, high
o suit purchaser.
* Very Respectfully,
thee Farsiors' Toston Ponneyicanin Republicans Wi Mee:
Harrisburg. Aprit 23
To the Hepublican Electors of
sy vata
I am directed by
RAL NEWS [ Paeed n
3 Carentitown Worsley wad Tocsday, :
| i The Farmers Institute, which con.
Gleaned Here and There by vened at Monday fore |
; ‘noon, closed a series of mony}
messions Tuesday evening. The ab
: iron tendance at all of the six sessions was
THE : TWO TICKETS. ali that could Te desired. daly chosen representatives, wiil meet
; ; Following is a synopiis of resolutions in convention at the Opera Hoowse in
| adopted at the institate Toesday: the city of Harrisburg on Wednesday,
| Repablicana std Democrats Have Pat Thelr | After thanking the State officers, en
Candidates in the Fielq. dosing Secretary Hamilton's conduct
of his Department, the farmers as
semhied guanimously adopted a reno
lation favoring cultinig off the appro.
priation of $H8.000 now given to the
State Normal schools that should be
self-sustaining, and appropriating it Wo
township high sbhools as well as mak-
the Ast of 1897, renting theme
‘schools, operative. The Granger por-
tion of the assemblage also indignantly
repelled the newspaper canard that the Tuesday, the 18th day of June next,
Grangers are hoyeotting the Farmers’ and fur the transartion of such other
| Institotes Because ex. Master Leonunrd business as may be premeiited.
| Rhinew’ daughter was not retained in
‘the Agricoltaral Departownt and at the State Convention held in Harris
holding Institutes of their own, de. burg on Augrist 4 last, the reproseatas
elaring that never before wax the ticity in the State Convention will be
Ciranger attendance at the Farmers hamed on the vote polled at the last
Tostitntes ao large as ab proseat {inder this rule
aaeh legislative district kx entitled to
ane delegite fur every 2000 voles cast
for the presidential electors in 1598, and
MEL at
tthe “Courier” Reporter.
Repoblicans of Pennsylvania, by their
for the purpose of nominating candi.
lates for the following offices, to-wil!
One person for the office of anditor-
The following are the tickets as nom.
inated by the Republican and Demo.
cratic parties to be voted for at the
coming lection:
: Ripuabhioin
For Burgess Alex Monteith,
For Tax Collector Geo. Boone
For Councilman- Samael Cornelius
and E. O. Hartshorn,
For School Directors
ford and Joseph Taylor.
. For Judge of Election -Dan'l P.
For Inspector 8. 1. Irwin
For Auditor Frank McClure.
For High Canstable. W. T. Rabin.
son. .
Fo Burgess -W. J. Donnelly.
For Tax Collector - W. J. Weakland
For Councilmen Geo. E. Prindible
and Abe Flutehisnon.
For School Directors WC. Lingle
and W. C. Hubbard.
For Jadge of Flectitn- J FE. Rad-
Por Inspector J. F, Marks.
For Anditor Geo, Kane
For High Constable A. (i. Storm.
Passenger Conch Bo rned,
Pennsylvania passenger train, doe at
Patton at 3:50 p. m. waa over an bour
late Monday, caused by connections
not being made at Garway with the
| Hastings branch train on time. Con-
"daector Rush, who has charge of the
Hastings train, raade the trip from
arway to Hastings all right and he,
with his crew, Jeft the train stand on
the sidetrack to go to dinner. On re
turning they discovered the combi
nation baggage and passenger car all
ablaze, the fire having gained soch
headway that it was impossible to save
the conch. How the fire caught is a
mystery, as everything was left ina
| safe condition when the crew departed
for dinner. The COURIER represents:
tive did not learn the amount of the
joss or how Uanductor Rash managed
to get his passengers Lo Garway.
JrresaiALn at large,
» Thirty-two persons | fourat-iarge
far presidesdtial electors, und 10 choos
wight delogrates and cight siternates-at-
large to the Republican National Coo.
ventinn, to be held in Philadelphia on
Waa H. Sand
meorichential slvelion.
Trent oF Anihoay Chswaid,
Anthony Owwald, a well known
young man, of this place, died last
Thursday afternoon after an lines of
ten days, suffering wish appendicitus
at the age of 30 years. Mr. Owwaid
hud an operation performed recently,
mention of which wis made in the
Cormier last week, and for the first
four days be was improviog rapidly,
but inst Wednesday he begun to grow
weaker, the end of hw suffering com-
ing at 1:15 o'clock p.m. The romaine
were taken to Altoona Friday morn
ing ander an escort of two members of
Marcellus council, No. #8 Y. M1, of
Patton, of which order be wis a mem.
per, and interment was made in the Bt
Mary's Catholic cemetery. Mr. Os
Cwald i= survived by 4 mother and the
following brothers and sisters, ali of
whom reside in Altoona: Jobs, Will
fam, Joseph, Mra John DeTemple and
‘Mrs Rosa Schooid?.
tion af 2.000 votes polled in excess of
Lo00 Each district is entitied to the
wame nupaber of delegntes as repre.
sented it in the convention of 1588
By order of the Hepnblican Sate
Committers Frask Kernen,
WH Axpugws,
CE Yousses,
The Lehigh Cod) Cuanpawy Nordinting for
romans What
The people of Wilmore, who have
hu account of the report that the Le-
high Coal enmpany, which owos nearly
all the coal in the basin, bas deter.
mined to operate it from the Webster
mines at Ehrenfeid, have bad their
Fuginecr Doonle Tajired.
company i negotiating to buy out the:
machinery of the Cresson shaft with
the intention of moving it to Wilmore.
As Conrad Wenderoth of Cresson, an
The Jersey Shore Herald sys that 4
had wreck oncured on the New York
Central, on Saturday when train 8
Csonth-bound, crashed into the caboose
of thw second section of train 4, about
ove mile west of Lock Haven On sce
‘eount of the heavy fog, Engineer
Lincoln Dennis. of train 8, did not sew
the teain abead antl within a few feed
of the caboose, and shouting to the
other men ta jnmp, he reversed his
engine and barely had ume lo wap
through the window before the crash
came. Mr. Dennis, as a result of the
fall. fractared his jeit leg above the
ankle, and was brought to bis home in
that place a few hours ater, and Dr
‘ Biekel reduced the fracture. The ca
boise was smashes! to pleces and 7 oars
‘ped np, and it required the wreck
crew eight hours (0 clear the track
cped an option on the surface of one
hundred sores of land owned by Janes
Rewpreied Lady Passes Away.
Mra Catharine Sophia, wife of G
W. Quinn, a highly respected lady,
| pamsed peacefully away at lier hone on
Mcintyre avenos last Friday, Janoary
28, after an illness of several weeks
‘Mrs. Quinn was aged 6 years, 3
months and 20 days, and is survived by
a husband and two sons, Jobn and
Frank, both of Patton. The deceased
was a kind and affectionate lady and
‘had a larfe circle of friends in this
place, who extend their moat sincere
sympathy to the bereaved husband and
sons. Fonerx! services were held Sun
| day afternoon after which the remaing
were laid to rest in Fairview cemetery
stim of P0006 and the term of this op-
thom extends cnly until March 7th next,
(here muy be something more than
sere pomor in this report Tuesday's
Jobnstaown Tribune,
sed From the Operation
Mrs J. 8 Lansbury, of this place,
who underwent an opemition at a Phil
adelphia hospital last Satorday, died
jast Tuesday night. Al first it seemed
anfavorable symptoms developed and
ended in death.
cedved news Monday of har serfons con-
dition, arrived in the city some hours
befopg she died. Mra Lansbury, whose
maiden same was Plerce, is survived
by her husband, ber mother, (Bree sis
ters and four brothers. The body was
Wedding Fells
Married, at the St. Augustine Ustho
Jie church Tuesday, Janvary 33, at 9 a
‘m., Walter A. Parrish, of Loretto, and
Miss Mande M. Behe, of St. Augustine,
The bridesmaid was Miss Cecilia E
Bebe a sister of the bride while the
groom's brother, A. Gi. Parish, acted in
capacity of best man. The ceremony
was performed by Father Thos BR Rae,
alter which the happy couple, dconm-
panied by thelr near relatives, were
driven to the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr and Mes Lake Behe
where the weddiag breakfast was
serves. Mrs Parish 3 a youog lady
highly esteemed by all who know her,
while the groom is an
Prious young man who
charming a partner, to make Liv a suc
Pensions Granted,
The following pensions have just
‘been granted, as a result of the efforts
made by Congrensman Thropp: Jos
0. Kerby, of Wilmore, Cambria
| county, who has secured an increase to
‘dat: back to 1588. Alfred Fulton, of
Johnstown, increase to date back to
March, 1998 Thomas Gormas, of
| Mines, Blair county, Pa. increase to
‘date back in part 10 1878 David T.
Zimmerman, Johnstown, Pa. inorease
to date back to October, 1368
A Member of Marine Corps
Mr and Mrs San’! Edmiston, of
this place, received a letter from their
son, George, who i at League Island
Navy Yard, stating that bw bad joined
the Marine corps at that place. He
says he likes his new vooalion and
sends bik best regards to bis many
friends in Patton, Mr. and Mo. Ed
-miiston also have a son who is a men
“her of Troup E of the Seventh Unlvary
stationed in Uaba,
wiil be held at her late resident on
Sixth street at 9
morning. Interment at Fairview com.
etery Philipsboarg Ledger Mrs
Lansbury was formerly a resident of
Patton, mention of which was made in
the (ot BIER several welts ago.
oni Hasse 30 cad
The roind house of the New York
honest indus Central ratiroad company al Corning,
N.Y... wis badly damaged by tire that
broke JM at (2
oAare, With so
otha k iam Waldtnemiay
of the struciare
i Ay < 4
ibaa night tue BDL Tim)
wan burned off and the Liling
Led Nad mail Boss awe
Lhe Lwi fy sed frist
a Ava ata Br
pling of the atitntion $id and i
passenger engines and
wh of
Tomy Kerban Wis
Mong 6
® paps as engines and the «
al Eheasburg Plas in heavy
hat the dis
ft sigs
mise RL Iueiare,
Jevamodaling 28 Engives
cakme is alt
$4 Yoneda Fin Suhr nies + p>
it he decided to rave sapatie of
the sehaol, whch be did severa: might
Lage, He walked ajong the
from Ebensburg to Cresson, aod early
the next morning was found seleep in
The fire ssuhposd to hatte been cansed
railroad Ho waste dropping fron an eugine.
Notice is hereby given that the view. : Wilt Seen) Sup Ei
ers appointed to view and assess the a bread basket stamiing ta the plat. about wepiis
hepefits to property owners Song form of the Cresson station. Track. wad Lega the BOE &J 0 Ulark
Fifth avenue in the Borough of Patten ran Hugh Bussell took the bal Lo Bis sis AY thnjower fad of town, J E
have this day filed their report in the home in Lilly, where he r hus thacontraet for erecting the
Court of Common Pleas of Cambria over to the Sisters of St. Joseph, who ty
| county, and anless exveptions are fled nf of Mt
| thereto or an appeal taken therefrom,
within thirty days, the same will be
confirmed by the Conrt
January 36, 180,
E. ©. Hapmsuory,
: James Mignon,
: Viewers,
TWO covth will be
was tarned Mid
dose amd da ua ew
ple which will be pak ap at aoe, the
yeryesd the Salers Clallitan erading = alms al
lemy of his wherealuwails, vi Prattk weld be add on Iran
ter institution
has singe been petaried to fu leading bo hae oatae Phe mine
Nia ancl a sage onal 25 men
rk 14 WOK A sil Tire dion 08
First HMapting 1 harmh 3 : =
: fir shipotent oA
Ale giunmery
Hev. NM.
Preaching next Samday, February 4,
at 10:80 4 mand THO pom Morning
suliject, “The power of prayer,’ even:
' Yousave money by baying your “ing subject, “Bringing Uhrst before
| groceries at the Cash Grocury. the world.
Be pastor, : 3
ME cnsen Ma vaat te Muy. Baral
ing everything you want in the grocery
fine at the Cash Grocery.
the RBepublivan
State Committees to annoance that the
April 35th, 1000, at 10:30 o'clock am,
CT Geo Btn, of Clearfield, and on motion
Fi of MiCiormick, seoonded by Blair,
: Dwar sarried that same De held over
anti next tieating.
A Dorcegh order for fe sum of
£2 5001 9 muaate pavable to the Keystone
Paving cornspany, of Clearfield, wos
presented us Counell for payment, the
‘sam to be paved in favor of Pallos
Clay Manufacturing company. Coane]
held same over onlil next meeting
of the Dime! of Mew 3 night The: bill of Patton Pabilishing :
company for $2248 wax read, and on
Council met in regular sesion Mon. moti of MeCoriek, seconded hy
Wag ? oH TT Rieder, it was ananimously carried that
day evening with the following mem. | a
bers present: President qaame’ be accepted and an order Be
1 Regular Session Monday
Maks a Biport
and Fifth Aysmines
Two persons for the office of con.
Hubbard, © ,
Anderwan, Campbell, Blair, McCorm:] Ta for suse.
jek and Winslow. The minutes
of meeting held Monday. Junoary 15,
1908, were read and approved. The
Connell then adjoorned until pext
regular meeting which will be held
Monday, Piebruary Sth 1906
Re Bigeind Second View Posident,
In acenrdance with the rule adopted
an additional delegate fir every frac.
heen feeling rather glam for some tio
fewiings revived by the report that the
agent for the company, recently se
White, nexr Wilmore station, for lhe
the operstion would bo successful, but
Her hasband, who mes
brought oma Friday and the funeral
o'tlock Maturday
CEhem Or as.
And {at's what you ean do by buy.
Seriet Committee was instrocted by
the President 1o accompany Burgess At the annual meeting of the Awmeri-
Prindible and call on Rev. Edwin to can Protective Turtll League, held in
make an adjustment of sewn question, New York January Isth, 1906, Hon.
James Nolen was present. and ssked Joseph E Thropp was reslected a
Connedl to grant egress.and ingress to member of the board of directors, and
the families iiving near Clay Works. sobspquently meelected second vice
The president stated that the Patton president. Owing to bis inability to
Clay Manufactaring company had con. | be pitesent on acoount of congressdonsl
stricted a road reaching the residences dative, Mr. Thropp wrote a letter, of
in question, which was sativfactory to which the American Feouomist has the
Mr. Nolen. He also stated a grievance following: “A letter wun received
of Joseph Fedor, in regards to stones from Hon Joseph E Thropp, second
ased for street purposes by the com. vice president of the league and rep-
missioners last year. In this case the resstitarive in Congress from Peunsyls
president informed Mr. Nolen that 5. vanik, expressing regret at fis inability
FE. Jones, the former street commis to bei present on aceount of his cane
sioner, had purchased said stones from gresdonal duties, and offering for con.
Mr Fedor and paid him for them. sideration some valuable suggestions
The following report from the as 10 fotam policy that were recived
vhewers appointed on the Pith avenae | with marks atteniion. On motion a
paving was read, and it wos deemed vole of thanks was tendered Viee-
advisable to hold same over until next President Thropp for his valuable
peeting night: etter Tt Among some of those present
“To the Burgess and Town Council of ab the meting were Hon. Cornelios N.
the Borough of Patton | Bllw, Ex.-Secrvtary of the Interior
“Clentinmten: — Whereas, we the Hon PC Cheney, of New Hampshire,
| ondersigned, having, on your petition Hoa, F. 8. Whithebee, at whose home
to the Cisurt of Common Pleas of Cam. in New York President MeKinley has
Bria connty, been appointed ae viewers Dest a goes, and other men of like
to view and assess the bonefiis to the protmjvence
property owners along Fifth avenue in Rober Notley Takes 5 Wilk
said borough, by reason of the grading, In the Fisher house at (vensburg,
paving and curbing of ssid street, Thapsday, Robert F. Notley, of Hast
after haying viewed the same and ings, and who is well known in Patton,
heard the parties in interwt along the and Miss Mary Ssupp, of Alloous,
same, have made and fled of record 8 werk anited in marriage by Justice of
schedule of the booefits thereby asses: the Pease Sicher. The couple were ac.
sed. We find however that the grade companiad by Willian Conner, a busi.
on the corner of Beech and Fifth | Dem; amenoc pte of the groom at Hastings.
avenues fo be such that some action The bride in a daughter of Mr. and
should be taken immediately to either Mey, William W. Saupp, of Altoona.
raise the diamond at said corner of The coupls wre enjoying their honoy-
lowsr the grade on the conpecting moon in the sant. On their way back
streets and side walks (to Hastings, where they will reside,
“Wa deem the condition there ex. they will stop in Altoona.
isting wholly inexcusable on the part
of the Borough authorities, an eye sore
to the business portion of the town, |
Cw hi wan
Peath of Be ikeman Rimberlin
Homer DD Kimberlin, a brakemss
and something that should Le remedied | WH injured by fulling from him
by yoar honorable body at the enriiont Win Cresson Thursday morning,
possibile date. While it is pot within | died at the Altoona hospital Friday
sur provines to assess daninges by rea: afternoon, When taken to the hospital
son of said condition, yet we are of the Kimberlinis®legs were badly crashed
opinion as property owners and tax and he was in a weak conditition, bat
payers, that a good action of damages he allied during Thursday and that
will lie against the Borough of Patton ight His loft leg wis ampatated. In
by the property owtiers adjacent to ‘order to save his life it would have
said corner by reason of the conditions | heen necamary to ampatate the other
therein existing. It being our duty leg alan bat he was ine weak for the
under onr appointment to pass on the physiciany to attempt this.
facts and conditions ax we fod them, A Cassbrins Sar Vier Presiiont,
herewith submit this fading of facts al Ax the Harrisburg Starindpendent
the same time of fling our report ID, ag 5 story comes from Kansas City
the Court of Common Pleas of Cambmia 0 the Plon. Webster Davis, . of that
county. town, but who formerly resided at
“Dated at Patton, Peonsyivanis, pianghnng, now sssstant secretary of
January 22nd, 1900, the interior, is the sisted candidate for
he FARMSHORS: the Republican nomination for vice
Ta oily MET TAIN. Tn prostdent, and that his present trip Ww
Tiewers, Routh Africa is for the purpose of Keep:
The following resolutions were re. OQ him in the public eve until the time
seived from the United Mine Worker for the honor bet has
af Patton, and on motion of Campbell 30718 wi
and seconded by Blair, it was carried
‘that same be accepted and placed on
“Py the Honorable body, Conned
Ny bent was
For the ¥ oars
Mr William Roberts, Mrs June
Haws! arid Mrs Hila Humphreys, of
on Monday
Mw Mar
guret Roberts, whose funeral took place
They kL ther res
an monn as they heand
itl, and
grivvexl when they
desd amt
Tow Laty
ef : :
: Towns, arrived in Wilmore
Patton. ; SEE ae :
ork Hid £2 vial laeir auaaer,
iy cae
resi ution
sen tiomen: Having sen
seed tw tare of CHOMPRIER 8 3 > 5
? A : » : Av Er tad he previns day 64
Sffered hy the Board of Tiade soliciting : :
: CREE Ee |
of Patton
comprising S08 members consisting
the Connoil Bo esonersbne {EY : :
; ; SUC Ehab they mother Wis seriously
Muannfuetnring company © "
i 4 Arse art Hie hy
frost takes for the pext 8 ¢
fisid that she was wiready
We the orgapigation of I
if a majority of the
denta of Patton, in fact the producers
bariaedd. i0ambrs Tribinne,
chdgens and resa- AL Hastings pers Hoose
‘hanty Town! & the next atisse
of all the wealth that lms batt and ag at the Hustingy Opera House, sod
own of Patton what ahonhd se 1. Yon will
Ceomshior (AR OOIPRES 10 aXoneTHEE 8 gever egret money expended.
that growing rich This funry piay holds the boseds Fri
from our product while a0 are, most day, Feluvmary 2nd.
Cf sxarikiant | :
tax charged fo
made (he Hh wepry body
SOO in fast
an, unable 0 pay Lhe :
ah Foatival snd supper
ys put al the meager > As] upp
‘Phe: Yeung Ladies’ Social Seciety of
the Baptist ehoeh will give a supper
23 aval lo connection with the
wages we are allowed 10 make,
“Therefore we profest against the
actions of the Board of Teade in offer
ing such a resolaBion ss We sanpol se THPPET tere will be a fair lasting twa
where it woull be benefloial to either svpnings. There will be ice creani and
cake in abuida noe
SIDNEY RourNsuiy, Pres,
Sampson NN HewLerr, Seo, : :
Prin MITCHELL, {f you are hungry drop in to the
Cammities.? Ulty Rastaurant where you oan get
A commupication was read from everything you wish in the eatible Hoe,